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Dead Rising 3 PC |OT| 5 frames of FUN per second


Okay so I'm having an issue. There's a mission called Investigating the Pool. I'd like to do it, but my Survivor buddies attack the zombies immediately, and that fails the mission.

Is there anyway to make Survivors not fight?
I actually like Nick, he's so likabley pathetic in everything from the way he talks to women to his nervous conversations with the various psychopaths.

One of the cutscenes for the dungeon psycho has you tripping and I was amused by my huge heels looking to be the culprit. Real time cutscenes are great.


Okay so I'm having an issue. There's a mission called Investigating the Pool. I'd like to do it, but my Survivor buddies attack the zombies immediately, and that fails the mission.

Is there anyway to make Survivors not fight?

leave them at the safe house. They did the same thing to me as well.


Gold Member
You can give the Survivors orders. Tell them to wait somewhere.

On the 360 Pad you have to aim somewhere, then press D-Pad UP and choose "Go There"


I have been having a blast!~

30 FPS, STABLE. It's an ugly game, but the number of zombies parading around is pretty mindblowing. Some absolutely wonderful weapon and vehicle combinations, but I'm also missing the psychopath encounters!

Truthfully, I was so excited about it's reveal on the XBO but never got the console. So just having any version of this in really neat- and it plays better/more stable than what I had seen on the XBO, so I didn't expect much more. It doesn't feel like it was optimized for PC at all, but it works (for some at least, so many PC woes...). What's with all the cutscene framerate drops though?

Chapter 3 still, 10 hours in. What if I don't finish, because I'm just leveling? Is it harsh like in Dead Rising 2?

ALSO. SHARK HEAD MINI SKIRT RAMOS 4EVA. I'm having the best crossdressing zombie killin' adventures ever!

Nocturnal zombies are serious business.

Also, does anyone know if all the DLC is playable in co-op or are they purely single-player?


lmao this ex-boyfriend story beat
i'm dying

this whole game is a joke. please don't try again, blue castle.


I actually like Nick, he's so likabley pathetic in everything from the way he talks to women to his nervous conversations with the various psychopaths.

One of the cutscenes for the dungeon psycho has you tripping and I was amused by my huge heels looking to be the culprit. Real time cutscenes are great.
This might be my favorite Dead Rising because it's easy AND I like Nick as well. He's a likeable wimp/tough guy.

I hope you guys can cut me some slack in terms of difficulty I'm getting too old to remember everything ;)
So the performance sucks?
What about it running at 60fps, is it playable?
I'm 40-50s just fine. I was 60 most of the time in the beginning but later the zombie hordes get massive. I still haven't dropped under 40 in Chapter 4. It's quite playable and better than Xbox One if your rig is good.
You can give the Survivors orders. Tell them to wait somewhere.

On the 360 Pad you have to aim somewhere, then press D-Pad UP and choose "Go There"
I didn't know you could do this. Come to think of it, I think this is how you do it in the older ones isn't it?
leave them at the safe house. They did the same thing to me as well.
That's a good idea, but I just kept using "Follow" (Right, then Up on the D-Pad) til they followed me behind the pool. Getting them behind me prevented them from attacking them.
Yeah, Nick is great. I immediately started liking him more after the
boss fight after he flexes and looks a little conflicted.


So what happened with all the Smart Glass stuff?

It doesn't look like my mic can attract or scare zombies, order Survivors around.
It also looks like I can't unlock the Wi Break U Fix safehouse (something like that).
I'm mostly focusing on story and psycho missions, but I'm at the last day and I'm still in chapter 4. I'm going to restart the game, aren't I?


Those are Xbox One-exclusive features. PC's not getting it.
Ah, that's a shame.
I'm mostly focusing on story and psycho missions, but I'm at the last day and I'm still in chapter 4. I'm going to restart the game, aren't I?

I'm not in the same boat as I have more time, but I'm worried now. I'm at
side mission: Investigate the Recycling Depot, and Main Mission: Get to Central Storage. I just finished getting Dwayne a grenade, shotgun, shield, and handgun,
and I have 3 days and 21 hours. Problem is the side mission is across the map and Main Mission is right here. I'm wondering if I should just focus on the main mission at this point. I'm having a blast doing as many missions as possible, but I'd rather not fail.

Any ideas anyone? Do I still have plenty of time for all side and main missions or should I just hoof it through the main missions?
I'd like to know this as well.

