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de Blob 2 |OT| Press A to jump!

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
NEO0MJ said:
I never played that game before, perhaps another which is popular more?
Nothing I can think of sorry, its pretty unique. Maybe Katamari Damacy in tone and general craziness.

EDIT: JSR is probably better.


nincompoop said:
Closest comparison I can think of would be the Jet Set Radio games. Also, your posting like the witch from Banjo Kazooie is really annoying.

I find this post informative, and for my rhymes please forgive.
Once I become familiar with the passing of time, then, and only then will I stop this silly rhyme.
However if others feel this is a hard sell, than to this sad idea I bid farewell.
This is like, the world's happiest game. :lol I'm really enjoying it.

Hey quick question for you guys. On the progress screen, what does the orange hand holding a paintbrush represent again? I'm missing 2 out of 10 of them on the first level and I can't remember if its a pickup or something special I have to do. Thanks.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Neuromancer said:
This is like, the world's happiest game. :lol I'm really enjoying it.

Hey quick question for you guys. On the progress screen, what does the orange hand holding a paintbrush represent again? I'm missing 2 out of 10 of them on the first level and I can't remember if its a pickup or something special I have to do. Thanks.
I think that might be the metallic iPhone looking things that I've picked up randomly in some levels.

Also Pinky is already far and away at the lead for my favorite new character design of the year. Her animations and vocalizations are brilliant.
Uh, so there's a way to revisit levels just to screw around and look for things you missed without having to do ALL the tutorial bits and objectives over again right? RIGHT?

Oh and unskippable cutscenes. Awesome!


You know what, I want to take this opportunity to give a nice big "FUCK YOU" to Blue Tongue for the abysmal placement of checkpoints and inability to save inbetween stages. I'm currently in the second to last stage where you have to save your fellow rebels from their cages. I m now in the last part of this stage, however due to the (completely unneccesary) time-limit system I died right before the boss-battle.

"No problem" I thought, "just lemme give it another go". Oh they gave me another go alright, at the last checkpoint 30 fucking minutes ago! I rage at the screen for a bit then trudge on through the very long last part again. I whisk through it in 20 minutes this time, getting to the boss with 7 minutes on the clock, however the boss managed to kill me in like 3 seconds. Luckily I had an extra life on me, so I can just get to the boss immediately right? Nope, they make me do the last 10 minutes again. Okay that sucks, but at least it's not 30 minutes.

Due to a stupid error on my part I immediately squandered that extra life and yes, I am back at that fateful checkpoint again. At this point I just couldn't believe how a very talented developer like Blue Tongue (really, de Blob 2 is pretty amazing in a lot of respects) could screw the player over like this time and again. I had to vent my rage by posting this. As I m typing this, de Blob 2 is paused at the checkpoint and I'm seriously contemplating quitting the game.

This hands me yet another dilemma. If I quit now, that means I have to do the entire level (that's more than 2 hours) again. I am not willing to do that, so if I quit now, I will never play the game again. I've become a bit of an achievement whore lately and I got most levels 100%, I really want to finish the game, not just for the achievements of course, but just to be done with the game. I hate leaving games unfinished like this, but right now, I don't want to even look at the game.

This is the third time de Blob 2 has put me in this kind of situation and it's the exact reason I stopped playing de Blob 1. That game froze on me 1 hour into a level. I just didn't want to do everything over again and so I never played it since. I suppose no one ever gave Blue Tongue the memo that this isn't how you're supposed to treat players. Next time give us more fucking checkpoints and the ability to save during levels. Either that or severely shorten the levels. I could easily give the game an 8.5, but I meaning more toward a 6.5 as it is. Such a shame, because I love the rest of the game a lot. The music is fantastic, the visuals are extremely pleasant, the controls tight (except for some minor targeting issues).

*sigh* okay I'm gonna try again.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
This hands me yet another dilemma. If I quit now, that means I have to do the entire level (that's more than 2 hours) again. I am not willing to do that, so if I quit now, I will never play the game again. I've become a bit of an achievement whore lately and I got most levels 100%, I really want to finish the game, not just for the achievements of course, but just to be done with the game. I hate leaving games unfinished like this, but right now, I don't want to even look at the game.
Just worth noting, thats actually not true. Even if you quit and turn the system off, you restart a level at your last checkpoint.


The_Technomancer said:
Just worth noting, thats actually not true. Even if you quit and turn the system off, you restart a level at your last checkpoint.
Well I guess that's something. Still, it's needs more checkpoints. I just finished the level btw (100%). I'm not looking forward to the last 2 levels.


Anyone know if the 3DS version is closer to the DS game or the console version?

really wanting to know this info before making a purchase.


Argh, just finished the second level one lightbulb short, and of course it was (in all likelihood) in the building that I transformed at the end! Guess I'll have to replay it completely since I didn't get the "S" rank either (8K points short) :( But other than that, this game is fun and relaxing, and I'm sure it'll get more challenging in the later levels.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
crispyben said:
Argh, just finished the second level one lightbulb short, and of course it was (in all likelihood) in the building that I transformed at the end! Guess I'll have to replay it completely since I didn't get the "S" rank either (8K points short) :( But other than that, this game is fun and relaxing, and I'm sure it'll get more challenging in the later levels.

