Suicide Squad was just a mess of a film though, do we actually know what went on behind the scenes on that?
- WB fast-tracked the film, so Ayer only had six weeks to write the script and they rushed straight into production.
- The Bohemian Rhapsody trailer was so successful that WB re-tooled the film to be more inline with the marketing's tone. This included hiring the trailer company to edit the entire film themselves.
- An extension of the above point, reshoots were made to add extra humor to the film, as well as buff up the final fight scene (one of the animators who worked on the film posts on this board and has talked about this). Certain "dark" elements of the film were outright cut or trimmed to resemble something that was not originally intended, such as Joker's relationship with Harley, which was meant to be the traditional abusive angle.
I might be forgetting some things, but those are the key points.