Black Republican
hope you guys enjoy, it was a really fun game for me, a solid 8/10 experience with some of best sandbox gameplay in a Dead Rising game imo
I found a cool mod that adds a depth of field effect and comes with a nice sweetfx preset
Before and After
The second half is shorter, but you still have a ways to go with how much you have to travel from one end of the map to the absolute opposite side. It makes for a longer experience than DR1 and 2 in an incredibly drawn-out fashion.Is the 2nd half of the game much shorter than the first half? Because I just finished Ch.3 and I'm at almost 14 hours already. Been doing a lot of collectible hunting and all of the sidequests though. Just feels really longer, Ch.3 took me like 3 days irl to get through because it had so many sidequests and main quests before it ended.
Enjoying it, but with most of the blueprints found and weapons/vehicles made at this point I'm hoping it doesn't go on for another 10-12 hours. DR1 & 2 were like 8-10 hour games each run iirc.
I'd be all for map changes if done properly, except those in the episodes are not. These map changes weren't around for the main campaign (read: lack signs of having been around previously) and simply don't make sense in its own timeline in some cases, or they don't let you open a door that looks completely untouched (without being barricaded by other means either) just so they can force to delay you by moving around the backside and jumping on a truck in order to reach the roof. At which point you're presented the following because even the developers know their map design is shit:I'm glad the map changes. I mean if we're striving for a zombie apocalypse it makes sense for new things happening and having things destroyed or altered, especially in the context of the story.
There's an argument to be made for lack of variation in quests or too much map traversal on the quests, but the game probably still has more content than the older ones despite that.
I'd be all for map changes if done properly, except those in the episodes are not. These map changes weren't around for the main campaign (read: lack signs of having been around previously) and simply don't make sense in its own timeline in some cases, or they don't let you open a door that looks completely untouched (without being barricaded by other means either) just so they can force to delay you by moving around the backside and jumping on a truck in order to reach the roof. At which point you're presented the following because even the developers know their map design is shit:
Also, claiming it has more content than the older games is a redundant thing to say. The majority of DR3's content is the same fetchquest formula repeated ad nauseum throughout an entire playthrough, and the blueprints has dozens of slight variations of existing combo weapons. It's an inflated game and that's without mentioning the multitude of pointless collectibles.
What fucking antagonists? The military presenceThey're blocking the areas BECAUSE THE VARIOUS ANTAGONISTS DON'T WANT YOU THERE.
The map changes due to context of the story, do you complain when things or places change in every game or movie or what?
Oh look the terrorists shot out the glass in Die Hard and John McClane has no shoes. Let's make the glass disappear so he can just walk past because I said so!
You know what, you're right. Terrible game. Context is useless. I'm just wrong. Thanks man. It's so bad compared to part 1. I'm getting a refund. Inafune forever.What fucking antagonists? The military presence, the gigantic concrete god damn blocks on the bigger middle bridge connecting all the cities weren't there whenpractically crumbled entirely during the episode in question (thanks to Nick)and I sincerely doubt rogue bikers (who are the only ones out to give you trouble) had the means to spawn obstacles larger than anything seen prior. While on fire. And what about the pristine door; did the guy who summoned my assistance for his hacking mission deliberately shut me out, even though he had the means and weaponry to kill any amount of zombies that set foot inside his own frikkin' building?their chain of command WASN'T utterly defunct
There are even doorways that were never locked off by anyone or anything in the main campaign now suddenly inaccessible (always the shorter paths to an objective), nor did said passages have any relation to the actions of the opposing faction of a given episode, all for conveniently padding out the Untold Stories for what little content they truly possess.
Take your condescending tone elsewhere. There is no appropriate context.
Probably this one.
Hello Community,
First of all, the team here at Capcom would like to thank you for your patience and support many of you have provided in the original bug report thread.
Without further ado, the first patch rolling out today will address the following issues:
Fixed an issue which caused game progress to not save or load correctly when Steam Cloud is enabled.
Fixed an issue which made it impossible to select native resolutions on some video card / monitor setups.
Fixed an issue which was causing the game to not shut down properly.
10mb patch released:
Also I hit lvl.50 but I'm still gaining XP towards the next level on the bar? But the stat says 294,000 PP out of 250,000 to next level. To get the rest of the stats can I still gain levels through PP experience? Or do I just gain attribute points at the end of each chapter now? I'm early in chapter 6 currently, so would only get the ch.6/7/overtime completion attribute points left and I need about 15-20 to complete all my stats.
