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DC Cinematic Universe |OT| Superfriends with Benefits

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Bout to go watch. I've been skeptical from the jump and tbh shitted on the trailers. Somehow I still think I'm going to enjoy this. Lowkey hype af.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Bout to go watch. I've been skeptical from the jump and tbh shitted on the trailers. Somehow I still think I'm going to enjoy this. Lowkey hype af.
You enjoying it would surprise the shit out of me. Haha

EDIT: Hilarious. People are actually seeing the movie and decent majority seemed to have enjoyed it but now it's almost in the 20s on RT. Currently at 30.


Just got home from the theater. While it had flaws (I felt certain scenes needed time to breathe) I thought it was good and I want to see more in this universe. I wasn't into the Doomsday fight scene though. It was well done, but I'm just not a big fan of giant, monster fights. I do wish the film spent more time on just Batman and Superman. Give them more confrontations and spend more time showing how Lex manipulates them.

I am quite sad that the critical response has been so vitriolic and I feel for the entire cast and crew that spent years making this.


Just got home after watching it tonight. It was one hell of a ride. I enjoyed the hell out of the film. I'm so glad I'm going back tomorrow around noon to see it again with more family. If I were to critique it I could find things wrong like any film. Just going off my initial and gut reaction I loved it. The audience reaction to the film was really positive before it started and after it ended. Many were disappointed though that there wasn't an after credits scene. Especially how it ended but you could see and feel they wanted the next entry. There were several scenes where the audience was laughing, myself included. There was clapping at the very end and when Wonder Woman first shows up.

Going to put my thoughts down as they come. Might go back and better organize it.

Once done my sister and I both have no clue how negative critics can honestly be as over the top they've been regarding this film. That BS makes no F'n sense after seeing this film. I wouldn't even say the film is overly dark or "dark" in general. Somber is the word I'd use for it. It's not even that violent either. I was expecting a lot more on that front. There area lot of heroics in this film as well. When someone says there was none of that I question if they really watched the film. People are also misleading with some of the Batman stuff I feel.

Can one have issues with Lex? Sure but that's a matter of taste of the direction but not the acting. One should look at the performance not what they want. That's the problem with reactions to Man of Steel. People were knocking that film at times for it not giving them what they wanted, when it never set out or said it would and wouldn't judge it on it's own merits. The acting in the film is really good across the board.

Can you call into question some of the editing from scene to scene? It did not break up the flow of the film for me. I was actively looking to see if that would be an issue and I think that's only a problem or could be confusing with how the Knightmare scene is presented. The scene makes sense I believe and is overall great. How you get to it and out of it could have been done better. I have a theory for it's trigger and something at the end reinforces that for me. The out of it that might be somewhat sloppy.

The film is just quick to move things along and doesn't bother with lengthy changes of the scene. I'm fine with that and I don't believe it was jarring. It's more of a case of us being moved to a scene that is already in progress because time is passing for these characters even when you're not really with them. You don't need to see the characters arrive to said scene. That's one way of doing it but it's not necessary. It doesn't come off as bad editing that maybe the Ultimate Edition will fix but a choice. Due to characters doing different things, at the same time, independent of each other I don't see how you can transition between them as smoothly as some would want. I am curious if the Ultimate Edition changes this but I don't see it as a big fault as some are making it out to be. That's why I asked earlier if the priest to floating above the army in Man of Steel was an example of these scene changes and it is for the most part.

I do think the film at points ask you as a viewer to think and pay attention a little. There are some things that aren't spelled out because it assumes you understand what is happening based on what has happen already. That scene you watched earlier in the film is having it's pay off right now and you should able to recognize that due to all the visual clues being shown to you and what the characters are saying. It shouldn't have to repeat it for you. This is why I don't think there are any holes in the plot. Now if you weren't paying attention that's a problem and why I do think seeing the film at least twice is a good recommendation if something seemed weird. The big question is do you knock the film for this because the film is asking you to pay attention?