No separate sandbox mode, but it's not really needed considering how ridiculously lax the time limit is anyway. You can use chapter select to go to specific points in the story, and then just fuck around to your heart's content. Only issue with that is safehouses have to be cleared out again, and survivors don't carry over.
Yep, I was in the middle (probably toward the end) of chapter 5 when I run out of time. I'd say Nightmare mode really doesn't give you much time compared to the old games. I beat DR1 restarting the game a bunch of times when I was at the beginning, and I beat DR2 and DR2OTR without restarting once. This while also doing a decent amount of side missions. Here i basically ignored most side content beside psycho missions, exploring a bit but not much, and this is what I got.

Now I have to restart the game :/


Played the game for 19 hours after rolling back to the old Nvidia drivers and the game crashed once.

Unlocked framerate, max settings @ 1080. 60fps almost all time on a 4770k + 780ti..

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
I just had one of the weirdest bugs I've ever seen. I triggered a cut-scene and the game started rewinding back a second every second so it was consistently going back-and-forth but still made enough progress to finish the cut scene. When it was over the game resumed to normal.

What was even weirder was that the frame-rate was smooth throughout.



Finished the game in normal mode after about 20 fun hours and I really enjoyed it. The story was kinda cheesy and awkward but maybe I didn't get everything since I haven't played DR1/DR2/OTR (yet?).

Performance was obviously quite the desaster with framedrops everywhere and I also had three crashes but it wasn't too bad and I got used to it after a while.

Now I wonder if and how I can continue playing? "Continue" is greyed out in the menu, all I can do is rewind to a chapter or start a new game. Will my progress (skills, blueprints, unlocked save houses, cars etc etc) carry over? I don't wanna lose it so I figured I'd ask here first before I overwrite my progress or sth.
I realize that this may be some people's first Dead Rising, so here's some protips (the game is piss easy compared to the previous ones so they aren't that useful) :
1 - Survivors have infinite ammo so guns are kinda OP with them, don't be afraid to use them to fuck up with bosses' agro, aim with LT and place them in range of the boss, they'll mow him down while you hit him. This was really useful in DR1&2 to deal with difficult bosses (that goddamn chef), not so useful in DR3 normal mode, might be worth a try in nightmare.
This was also a problem in DR1&2, I don't know if it carried on in DR3 : don't give your survivors shotguns. The AI waits for zombies to get close when they have them, problem is they quickly get overwhelmed and switch to hitting zombies with the gun instead of shooting. Give them automatic weapons instead
2 - Containers have stuff in them (crates, duffel bags, briefcases, baggages, plastic bins, garbage bins etc.). Just take it and throw it on the ground (or knee drop it but the recovery is pretty bad). Highest % of drops are handguns and food. It used to be pretty ridiculous in past games (get survivor -> go to toilets -> knee drop trash can -> get handgun -> give handgun to survivors). I always shrugged that off as 'murica, so much guns everywhere there's pistols in every trash can.
3 - This is less relevant in DR3 than it was in DR1&2. Don't be afraid to do a little parkour, good items are often hiddens there (again less relevant since in this game you don't need to scavenge for good weapons to make combos etc.)
4 - If you find a blueprint, requirements to make said weapon are 99% of the time near/next to it.

Finished the game in normal mode after about 20 fun hours and I really enjoyed it. The story was kinda cheesy and awkward but maybe I didn't get everything since I haven't played DR1/DR2/OTR (yet?).

Performance was obviously quite the desaster with framedrops everywhere and I also had three crashes but it wasn't too bad and I got used to it after a while.

Now I wonder if and how I can continue playing? "Continue" is greyed out in the menu, all I can do is rewind to a chapter or start a new game. Will my progress (skills, blueprints, unlocked save houses, cars etc etc) carry over? I don't wanna lose it so I figured I'd ask here first before I overwrite my progress or sth.

NG+ is in the game so unless there's a specific button prompt for that it should carry over. Haven't done it though so you might want to wait for someone to confirm.


I'm thinking of not using the DLC weapons. Most Psychos I've killed with the minigun and that's pretty boring to just stand in one spot and shoot them to death.

The electro staff (battery and stop light) is OP. It's not DLC but it's my go to weapon when out in the zombie fields.

I also can resurrect Followers and can have 3 currently, soon 5 I think. Rediculious.

This game isn't hard and frankly barely fun. It really is no DR1-2. The only thing it does improve on is the Followers AI. 1's followers were brain dead. 2's were better but not by much. 3 at least they can fight and take a hit and run away as needed.