There's a select few psychopaths who killed people, but there's a mere three that come to mind: the all-you-can-eat lady sporking some fool, the organ doctor and it's only implied with the monk dude. *shrug*In DR3, a whole bunch of the psychopaths haven't killed anyone. They're just crazy people who get pissed at Nick and try to kill him. Feels less interesting to fight than the totally insane psychopaths from DR1 & DR2.
Also I hit lvl.50 but I'm still gaining XP towards the next level on the bar? But the stat says 294,000 PP out of 250,000 to next level. To get the rest of the stats can I still gain levels through PP experience? Or do I just gain attribute points at the end of each chapter now? I'm early in chapter 6 currently, so would only get the ch.6/7/overtime completion attribute points left and I need about 15-20 to complete all my stats.
In DR3, a whole bunch of the psychopaths haven't killed anyone. They're just crazy people who get pissed at Nick and try to kill him. Feels less interesting to fight than the totally insane psychopaths from DR1 & DR2.
Hell, Dick needed more screen-time if anything. Nick was a push-over for the majority of the game and Rhonda... Forced romance with out-of-nowhere melodrama surrounding her ex, whilst also dismissive of Nick's actions / decisions even though he's bailing everyone out, coupled with insults towards illegals (which could've been an interesting angle if executed correctly) and "stupid-ass" museums among other things? I just wanted to feed her to the could say that for almost every character in the game, the only ones that i feel really "belong" in a dead rising game are nick, rhonda and maybe dick
every survivor that you meet acts like a crazy person "hey sir can you bring me fuel for my RV ? oops nvm killed myself" "hey, let's tour some shops minion" "bring me 5 rotten hands so i can eat them". in dead rising 1&2 most survivors were looking for safety and you had a few who had a warped sense of priorities (like the dude looking for nice pictures in DR1 or the diva in DR2), when every survivor you meet acts like a crazy person it 1) soften the impact 2) you only end up doing stupid fetch quests or other crap like that
then there's the illegals which feel like baby's first edgy character, i don't know what's wrong with some western devs but i find that this is just horrible character design right up there with donte&co. and the majority of the watch doge cast
of course this is 100% my personal opinion and then again i'm a danboy of the series so maybe i just care too much
To be fair, on max settings Dead Rising 3 does have its moments where the graphics hold up nicely. For starters, the dynamic lighting provides some cool visuals even if the game is a little heavy on the contrast and the character models usually are far from bad in cutscenes. Poor performance notwithstanding, it's of better overall quality than I'd expect from a game filled to the brim with zombies unlike any other open-world title.Lowering the shadows really helped me with the framerate. Game doesn't look great either way but I wish I didn't have to lower them.
Not really. IIRC said person is involved at the tail end of the dlc, but that particular element was 100% pulled from the ass of some overworked writer in canada for a last min "OMGZ TEH SHOCKERZ" moment that fell flat for pretty much everyone.DR1&3 spoilers
how come isabella is working with the bad guys ? does it have to do with the case west DLC in DR2 ? i haven't played it, can someone sum it up ?
Not really. IIRC said person is involved at the tail end of the dlc, but that particular element was 100% pulled from the ass of some overworked writer in canada for a last min "OMGZ TEH SHOCKERZ" moment that fell flat for pretty much everyone.
Not really. IIRC said person is involved at the tail end of the dlc, but that particular element was 100% pulled from the ass of some overworked writer in canada for a last min "OMGZ TEH SHOCKERZ" moment that fell flat for pretty much everyone.
I haven't finished the game but read that spoiler anyway as the story has been so utterly fucking dull I didn't care about spoilers. But damn that stupid.was working with Frank to try and stop the outbreak, that's just retarded.Isabella
there's a .bin unpacker/repacker now, FOV mods are possible if anyone cares anymore
Link? The FOV when running (like 75% of the game) is turrible.
Took me roughly 28 hours and pretty much 100%'d the game, getting every main game cheevo but like 3 (the huge zed killers and a few others). On to the DLC!
Also for anyone worrying about the "time limit", I'd like to reiterate that I had just over a full day left on the clock despite the above. Yeah...
Not to mention if you have narcolepsy or something and fall asleep with the game on, you can reset to any chapter at any time to get more time on the clock.
So yeah...if you're one of those people who wouldn't play a dead rising game without it ripping out the heart and soul of the series' systems and pissing on it to the point it's a laughable irrelevancy, this is definitely the game for you.