From what I've seen, it does.
Just out of curiosity, what happens when you run out of time? Do you restart at a checkpoint or do you have to do the entire level from the beginning?


Neuromancer said:
Just out of curiosity, what happens when you run out of time? Do you restart at a checkpoint or do you have to do the entire level from the beginning?
You can choose between these two options actually, I think. I wonder <hat I'm doing wrong since I got hit by the time limit in level 3 even only doing the red objectives, I guess I should paint some buildings along the way too...


God, this game makes players want to hate it so bad it seems. The last few levels are absolute hell and it may be the most frustrating game I have ever played. Demon's Souls never treated players like shit, but a cute colorful game like de Blob seems to want to drive players to suicide.

I just finished the penultimate level...with a goddamn "A" ranking. I did the level just like I did all the other ones and I've always gotten an "S" ranking (you need all S rankings for 100g achievement) but now the game decides that's not good enough and if I want that 100g I'm gonna have to do that clusterfuck of a level all over again. If I finish the game, I'm gonna get like 500g at once, but right now I'm thinking of never ever playing it again. Just thinking about it fills me with rage.

It such a shame, because underneath the thick, dense layer of crusty frustration lies a wonderful game. It's funny too, because if you read reviews of the game, they lead you to believe it's a kiddy game that anyone can finish without problems. I bet they never played past a few levels to begin with.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Was this posted? Digital Foundry 360/PS3 comparison


We often find instances where one version of a particular release has a resolution deficit in comparison with the other and it's usually the Xbox 360 game that has the advantage, but curiously this is not the case with de Blob 2. The PS3 game is clearly operating at native 720p with 2x multi-sampling anti-aliasing (MSAA), while the Xbox 360 version is lower, in the region of 1152x640 (again with 2x MSAA). Owing to the nature of the artwork, the games still look close, but 360 definitely appears blurrier. Bloom-style post-processing on the edges does hide the uglier upscaling artifacts, however.

Performance-wise, there is not much to tell the two games apart. As expected, de Blob 2 operates at 60Hz on both platforms, ensuring smooth and responsive gameplay.

PlayStation 3 also has the advantage in this mode too. The implementation of full HDMI 1.4 means that a full 720p resolution is allocated to each eye, maintaining de Blob 2's pristine look. In contrast, the Xbox 360 game makes do with the same side-by-side 3D implementation seen in Call of Duty: Black Ops, meaning that pixels are horizontally expanded by a factor of 100 per cent when the display renders the image.

If you have a 3DTV, the PlayStation 3 release is a complete no-brainer - buy it, enjoy it and relish the beauty of the stereoscopic support, because it's one of the best 3D games currently available. In the 2D realm, the game is equally playable and enjoyable on either HD console, but again the PlayStation 3 rendition, with its higher-resolution, cleaner visuals, is the one to get.
eXistor said:
It such a shame, because underneath the thick, dense layer of crusty frustration lies a wonderful game. It's funny too, because if you read reviews of the game, they lead you to believe it's a kiddy game that anyone can finish without problems. I bet they never played past a few levels to begin with.
I wonder about this too. Reviews I read made it sound ridiculously easy.

I'm starting to wish I hadn't paid $50 for it, I really wasn't expecting the game to be this frustrating and annoying.
Aren't the PS3 and 360 versions pretty much just straight ports of the Wii game? Pretty shocking that they couldn't even get the 360 version to run in 720p. Of course, if you have a beastly PC then you can run the Wii version in 1080p with super sampling, making the comparison moot anyway :p


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Finally playing it now on PS3. I'll be reviewing it for PALGN.

I gotta say, while the graphics might not be pushing crazy poly counts and what have you, the very clean presentation coupled with the silky smooth framerate is really impressive. Often I'd happily sacrifice technical prowess in favour of performance and IQ, and this is a good example of that.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
nincompoop said:
Aren't the PS3 and 360 versions pretty much just straight ports of the Wii game? Pretty shocking that they couldn't even get the 360 version to run in 720p. Of course, if you have a beastly PC then you can run the Wii version in 1080p with super sampling, making the comparison moot anyway :p
The Wii version has lower draw distance and some people say less filler objects around the levels, and missing effects like the grass shader, so it probably still looks better on HD consoles overall than emulated on PC. Kinda like how Monster Hunter Tri on Wii still looks better than most of the content in Frontier despite the difference in possible resolution, since it has advancements in other areas the PS2 era assets in Frontier don't.
I notice the game saving a bunch times during each level. Does that mean I can turn it off and continue from that point later on?

I'm only asking because this game makes me kind of dizzy after playing for more than 30 minutes and I feel like it would be good to do the levels in pieces since they are so long.

However, I'm worried about turning it off halfway through a level and lose the 30 minutes or so of playing up until that point.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Shiggy said:
Has anyone heard of the TV show again? It's probably as dead as the franchise is now.

THQ hasn't said anything on it, so no idea. It's being headed by SyFy Kids, so it might still be in produciton.

