Those are some pretty strong missiles and torpedoes but Rip did say that The Waverider isn't suited for Aquatic warfare.

Too bad Morbotron doesn't work as good as Frinkiac because this is the perfect joke for it.
Those are some pretty strong missiles and torpedoes but Rip did say that The Waverider isn't suited for Aquatic warfare.
Just came up on CW's website. Gonna dive in now!
Stein's voiceover is best voiceover.
Just came up on CW's website. Gonna dive in now!
Stein's voiceover is best voiceover.
Victor Garber gives it the necessary gravitas that the voiceover needs.
The excuse is the ship can calculate how messed up the time line is from Legend intervention while Barry blindly changes the future.I just usually separate the ways Flash and LOT uses time travel. Flash has the speedforce involved so its easier to see how the time line can get fucked. LOT uses future tech that's a lot more precise and a lot more mistake friendly.
He reminds of Francis from L4D but reverse, a reverse Francis if you will.the underappreciated thing about Heat Wave is actually how very relatable and full of love he is
Fun enough but it kept nagging the hell out of me how some dude in the "present" is talking about history being changed when he shouldn't even be aware of it unless I'm missing some weird alternate timeline shit somewhere.
I think the "explanation" was the BS he was rambling about in Oliver's office, about his friend who studies quantum physics alerting him to whatever mumbo jumbo. Basically a shoulder shrug from the writers to just go with it lol
Remember, he is lying. He learned that from Guggenheim. So don't worry. It will be alright.Woah, huge spoiler in that Letscher interview:apparently RF is not going to kill all the Legends, and will actually have his plans foiled because he's the villain not the hero and that's how superhero storytelling works, weird because I'm pretty sure I'm the main character but w/e
Zero, how did you get into the submarine and where were you hiding?
I figured he just exited from a time portal inside the submarine, but yeah I don't think they really thought that one through
Zero, how did you get into the submarine and where were you hiding?
Why arent they aware of flashpoint?
Why arent they aware of flashpoint?
Barry is literally that unimportant
Why arent they aware of flashpoint?
And even though I don't know anything about DC, the attempts at fanservice works quite well. I have no idea what a JSA is (b-tier Justice League I assume) or why someone would name themselves "Reverse Flash" (seriously? Is there a "Bad Superman" too?) but it was a nice little pop at the end.
The fuck
Hold me back GAF
He names himself Reverse Flash so that everybody would know he's a winner
I will say, this is probably the first time I've seen an action montage that featured two women kissing each other in the middle of it.
And even though I don't know anything about DC, the attempts at fanservice works quite well. I have no idea what a JSA is (b-tier Justice League I assume) or why someone would name themselves "Reverse Flash" (seriously? Is there a "Bad Superman" too?) but it was a nice little pop at the end.
Hopefully this makes up for season 1.
He names himself Reverse Flash so that everybody would know he's a winner