DayZ - zombie apocalypse online FFA permadeath survival Arma II mod


No bald cap? Lies!
Greifing is what the game is about really, people are doing anything to survive, and that includes killing anyone they see to steal supplies. Don't trust anyone unless you know them or have talked to them outside of the game (eg: you know them on GAF and arranged to play).

Well I think a distinction should be made between griefing and banditry. There are a lot of people who kill others for survival related reason which is a legitimate way to play the game and survive, but that are also a number of individuals who just kill other players because they can and have no intention of looting them or anything and just want to ruin their day.

Not much you can do about it, but hopefully future additions to the game will help discourage, passively, this type of behavior. I suggested altering the notification that pops up in chat when a dies from "Enduin was killed" to "Enduin was Murdered near Elektro" when a person was murdered by another player. This would inform other players a PKer was in the area and other players could avoid that area or if they felt so inclined attempt to go after the bandit.

EDIT: Though in addition to that new murder notification, I dont think bandits should have a special skin, so you wont be able to know who is who exactly. And hardcore servers wouldnt feature such a notification, only normal servers.


And have any of you encountered much griefing or random teamkilling so far? It sounds like it could ruin the experience.

There is no griefing or teams in the traditional sense. The game doesn't play like a typical team based online multiplayer experience. People do what they feel they have to do to survive. Some earn trust and work together. Others kill people to steal goods and equipment. It's a ruthless landscape. This is a survival simulator. How long can you survive during a zombie apocalypse? Would you trust others and join a group of people that are trying to survive or would you kill anyone for their supplies if it meant that you could stay alive longer?
Griefing is really different in this mod than in CoD or MMOs. It's something quite unlike. You never know when you stop becoming the griefer and start being griefed.

Also playing this game at night with your lights down is some creepy Twin Peaks/ Alan Wake shit.
Not much you can do about it, but hopefully future additions to the game will help discourage, passively, this type of behavior. I suggested altering the notification that pops up in chat when a dies from "Enduin was killed" to "Enduin was Murdered near Elektro" when a person was murdered by another player. This would inform other players a PKer was in the area and other players could avoid that area or if they felt so inclined attempt to go after the bandit.

I think that would give far too much information and goes against what this game is about. If nobody was around to witness the murder then it should stay like that.


No bald cap? Lies!
I think that would give far too much information and goes against what this game is about. If nobody was around to witness the murder then it should stay like that.

People already scream and whine on the global chat though and give even far greater detail than that about the person who killed them and where.

The info is so vague it really cant have a huge impact on things, If you kill someone no one will know it was you and the chances of finding you will still be miniscule. Especially if and when they get rid of the stupid bandit skin.


Are Bandits AI or player controlled?

And have any of you encountered much griefing or random teamkilling so far? It sounds like it could ruin the experience.

I killed a guy who thought I was friendly with my winchester when he turned his back

I needed some beans. I felt pretty bad about it but I didn't want to starve

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I think that would give far too much information and goes against what this game is about. If nobody was around to witness the murder then it should stay like that.

I agree 100%. This game is refreshing and half the fun is not knowing if the person you've just met is going to shoot you in the back, lead you into an ambush or become a very faithful and reliable companion. I don't want to know if there are murders/pk'ers anywhere. I mean, in reality what's the difference between a pk'er and a bandit? Nothing, just one most likely won't take your shit. Either way, you don't need it, you're dead.


Methinks the OP should be updated with a changelog, that giant "how to install Arma2/CO/DayZ" picture, and some of the great tips people have put together.

The M.O.B

Bandits = Kill on sight no questions

Survivors = Trust them as much as you would trust an escaped convict.

Gaffers = Trust them, but keep em at the other end of your guns barrel.


No bald cap? Lies!
I agree 100%. This game is refreshing and half the fun is not knowing if the person you've just met is going to shoot you in the back, lead you into an ambush or become a very faithful and reliable companion. I don't want to know if there are murders/pk'ers anywhere. I mean, in reality what's the difference between a pk'er and a bandit? Nothing, just one most likely won't take your shit. Either way, you don't need it, you're dead.

Except thats not how it works because Bandits and PKers are branded with a very different and distinguishable character skin. So you know exactly who a person is by their skin, at least after the fact.

If you remove that Bandit skin and introduce an extremely vague murder announcement and disable global chat and you run into someone in the very large vicinity of where that murder occurred you wont know whether or not they were the killer or just another random player. Its far greater ambiguity to the game. Or you could go to a hardcore server and not have any of it, bandit skins or murder announcements.


Methinks the OP should be updated with a changelog, that giant "how to install Arma2/CO/DayZ" picture, and some of the great tips people have put together.
I agree. Time to go back and find them. I have an idea for a way to make the mumble server more intuitive/friendly for multiple groups playing as well.