The worst part about the map, aside of the multitude of insignificant blockades that only serve to make vehicular traversal more cumbersome than it needs to be only to shamelessly extend the game length, is that the save points aren't even marked on the mini-map. Not necessarily a big deal on the standard difficulty since there are auto-save checkpoints, plenty of safehouses as well as a manual save option from within the start menu (all of 'em being dubious "improvements"), but it further exposes Nightmare Mode for the shallow and imbalanced afterthought that it is truly is.The map was ok, but fairly generic and boring and the worst part is even when you memorized it all in your head, it never flowed we'll like DR1 & DR2's maps. In those games when doing quests later on after you got used to the map you'd find more efficient ways of getting from point A to point B quickly. Here, there's no shortcut, it always tedious driving.
You're going to hate yourself for pushing through with the DLC episodes.Took me roughly 28 hours and pretty much 100%'d the game, getting every main game cheevo but like 3 (the huge zed killers and a few others). On to the DLC!
Link? The FOV when running (like 75% of the game) is turrible.
Welcome to the entire game's "mission" design, DLC or otherwise.Holy frank west the third dlc is awful. The first one was completely mediocre, the second just okay at best, and now this third one is just offensively bad. "Uh hey go get me some whiskey", "uh hey go get me some bikes", etc. Even the collectables suck ass. "Hey it's not like there's any more cops to answer anyways!", proclaims hunter. Okay, SO WHY THE FUCK AM I DESTROYING THEM?! Not to mention the awful, shameless padding that is the bike sidequest, which is basically you driving to points on the map and driving back to the same place over and over and over again. Bloody Disgusting gave this dlc a 1/10 and thought he was being generous. After playing this piece of shit, im inclined to agree. What a fucking waste of time this is, good god...
I feel bad for anyone who bought the season pass and had to pay for this garbage, fuck...
Welcome to the entire game's "mission" design, DLC or otherwise.
Yep. Not to mention it's entirely pointless anyways as mc admits he's only really doing it to get the drop on him despite having the drop on them the entire time before he asked mc to do it...Also, fun fact about that whiskey bottle fetchquest. If you already picked one up (since there's so many of them) on the way over to meeting the gang leader, you're still forced to run around retrieving another identical bottle a good 300 - 400 metres away. Capcom Vancouver really is shameless.
So, has performance been patched/improved since release? I really want to play this, but I'm waiting for it to become stable.
The general nature of the quests nor the collectibles in the DLC episodes hasn't changed all that much from the main campaign though; there's always an abundance of doodads scattered about with at least one type requiring some degree of scavenging or platforming akin to the Frank statues, there's always one type waiting to be destroyed so the only real outlier here is the prevalence of survivors in the primary storyline flimsily masking just how many frivulous fetchquests there always have been all along. You already pointed it out that the game implies they're somewhat proficient at defending themselves, plus it's made worse by them being turned into nutjobs who aren't too far off from the psychopaths you do end up fighting rather than the average Joes who previously could barely scrape by. Never mind that there is no additional flavor post-rescue to keep you on your toes and rarely is there anything on the line other than giving the cold shoulder to their notion of self-importance if you don't bring someone his tarrot cards or if you don't participate in helping an ignoramus blow himself up, making it even more of a paperthin distraction.*snip*
You probably wouldn't even be able to harm Spider if I were to guess; in the main campaign I accidentally swung at a storyline NPC before and my flame sword just went right through said character as if no one was even in front of me.It really makes me want to replay it up to completing that quest to see what happens if I just shoot his ass with any one of the tenthousand guns laying around both in the police station where the story starts or on the way there, lol...
Capcom PR on Steam forums said:Hello Dead Rising fans,
First and foremost, Id like to thank all of you for your patience and tons of helpful feedback youve provided while the dev team worked on resolving the crashing issues.
The team has been working very closely with NVidia to find solutions to the crashes that have been affecting certain Nvidia users, and now we are happy to announce that the new 344.11 WHQL driver released today should address most of these problems.
Well follow up with additional details soon, but in the meantime please update to the latest driver linked below and give DR3 another spin. It is also highly recommended that you restart Windows upon installation to ensure proper driver initialization.
Direct download links:
344.11 WHQL drivers[] for Optmus/laptop users
344.11 WHQL drivers[] for discrete Nvidia GT/GTX cards
Note: the new driver set also includes an updated version of GeForce Experience (Version which now recognizes Dead Rising 3 and includes optimized settings/profile for the graphics chip.
Laptop users: please ensure Dead Rising 3 is utilizing the Nvidia chip through NVIDIA Control Panel.
Open NVIDIA Control Panel and select Manage 3D settings in the left window pane.
In the right window, select the Program Settings tab
Select or Add Dead Rising 3 (deadrising3.exe) from the pull-down menu
Select either Use global setting (Auto-select: NVIDIA GPU) or High-performance NVIDIA processor
Click the Apply button and close the NVIDIA Control Panel.
Thank you,