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DC TV Community Thread [Summer of Superfriends]

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Don't really watch gotham but I had heard something on Fatman on Batman that made me excited about the show and have a question
Basically Kevin was talking about the last 5 minutes of season one finale, he had said that they found a secret cavern in Thomas Wayne's house. Have the showrunners said anything about their future plans regarding to Bruce suiting up, or a timeskip? I'd start watching the show if there was going to be a Bat-Gordon dynamic, maybe not so much seeing just Batman in action but seeing the two work on cases. Man I'd love a law and order gotham edition. I just don't want to start watching a show that does endless teasing.
Don't really watch gotham but I had heard something on Fatman on Batman that made me excited about the show and have a question
Basically Kevin was talking about the last 5 minutes of season one finale, he had said that they found a secret cavern in Thomas Wayne's house. Have the showrunners said anything about their future plans regarding to Bruce suiting up, or a timeskip? I'd start watching the show if there was going to be a Bat-Gordon dynamic, maybe not so much seeing just Batman in action but seeing the two work on cases. Man I'd love a law and order gotham edition. I just don't want to start watching a show that does endless teasing.

Don't think they've laid anything out; they already pulled a lot of stuff from their planned season 2 when they got the season extension, I don't doubt that they're doing a lot of rewrites. I dunno about a timeskip, though. I actually kind of like the dynamic they've got going now, though it'd be better if they used Young Bruce more sparingly.

Well, you think it's been argued into the ground. Somebody else might have something interesting to say on the subject.

Well, if that happens, we can think about revisiting the ban on discussion of the subject. But for now, that discussion basically ate the entirety of the last 100 or so pages of the S3 OT, and I'm cool with ejecting it from an airlock.
Don't really watch gotham but I had heard something on Fatman on Batman that made me excited about the show and have a question
Basically Kevin was talking about the last 5 minutes of season one finale, he had said that they found a secret cavern in Thomas Wayne's house. Have the showrunners said anything about their future plans regarding to Bruce suiting up, or a timeskip? I'd start watching the show if there was going to be a Bat-Gordon dynamic, maybe not so much seeing just Batman in action but seeing the two work on cases. Man I'd love a law and order gotham edition. I just don't want to start watching a show that does endless teasing.
Chances are it will be the future Batcave, but it is currently probably only Thomas Waynes secret stash of incriminating evidence against the Wayne Ent. Board of directors, who are corrupt and complicit in illegal activities


Well, if that happens, we can think about revisiting the ban on discussion of the subject. But for now, that discussion basically ate the entirety of the last 100 or so pages of the S3 OT, and I'm cool with ejecting it from an airlock.

There's already a ban in place?


How about we talk about the fact that Arrow, Flash, and Supergirl are gonna have some serious fucking work to top Reverse Flash
Chances are it will be the future Batcave, but it is currently probably only Thomas Waynes secret stash of incriminating evidence against the Wayne Ent. Board of directors, who are corrupt and complicit in illegal activities

Don't think they've laid anything out; they already pulled a lot of stuff from their planned season 2 when they got the season extension, I don't doubt that they're doing a lot of rewrites. I dunno about a timeskip, though. I actually kind of like the dynamic they've got going now, though it'd be better if they used Young Bruce more sparingly.

Well, if that happens, we can think about revisiting the ban on discussion of the subject. But for now, that discussion basically ate the entirety of the last 100 or so pages of the S3 OT, and I'm cool with ejecting it from an airlock.

Ah ok, I think Gotham will be more of a long term story, if
Bruce ever puts on the suit it will probably be later seasons, would be perfect to highlight the aging of Gordon, plus I can't imagine them to keep replacing the child actor due to puberty

re arrow
So what's the issue with Ollicity now? We're talking about the god damn CW. The network thrives on romance drama. Ollicity won't last longer than half a season if that. We'll probably get happy Ollie, Felicity will die due to natural causes and encourage Oliver to stay happy and live on, then he'll take on the Green Arrow comic persona.

