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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
What is better - Ripper or Javelin? I have to decide which one is to be bought.

Also what is the best tactic against fast wall-crawling dudes? They're supper-annoying and only stasis seem to work for now.


Nork unification denier
subversus said:
What is better - Ripper or Javelin? I have to decide which one is to be bought.

Also what is the best tactic against fast wall-crawling dudes? They're supper-annoying and only stasis seem to work for now.

Unless you have good aim under pressure, the Ripper is better by far. Even when it's not powered up it can still kill most things quite effectively.

Let the wall-crawlers come to you - hold out a Ripper, rinse and repeat. If it's those things with the three arms, force gun usually works pretty well.


subversus said:
What is better - Ripper or Javelin? I have to decide which one is to be bought.

Also what is the best tactic against fast wall-crawling dudes? They're supper-annoying and only stasis seem to work for now.
Crawlers (lizard-like) or Lurkers (3 tentacles)?

Either one can be dispatched easily with line gun.


Found this on the Dead Space Wiki yesterday.


Disturbing or disturbingly hot? :p
Captain_Spanky said:
34 surely?
correct mon capitan.

Pancho said:
Not that I'm the BEST GAMER EVAR but I don't get how some people have trouble with Stalkers.
On hardcore mode you'd be surprised how scared they can make you. If your not abusing the doorway scam where it triggers "flee mode" with enemies when your moving back, ther'll be a time when you would miss a shot at it's legs and then be all scared as it still comes at you. Sure you can be stasis all day sort of player but I don't like playing like that.

Pancho said:
Pukers can go fuck themselves though :p
I don't like how they sort of explode/leak out puss all over when you kill them which still does damage. In tight areas, when you kill them then run over them to position against other enemies etc. that's annoying.
CadetMahoney said:
correct mon capitan.

On hardcore mode you'd be surprised how scared they can make you. If your not abusing the doorway scam where it triggers "flee mode" with enemies when your moving back, ther'll be a time when you would miss a shot at it's legs and then be all scared as it still comes at you. Sure you can be stasis all day sort of player but I don't like playing like that.

I got really fucked over by the first encounter with them on my HC playthrough. Tried to be clever and TK them, kept missing.

I don't like how they sort of explode/leak out puss all over when you kill them which still does damage. In tight areas, when you kill them then run over them to position against other enemies etc. that's annoying.

It's worse if they are stasised when they die, because it lasts longer.


CadetMahoney said:
On hardcore mode you'd be surprised how scared they can make you. If your not abusing the doorway scam where it triggers "flee mode" with enemies when your moving back, ther'll be a time when you would miss a shot at it's legs and then be all scared as it still comes at you. Sure you can be stasis all day sort of player but I don't like playing like that.

Well I've been playing on hardcore
currently in the Ishimura
And Stalkers have proven no threat for now, ironically the parts I've died( rather pathetically) is against the Pack. And I really don't get why you don't play without stasis, is there for a reason, and even more now that it recharges overtime. The devs put it there to be used, but hey if you don't like stasis more power to you.

I don't like how they sort of explode/leak out puss all over when you kill them which still does damage. In tight areas, when you kill them then run over them to position against other enemies etc. that's annoying.

Haha yeah they suck, probably the worst enemy in the game since they also can take a punishing. Died a few times in my first run when I knocked their legs off and proceeded to get close to stomp them to death....yeah I forgot that dismembered parts spew out acid so I died by stomping them.
Host Samurai said:
Where is it? Do share please.

Chapter 7.
When you are putting the fuses into the panel and rotating the crawl space. In the second fuse room instead of looking for green lights, put the fuses into the panel in the order that makes them turn blue. A secret crawl space rotation switch will appear. Hit it and you crawl through to a room with the Peng treasure and a load of nice loot as well.


CadetMahoney said:
I don't like how they sort of explode/leak out puss all over when you kill them which still does damage. In tight areas, when you kill them then run over them to position against other enemies etc. that's annoying.

It doesn't make sense how their puke can travel so far, geyser-like to the other side of the door where you are located. And sometimes even follow your movement. That must be some super puke. That made me wonder though if dodge feature should have been introduced in this game.
+Played Chapter 1. Diggin' it so far.
+Multi is actually kind of fun when the connection doesn't drop and people actually TRY to complete the objectives.
+I love the thread title.


corrosivefrost said:
+Played Chapter 1. Diggin' it so far.
+Multi is actually kind of fun when the connection doesn't drop and people actually TRY to complete the objectives.
+I love the thread title.
Only chapter 1? You ain't see nothing yet. :)


corrosivefrost said:
+Played Chapter 1. Diggin' it so far.
+Multi is actually kind of fun when the connection doesn't drop and people actually TRY to complete the objectives.
+I love the thread title.