My hope for the future is a DR1 reboot/remake and released on PC (as I no longer own X-products)
I haven't touched the weapons locker aside from pulling out the minigun to see what it would do (I dropped it after a brief test). That's the single most broken part of the game, infinitely worse than the Knife Gloves in DR2


Man, chapter 8 seems poorly designed.
I really have to drive around the entire world map and shoot down tons of these drones with a time limit!?

I went into it last night with nothing but melee weapons thinking it'd be a normal boss fight... :(

I restarted the chapter and filled my inventory with some combo weapon guns. Maybe it'll be better when I give it a shot tonight.

Also, end of chapter 7 spoilers:
Chuck Greenes showing up was just great!
Looks like he's had a rough life since DR2...

And the reveal that Annie is actually Katie Greene! MIND BLOWN!

I'm glad they were able to reference previous games so well without relying on Frank West.


just manged to play it on my laptop
frames are crazy , 10 -15 FPS
everything is off
no sky ( its black )
i got GTX660m 2 GB
i7 3730mq 2.4 GHz
8 GB Ram
i like the game but i really wish capcpom would stop outsourcing their games, each time they've done it i found the next game to be worse than the last (DR1 -> DR2&3, LP2->LP3, DMC4 -> DmC)


Last time I played it I was able to play for a good 2 or so hours with 0 issues ( no crashes, no fps drops, smooth)
Did nothing difference compared to the first time were I got constant fps drops ( I didn't activate fraps, that might be it)

But the game is great, a lot of fun. The vehicles are fund ot use, amount of zombies is rediculous and even when I am running over 50 or 60 zombies and still see hundreds around me with 0 FPS drops and such, really is a great experience.

The weapons are fun to use, the combat is thankfully less repetitive than the first 2 games ( more combos) and it filled with hilarious weapons to use or craft, as you expect.

Heck the driving physics in the game are better than the crew...

Kinda miss the mall from the first two though...
I do wish the game had some foresty/small countryside area, night of the living dead style.

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I haven't touched the weapons locker aside from pulling out the minigun to see what it would do (I dropped it after a brief test). That's the single most broken part of the game, infinitely worse than the Knife Gloves in DR2

Yeah I refuse to make use of that. The game is easy enough as is, especially with a negligible time limit and no psycho fights.


Man, Ch.3 goes on foreeeeever.

Also the Albert fight is freaking terrible. And game is starting to get a bit repetitive with all the fetch quests now that I've got most of the collectibles so there's not much to distract along the way.

Still like it, but seems like the weakest DR by a good margin.


Can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to do the QTEs in boss fights?

I'm playing with a controller, and the button prompt comes up for the left stick, but I can't tell what they want me to do with it. It's popped up in the
fight and the
cop lady
fight so far, but I haven't seen this specific prompt outside of boss fights. Do I rotate the stick? I've tried clockwise and counterclockwise to no avail. Do I rock it back and forth. I tried that and the bar moved a little bit, but it never goes far enough before the QTE ends and I take damage. Maybe I'm just supposed to shake the stick rapidly in random directions?

I'm generally not a fan of QTEs, but ones that have ambiguous input requirements just baffle me that they end up in final products. Luckily there's so much health around in these fights that taking damage isn't really a big deal.


Can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to do the QTEs in boss fights?

I'm playing with a controller, and the button prompt comes up for the left stick, but I can't tell what they want me to do with it. It's popped up in the
fight and the
cop lady
fight so far, but I haven't seen this specific prompt outside of boss fights. Do I rotate the stick? I've tried clockwise and counterclockwise to no avail. Do I rock it back and forth. I tried that and the bar moved a little bit, but it never goes far enough before the QTE ends and I take damage. Maybe I'm just supposed to shake the stick rapidly in random directions?

I'm generally not a fan of QTEs, but ones that have ambiguous input requirements just baffle me that they end up in final products. Luckily there's so much health around in these fights that taking damage isn't really a big deal.

I'm not sure. I was fighting the
Organ Doctor Psycho
and whenever it came up I failed the QTE. Luckily you don't have to get near him so I was able to avoid it on my third try.

Another boss had it happen and I rotated both sticks rapidly and that seemed to break me out.

But I still don't know what I did that time compared to the last time besides using both sticks, or even if the right stick is necessary.

Either way, try both sticks.


Can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to do the QTEs in boss fights?

I'm playing with a controller, and the button prompt comes up for the left stick, but I can't tell what they want me to do with it. It's popped up in the
fight and the
cop lady
fight so far, but I haven't seen this specific prompt outside of boss fights. Do I rotate the stick? I've tried clockwise and counterclockwise to no avail. Do I rock it back and forth. I tried that and the bar moved a little bit, but it never goes far enough before the QTE ends and I take damage. Maybe I'm just supposed to shake the stick rapidly in random directions?

