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DC TV Off-Season - Crisis on Infinite Reruns



Why recast Jessie? I thought she were a wonderful addition. But also, bring back Lynda.

Will we ever see Wally become The Flash you think?


She's literally the worst actor I've ever seen on television. Just watch her facial expressions in any scene, they're inhuman. Over a decade of WB and CW shows, and she somehow managed to take the cake.

Rebirth kind of messed with our expectations of this Wally. So far it seems he'll become a Kid Flash-esque speedster but that's about it. This isn't The Flash Wally anymore it seems.


She's literally the worst actor I've ever seen on television. Just watch her facial expressions in any scene, they're inhuman. Over a decade of WB and CW shows, and she somehow managed to take the cake.

Rebirth kind of messed with our expectations of this Wally. So far it seems he'll become a Kid Flash-esque speedster but that's about it. This isn't The Flash Wally anymore it seems.

If she's the worst you've ever seen you're either young or extremely selective with what you watch. This statement just blows my mind. She's not even the worst on Flash let alone all of television.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
If she's the worst you've ever seen you're either young or extremely selective with what you watch. This statement just blows my mind. She's not even the worst on Flash let alone all of television.

Eh, I'd say she is one of the worst on Flash. I can't think of anyone else besides one of the Villain of the Week actors. Everyone does that over the top villain voice with dramatic menacing pauses and it drives me up the wall.

Wally's actor isn't too bad. I haven't seen him in anything else. Well, actually I saw him in Allegiant but he literally doesn't have any lines in there, if memory serves right. He plays a pretty major character from the books too, they just cut his lines or didn't give him any. It's weird. Joe and Wells make everyone else look pretty bad. But they're seasoned actors who have more on their resume than Glee or CW genre shows.


She's literally the worst actor I've ever seen on television. Just watch her facial expressions in any scene, they're inhuman. Over a decade of WB and CW shows, and she somehow managed to take the cake.

Rebirth kind of messed with our expectations of this Wally. So far it seems he'll become a Kid Flash-esque speedster but that's about it. This isn't The Flash Wally anymore it seems.
Eh, Rebirth has no bearing on the TV universe. He's most likely going to be Kid Flash still. Just like his Rebirth comic counterpart.
Is this a fan work? The size differences are terrible. Even if gonna change the size of them, they should get smaller as go backwards, but Flash and Arrow are larger than Supergirl. I dunno what's up with Rip down there.

Par for the course for CW. The late season Smallville posters were current headshots photoshoped onto older promo photos, often different actors bodies.


If she's the worst you've ever seen you're either young or extremely selective with what you watch. This statement just blows my mind. She's not even the worst on Flash let alone all of television.

You're either dyslexic or an extremely sloppy reader, I said over a decade over WB and CW. I've been watching these shows since Smallville started. She really is that bad.

Eh, Rebirth has no bearing on the TV universe. He's most likely going to be Kid Flash still. Just like his Rebirth comic counterpart.

That's... exactly what I said.


You're either dyslexic or an extremely sloppy reader, I said over a decade over WB and CE. I've been watching these shows since Smallville started. She really is that bad.

Even just sticking to the last decade of WB/CW television that's utterly ridiculous to me. Panabaker is worse than she is on the same show. Drameh is much worse on LoT along with Hentschel. Beane doesn't even rank Top 5 in the current run of DC TV.
Caitlyn is the worst actor on Flash by a landslide if we're talking regulars. She visibly sticks out. Wally is a bit of a mess at times too tbh, I think both are much more noticeable than Jesse.


Even just sticking to the last decade of WB/CW television that's utterly ridiculous to me. Panabaker is worse than she is on the same show. Drameh is much worse on LoT along with Hentschel. Beane doesn't even rank Top 5 in the current run of DC TV.

Panabaker isn't good but Beane is far worse. And at least Drameh can use an accent, that requires at least some kind of effort.


These are just facial expressions, when she actually tries to speak she's supposed to be an intelligent person and someone who could believably be a hero. I know Flash comics largely didn't care for Jesse Quick, but bringing that over to the casting is just mean.


Panabaker isn't good but Beane is far worse. And at least Drameh can use an accent, that requires at least some kind of effort.


These are just facial expressions, when she actually tries to speak she's supposed to be an intelligent person and someone who could believably be a hero. I know Flash comics largely didn't care for Jesse Quick, but bringing that over to the casting is just mean.

It sounds like you have more of an issue with her writing which I submit is completely awful given how intelligent she is supposed to be.


It sounds like you have more of an issue with her writing which I submit is completely awful given how intelligent she is supposed to be.

The dialogue isn't good, but it could "work" (as in be slightly believable) if she could at least slightly sell it. Beyond the intelligence, she's supposed to be a daughter, Cavanagh gets garbage dialogue in those scenes too but at least he's someone who appears to care vs. someone who's double checking the script between each shot.

Nothing about her facial expressions or physicality is good, she's a step away from being an SNL parody. She was terrible before she spoke a single line. Panabaker is bad with expressions but at least that suits the character.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Panabaker is pretty bad sometimes, but they give her character dog shit wiped on script pages to work with. But she's been bad in other stuff so...yeah... hopefully they give her a good subplot this season THAT DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND A LOVE INTEREST DYING.

Be nice if they gave anyone a subplot that wasn't romance based that could flesh them out some more. Like maybe Iris is investigating leads on something for a few episodes and discovers an underground metahuman slave ring or something. Something that lets them be on their own for awhile but eventually ties back to the group. I know people hate subplots that aren't a special effects showcase or directly related to Barry, but I want something more. Cisco making a pop culture reference and then Caitlin or Wells expositing the science is a boring formula. You got like 4 super scientists in the room, you only need 1 for exposition.


Panabaker is pretty bad sometimes, but they give her character dog shit wiped on script pages to work with. But she's been bad in other stuff so...yeah... hopefully they give her a good subplot this season THAT DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND A LOVE INTEREST DYING.

Grodd's fucked

Remember when Caitlyn didn't know what a singularity was? Good times.

They could've given that line to Joe or Ronnie. It was very strange to give it to her.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Let's all just agree that Captain Cold is worse than Jesse Quick and be done with it.

Some people love him. I'm ambivalent. The way he talks only bothers me in that it doesn't allow him to emote very well. Tired, annoyed, snarky, mischievous. They literally all come off the same way because of how the lines are read. Otherwise it's campy in a Batman 66 sorta way.

Malcolm Merlyn ranks pretty high on my Most Annoying Character List. The actor is fine, of course. It's Barrowman. But they just have him saying and doing the same things ad nauseum. Fucks over Team Arrow, says it was all for Thea, Thea yells, he disappears and then suddenly appears to do it again. Lather rinse repeat. My suspension of disbelief has been broken with him...in a universe that has flying hawk people and metahumans. Just let Thea put an arrow in his eye and be done with it.
I thought Cold and Heatwave were kinda wack in Flash but they really came into their own on Legends of Tomorrow. Especially Heatwave. I think it's a big mistake dropping Cold as a series regular on that and just making him recurring on everything. The dynamic between those two with each other and the team is so good.
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