LabouredSubterfuge said:
I made the mistake of whomping my money on the Advanced Suit. The fact that I made this decision meant that beating the boss on Survivalist diffculty became a near impossibilty does not speak well to the design decisions at the end of the game.
Surely game design 101 teaches you that infinite respawn enemies in a game that values asset management is a fucking bad idea. What made Visceral think it was a good idea all of a sudden?
Once you enter the EarthGov sector...basically run from bad guys as much as you can, particularly at the end when the Regerator is chasing your ass.
So here's my Hardcore Fail Log
Death #1 - Right at the beginning when you have to run in the escape jacket. Turned right when I should have went left. : / Somehow, my brain turned
"Don't fuck up once!" into...
"Hey, remember the part you've played three times before and did it right?, do it wrong."
Death #2 - Getting the stasis module. I thought I was a bad ass and didn't need to stasis a second time. Turns out...
Death #3 - End of the train sequence. The regular necros were no big deal with the Force Gun equipped and using TK to impale guys, as well as using Stasis. I forgot to switch to plasma cutter when the brute popped. Splash damage, not so effective against the brute it seems.
I've played the game three times and now working through a fourth playthrough on Hardcore is really, really fun and definitely adds some new anxiety to the game. Frustrating but good.
I can't help but think it's going to be A-1 fuckin' hard until I get some momentum built with power nodes and upgrades and long as I play smart and don't take really shouldn't be too impossible.
Die Squirrel Die said:
Hardcore save no3. Near the end of chapter 10. Not as far as I'd like but it's too late, I need rest.
Good luck man. The last five chapters aren't really THAT much of a grind and they feel pretty short.
You're gonna feel like a king when you beat it though.