What are the story precedents for all of the members coming together? It seems pretty clear they're heading towards the Man of Chairs (that Darkseid guy), but is there any story precedent of Black Adam?
I figure Justice League 1 is going to be about the members coming together in some way, so they're probably going to use some kind of story where that's happened. I kind of want to see The Rock since Black Adam sounds interesting enough, and it's The Rock. He's an ancient Egyptian supervillain. Apocalypse is also an ancient Egyptian supervillain, so I'm all for that.
Maybe he's Justice League 1 and then Darkseid is Justice League 2. If he can't take on the entire Justice League by himself, maybe throw in Joker too or some other villain that works alongside him, since I figure Lex is out of commission until Man of Steel 2. I doubt they rush him back now.
This is actually kind of interesting. I have no idea where they can take this story over time.