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DC Cinematic Universe |OT| Superfriends with Benefits

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Batman chuckled. "You mean the Kryptonite?"



Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
youtube critics are the worst, that guys twitter is funny seems like he got mocked to hell and back for that 'fixed' script.


"so, this all seems horrible."
"i've seen worse."
"no, we could... use... a little worse."
"stark, we got em."
"just like you said."
"and tell him to suit up. i'm bringing the party to you."
"i...i don't see how it's a party."


can black widow die already? i mean i love scarlett johansson but dear god

Why does this not get attention but Superman kissing Lois at MoS is the worst thing ever..joking in the middle of a huge fight where freakin New York City is getting destroyed


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Why does this not get attention but Superman kissing Lois at MoS is the worst thing ever..joking in the middle of a huge fight where freakin New York City is getting destroyed

Because MoS was being all serious all the time, but before that scene in Avengers we got Hulk slamming Loki to the ground so yeah... Avengers was never so self serious, so the funny stuff doesn't feel like it's out of place.


Why does this not get attention but Superman kissing Lois at MoS is the worst thing ever..joking in the middle of a huge fight where freakin New York City is getting destroyed

Because it's in line with the tone of the rest of the movie. I'm not a huge fan of that line either but that and the MoS scene are bad for different reasons. Superman kissing Lois at that time and place is so reviled is because the movie never reflects on the destruction as an actual disaster. The idea that humor always ruins tension is incorrect, and most action movies throw in bits of levity here and there so as not to feel monotone.

Anywho, Chris Stuckman is OK. Some people have this blanket hatred for youtube reviewers but like most generalizations, that's just a lazy excuse to be judgemental. Some are decent, some are horrible, it just depends on the case at hand. That rewrite isn't very good but I doubt he put it out there because he wanted everyone's approval. More likely it's just something he wrote for fun and wanted to share. What a crime.


That re-write was hilarious. Not sure if he was serious or wanted to take the piss.

Check this re-review out of BvS. Found it quite interesting


'This Bruce Wayne is suffering from what Robert Louis Stevenson referred to as “an agony of the spirit”, a fading Dr Jekyll who is almost completely consumed by his cowled Mr Hyde. Comic book history has shown us that for all his intellect, Bruce is severely emotionally retarded and is unable to deal constructively with self-doubt and guilt, sublimating his self-loathing into the violent handling of Gotham’s underworld (see “A Lonely Place of Dying”).

Like Superman, this is a Batman facing an existential crisis. He has fought a one man war on crime for two decades and still seems to be right where he started. There’s a legitimate precedent for Batman taking out his frustrations and insecurities on others in brutal ways.

It may not be a particularly crowd-pleasing notion but its a perfectly valid take on the character.'
Nah he just wrote it for fun.

Uhhh, Im pretty sure he wrote it seriously. Then as the reaction was so bad, retroactively said he wasnt serious.

Its clear he put some effort into the characterisation of Bats and Supes, and was going to be like 'Look how much better I can write the scene in 20mins'

Buuuut, no one can save lines like 'Worlds Greatest Detective'

edit* Looking at his tweets, they are just far too serious for this to be a joke


Uhhh, Im pretty sure he wrote it seriously. Then as the reaction was so bad, retroactively said he wasnt serious.

Its clear he put some effort into the characterisation of Bats and Supes, and was going to be like 'Look how much better I can write the scene in 20mins'

Buuuut, no one can save lines like 'Worlds Greatest Detective'

I think he'll have to turn his comments section off from now on on Youtube. :p


Unconfirmed Member
Uhhh, Im pretty sure he wrote it seriously. Then as the reaction was so bad, retroactively said he wasnt serious.

Its clear he put some effort into the characterisation of Bats and Supes, and was going to be like 'Look how much better I can write the scene in 20mins'

Buuuut, no one can save lines like 'Worlds Greatest Detective'

No, there was a tweet before where he said he'll write it soon just to have fun, so no he didn't said he wasn't serious later because it got bad reactions, unless you can edit your tweets now.
No, there was a tweet before where he said he'll write it soon just to have fun, so no he didn't said he wasn't serious later because it got bad reactions, unless you can edit your tweets now.

'Just for kicks, I decided to do a rewrite of the lead in and ending of the fight between Batman and Superman. Will post when I'm finished.'

'This is my rewrite of the big fight in #BatmanvSuperman. Gives Bats some more depth and Supes clear motivation.'

'Sad thing is, I wrote that in 20 minutes.' - 14hrs ago

Just wrote it for kicks. #ZodsSnappedNeck -5hrs ago

This is the sequence of tweets. Personally I think he wrote it seriously. The whole 'Sad thing is' shows that he was being serious. Yeah he says, 'just for kicks', but its clear that script has some though put into it.

I font even know why Im debating this. Im so bored with writing this disseration ha ha
If there was a scene in which Batman reveals he knows Superman's Identity, it's when they meet. After Supes rips open the Batmobile cut to him X-raying through the cowl. Then change the line "The bat is dead Bruce. Bury it" in his ultimatum. then add one word to Bruce's reply "Tell me, Clark. Do you bleed?"