Methinks the OP should be updated with a changelog, that giant "how to install Arma2/CO/DayZ" picture, and some of the great tips people have put together.

OP is kinda empty and useless right now.

edit: which is understandable considering the time of creation. It definitely needs updating though
DayZ update is just the code, equip and "dayz_v1.2.3" files, btw.


UPDATE : 8 MAY 2012
Affected addons:
* dayz_code 1.5.6
* dayz_equip 1.2.2
* dayz 1.2.3

Developer's Note:
* Vehicle readded (disappeared due to code error)

* [NEW] Zombies won't knock you down if you have nearly full blood pressure
* [NEW] Server will sometimes remove a partially used magazine on disconnect
* [NEW] Field Hospitals now lootable
* [NEW] Sound alerts added to construction
* [NEW] Military Pilot Zombies
* [NEW] Berezno has 300 new environment items
* [FIXED] Loot spawn taking alot longer than it should
* [FIXED] Force Save vehicle option contains %1 and not name
* [FIXED] Graphical glitches with Wire Fencing Kit and Wire Fence (sometimes)
* [FIXED] Zombies often spawning very close to other players (may still happen but now much less)


Wow what a night. There were so many survivors running around Cherno it was crazy, the paranoia off the charts. I was shopping in my local supermarket when one guy entered so I looked at him warily and declared friendly. Then another bolts through the door with zombies screaming after him, so there are 3 of us shooting up the place.

After a successful zombie clearance sale and cleanup on isle 3, I exited the building in search of my tent. Only I somehow alerted the local zombie neighbourhood and entered into a Benny Hill style chase around cherno adding more of the buggers as I went. Finally after giving them the run around through various buildings, I shot up a building with 4 flights of stairs whilst someone behind me shot my zombie friends.

When things calmed down and the guy shooting was the same in the supermarket, I decided to descend and check the place out. As I got outside there was a survivor freshly slaughtered on the ground with a winchester, I'll take that! Oh and a very nice map, finally my first map! Only the friendly guy shouted for me to get inside and climb up, so I did and find that there's a bandit shooting people, so we're up in the tower waiting for him... and then I got disconnected. Doh!

However I rejoined another server and there was a lot of nice loot, and AK47 with no bullets ;/ dead bandit in the supermarket with an alice pack and various goodies. I love this game. :]


Confirmed Asshole
So I was on UK1, gettin my loot on in Elektro. Some guys have a tent and a flare in the town centre. I just wanna cross the street, they pull a horde. Death. THANKS YOU GUYS

The M.O.B

* [NEW] Zombies won't knock you down if you have nearly full blood pressure
* [NEW] Field Hospitals now lootable

Nice, I know exactly where the field hospital is at in Cherno, I also know its going to be a hotzone around there now.

They still need to fix in-game voice chat.
Nice, I know exactly where the field hospital is at in Cherno, I also know its going to be a hotzone around there now.

They still need to fix in-game voice chat.

I assume the camp near the airfield at Balota is a field hospital too, which means it might be full of AK's.
They still need to fix in-game voice chat.
this is my biggest qualm. When I first started playing it did work. Now it's hit or miss. A team speak set up is almost required of you wanna live long enough to see anything meaningful. If you don't have a mic this game is very very difficult to play effectively.


Frustrating day for me. Went north from the coast and found a small town with an Enfield and a bunch of ammo. My plan was to continue north, but I got turned around and ended back at the coast. Figured I'd camp the starting area and try to pick off some survivors, so I made my way up a big hill overlooking the coast. Found the perfect spot, but to my surprise, there was a sniper sitting there, with a silenced sniper rifle. He didn't hear me, so I got right on him, like 2 feet away, and unloaded an entire clip from my pistol. He fucking turned around and 1 shotted me and I died... lol wut?

Started again, this time hung around the coast, and ended up dropping a survivor. Looted him, stocked up and went looking for a gun. I found a CV 550! So I went to the hills again, overlooking a different coastline. Found a great spot to snipe from, but I went into a small crack in a rock, glitched out, and insta died.

Despite this, I've updated my files to 1.5.6 and am spamming enter to get into another server. This game is fucking crack.
They still need to fix in-game voice chat.
Rocket said on a stream that it has to do with how players are spawned into the game or something. At first it makes you an invisible character then when everything is loaded up it makes your player character.

Or something like that, its an Arma thing.
This mod deserves it's own sexy Official Thread. Or maybe just revamp this OP.
I would love to make an informative OP. Junior members can't though right? If anyone is down I can draft up some information. Links for maps, survivor tips, weapon info and patch notes. If anyone is interested send me a PM an we can collaborate.
Is it still impossible to get on a server? I also had waiting for server response every time I tried. I tried for an hour a few days ago without ever playing a single game.
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