Home. Letting the hype die down a bit to be more objective.
....It's still so good. So, so good. It has its issues - namely the third act is a little messy and I would have liked more time on the island - but hot damn.
This is Wonder Woman. Top to bottom. Patty and Gal managed to capture the spirit of the character in a way we so rarely see. Gal Gadot has, in my eyes, put herself in the same tier as Chris Evans' Cap as a perfect page to screen translation of a character that could have gone so wrong.
But what really impressed me was the relationship between Steve and Diana. Now, y'all know ya boy is a hardcore Wonder Woman stan. But Steve has never really been my bag. I always thought he was a good
idea for a character, and much prefer him as a love interest to Diana over Bats or Supes, but that potential has never been realized. But damn it, Chris Pine made that character sing. Diana and Steve are the emotional backbone of the movie and you really come to care about them. And trust me, any Wonder Woman fan knows how hard it can be to care about Steve Trevor.
On the humor, yes, this movie is much more light hearted than BvS or MoS. But don't go in expecting Guardians of the Galaxy. The humor is used wisely and at just the right moments. The movie never undercuts its tension. It takes itself seriously, but not too seriously.
And the action. Whew. Brehs. So much damn fun. Wonder Woman >>>> Faora. It can't be debated anymore. In fact, throw all the Kryptonians in the trash. Even Clark. Amazons run this shit now. #ThemysciraSet
Again, being fair, the third act doesn't quite come together. It's still not bad, but it's plauged by what feel like pacing issues and one of the weaker action segments. Also, the movie scratches the surface of some social issues I wish could have gotten a little more time, but I also understand they can only do so much. And yes, Ares was pretty meh. I would argue he wasn't really the point - the movie is much more about Diana being faced with the horrors of man's world - but if you want a really memorable villain ala Loki or The Joker, you're going to have to wait for the sequel and hope Circe/Cheetah/whoever steal the show.
All in all, Wonder Woman is the DC movie everyone has been waiting for since The Dark Knight. I'm not gonna get into bashing the other DCEU films because I know people enjoy them and I don't want to start that debate. But I really would be lying to you if I said the previous DCEU movies even touch this one.
All that's left to do now is hope enough people agree with me that this one opens the floodgates for female led superhero movies.
I thought it was very good as well, but I did think the third act had some problems.
I think my favorite scene might be the No Man's Land scene.
This gif was me through that entire scene