I thought the action, music, acting, and visuals were great. I enjoyed the overall story a lot. It's more complex then I thought it would be. The film leaves you with a nice number of questions about what is to come. I'm super excited for Wonder Woman, Justice League, and whatever the Batman solo film will be. There is a good reason as well why the full titles is Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. I think to many people focused on just Batman v Superman. I think that second trailer really was Snyder trying to make it clear the film wasn't just about that. I'm glad the push back happen though as it likely forced them to ignore a lot of other things story wise that they might have been tempted to spoil in another trailer.

As a final thought. The "Bat is dead" scene we were shown before the film always felt off to me and clunky. I never really liked it that much. It still feels that way in the film and they should have done something else there. That really stands out to me.


Just got home after watching it tonight. It was one hell of a ride. I enjoyed the hell out of the film. I'm so glad I'm going back tomorrow around noon to see it again with more family. If I were to critique it I could find things wrong like any film. Just going off my initial and gut reaction I loved it. Going to put my thoughts down as they come. Might go back and better organize it.

Once done my sister and I both have no clue how negative critics can honestly be as over the top they've been regarding this film. That BS makes no F'n sense after seeing this film. I wouldn't even say the film is overly dark or "dark". Somber is the word I'd use for it. It's not even that violent either. I was expecting a lot more on that front.

Can one have issues with Lex? Sure but that's a matter of taste of the direction but not the acting. One should look at the performance not what they want. That's the problem with reactions to Man of Steel. People were knocking that film at times for it not giving them what they wanted, when it never set out or said it would and wouldn't judge it on it's own merits. The acting in the film is really good across the board.

Can you call into question some of the editing from scene to scene? It did not break up the flow of the film for me. I was actively looking to see if that would be an issue and I think that's only a problem or could be confusing with how the Knightmare scene is presented. The scene makes sense I believe. How you get to it and out of it could have been done better. I have a theory for it's trigger and something at the end reinforces that for me. The out of it that might be somewhat sloppy.

The film is just quick to move things along and doesn't bother with lengthy changes of the scene. I'm fine with that and I don't believe it was jarring. It's more of a case of us being moved to a scene that is already in progress because time is passing for these characters even when you're not really with them. You don't need to see the characters arrive to said scene. That's one way of doing it but it's not necessary. It doesn't come off as bad editing that maybe the Ultimate Edition will fix but a choice. Due to characters doing different things, at the same time, independent of each other I don't see how you can transition between them as smoothly as some would want. I am curious if the Ultimate Edition changes this but I don't see it as a big fault as some are making it out to be. That's why I asked earlier if the priest to floating above the army in Man of Steel was an example of these scene changes and it is for the most part.

I do think the film at points ask you as a viewer to think and pay attention a little. There are some things that aren't spelled out because it assumes you understand what is happening based on what has happen already. That scene you watched earlier in the film is having it's pay off right now and you should able to recognize that due to all the visual clues being shown to you and what the characters are saying. It shouldn't have to repeat it for you. This is why I don't think there are any holes in the plot. Now if you weren't paying attention that's a problem and why I do think seeing the film at least twice is a good recommendation if something seemed weird. The big question is do you knock the film for this because the film is asking you to pay attention?

I thought the action, music, acting, and visuals were great. I enjoyed the overall story a lot. It's more complex then I thought it would be. The film leaves you with a nice number of questions about what is to come. I'm super excited for Wonder Woman, Justice League, and whatever the Batman solo film will be.
I also really enjoyed that the movie demanded your attention and it's a strength of the film. I also felt like this film has some meat too it and gives you stuff to ponder/ chew on afterwards.


Just got back from a full 6pm IMAX showing here on the East Coast, then went to dinner with some friends where we discussed or rather nerded out over the movie.

...holy fucking shit.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Welp, my original excitement has now return to pre review levels. So happy that people in here enjoyed it. Still going in with managed expectations though.


It's weird.

There were like 6 threads on the 1st page at one point shitting on him/this movie.

It's not just here, something about him that people don't mind getting REAL personal.

Questioning his intelligence.

Dogging his wife.

Blasting him for how many children he has.

It's something else seeing who the "chosen ones" of the internet are.

Goyer gets a ton of hate, while I just don't see it. I enjoy his work (Blade 3 was a hunk of shit but still.)