Multi is really fun indeed when people are playing as a team and doing objectives...which happens...rarely.

so yeah, any gaffers on the PS3 playing the multi? You can add me if you want to play some multiplayer

PSN: Danny-kun


Alright, everyone, I've been gathering my courage over the past few days and I'm thinking I might attempt a Hardcore Mode run sometime soon.

So far, I'm thinking the first save should be at the top of the Unitology Church right before the big 'cutscene'. The second save could be when I arrive onboard on the
, and third save could be somewhere in chapter 13 (although maybe I should push it all the way to the end of chapter 13?).

My real question for all you experts is: which weapons? how many weapons? how do I focus my nodes?

This is my plan:

1. Plasma Cutter (mainstay) - upgrade until it gains fire-damage

2. Ripper (for crowd control and ammo conservation) - upgrade damage and duration

3. Contact Beam (for Brutes, the final boss, and using the alt fire for crowd control).

I don't plan on anything else, but I've been tempted by the Force Gun, which is super useful for the Pack. What do you think? Just stay with 3 weapons to maximise ammo? Could I cut it down to two? I dunno. Eek.
Sidzed2 said:
Alright, everyone, I've been gathering my courage over the past few days and I'm thinking I might attempt a Hardcore Mode run sometime soon.

So far, I'm thinking the first save should be at the top of the Unitology Church right before the big 'cutscene'.

Do it after. The fight following the cutscene is not that big a deal. I was in the same position you are and I thought I should save prior to it. turns out...not that big a deal.

Sidzed2 said:
The second save could be when I arrive onboard on the

I did it AFTER I activated the
. Man...it was a stretch UP to that point but it was nice knowing that if I did, the next BIG fight was the
decontamination room

Sidzed2 said:
and third save could be somewhere in chapter 13 (although maybe I should push it all the way to the end of chapter 13?).

I did it right before you go down the elevator and into the room where the
. That is a mother-fucker of a fight and I feel like I buckled under the pressure of my anticipation of that fight. Turns out, I have so much money, and so much ammo and health that I probably could have just blasted through that fight...push a little bit further and be closer to the end. I can't help but feel like I have a long path to go from my last save, but it's still doable.

Sidzed2 said:
My real question for all you experts is: which weapons? how many weapons? how do I focus my nodes?

Stasis first. Max out STASIS. Hands down it is your best "weapon" and you should have it fully pinned pretty early.

I got an extra node into health on my rig.

I ignored air entirely as well as TK damage.

Sidzed2 said:
This is my plan:

1. Plasma Cutter (mainstay) - upgrade until it gains fire-damage

2. Ripper (for crowd control and ammo conservation) - upgrade damage and duration

3. Contact Beam (for Brutes, the final boss, and using the alt fire for crowd control).

I don't plan on anything else, but I've been tempted by the Force Gun, which is super useful for the Pack. What do you think? Just stay with 3 weapons to maximise ammo? Could I cut it down to two? I dunno. Eek.

Get the Force Gun ASAP and start upgrading. It really has become the "solution" to all the problems the game throws at me. Nearly everything comes AT you. Once they get close enough, the primary fire of the weapon will push away and probably dismember them. It's damn near impossible to miss. The secondary fire is fairly anemic until you get some nodes into it but if you need to take something out at long range...use the contact beam.

(** Also...the force beam is fucking awesome. It shatters, blasts and launches everything. It shouts "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!"...without actually saying those words. I can't believe it took my third playthrough for me to discover the joy of the Force Gun.))

Keep the Plasma Cutter and put two nodes in it. 1 for CAP and 1 for DAM. Use these for the "boss fights/QTEs". Two shots of a 1 node upgrade Plasma Cutter into a yellow squishy bit is really effective.

The Ripper is darn handy for very specific spots in the game although I'm not sure if I will need/want it for my end-game run.

Contact Beam - This is my secondary weapon of choice now. I have over 70 shots saved for my endgame run and I will be respec'ing my ripper and plasma cutter to give the contact beam more punch for the final boss fight (and then buy more nodes as I need)

As crazy as it sounds, I believe I'll be taking ONLY the Contact Beam and Force Gun into the final stages of the game.

I think...one I beat this run...I might try a second hard core run with a new save and once obtained, using ONLY the Force Gun and Contact Beam and nothing else.