Gold Member
If there was a scene in which Batman reveals he knows Superman's Identity, it's when they meet. After Supes rips open the Batmobile cut to him X-raying through the cowl. Then change the line "The bat is dead Bruce. Bury it" in his ultimatum. then add one word to Bruce's reply "Tell me, Clark. Do you bleed?"

I know we're just spitballing at this point, but at that point in the movie Bruce still doesn't see Superman as "human", but an alien god who can destroy the world on a whim.

It's not until the Martha sequence when Bruce realises that, even though he's an alien, Superman has humanity. Calling him "Clark" there would undermine the entire concept of why Bruce wants to destroy Superman in the first place.

I DO wish that they took the line from The Dark Knight Returns where Batman is standing over a defeated Superman and Bruce says "I want you to remember this. I want you to remember the one man who beat you". As a warning, like "we're cool, but if you ever decide to go crazy I'm coming for you".

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Cool, we doing fan scripts now?

Superman: Listen to me. We don’t have to do this. Luthor has been playing you.

Batman: I know.

Superman: You know? Help me stop him, I don’t want to fight you. The only reason I’m here is because he has someone captive. Someone important.

Batman: Let’s just say there is someone on his or her way to save that important person. The question is, Clark (Supes looks shocked); who is going to save you?

Superman: Why? Why do you want to do this?

Batman walks towards Superman.

Superman: I promise, I’m here to help.

Batman: I have heard those promises before. I have seen what you will become, eventually.

Superman: Me? How about you, Bruce? (Batman is slightly thrown off by this) People living in fear, even those you save. Don’t you see what you have become? Those promises might have been worthless, but what about the promise you made yourself years ago? You wanted the people of Gotham to feel safe, all you did was antagonise the freaks and made the people of Gotham lose hope. They don’t see the difference between the bad guys and the Batman.

Batman loses it and they start fighting like in the movie.

15 minutes. I promise.


People are still hung up on the whole Martha thing, huh? The amount of casual untagged spoilers in movie threads. :lol

You could say Batman should have done more investigating on Superman, but this is a universe where a pair of glasses is sufficient enough to hide one's identity from the public. You have to suspend your disbelief a bit when it comes to Clark Kent as a character. He is simply outdated in the modern age. Maybe that's why Perry tried to school Clark so many times. Clark is still living in the past, referring to the popularity the character enjoyed in pop culture in the past decades. So many layers in this movie. Zack Snyder is a genius!

Speaking of Snyder's genius, I watched the director's cut of Watchmen recently and I had some time to ponder on the three hour cut. Warning: There are spoilers. First things first, I was disappointed with the action scenes. The best one was in the first ten minutes of the film. Now I understand why people are dancing around the concept of Thomas Wayne as Batman in an alternate universe. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is legit. The rest of the action scenes were either not the focus (alley fight), short (prison fight) or one-sided (last fight). Secondly, Laurie Jupiter. Every time she's on screen, she's so damn cheesy. Even the sex scene was terrible. Hallelujah didn't help. The music was on point the rest of the movie though. Loved the 80s pop culture music references, which would only be possible in film. The opening credits was fantastic, probably the single best thing about the film. Zack Snyder can shoot opening credits, man. Larry Fong also deserves credit of course. Makes me a bit worried for JL1 since he's not working on it. I liked how Rorschach and Nite Owl together were basically Batman. Dr. Manhattan was kind of a dick though. I don't really see the similarities between him and Superman in the Snyderverse. I liked how Richard Nixon was an antagonist. He even got a third term. :lol

Now, the ending. The major point of contention for most people. Now I didn't read the original graphic novel, but I didn't really have a problem with Dr. Manhattan being framed. The lie is based on a perceived threat to unite the world's nations instead of destroying each other. It didn't matter if the threat was Dr. Manhattan or a psychic squid. My problem and what I think was a real missed opportunity was the line "In the end... nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends." It was casually blurted out by Laurie in a throwaway epilogue scene as one of the things Dr. Manhattan often says, which completely negates the impact of the line. (It's one of the many reasons Laurie is the worst.) What should have happened is when Dr. Manhattan is about to leave Earth for good, he should have said that line to Adrian, who sacrificed millions of people to bring world peace. Temporary peace, leaving Adrian to doubt if it was all worth it. How long will peace last when they find out Dr. Manhattan has left Earth? That was notably absent in the movie. It doesn't mean Snyder missed the point of the ending. It's his execution that lacks, which comes down to writing. Someone should have the balls to tell him what works and what doesn't work. If Chris Terrio or whoever from WB can do that, then JL1 will be The Return of the King.


What Martha thing? Is it the scene when he got Supes pinned down?

I have no problems with that. Why the fuck wouldn't he be upset.


What Martha thing? Is it the scene when he got Supes pinned down?