Trevorrow is looking like another whipping boy where I don't get why. I saw Jurassic World multiple times in the theater, and honestly I got more joy out of that one than Episode 7.

Maybe I'm just very easy to please.

The closest I can see is Michael Bay. I enjoyed exactly one movie of his. I despise his movies and it seems like he tries to be as ugly, mean-spirited and offensive as possible. And I still would rather just pretend he doesn't exist than troll people who like his stuff.

I still haven't BvS. Maybe it really is that bad to bring it out of people, but I have at least liked every movie by him I've seen (Watchmen and Sucker Punch being the two I haven't).

I've said since last year I don't think Snyder is going to do JL2. That'll be a decade on someone else's characters. All that work and time out of your life for the nonsense since MoS dropped?

That's pretty fucked up. I personally think that people just don't like him and they're taking it out on the movie.
I don't know what country you're from but you are wrong. Most people in my country have vaguely heard the name because of the 70s show but most have no idea who or what she is exactly. I have three 10 year old nephews who love superheroes and I was talking to them last christmas about comics and only one had ever heard about Wonder Woman. I love the character by the way, I'm not a hater, but she's hasn't been relevant for a long time. Hopefully, that will change next year.


I believe you but that's purely anecdotal. Outside of the english-speaking world, she is really not that well known. The Lynda Carter show was a long time ago. Most people seem to like her in BvS so her movie could end up being very popular but I think that they introduced her poorly in BvS, they don't explain a single thing about her.

as popular as Superman in Latin America and the Caribbean. she's the most famous female superhero by a country mile in the whole world. there's no contest.

just got back






oh. shit. we got Anth0ny, now we need PBY and we set.
That's pretty fucked up. I personally think that people just don't like him and they're taking it out on the movie.

Watch that hate turn around if he ever got to touch a Star Wars movie. Sure, people would freak out at first and then he'd be the best thing ever.
Guys, the movies are still good. This movie is great. A great mature film. Not flawless, but fuck it at times it's incredible.

Never action has been done like this in a CBM. The audience love it, they were emotionally invested in Batman and Superman. They gasped with WW, laughed with Alfred.

I like it. Plenty, flaws and all.
Its good that they said Justice League would be a lighter tone before the reviews came in (I think?). The last thing I want is for them to change shit last minute to please critics.


I can only speak for myself but I absolutely enjoyed the hell out of what i just saw. Getting out of my first viewing I'd give it an 8.5/10.

IMO for all the talk of wonky editing/pacing. I never really noticed it. Sure in the beginning things jump around but there is purpose to it. Introducing characters and plot points. And it all comes together. \

There was one scene to me that really had no place in the movie and honestly should have been the after credits scene. You'll know it when you see it. Other than that I had no problem with most of it. I thought the characters were good. Jesse is definitely in your face. I can see him being divisive. I loved it personally.

I will say this. Anyone expecting pulse pounding action from start to finish may be disappointed and maybe it takes a bit too long to get there but I loved the setup and all the character motivations. I never thought the movie was incoherent. I followed everything fine and felt it made sense. Again one or two major things I thought could have been done better but it's nothing too outlandish imo.

One more thing. This Batman IS brutal but and (spoilers)! don't click if you haven't seen it.
people greatly exaggerated the whole thing about him killing. The knightmare seen is where he is no doubt popping caps in people. But at this points it's not even real and there is a reason as to why he does it. In the actual case of the movie yea he does but it's no where near the level some would have you believe. And you have to accept this is a Batman that has done this for a long time, seen shit, experienced loss and even wavering on his own moral code because he feels after all this time nothing has changed.

Again. I loved it. If you had interest in seeing it go. Even if you're curious just go. Decide for yourself. Just don't expect this to be the 2nd coming of christ.


I can't really remember a movie that had this significant a disconnect between critics and the target audience.

It seems like most fans of the characters (certainly not all) like it quite a bit, which is encouraging.


That's pretty fucked up. I personally think that people just don't like him and they're taking it out on the movie.

We're questioning a man's wife and lack of children because people wanted this movie to fail? That's some cowardly level posts if that's true. I really hope the mods take swift action because that's disgusting. No amount of passion over a movie should bleed into that kind of talk.


