Schedule on their site says 4:30-6:00pm, but I have a feeling that's local time. So another two hours before it starts?
Guys, I'd temper your eagerness for any big CinemaCon reveals. I have a feeling that if we're going to get anything it might be the dates of some future DC films.
It's possible that Kevin T takes to the stage and blows the doors off the place but I have a feeling that it's going to be slow and steady wins the race with SDCC the destination for the big reveals.
We'll see.
Is that Wonder Con Warner Bros/DC films panel actually happening this Saturday?
Yea, Patty Jenkins and Geoff Johns are confirmed to be present.
Yea, Patty Jenkins and Geoff Johns are confirmed to be present.
Also remember that Warner has quite a lot of movies to go through even in the immediate future with King Arthur, Dunkirk, and Blade Runner.
Next year is what Ready Player One and Tomb Raider. And seems still an unnamed animated project for next Feb?
I find myself rooting for King Arthur. It looks pretty cool.
Pretty cool concept art
Pretty cool concept art
Pretty cool concept art
Cyborg without the half face mask looks better.
Cyborg without the half face mask looks better.
Yeah, I gotta agree with that.
He talks about Harry Styles' hair, though. Teen idol hairdos > comic book crap.
Good, Nolan knows.
He talks about Harry Styles' hair, though. Teen idol hairdos > comic book crap.
Also asked Nolan how he cast Harry Styles in DUNKIRK & if Harry was aware he'd have 2 cut his hair 4 role. A: "I don't want to get into it."
Sick. Looks like one of the same concept artists as BvSPretty cool concept art
(Snyder took this one)
Source?Current JL run time is 2 hours and 50 minutes.
Not long enough tbh fam.Current JL run time is 2 hours and 50 minutes.
Current JL run time is 2 hours and 50 minutes.
Lol Someone at WB was like, "Probably shouldn't have cut BvS. Let Zack have this one."
Current JL run time is 2 hours and 50 minutes.
Current JL run time is 2 hours and 50 minutes.
get your priority straight, lolan
get your priority straight, lolan
- Amy KaufmanJason Momoa says he is leaving tonight to shoot AQUAMAN in Australia.
Current JL run time is 2 hours and 50 minutes.
It'll probably end up around 160 minutes and an Ultimate Cut later. Seems a foregone conclusion to be honest.Cinemacon isn't for fans, it's for exhibitors (ie: cinema chains and international distributors).
I'm waiting for someone to make that thread and a bunch of people to act irrationally as if this is the death knell of the movie...
Why is Ezra Miller dressed like Don Johnson in Miami Vice?
Oh, I'm sure we've have enough of these threads for folks to realize this is an early cut of a movie eight months out. Right?