Anyway, my review is up.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
EatChildren said:
THQ hasn't said anything on it, so no idea. It's being headed by SyFy Kids, so it might still be in produciton.

Anyway, my review is up.
Nice review. I disagree somewhat with the linearity of the levels being an improvement though, on the whole I think that the early linear levels were really underwhelming compared to the first game (mostly because they occurred in the main city, and the contrast was so jarring)

Once 2 gets to areas like the Soda Factory though, the linearity isn't a problem at all. Awesome awesome levels.


Never played De Blob before (always meant to get it on Wii). Bought De Blob 2 on a whim for PS3 yesterday.

I played the game with Move on PS3 last night for the first time. About 90 minutes in (completed the first island), and not a single sign of motion or pointer control, outside of menus. Does this game use motion at all? I might ditch using move at this rate.

Also, no sign of wall jumping so far, it's a pretty mundane and ordinary collectathon so far, which was surprising to me.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Criminal Upper said:
It's so retarded how THQ managed to screw up this franchise so hard, when the first game was a surprise seller.

I don't think there was anything they could have done to make the game sell though. A numbered sequel in a non-licensed cartoon platform franchise was never going to sell on the HD platforms, and we all know how terrible the non-Nintendo, non-Just Dance market is on the Wii. The market in 2008, when the original was released, was a lot different to the market in 2011. The 3DS version should do a lot better though.


Criminal Upper said:
It's so retarded how THQ managed to screw up this franchise so hard, when the first game was a surprise seller.
The US commercials they aired were so bizarre. An attractive woman walking down the street, her dress changes colors, then she starts painting things by looking at them, or something. It was bad.
I know this game is technically better than the first one but I'm just not enjoying it as much. I keep taking week long breaks from it between levels and I never did that with the first game.
I don't even know why though? They addressed a lot of my complaints with the first game so I feel like I should be having a better time with it.
Maybe it just wasn't quite different enough to really excite me whereas the first one just came out of nowhere for me?


I beat it last week.

I really enjoyed it. I don't know if I liked it as much as the first game, mainly because they didn't really introduce many new mechanics, and the main mechanic wasn't as fresh this time around.

Still a really enjoyable game, though. Mainly on the strength of that main mechanic. Painting things is just fun. And having the soundtrack be dynamic based on what colours you use really is a stroke of genius. I think the soundtrack was even better this time around. The song in the second last level was fantastic.

Also, the last level totally copying Super Mario Galaxy was a bit weird. Not in a bad way, but not in a fantastic way, either.

I think I got S ranks on all but two levels. Maybe some day I'll go back and get those S ranks, but I don't really care about trophies or anything.

I'd give it an 7/10. On the Edge scale.

It looks like it's bombed too, so if anyone sees it for cheap, I'd highly recommend it. Especially if you haven't played the first one. If you haven't played the first one, bump that score up to a 9/10.
The game is already 9 pounds and I want to jump in.

I have a 360 and a ps3, I will get a move this year but not right now.
So is the move experience good enough to buy the ps3 version or should that not be the decisive factor?
Nabs said:
I thought they just remapped DS3 controls to the Move.
Well just speaking from the vids I saw on the game it really added something to the gameplay because of the "painting" factor, so that is why I posted here.
Wanted to get an option from someone who maybe played it with DS3 and Move and could tell if the move "really" added enough to go with the ps3 version.


Seeing all these positive feedback on the game's motivates me to get it. Will lurk some shops to try and find a copy =)


Got this from Gamefly and have been playing it.

The core of the game is solid, but there are a lot of design decisions that keep it from being great.

My number one complaint with the game is the checkpointing, or lack thereof. You'd think the game would checkpoint after every completed challenge or side-mission, but... it doesn't. If you die because of a mis-timed jump you could lose a LOT of progress, especially if you're in the optional missions portion of a level, where you will basically lose all of your progress if you die or stop playing.

I have some general feel issues, with the game, too - I feel like you move too slowly, more slowly than the first game. While faster movement would be nice, it wouldn't work in the tight city environments... really, to fix this they'd have to basically double the size of the streets and passages to accomodate the camera and additional speed.

Hopefully they get to make a third game and can address some of these problems. Despite he occasional extreme frustration with the checkpoints, it kind of has its claws in me, and I'll be finishing it.


Man, I still need to pick this game up. I loved the first one, yet this one slipped under my radar.


Ravidrath said:
My number one complaint with the game is the checkpointing, or lack thereof. You'd think the game would checkpoint after every completed challenge or side-mission, but... it doesn't. If you die because of a mis-timed jump you could lose a LOT of progress, especially if you're in the optional missions portion of a level, where you will basically lose all of your progress if you die or stop playing.

At least in the Wii version, you can force it to save while doing the optional missions by checking in with your partner, then choosing to stay in the level instead of exiting. They sure didn't make it very obvious though, and I didn't find that out until I started replaying the levels for higher ranks.


Just bought this yesterday for like 10€ at zavvi. Really liked the first one on the Wii and thought it looked good even on that platform. Can't wait to see how this game looks in HD.
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