Yes, that's correct. The primary focus here will be Arrow and The Flash.
Oh yeah, LoT, as well since that's pretty closely tied into things.And Legends of Tomorrow and Vixen?
Holy crap. Flash and Arrow are about to hit 20k posts? That is bonkers, and I love it.
Yep Arrow with tons of Olicity hate posts and Flash with almost nothing but love.
So you are saying the threads were accurate representations of the shows then?
MOS-level Superman would get murdered by Reverse Flash.
Is this supposed to be a joke?
I think he's implying that the MoS Superman couldn't handle the villain swagger of the Reverse Flash.
And you know that Reverse Flash wouldn't fuck around when it came to dealing with Superman. He wouldn't monologue or anything, he would just get to the point.
I watch every damn single oneSo to kind of get the ball rolling
Which of the shows do you watch?
Which are you excited to check out next year?
Flash changed a lot. All those CG cars scenes were changed. Altough the older ones were later reused in other episodes.Curious if the CGI effects are final in Supergirl, I remember Flash had some unfinished ones like the hidden chamber door to Gideon.
I wonder if Firestorm is the only fella that's able to get with her.
Flash changed a lot. All those CG cars scenes were changed. Altough the older ones were later reused in other episodes.
Flash actually resuses shots quite often. But that's fine since it saves money for where new CG is really needed
Is this supposed to be a joke?
And you know that Reverse Flash wouldn't fuck around when it came to dealing with Superman. He wouldn't monologue or anything, he would just get to the point.
Nah. Remember what Cisco said? Speed = heat. Plus friction also creates heat. So in theory Flash should be able to hump her fast enough to make it work ;D
Then I suggest you watch Man of Steel again because what you're getting at is the equivalent of SSJ3 Goku vs Krillin. Early Dragonball Krillin. As in, the orginal series, not Z.
Basically! Speedforce means that any Speedster can fucking kill Superman. These guys run around with infinite mass punches and can travel through time.
Even toned down in the show, they fucking rip apart the time-space continuum. They can phase through objects and living beings. Reverse Flash can make speed mirage duplicates, he is literally moving that fast.
MoS supes would win against RF easily. There's nothing RF can do to hurt him. All Clark would have to do is wait till RF runs out of juice, since he's unstable.
Comicbook speedsters are whole different thing and there are only few DC characters that could stomp them, but on live action they aren't anywhere near as deadly or fast.
What if RF had kryptonite embedded into his suit? The RF from the show is too smart to just run right into battle with someone like superman without a plan. Plus if he fought RF pre-wells then he'd have him at full power and that could be quite bad for him.
What if RF had kryptonite embedded into his suit? The RF from the show is too smart to just run right into battle with someone like superman without a plan. Plus if he fought RF pre-wells then he'd have him at full power and that could be quite bad for him.
Yup. The original series was part of DC's Vertigo Comics imprint.
Interesting, Vertigo is there to produce content that's considered R-rated. That's definitely brought my interest up slightly, would you recommend iZombies from what you've seen (assuming you have seen it)?
Whats fun about this show is that theres going to be multiple timelines as we move forward. I think were going to start showing Earth-One and Earth-Two in the near future. There will be kind of different dimensions going on.
but Kreisberg also confirmed that more cast members will also arrive, which may or may not include the famous speedster whose signature hat made a surprise appearance in the episode.
We are going to introduce a few more speedsters next year and a bunch more villains. How they and those villains come about is part of the surprise of season two. Were really excited we are so proud of this season of television. It really is a high mark for all of us and we feel a great deal of pressure and anxiety to live up to it, because its been so well received. As proud and as excited as we are about everything weve done this year, we really are just as proud and excited for all the things we are planning coming up and hopefully people will continue to take this ride with us.
This week on The CW, The Flash wrapped up a stellar first season, ending a string of bright, colorful, and unabashedly fun episodes with an emotional finale and a hell of a cliffhanger. Like its titular hero, The Flash bolted out of the gate at top speed, with remarkably few stumbles in its freshman year. It also gave viewers a taste of something longtime DC Comics readers have known for years: that while he isnt a part of the famed trinity of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, The Flash is secretly the most important character in the entire DC Universe.
The most important character in the DC Universe isnt Batman or Superman its The Flash
Got lost in The Flash OT.
Oh yes. We've known for years.
And to think people said he wouldn't be a good Barry. Good times.I had read a couple of reviews and they praised Grant Gustin as Barry and how much he grow with his character.
His Barry is amazing... I love it.
And to think people said he wouldn't be a good Barry. Good times.
I found this on Reddit a while back. I enjoyed reading it and I thought I'd share it with you guys.
My name is Eric Burns-White, and I have almost always hated Barry Allen.
Despite the title, things arein the end.ok
Five seconds after getting his powers, we see Barry Allen run on water, cross town in an eyeblink, vibrate through a wall, destroy all the terrorists’ Thompson submachine guns, catch bullets out of the air, put out a building fire, get everyone out of the building, capture all the criminals, round up several other police officers, carefully lean up against a car, and think up and deliver a sick burn. Even Clark Kent had to take time to remove his eyeglasses.
"It was me, DC"The most important character in the DC Universe isnt Batman or Superman its The Flash
Got lost in The Flash OT.
While Flash certainly had an incredible year if we're going simply by which character showed the people that DC is not just the Trinity then its Green Arrow. Without Arrows success we wouldn't have all these shows we have today. He was basically the first DC success story apart from the trinity.The most important character in the DC Universe isnt Batman or Superman its The Flash
Got lost in The Flash OT.
Depends on how much you like ridiculous cheese. I loved the last half of the series, most of the cast is amazing.The Supergirl pilot was so so so so disappointing, especially after that great trailer. I am thinking I am skipping that one come fall for now.
I am in for Arrow & The Flash like everyone else. And of course Legends of Tomorrow.
Has Gotham improved? I gave up about 5-6 episodes in.
The Supergirl pilot was so so so so disappointing, especially after that great trailer. I am thinking I am skipping that one come fall for now.
I am in for Arrow & The Flash like everyone else. And of course Legends of Tomorrow.
Has Gotham improved? I gave up about 5-6 episodes in.