Reposting from OT

Saw it and liked it, its not the masterpiece it could have been, it had all the ingredients but didn't reach greatness sadly and I don't know if its Snyder's fault for the pace and editing, in the first half the movie is all over the place jumping from scene to scene I didn't mind it much but I can see why a lot of people are bothered with it, or maybe it was WB's fault for making him cram so much into the movie wanting to launch a whole cinematic universe in a hurry, also if Snyder knew he was going to make an Extended cut for home release he should've cut the theatrical release shorter and leaner, here are my pros and cons


I liked all the cameos especially
future Flash

Wonder Woman was amazing loved the effects used for the lasso

Batman, best version of the character in movies

Perry White and Alfred

Superman I think Cavill did a great job and you can see the character evolving little by little he doesn't get enough credit

The fights and action scenes


The Knightmare sequence as cool as it was came out of nowhere and they never explained why they where happening, people that aren't well versed in comics are gonna wonder WTF is going on

The Pa Kent scene left me scratching my head

The Pacing

The film is too grainy in some scenes

Undecided until further viewings

Lex Luthor I don't know what to make of this version of Lex sometimes he shines but sometimes it's like a completely different character sometimes even laughable

Final verdict the movie is good it's far from the worst movie ever Hyperbole some would like you to believe, I give it an 8/10 and say to everyone that's on the fence go see it and make your own judgement


I'm still on cloud nine and looking to book tickets for D-Box on Sunday, I've just got to figure out some of my buddies schedule for that day.

Still though..holy shit..lol

I don't deny that for the majority of us the reviews likely took a bit of wind out of our wings along with critiques about the first act but I left the theater completely satisfied. I felt the opening act was fine, everything flowed clearly and built to a fucking awesome pay off with Batman and the final confrontation.

It was a full house and everyone leaving was buzzing about the film. It was funny because a group of kids leaving stopped by the big IMAX poster with half of them donning Batman t-shirts and standing on one side while the other half of them were wearing Superman t-shirts and squaring off against the Batman kids and one of the moms took the photo. lol

Bring on the Justice League!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I can't really remember a movie that had this significant a disconnect between critics and the target audience.

It seems like most fans of the characters (certainly not all) like it quite a bit, which is encouraging.
I can't remember a similar situation.
Just got back from seeing the movie and I will say I loved it thanks to the 2nd half of the movie. The 1st half was a plot mess and now I can understand why critics didn't like this movie. That Doomsday showdown seeing the TRINITY on the screen together...HOOOOOLLLYYYSHIIIITTT. I felt like a 12 year old kid for a moment.
The part where Wonder Woman was looking at some files of the other Justice League members I think I started to cry. THE FLASH THE FLASH THE FLASH. That scene was short but I LOVED it.

This movie was a beautiful mess in a good way that I actually walked out the movie theater happy. Also Doomsday was OP as hell.


Yeah maybe. Can't think of a movie with such nasty reviews as this getting the complete opposite reactions from fans though.

What also seems odd is that the average review on RT is over 5, but the ones that hate it are so outspoken about how it's "the worst thing ever" even when then they give it 5/10 or 2/4, etc... It seems like some of the comments don't match the scores.

In another thread someone made the comparison to Too Human (which I liked actually) and that seems spot on in that the product itself was flawed, but it got to a point where shitting on more than the next person seemed to be the goal with some reviews.
Yeah maybe. Can't think of a movie with such nasty reviews as this getting the complete opposite reactions from fans though.

To be fair I've seen alot of fans who either thought the movie was just okay or were flatout disappointed too. But I think the RT rating for the movie is fucking bonkers. Around the 65% range would make more sense imo.


I feel your strength coming back, just a little more and you will soon join us in the sun.
It did came back! I still think Snyder needs to let go of the directorial seat, but I've come to the conclusion that the DCEU is a bit like the Burton movies, based on, not adapting, existing characters.