Best of luck.
I'm not really too sure how the Force Gun is for boss fights and such, but I swapped out my Detonator for one before chapter 12 for my HC run. Best decision I made, the whole
driller ride
was a breeze with that thing. Anything it didn't kill it pushed over the edge or into the
drill wheels
. I swapped over to the Contact Beam to take out the Lurkers.


bigdaddygamebot said:

Thanks very much for the advice. Well I feel like I've settled on the Plasma Cutter and Contact Beam... but now I'm torn between the Force Gun and the Ripper. Depending on who you ask, either one of those two is invaluable and a must-have. Gaaah... do I just purchase both?


Sidzed2 said:
Thanks very much for the advice. Well I feel like I've settled on the Plasma Cutter and Contact Beam... but now I'm torn between the Force Gun and the Ripper. Depending on who you ask, either one of those two is invaluable and a must-have. Gaaah... do I just purchase both?

I bought all four as soon as they were available and carried them until the end, though I only used the Force Gun for the pack and stalkers (one node in alt fire and it kills stalkers in one hit, even if they're black/burned stalkers). I wouldn't worry about ammo, if that's what's bothering you. You'll have more than enough.

I also recommend fully upgrading Stasis first, but you should put one node in Plasma Cutter damage and one in rig HP at the first bench. It'll help a bunch.


I'm really gonna have to run through this again so I can use some different guns. I only used the contact beam, cutter, and line gun in my first play through. So the force gun and ripper are pretty good choices to? Are there any guns that are completely worthless?


Nork unification denier
Sidzed2 said:
Thanks very much for the advice. Well I feel like I've settled on the Plasma Cutter and Contact Beam... but now I'm torn between the Force Gun and the Ripper. Depending on who you ask, either one of those two is invaluable and a must-have. Gaaah... do I just purchase both?

Just a vote here for the ripper, mostly because it guarantees that you will get pickups from your kills. Force gun was a bit inconsistent for me with regards to abusing enemy corpses enough so that they'd cough up some ammo/health pack. It would often kill the necromorphs without damaging them enough to get pickups and then the bodies would melt away before I could stomp on them. I never had this problem with the ripper because it dismembers as it kills. One stop shopping.

Also, I really loved killing stalkers with them. So satisfying.
I stuck with the same 4 guns throughout my first play through and it certainly made the later chapters a pain in the ass. I had the plasma cutter and pulse rifle (my old standbys because of their versatility) and then the javelin gun and detonator as my new weapons. It was fine and dandy up until somewhere around chapter 10, when crowd control started becoming a pain in the ass. It didn't help that I kept getting a shitload of detonator ammo that was useless in a lot of situations since it can easily box you in if the room isn't really designed around it. Those rooms with the shipping crates are ideal for the detonator, but in most situations it just wasn't worth guessing at where enemies might spawn and cutting off escape routes in the process.

I played on normal btw. I've put the game on hold for the time being since I recently picked up Uncharted 2 (whose influence is pretty apparent on the event sequences in DS2), but I already feel like the survivalist run I started on NG+ is much, much easier than my first run thanks to the force gun. It should make those last few chapters (and the questionable final boss) a lot less frustrating this time.
Die Squirrel Die said:
I'm not really too sure how the Force Gun is for boss fights and such, but I swapped out my Detonator for one before chapter 12 for my HC run. Best decision I made, the whole
driller ride
was a breeze with that thing. Anything it didn't kill it pushed over the edge or into the
drill wheels
. I swapped over to the Contact Beam to take out the Lurkers.

In my experience, the Force Gun is NOT useful in the "boss fights" where you need to shoot yellow bits....but I didn't really test it that conclusively.

That's why I kept the Plasma Cutter, just for the "yellow bits".


Nork unification denier
bigdaddygamebot said:
In my experience, the Force Gun is NOT useful in the "boss fights" where you need to shoot yellow bits....but I didn't really test it that conclusively.

That's why I kept the Plasma Cutter, just for the "yellow bits".

I did test it conclusively and died for it, lol. Force gun primary fire does not work on
(contact beam does however, as does edged weapons), although I suspect this is mostly because the damage is diffuse. Hit a
with enough primary fire force gun shots and I think you'd probably kill it.....eventually. However, chances are extremely good that it will kill you before you can reach this point. Best practice is to go with something that delivers more concentrated damage, at least for "bosses".
luxarific said:
I did test it conclusively and died for it, lol. Force gun primary fire does not work on
(contact beam does however, as does edged weapons), although I suspect this is mostly because the damage is diffuse. Hit a
with enough primary fire force gun shots and I think you'd probably kill it.....eventually. However, chances are extremely good that it will kill you before you can reach this point. Best practice is to go with something that delivers more concentrated damage, at least for "bosses".