My only concern for the show is that the flashbacks either go away or become relevant to the story like how Slade's were. The virus was such a small detail in the overall story, it was more of a Katana origin story, but even then it was too drawn out. S3 would have been better if they sacrificed flash backs for more secondary character development.

How about we talk about the fact that Arrow, Flash, and Supergirl are gonna have some serious fucking work to top Reverse Flash

Haven't watched the pilot yet, how strong is super girl? (if we're allowed to comment on it). I can't imagine Man of Steel, something around Justice League level? If she's MoS level I don't think reverse flash stands a chance.


Motion passed, ban in place, anyone who violates gets a cell on Lian Yu.

Can it be the particle accelerator instead? Need some Big Belly Burger before the cows go extinct.



How about we talk about the fact that Arrow, Flash, and Supergirl are gonna have some serious fucking work to top Reverse Flash

Yeah that's going to be a tough act to follow for sure. They do a good job with their big bads but it's hard to top the best.


Oh Gotham and iZombie are going to be in this thread too? I thought it would just be Arrowverse related shows. Guess I'm getting spoiled on those...

Well for now, iZombie should remain in its thread since it is still airing.

But I think as a whole this will be more focused on Arrow-verse for the simple fact both The Flash and Arrow threads will be closed soon.

Gotham, Constantine and iZombie still have active threads... and don't think those are moving to Community like this one
I think it's interesting that Gotham could essentially be a prequel to the Arrowverse. It takes place sometime 'in the past' while the Arrow-verse is 'now'.

iZombie doesn't fit at all and belongs in its own world.


How about we talk about the fact that Arrow, Flash, and Supergirl are gonna have some serious fucking work to top Reverse Flash

Honestly, I don't think it's going to happen at all. Dude was amazing, real lightning in a bottle type stuff. Go in with expectations like that and you're just gonna be miserable.

Ah ok, I think Gotham will be more of a long term story, if
Bruce ever puts on the suit it will probably be later seasons, would be perfect to highlight the aging of Gordon, plus I can't imagine them to keep replacing the child actor due to puberty

re arrow
So what's the issue with Ollicity now? We're talking about the god damn CW. The network thrives on romance drama. Ollicity won't last longer than half a season if that. We'll probably get happy Ollie, Felicity will die due to natural causes and encourage Oliver to stay happy and live on, then he'll take on the Green Arrow comic persona.

My only concern for the show is that the flashbacks either go away or become relevant to the story like how Slade's were. The virus was such a small detail in the overall story, it was more of a Katana origin story, but even then it was too drawn out. S3 would have been better if they sacrificed flash backs for more secondary character development.

Their plan was to actually stick with the same child actor through the entire run of the show, last I'd heard. Making him into the next Batman actor and all that.

Stop talking about Ollicity, pls.

And yeah, the flashbacks are becoming an issue. They're taking up too much screen time, IMO.
MOS-level Superman would get murdered by Reverse Flash.

Dunno, Faora looked competitive in speed (assuming Clark can do the same), Superman certainly has durability over RF (then that calls into question the interaction between vibrating hand vs superman), his flight speed is certainly faster (what was it, like India to Metropolis in a few mins?), but that doesn't mean combat speed/control. He certainly punches harder. I think superman could take this, even if RF was fast enough to dodge all his punches he could laser vision that shit.

Barry was going mach 2 right? RF speed is hard to nail down, because it seemed like a lot of it was tied to batteries. There's a lot of unknown variables but I think Man of Steel would take it. If Oliver can tag him with arrows I think MoS Superman could take it.

Speedforce, bruh. Speedforce.

Speedsters are (not-so-) secretly the most powerful beings in the DCU.

It's the presence of the character that they're really talking about, though. They made a guy in a yellow suit terrifying when he would show up, then when he was revealed it was
extremely personal
. Great season of TV, with a great villian that none of these shows have gotten close to. Even Deathstroke was cool because of Manu Bennett, while the character was... kind of a pussy.

