I died quite suddenly, I wasn't bleeding. Got hit by a single zombie and BOOM I am on the ground. Got eaten alive. :| Can anyone explain the mechanics around getting hit by 1 zombie = me on the floor? my screen was jittery before and I took painkillers to negate the effect. I take thats all they did and didn't give me extra health?
To be fair I was fighting a shit load of zombies 1 on 1. I took down 42 in the whole life.
Discovered food is extremely scarce in this game. Came across 4 Enfields, 3 CZ550, 3 Winchesters, 1 bow, 1 M1911 < these are the ones I can remember!
Compared to:
1 Can of baked beans, 1 can of Sardines.
Also when I spawn I am completely lost. I have not come across a single map yet in game. Is there a method of generally knowing where I am? I have no idea if I been walking in a big circle unless its night then I can kind of use the moon...
What was your blood at? If you were low and a zombie hit you, it would make sense if you collapsed from the attack.