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DC Cinematic Universe |OT| Superfriends with Benefits

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So. Just back from seeing the movie. I'm not going to gush, but I think it's probably my favourite comic book movie that's been released. It's nothing like we've actually had before, and that's pretty scary.

There are two scenes that should be removed and it would probably be perfect in my opinion. One is just a dialogue scene that made no sense
when Clark was talking to Papa Kent on the mountain
and the other is the
Knightmare sequence plus the following Flash cameo

Everything else was pretty much exactly what I wanted. I honestly don't understand the editing complaints. I was looking out for the issue specifically and it honestly wasn't something I could see.

The script was pretty great, and by script I specifically mean the dialogue. It's going to sound pretentious, and I'm not using this as a means to elevate the script beyond what it is, but the only way I could describe a lot of it is that it's incredibly Shakespearian in style. I'm not comparing the quality to Shakespeare, it's just the way a lot of it flowed brought a lot of those qualities to mind.

Story itself was pretty good, but the movie was sold to me through its character interactions. Every one of the actors were on their A game, however I felt Gadot was definitely the weakest actor of the film. Lex was great, I was expecting to see him just being this maniacal 2D character from how critics were talking, but his motivations are exactly what I was hoping for
jealous of Superman, wanting to prove to the world that Superman isn't wholly good

So yeah. I literally do not understand what's gone on with those reviews beyond nitpicking. I was specifically looking for the flaws that they brought up, and barely any of them rang true to me. It was a much lighter film than Watchmen, and no where near as oppressive in tone than made out. It was just ponderous and took it's time with storytelling. Apparently that means it's too dark though. Ah well.
Luthor was honestly one of the best parts for me. Surprised to see the split reactions to Eisenberg's performance.

I didn't mind him or his performance, but the theme was too much and just became distracting for me. I honestly don't believe the theme does him any justice based on the feedback in my theater. Snickering and laughing every time the piano cue kicked in. I think the combo might make some think the character was stupid. The theme was cheesy Saturday morning cartoon villain shit. So bad IMO.

I know people in here love the soundtrack but I found it very distracting in the movie.


Was Eisenberg actually the Lex Luthor or just his son?

He's actually THE Lex Luthor. There was some confusion due to the talk of his father but I've always felt the father he's talking about is the one that had the place of Lionel Luthor in Smallville or the unnamed (sometimes) father in the comics.


Poked my head into the Wonder Woman picture thread and it was as bad as I expected. No looking forward to the lead up to that one at all.

As for BvS, I think we're going to see a pretty big dissonance between fans and critics with this one. Even people who don't like it are walking away saying the critics are being too harsh.


A good deal of the reviews for this film are highly questionable. I felt that might be the case, especially thinking back to Man of Steel but even more so now. There is no way not to think there isn't some agenda, on some level, on part of some of the reviewers. A lot of the stuff they're highly negative about is not the film I watched.


Just got back from seeing it.

I will preface it by saying I'm an unabashed fan of Man of Steel, and think that its a good movie with a couple of bad scenes.

Batman v Superman is definitely a mixed bag, what's good--is really good. Batman is the star of the movie, his scenes were the most engaging and entertaining. Wonder Woman is great in her limited screen time, definitely pulled it off well and made great use of her character. Clark and Lois works. Snyder's best asset delivered as expected, the action was top notch.

The criticism is on point with regards to the editing of the movie. Some scenes feel chopped up
Batman and Superman's first meeting, the party, and alot of the first 1/2 of the movie and some of what ties things together. Knightmare was pointless.
Characters act unbelievably at times, lacking motivation besides the plot demands X happens at Y. Some encounters fall flat, I felt nothing during the Batman v Superman conflict. I never thought that was going to be a problem heading in to the theater. The set up was weak, and the conclusion fell flat.

Lex Luthor was like the movie itself, sometimes really good but sometimes really bad and incoherent.

I'd give it a 7, being generous


The thing that gets to me the most is how mean spirited it's all become. People have no problem personally attacking Synder, the cast, the fans, etc. Folks openly spoil the movie because I guess they figure "Hey, it sucks anyway so who cares!" And then you can't really call anyone on it because it just gets you labeled an oversensitive fanboy.

Which, I understand. The fanboys for the DC movies are awful at times, as fanboys will be. But it's really not just them who are being dicks, and I wish we could acknowledge that.