However the way critics and the Internet hip piled on this movie in a sadic contest of who could write the worst headline, and of course the personal meddling with EVERY person related with this film is making my heart boil. This is NOT a movie to condemn. It tries, it fails, but it has a beating heart inside, it tries to say something, it leaves you thinking, it impacts you. In fact the weakest parts are where it tries to "correct course" to a common cbm. Fuck the critics, the RT score is probably going to be closer to Batman & Robin, which speaks volumes of the circus of cheap clowns we have judging our tastes. There was a reviewer who had the nerve to ask why Superman didn't turn back time flying around the world, and how the movie eas trash for not explaining such omission. fuck. off.

I can't confidently say it's a good movie, but god knows I can't with all my forces says it's a bad, trashy, despicable one.


My audience was like 60>40 in terms of Batman to Superman fans. lol

A couple of guys dressed in fucking Batman pajamas apparently snuck in, sat behind us and started yelling shit before the trailers about Batman being the best and for Superman fans to cover their shirts up and shit. Funny for a second until it became obnoxious but then they got kicked out since it was reserve seating and ended up being silent in the front row. lol


It did came back! I still think Snyder needs to let go of the directorial seat, but I've come to the conclusion that the DCEU is a bit like the Burton movies, based on, not adapting, existing characters.

However the way critics and the Internet hip piled on this movie in a sadic contest of who could write the worst headline, and of course the personal meddling with EVERY person related with this film is making my heart boil. This is NOT a movie to condemn. It tries, it fails, but it has a beating heart inside, it tries to say something, it leaves you thinking, it impacts you. In fact the weakest parts are where it tries to "correct course" to a common cbm. Fuck the critics, the RT score is probably going to be closer to Batman & Robin, which speaks volumes of the circus of cheap clowns we have judging our tastes. There was a reviewer who had the nerve to ask why Superman didn't turn back time flying around the world, and how the movie eas trash for not explaining such omission. fuck. off.

I can't confidently say it's a good movie, but god knows I can't with all my forces says it's a bad, trashy, despicable one.

That's dumber, no wait, that is stealth "NOT MUH SUPERMAN"


love on your sleeve
Just got back from seeing the movie and I will say I loved it thanks to the 2nd half of the movie. The 1st half was a plot mess and now I can understand why critics didn't like this movie. That Doomsday showdown seeing the TRINITY on the screen together...HOOOOOLLLYYYSHIIIITTT. I felt like a 12 year old kid for a moment.
The part where Wonder Woman was looking at some files of the other Justice League members I think I started to cry. THE FLASH THE FLASH THE FLASH. That scene was short but I LOVED it.

This movie was a beautiful mess in a good way that I actually walked out the movie theater happy. Also Doomsday was OP as hell.

Yeah, I'm going to echo this. I'm dying to see the 3 hour cut because I think it's going to help the first half the movie a lot. I left the theater really wanting to see Justice League and everyone's solo movie so I guess the film did it's job in that way.


Yeah maybe. Can't think of a movie with such nasty reviews as this getting the complete opposite reactions from fans though.

yeah, that's a close approximation

So the opposite of the Phantom Menace?

Lets wait until after this weekend. I think even the audience will be divisive to an extent. Simply because they'll be expecting a certain kind of movie going in. I don't think general audiences will notice the supposed wonky pacing/editing. Or not liking the characters.

I think if people go into the movie expecting balls to the wall action. They will be let down. And I wonder if your casual movie goer will just end up becoming bored by the time things pick up. Like Effect said. The movie does require you to pay attention. The stuff you see in the first act lead up to one point where you put it all together and you're like "ok I see what's happening now and how this all connects".


It did came back! I still think Snyder needs to let go of the directorial seat, but I've come to the conclusion that the DCEU is a bit like the Burton movies, based on, not adapting, existing characters.

However the way critics and the Internet hip piled on this movie in a sadic contest of who could write the worst headline, and of course the personal meddling with EVERY person related with this film is making my heart boil. This is NOT a movie to condemn. It tries, it fails, but it has a beating heart inside, it tries to say something, it leaves you thinking, it impacts you. In fact the weakest parts are where it tries to "correct course" to a common cbm. Fuck the critics, the RT score is probably going to be closer to Batman & Robin, which speaks volumes of the circus of cheap clowns we have judging our tastes. There was a reviewer who had the nerve to ask why Superman didn't turn back time flying around the world, and how the movie eas trash for not explaining such omission. fuck. off.