I'm generally not a fan of QTEs, but ones that have ambiguous input requirements just baffle me that they end up in final products. Luckily there's so much health around in these fights that taking damage isn't really a big deal.
You're supposed to flick your left analog stick left and right rapidly.
I honestly cannot comprehend what Capcom Vancouver / Blue Castle was thinking when they made Dead Rising 3. DR2 was decent enough all things considering, but there's so many glaring mistakes put forth in 3 - gameplay pitfalls that both the original game and 2 avoided - that it feels more like a fangame created by the infamous Ubisoft's School of Open-World Design. It also doesn't help that Nick Ramos is an unlikeable whimp, that every other character involved is a douchebag of varying degrees, that there are numerous tonal shifts with the self-serious melodrama and that the game consistenly belittles you with its notifications about various (often meaningless) objectives or with snarky remarks about (HEAVEN FORBID) you wearing a funny outfit.

What the fuck happened with Dead Rising?

Man, chapter 8 seems poorly designed.
If you thought the main storyline campaign was badly designed already (which it is), have I got news for you about the Untold Story episodes.


I honestly cannot comprehend what Capcom Vancouver / Blue Castle was thinking when they made Dead Rising 3. DR2 was decent enough all things considering, but there's so many glaring mistakes put forth in 3 - gameplay pitfalls that both the original game and 2 avoided - that it feels more like a fangame created by the infamous Ubisoft's School of Open-World Design. It also doesn't help that Nick Ramos is an unlikeable whimp, that every other character involved is a douchebag of varying degrees, that there are numerous tonal shifts with the self-serious melodrama and that the game consistenly belittles you with its notifications about various (often meaningless) objectives or with snarky remarks about (HEAVEN FORBID) you wearing a funny outfit.

What the fuck happened with Dead Rising?
It's certainly not as good as the previous games, but I'm still having fun with Dead Rising 3. I think part of the problem is that they may have rushed the game in order to get it out for the Xbox One launch.

If you thought the main storyline campaign was badly designed already (which it is), have I got news for you about the Untold Story episodes.
Nightmare Mode sounds terrible due to the fact that save points are not marked on the map! (WTF)

I still want to play it to get the X Buster tho.
It's certainly not as good as the previous games, but I'm still having fun with Dead Rising 3. I think part of the problem is that they may have rushed the game in order to get it out for the Xbox One launch.
"Rushed" is not the first thing that comes to mind when I look at Dead Rising 3. Everything that they've done to mix up the formula is to foolishly chase after a bigger demographic, i.e. the crowd that likes Assassin's Creed / Far Cry 3 (for example) for their pointless busybody work and to satiate this need to tick off a checkbox for the ludicrous amount of trivial side-activities. It's a concious decision made by the devs and to say 3 is nowhere near as good as 1 or to a lesser extent 2 is an understatement in itself.

You mindlessly kill some zombies with absolutely no pressure involved. That's all this game is suited for.

Nightmare Mode sounds terrible due to the fact that save points are not marked on the map! (WTF)

I still want to play it to get the X Buster tho.
Not only due to the lack of save point indicators on your mini-map, but because the episodes intentionally go out of their way to delay your progression in the most artificial, inelegant ways possible. Important passages that were previously open (including the god damn central bridge) are completely locked off just so you end up cruisin' along on the longest path imaginable towards the next errand boy mission, to hide the fact just how low on content they are. No psychopaths and not allowed to play dress-up either, in conjunction with abysmal "mission" scenarios.


The worst part of the fetch quests are the ones where they are like "Go get these items" then you do it and then they're like "And go get these items too" and you have to go fetch again.



Is the 2nd half of the game much shorter than the first half? Because I just finished Ch.3 and I'm at almost 14 hours already. Been doing a lot of collectible hunting and all of the sidequests though. Just feels really longer, Ch.3 took me like 3 days irl to get through because it had so many sidequests and main quests before it ended.

Enjoying it, but with most of the blueprints found and weapons/vehicles made at this point I'm hoping it doesn't go on for another 10-12 hours. DR1 & 2 were like 8-10 hour games each run iirc.


