On chapter 7, thoughts so far:
- the graphics. They are insane, particularly the lighting effects. Some of the texture work in the
is very detailed. Runs at a locked 60fps on my mid-end 2009 PC.
- little improvements made to the gameplay. As someone's video review put it earlier, it's the little things that add up to make it feel so much more refined. I'm particularly loving the new GPS indicator that will tell you where save stations and stores are - great idea.
- Zero G, it's so improved that I feel you could almost spin it out into its own game, like Dark Void but not crap.
- the set pieces. Some of them have been absolutely incredible, easily as good as God of War 3. My mouth actually opened at some points.
- the atmosphere plus creepiness. The game is darker than its predecessor (although maybe it's because I cranked down the brightness a bit). I love it when you can hear the enemies but not see them, and then suddenly they leap at you when you shine the flashlight on them - these parts really owe themselves to the excellent sound design. Also, Visceral, you guys are fucking sick! Exploding babies and kicking around necro children's dismembered heads, wtf.
Not liking as much:
- the normal difficulty level. It's way too easy so far. I almost always have a ton of ammo so it breaks a bit of the unnerving nature of the game.
- lots of cheap deaths from 'mine' necromorphs. They are tricky to see sometimes and a one hit kill at low health.
- the linearity of the game. I don't remember Dead Space being this linear, although maybe they just masked it with slower pacing (this is balls to the wall by comparison). I also remember Dead Space had a minor 'hub section', plus back tracking parts that created the illusion of some freedom.
- the story isn't as good as the original. There is a lot less intrigue, less interesting objectives, and the game is pretty much a point A to point B journey (a good one though). I've not run into as many audio logs either.