I can't confidently say it's a good movie, but god knows I can't with all my forces says it's a bad, trashy, despicable one.

This is the limitation of the RT aggregate method. The whole system is worthless if you don't know how to interpret the score. A 30% RT is not the same as a 3/10 rating, just as a 90% RT isn't a 9/10. Even based on what you're saying, it's questionable whether or not you'd give it a "fresh" review but obviously it's not a 3/10. Most of the reviews don't judge it that harshly either.
I'm a big fan of DC comics so I'm biased but here I am at home after seeing the movie tonight. I'm sitting in my study, sitting Indian style on the floor, looking at my bookshelf, and I'm just pulling out New Frontier and flipping through it, pulled out my Alex Ross Absolute Justice, Kingdom Come, JLA Vol 4, Final Crisis and some Bat books and I have a smile on my face. My wife, who I saw the movie with, is next to me playing The Sims on the PC, and I'm just talking about the stories with her and she is asking questions and wanting to learn. This movie did that, this movie was not perfect if you want to dissect the traditional narrative structure of stories. But to me, it's fucking comic books man, it boxes on a page with the action coming out of the frames, it mind warping double-page spreads where you don't know what direction to read the dialog. It was that with my absolute favorite characters. How could I not love it? So now I trust Snyder when he says he made this for comic book fans.


In the theater. Energy is high. People hype!

Nice. Hope you enjoy it, or it at least exceeds your really low expectations.

I'm seeing it Sunday. I'm pretty excited. Moreso now that some positive impressions are coming out from the general public.


Lets wait until after this weekend. I think even the audience will be divisive to an extent. Simply because they'll be expecting a certain kind of movie going in. I don't think general audiences will notice the supposed wonky pacing/editing. Or not liking the characters.

I think if people go into the movie expecting balls to the wall action. They will be let down. And I wonder if your casual movie goer will just end up becoming bored by the time things pick up. Like Effect said. The movie does require you to pay attention. The stuff you see in the first act lead up to one point where you put it all together and you're like "ok I see what's happening now and how this all connects".

I definitely agree with this... when Campea said he really really liked the movie, I was alright, Schnepp is in for sure... and he wasn't. I definitely do feel it'll be split and polarising.


First half of the movie was slow, it's needed though as it sets things up but some scenes are either not needed or drags on way too long.

Fight scenes were okay. Final fight was really disappointing, they never really actually show them fight it's like one hit and then it just cuts away.
I'm not a fan of how Batman just straight up kills people.
Batman fighting Superman was disappointing.

I like Lex but I kind of don't. They never tell us why he does what he does and why he hates Superman so much. Batman was good. Gal stole the show in the third act but she doesn't really do much at all.

It's sad because I genuinely feel like there's a good movie in there somewhere. There's strokes of brilliance hidden in there but a majority of it is just average.

Oh and the blatant Justice League tease was terrible. Marvel was at least a little bit subtle of it. The loud music that played during it really didn't help.

5/10 for me.


just got back








I really hope fans love it. It would make me feel better for Snyder. Like everyone said, dude has devoted over 4 years straight to this movie. It must suck to see it panned by critics, but if the fans love it then it doesn't matter one bit.

Happy that so many people are saying it's great. I knew what to expect from a Snyder movie but still the reviews turned me off just a bit. Can't wait for Saturday!

Did anybody else see it in 70mm IMAX? Was it amazing?


I definitely agree with this... when Campea said he really really liked the movie, I was alright, Schnepp is in for sure... and he wasn't. I definitely do feel it'll be split and polarising.

Yea I feel if you go in expecting a certain type of movie you'll be let down. I think your general audience for these movies wants action and they don't want to really have to wait for it.

I also think if you're not too familiar with these characters and this universe some things may miss the mark. I think the movie kinda expects you to have more than general knowledge of DC. The Knightmare scene will throw everyone off and it even had me scratching my head.

But that said I'm hype for SS. Can't wait for WW and I'm excited to see what they do for JL. To Quote lex at the end of BvS "He is coming."
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