And the craziest thing about it is...it's all over a fucking movie! Like....wtf is wrong with some of these people? lol I'm as passionate about DC and comics as anybody, but I can't muster that many fucks to give about a movie.
Another thing I feel I should mention is that the first half of the film did not feel like a Snyder film. Way more competently directed than his other work. Feels like a completely different director to me. The action at the end was typical Snyder though.
The thing that gets to me the most is how mean spirited it's all become. People have no problem personally attacking Synder, the cast, the fans, etc. Folks openly spoil the movie because I guess they figure "Hey, it sucks anyway so who cares!" And then you can't really call anyone on it because it just gets you labeled an oversensitive fanboy.

Which, I understand. The fanboys for the DC movies are awful at times, as fanboys will be. But it's really not just them who are being dicks, and I wish we could acknowledge that.

And the craziest thing about it is...it's all over a fucking movie! Like....wtf is wrong with some of these people? lol I'm as passionate about DC and comics as anybody, but I can't muster that many fucks to give about a movie.

well I disagree. I think they react the way they do because of exactly what you said. personal attacks, obvious trolling, spoiling the movie, lots of Marvel fans taking glee at the negative reviews. you can't say that it's all equal.


The last tracking numbers for the film have it doing very well it seems. With the idea that people are justing ignoring reviews. So if that holds and word of mouth is good and it's look like it will be and so far it mainly is then we're good.


I'm largely concerned about this because if this film is a financial success then nothing changes with the plans. JL continues on. The actors and directors know fans at least appreciate and like their work or love their work at most. WB has a solid reason to ignore the critics going forward and it's very possible that films might become critic proof.


I am curious about how Wonder Woman and SS will be received. MoS took some of the wind out of WB's sails, and BvS looks poised to do little to correct that. I wonder, assuming they are good, will people be willing to give the former movies a fair shake? Or is the "DCEU is trash and should be rebooted?" narrative going to become the dominate conversation and negatively impact how they are received?

well I disagree. I think they react the way they do because of exactly what you said. personal attacks, obvious trolling, spoiling the movie, lots of Marvel fans taking glee at the negative reviews. you can't say that it's all equal.

Well it's a chicken/egg thing. It's hard to tell who started being shitty first because it has been three years. I just know things were a lot better when MoS first released and over time it turned to shit.

Not that it matters anymore. Movie's out and all we can do is see it and judge for ourselves. As for the surrounding conversation, people on all sides have decided to dig in their heels and be as petty as possible. So might as well enjoy the fireworks.
One thing I forgot in my review, Gotham and Metropolis had zero presence in the movie. The Turkish Airline spots did a better job at crafting unique settings than the movie itself. That's not hyperbole, the movie acts like Metropolis and Gotham being so close is a commonly accepted concept and superminor spoiler
they jump between the two willy-nilly in the last act.
The thing that gets to me the most is how mean spirited it's all become. People have no problem personally attacking Synder, the cast, the fans, etc. Folks openly spoil the movie because I guess they figure "Hey, it sucks anyway so who cares!" And then you can't really call anyone on it because it just gets you labeled an oversensitive fanboy.

Which, I understand. The fanboys for the DC movies are awful at times, as fanboys will be. But it's really not just them who are being dicks, and I wish we could acknowledge that.

And the craziest thing about it is...it's all over a fucking movie! Like....wtf is wrong with some of these people? lol I'm as passionate about DC and comics as anybody, but I can't muster that many fucks to give about a movie.

I'll admit, seeing the tone turn hateful is funny whenever the discussion veers into how Superman needs to epitomize truth, justice, understanding, goodness.


Just noticed Bobby Roberts said it better,

I thought it a little incongruous that a man so well known for long, blustering, profane, overheated youtube venting sessions ties so much of his identity up in Superman's iconography, actually.

Like, how can you like Clark that much and apparently not internalize any of the man's positive aspects?
Just got home. I had a fucking blast watching that. While the film definitely has problems (the first half especially), I really don't think they're bad enough as to deserve the reviews it's been getting.

Wonder Woman was amazing.

Batman was great.

Lex was pretty good.

The 2nd half of the film was amazing. The audience went nuts when Wonder Woman finally appeared (it was also the loudest ovation of the movie). The jokes were good and the action was great.

Also, I don't really see how the cameos were out of place. It seemed like it was a good way of putting them in the movie. The way people talked about them, I seriously thought it was going to be something like Barry and Lois conveniently bumping into each other.

Overall, I'd probably give the film a 7.5/10. Good, but has enough problems to keep it from being great. Hopefully the director's cut fixes many of them.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Me and my kids just watched MoS again in preparation for BvS tomorrow at noon and once again I'm left completely unable to even relate to people who say it has no heart and is a piece of trash. Extremely excited about tomorrow and enjoying reading all the positivity.
Saw this comment on YT and thought it was pretty funny.