I'm talking tv vs movie though. If we're talking comics I think it was Hunter Zolomon that solo'd the league (although his power set is much different) and I'm sure Thawne could take Superman in most situations, atleast pre-new 52.


The show's speedsters aren't even close to their comic counterparts. They'd beat Man of Steel Superman if they were, but as it is I'm not sure RF would be fast or strong enough.
I don't think we've seen true Thawne yet. Going to spoiler just in case
All of his power was dependent on the batteries right? Meaning he had to conserve alot of the stuff he's done. I'm sure we haven't see anything yet. Barry also is getting faster every episode.
Here's how I want Arrow to end:

Season 5, the flashbacks loop back to that moment in the pilot where he's rescued. Boom, we're done there.

But then

At the end of the episode, we flash forward a few years from present day into the future where a beaten and bloody Oliver is being led through the dank, dark halls of a prison, one where all the prisoners were put there by him. They're all shouting for his blood, etc.

The masked guards stop him in front of a cell. Across from him, his nemesis and friend: Slade Wilson.

"Welcome home, kid."

From then on, we're done with flashbacks, and start doing flashforwards that detail 'SUPERMAX' while the present day stuff shows the lead up. Eventually, Ollie, Slade, and a few other villains team up to escape Lian Yu and Oliver heads back to Starling for one final confrontation with whoever this dastardly villain is.

He arrives in Starling, to find it decimated. The present catches up with the flash forwards. Greenery has overtaken the city. The authorities can't get in. Metahumans can't. There are just a smattering of vigilantes and cops left to fight back in this villain's personal fiefdom.

From there, we get an all-star team up of Ollie, Diggle, Slade, Laurel, Thea, Roy, Grant, Katana, Red Hood Tommy, and whoever else is still alive to take the final villain on.

Maybe the final villain Ra's al Malcolm. Maybe it's "Prometheus". Whoever, but it's gotta be someone you build up to.

Yeah. That'd be cool.
just putting this out there.

fries and a frosty are freaking good

This is truth. Salty, crispy and sweet is one hell of a combo. Throw in the hot/cold dynamic and it's legit amazing.

Another unlikely flavor combo: poppyseed bagels and lemonade. Rip, dip, and enjoy.
Okay, so let's talk about Sexy Killer Frost Kaitlin:


I'd like to think that they just decided to make her blonde on their own, but deep down I know it's because of Frozen.

Still looks aight, tho. Would've preferred a more Assault on Arkham look, but I'm not sure the actress would be right for that.


I don't think we've seen true Thawne yet. Going to spoiler just in case
All of his power was dependent on the batteries right? Meaning he had to conserve alot of the stuff he's done. I'm sure we haven't see anything yet. Barry also is getting faster every episode.

Yeah his speed was come and go. He wasn't fast enough to travel through time but it seemed like in any other kind of situation he was faster than Barry. Just imagine if we ever end up meeting a reverse flash that didn't lose his speed. He was already something to fear in the show but if they meet a fully powered Reverse Flash things will get real.

That right there is why I'd prefer no spoiler tags but I understand that there might still be plenty of people that haven't seen it yet.
I'd like to think that they just decided to make her blonde on their own, but deep down I know it's because of Frozen.

Still looks aight, tho. Would've preferred a more Assault on Arkham look, but I'm not sure the actress would be right for that.

I wonder if Firestorm is the only fella that's able to get with her.

I feel bad, but there's a lot of 'frigid' jokes here.
I wonder if Firestorm is the only fella that's able to get with her.

I feel bad, but there's a lot of 'frigid' jokes here.

Her last name is "Snow," frigid jokes are par for the course. Gonna have to do better than that.

And... it occurs to me that since Firestorm is technically two people... um...

That'd be super awkward.