Is the 2nd half of the game much shorter than the first half?
I had the same question. I still don't know for sure, but yesterday I was playing coop with someone who beat the Xbox version several times and he kept assuring me I have time to mess around. Maybe not with all the collectibles, but time to do all the missions plus some exploring and fighting. Haven't beat it myself, but maybe the last few chapters are condensed. I have 3 days left and I'm near chapter 5.

Chapter 3 and 4 have some fetch quests that take you all over the map, so a coop partner drastically cuts down the time. The entire map is fair game and you can do at least some missions all at the same time.
Is the 2nd half of the game much shorter than the first half? Because I just finished Ch.3 and I'm at almost 14 hours already. Been doing a lot of collectible hunting and all of the sidequests though. Just feels really longer, Ch.3 took me like 3 days irl to get through because it had so many sidequests and main quests before it ended.

Enjoying it, but with most of the blueprints found and weapons/vehicles made at this point I'm hoping it doesn't go on for another 10-12 hours. DR1 & 2 were like 8-10 hour games each run iirc.

There's a couple of chapters that are really really quick to get through.
Am i the only person who thinks this game is generally pretty good looking? I'm playing it at 1080p (both resolution and render) and maxed out with FXAA, looks incredible IMO. Especially love some of the reflections and lighting effects. Granted, this game doesn't look like Crysis 3 - but for the amount of things that are on screen at any given time i think it looks visually pretty good.

However, i usually get anywhere from 20-30fps on my HD7950 boost and i5 2500k. It's playable, but i'd like a little more on the framefront. Turning the render down to 720p doesn't actually help my FPS much at all like some people have claimed it would, and it's literally the ugliest blurriest mess on 720p so i wouldn't play it that way even if i had to.
Am i the only person who thinks this game is generally pretty good looking? I'm playing it at 1080p (both resolution and render) and maxed out with FXAA, looks incredible IMO. Especially love some of the reflections and lighting effects. Granted, this game doesn't look like Crysis 3 - but for the amount of things that are on screen at any given time i think it looks visually pretty good.

However, i usually get anywhere from 20-30fps on my HD7950 boost and i5 2500k. It's playable, but i'd like a little more on the framefront. Turning the render down to 720p doesn't actually help my FPS much at all like some people have claimed it would, and it's literally the ugliest blurriest mess on 720p so i wouldn't play it that way even if i had to.

Subsurface scattering is the biggest performance hit.

Also, I agree. It's beautiful for the type of game it is, a huge jump from previous games visually.


Not only due to the lack of save point indicators on your mini-map, but because the episodes intentionally go out of their way to delay your progression in the most artificial, inelegant ways possible. Important passages that were previously open (including the god damn central bridge) are completely locked off just so you end up cruisin' along on the longest path imaginable towards the next errand boy mission, to hide the fact just how low on content they are.
I'm glad the map changes. I mean if we're striving for a zombie apocalypse it makes sense for new things happening and having things destroyed or altered, especially in the context of the story.

There's an argument to be made for lack of variation in quests or too much map traversal on the quests, but the game probably still has more content than the older ones despite that.


I still can't play DR3 for more than 5-10 minutes before the game hard crashes. Such a shame, it really seems like dumb fun.

*Continues to wait for patch* :(


Am i the only person who thinks this game is generally pretty good looking? I'm playing it at 1080p (both resolution and render) and maxed out with FXAA, looks incredible IMO. Especially love some of the reflections and lighting effects. Granted, this game doesn't look like Crysis 3 - but for the amount of things that are on screen at any given time i think it looks visually pretty good.

However, i usually get anywhere from 20-30fps on my HD7950 boost and i5 2500k. It's playable, but i'd like a little more on the framefront. Turning the render down to 720p doesn't actually help my FPS much at all like some people have claimed it would, and it's literally the ugliest blurriest mess on 720p so i wouldn't play it that way even if i had to.

Im playing at 720p max settings (720p game render) and i think it looks great. Im on a 42" Plasma around 6feet away and am happy with it, running at 60fps locked too. No crashes for me either.

The game is a ton of fun especially co-op with a mate.
Subsurface scattering is the biggest performance hit.

Also, I agree. It's beautiful for the type of game it is, a huge jump from previous games visually.

I just tried playing with the subsurface scattering. My fps actually dropped by about 3fps when i turned it off. Such a weird fucking port.


Subsurface scattering is the biggest performance hit.

Also, I agree. It's beautiful for the type of game it is, a huge jump from previous games visually.
Add me onto that list. What other open world game has 300+ moving enemies plus tons of interactable items on this scale?

GTA? Red Dead? Prototype? Um, no!

Dead Rising doesn't get a fair shake.
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