METACRITIC: You're gonna go to war!
ROTTEN TOMATOES: Those fanboys brought the war to us.
IMDb: Next time you write a bad review, don't post it. Rotten Tomatoes is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.
IMDb begins to walk away
ROTTEN TOMATOES: Tell me. Do you bleed? You will....


So... nor that bad?

Did you feel that coldness hit your feet guys? Yup, hell just froze over. Hot damn PBY didn't hate it!
Yeah def didn't hate it. Super weird pacing and editing though, like the first half takes forever to go nowhere and then the film climaxes all of a sudden.

The action actually was what I thought would be the best part, but I think MoSs fights might have been better. I think I liked this more because even when the plot is going nowhere, they're throwing a MILLION things at the viewer constantly. Like plot threads just GO. Won't watch this again and wish it had been shorter, but definitely an experience to watch.


Unconfirmed Member
Just got back from my 2nd viewing... Got to see the ending this time! Yay! Didn't think the last half hour could sway me either direction much, but it actually did, for the better. I'd bump my score up to a 7.5 instead of a 7. Seeing Wonder Woman in action was pretty fucking dope. Surprised that so many people yelled out and cheered when she showed up. Went to a 7:00pm showing in 2D and it was about 80% full. Seeing it a 2nd time definitely cleared some things up for me, but I agree that it can be confusing if you're not really paying attention. My friend had no idea what the point of the desert scene was in the beginning and why people kept referring to it. He also didn't understand the Knightmare sequence or that
it was Flash talking to Bruce

I'm still confused as to how Bruce even saw that Knightmare scene. I get the Superman being a dictator part, but
seeing an Omega symbol and Parademons (things he has no clue exist) don't make sense that he could imagine them. Also sounded like Lex got a vision as well by his dialog at the end, so what actually brought them on. Was kinda expecting Diana to say she saw something too.
Yeah def didn't hate it. Super weird pacing and editing though, like the first half takes forever to go nowhere and then the film climaxes all of a sudden.

The action actually was what I thought would be the best part, but I think MoSs fights might have been better. I think I liked this more because even when the plot is going nowhere, they're throwing a MILLION things at the viewer constantly. Like plot threads just GO. Won't watch this again and wish it had been shorter, but definitely an experience to watch.

Respect, man. Thanks for the open mind. I do agree with your issues. Think me being such a fan boy kinda helped sell it to me.
Excellent reviews man. I wonder what the reception will be.

I know NeoGAF is hardly a microcosm of the real world, but considering quite a few people were lukewarm or even dreading this movie ended up at the least enjoying it makes me feel like there will be some legs. We shall see.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah def didn't hate it. Super weird pacing and editing though, like the first half takes forever to go nowhere and then the film climaxes all of a sudden.

The action actually was what I thought would be the best part, but I think MoSs fights might have been better. I think I liked this more because even when the plot is going nowhere, they're throwing a MILLION things at the viewer constantly. Like plot threads just GO. Won't watch this again and wish it had been shorter, but definitely an experience to watch.
So it's not the worst comic book movie ever?


I can easily see myself going to see this a few more times during the week after work. If I'm just as high on it tomorrow as I am tonight that's very likely going to be happening.
But for real tho, for all the flak the Knightmare sequence is getting for its placement in the film, how hype would it be if that and the flash cameo where placed in the end credits.

I get DC wants to keep the Marvel comparisons to a minimum but I would be LOSING MY DAMN MIND, seeing that shit as a stinger, especially considering its one of the craziest visuals in the movie.

I guess they spent way too much damn money not to use it in the actual film proper haha.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I can't wait for the Knightmare stuff. I love love love weird out of place shit in movies that somehow tie into the bigger picture but you can't quite figure out how.
But for real tho, for all the flak the Knightmare sequence is getting for its placement in the film, how hype would it be if that and the flash cameo where placed in the end credits.

I get DC wants to keep the Marvel comparisons to a minimum but I would be LOSING MY DAMN MIND, seeing that shit as a stinger, especially considering its one of the craziest visuals in the movie.

I guess they spent way too much damn money not to use it in the actual film proper haha.

The fact that the scene is so murky in its introduction makes it that much weaker. I had no issue with it's placement, but if it was introduced as being more of a dream, likewith Bruce in a surreal stare walking out of the cave to this world, it would gel better. At least something that tips the viewer off that "hey, this is a dream/vision". Plus we have no transition into
Flash's warning
. Again, if the viewer was at least primed in some way, I think it would work.
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