Her last name is "Snow," frigid jokes are par for the course. Gonna have to do better than that.

And... it occurs to me that since Firestorm is technically two people... um...

That'd be super awkward.

i guess i'm glad to know i wasn't the only thinking about that mental connection in this context


My New 52 knowledge isn't great, but Firestorm can temporarily give her enough heat right? So combine Firestorm blasts her, healing her, they split, Ronnie gets freaky with her before she becomes a full heat vampire then Firestorm recombines and rinse and repeat.


I'm not sure I like the look of Caitlyn as Killer Frost, but there's still time to change it or improve it. Something like this is what I really wanted:





How about we talk about the fact that Arrow, Flash, and Supergirl are gonna have some serious fucking work to top Reverse Flash

Reverse Flash was a top tier live action comic villain. TV or movie. They absolutely nailed making him utterly terrifying and selling you on how hopeless it was for anyone unlucky enough to cross him.
Flash didn't even get to beat him in the end!

And the fact that they did it with one of the dopiest characters! "Hi. I'm like the Flash, but....Reverse!" lol Kudos to the team on this one.


Grant Gustin, Stephen Amell and several other cast members will be on three TV shows at once. I can't imagine how many hours of sleep they'll have to forego to make this happen.



Yet, not even an upfront vet like Schweitzer was prepared for the astounding global reaction to CBS' trailer for Supergirl, one of fall's most eagerly anticipated new shows, after it debuted at the network's May 13 upfront. His group consulted with The CW's marketing and press teams who offered guidance on launching a superhero project. "We were warned that this thing would go viral quickly," said Schweitzer, and that's just what happened. Within two days, more than 5 million people had viewed the trailer online. A week after its May 13 debut, that number has risen to more than 10 million.

That explains why we got a very similar trailer, in both structure and length to the Flash one. If you want to go one step further, the Flash pilot leaked in June. Now it's May and Supergirl's is out there. One too many coincidences?



That explains why we got a very similar trailer, in both structure and length to the Flash one. If you want to go one step further, the Flash pilot leaked in June. Now it's May and Supergirl's is out there. One too many coincidences?

There's no doubt this was an intended leak. There's even been some shows in the past that officially released their pilots/1st episode back months in advance. If your show is good, it works.



That explains why we got a very similar trailer, in both structure and length to the Flash one. If you want to go one step further, the Flash pilot leaked in June. Now it's May and Supergirl's is out there. One too many coincidences?

This is going to be the way forward for DCTV, methinks. Fully expect Legends of Tomorrow to leak before its midseason premiere (assuming there are no spoilers for Flash/Arrow in the first episode).


There's no doubt this was an intended leak. There's even been some shows in the past that officially released their pilots/1st episode back months in advance. If your show is good, it works.

It's such easy marketing it's a wonder no one has thought of it until the past few years. I guess they finally have someone in their publicity team who has used the internet.

I mean, the hype train is rolling already:

io9 - I Saw The Supergirl Pilot, And It's Actually Pretty Super
Forbes - 'Supergirl' Pilot Leak: Theft Or CBS Marketing Ploy?
Curious if the CGI effects are final in Supergirl, I remember Flash had some unfinished ones like the hidden chamber door to Gideon.


Curious if the CGI effects are final in Supergirl, I remember Flash had some unfinished ones like the hidden chamber door to Gideon.
Lots, in various trailers and stuff. The trailer for the episode with
Thawne using the ring
the costume
spinning as it came out, as opposed to the final version which shows a sort of expansion into a running pose. I like the final version best although the spinning was cool.
Well for now, iZombie should remain in its thread since it is still airing.

But I think as a whole this will be more focused on Arrow-verse for the simple fact both The Flash and Arrow threads will be closed soon.
Yes, that's correct. The primary focus here will be Arrow and The Flash.
Gotham, Constantine and iZombie still have active threads... and don't think those are moving to Community like this one
There's no plans to move those threads at the moment.
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