I have no problems with that. Why the fuck wouldn't he be upset.
Don't you know? Batman went from trying to kill Superman to being BFF because their mothers share the same name. It's not like Lex was framing both of them or something. Or that a massive threat was about to be unleashed in the alien ship.


Didn't he try to say "save Martha Ke..." Before being cut off? I guess that's more plausible than just save Martha and I get why they were doing it. However why Bruce Wayne, one of the richest and most well known men on the planet, is surprised a investigative reporter is aware of who his parents who died in one of the most infamous murders in the cities history is is kinda eye roll worthy.


Personally I liked Martha moment. And they set it up perfectly. Not only at that moment Batman saw Superman as a man for the first time, which destroyed all the rage agaist alien God he had, but it also made Batman realize that in this context, with dying man whispering Martha on the ground, it was Bruce that turned into Joe Chill. If there's something that could sap the will to fight out of Batman it's this.

Did we really need flashbacks to Thomas dying in that exact moment to make that clear? THat's what the opening was for. If they just needed to remind people of Bruce's mother name they would show a tombstone for few seconds. The whole death of parents scene was put there to create a parrel for the very moment where Bruce is about to kill Superman.
the martha moment was great to me. one of the best moments in the movie. it's definitely a bit contrived, but the emotional impact, the music, ben's performance, etc all top notch


is it bad that i liked MoS more then BvS? Never really understood the hate that it got but i re-watched it recently and i still enjoyed it. Yeah, some of the CGI is bad and there are some weird lines but it definitely had an emotional impact on me, especially the father-son dynamics and the score is epic. Felt nothing during BvS, can't even work up the motivation to go see it again

makes me think that maybe we needed a solo Batman flick to see how Bruce/Batman became the person he is because its so different to how he has been portrayed in the past....might have made the BvS conflict more natural because even though the film spent more then an hour setting it up, it just didn't feel right for me


The Martha scene was poetic to me. It gives Batman the chance at redemption he has been striving for ever since he put on the cowl. It was awesome. The fact that it became something people point and laugh at bums me out. But as previously stated, it is what it is.


The Martha moment might have been better received had Clark said something like "My mother...Her name is Martha...Save her." Just him saying Martha and Batman freaking out comes across kind of silly.

Another case of "good idea; poor execution."

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Larry Fong ‏@larryfong
Schedule conflicts are not uncommon in this biz. But don’t worry, the amazingly talented Mr. Wagner will kill it. Plus, he doesn’t use any ‘dull filters’ like I apparently do ;)

Bring him back for JL2!
The Martha moment might have been better received had Clark said something like "My mother...Her name is Martha...Save her." Just him saying Martha and Batman freaking out comes across kind of silly.

Another case of "good idea; poor execution."

I have a theory about this. What if one of the cut scenes where Clark investigates Bruce Wayne is about how he finds out about his parents' murders, and realizes that his mother's name is also Martha. Then, when Batman is just about to kill him, he probably thought it's a better idea to say "Martha" than "my mother" to appeal to Bruce's human side.


I doubt those will two cost anywhere near as much as BvS, both for production and marketing. They will probably be considered hits if they do 700+ mln WW

Buzz around SS is certainly positive right now. Just needs to be critically successful. If either SS or WW sniff near the 700 million mark everything is fine.


I bet it wouldn't be tiring to you if it turned out to be a huge success and everyone was counting down to the big 1B. Right?

I think it's way more tiring comparing its BO to family-friendly juggernauts, and pointing and saying 'oh look, what a shitty haul'. That's been going on a lot on way too many forums.


I think it's way more tiring comparing its BO to family-friendly juggernauts, and pointing and saying 'oh look, what a shitty haul'. That's been going on a lot on way too many forums.

That's just defeatist talk. Did anyone have problems with comparing Nolan's Batman trilogy to family-friendly juggernauts, and pointing and saying 'wow, it's unstoppable'. That went on a lot on way too many forums too. When times are good, it's never too much. When times are bad... oh it's tiring. That's because you already feel defeated.


I bet it wouldn't be tiring to you if it turned out to be a huge success and everyone was counting down to the big 1B. Right?

Well yeah

I think by the nature of the beast talking about something positively is less tiring to most than talking constantly about negative things.

That said, it is what it is. No reason to run from it or what have you.

Movie clearly had a ton of upward potential if it was a better received movie from critics and fans, and Warner needs to examine that.

They failed upwards, but came up short.
I'm glad this film isn't doing particularly great, because as a DC fan, I don't want shitshows like this going forward.

It's disappointment doesn't mean things will turn around for the better. It's just as likely the studio will micromanage the shit out of it and ruin it that way too. Look at Fox for a number of years. Their suits couldn't get out of the way and it was middling performance after middling performance.
It's disappointment doesn't mean things will turn around for the better. It's just as likely the studio will micromanage the shit out of it and ruin it that way too. Look at Fox for a number of years. Their suits couldn't get out of the way and it was middling performance after middling performance.

I think it's done well enough for suits to not fully panic, but not so well that they'd turn a blind eye to all the complaints. Let's see how JL turns out.
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