Yeah...I was wondering what you could do to a
with the more focused secondary fire...but...I didn't have the heart to "experiment" while on my hardcore run. That is not the time to get "crazy" and experiment. ;)

I screwed up once and fought the
with the Force Gun (having forgotten to change to Plasma Cutter) and it ended badly for me. I'm assuming what failed with that, will fail with the


Nork unification denier
bigdaddygamebot said:
Yeah...I was wondering what you could do to a brute with the more focused secondary fire...but...I didn't have the heart to "experiment" while on my hardcore run. That is not the time to get "crazy" and experiment. ;)

lol, sooooo true.

Another opportunity for some ripper love here. I was playing hardcore and during the
train sequence, I neglected to take my own advice and didn't have my plasma cutter out when the viewpoint switches to Issac looking up at his feet and the brute there. In my panic switching back to the plasma cutter, my finger accidentally hit the secondary fire button on the ripper. My shot somehow hit the brute's shoulder and his entire arm fell off and I survived the sequence. I didn't think the ripper would work on bosses, but that experience taught me differently. Still didn't have enough courage to try it on the Marker heart at the end of the game though.
luxarific said:
lol, sooooo true.

Another opportunity for some ripper love here. I was playing hardcore and during the
train sequence, I neglected to take my own advice and didn't have my plasma cutter out when the viewpoint switches to Issac looking up at his feet and the brute there. In my panic switching back to the plasma cutter, my finger accidentally hit the secondary fire button on the ripper. My shot somehow hit the brute's shoulder and his entire arm fell off and I survived the sequence. I didn't think the ripper would work on bosses, but that experience taught me differently. Still didn't have enough courage to try it on the Marker heart at the end of the game though.

Well THAT is interesting. What it means is that you can use the ripper as your default of sorts rather than the plasma cutter because the secondary is effective against the yellow bits.

So I'm on my endgame run. There's a part consisting of
two rooms and three hallways where you get swarmed by necros and you end up in a room at the bottom, fighting a
black brute
Last two times, I fought them all. This time, I ran. I ran like crazy. I didn't fight once and all I did was use my stasis. I get to the bottom in less than 30 seconds. I got to the bottom so quickly, there are still necros wandering around on the upper level, waiting to despawn by climbing back into the vents.

I haven't had this much fun since Resident Evil 1 & 2 speed runs.

...and the part with the
needle in the eye
. Yeah...so that part took WAY more than 30 seconds. Holy stress. Basically, for those of you anxious about it...
I didn't advance the needle when it was BLUE. I ONLY advanced the needle when the laser dot was directly over Isaac's pupil. That way if his eye shifts, you have less chance of it spilling into the red zone and one-shotting Isaac. Took a while and I actually had to put the controller down to take a breather...man...you don't realize how close you get. His whole face was on my television screen.

...good times. :D


bigdaddygamebot said:
...and the part with the
needle in the eye
. Yeah...so that part took WAY more than 30 seconds. Holy stress. Basically, for those of you anxious about it...
I didn't advance the needle when it was BLUE. I ONLY advanced the needle when the laser dot was directly over Isaac's pupil. That way if his eye shifts, you have less chance of it spilling into the red zone and one-shotting Isaac. Took a while and I actually had to put the controller down to take a breather...man...you don't realize how close you get. His whole face was on my television screen.

...good times. :D

Huh, I didn't even know that part could kill you. And I'm kinda glad I didn't, after reading that.


bigdaddygamebot said:
...and the part with the
needle in the eye
. Yeah...so that part took WAY more than 30 seconds. Holy stress. Basically, for those of you anxious about it...
I didn't advance the needle when it was BLUE. I ONLY advanced the needle when the laser dot was directly over Isaac's pupil. That way if his eye shifts, you have less chance of it spilling into the red zone and one-shotting Isaac. Took a while and I actually had to put the controller down to take a breather...man...you don't realize how close you get. His whole face was on my television screen.

...good times. :D

I got a trophy right away the first time I did that so am I right to assume that something nasty could have happened instead? I only advance it when the color is blue, and stops when the color becomes red. Just took my time.
Replicant said:
I got a trophy right away the first time I did that so am I right to assume that something nasty could have happened instead? I only advance it when the color is blue, and stops when the color becomes red. Just took my time.

It is a GREAT death scene.

And I died fighting the final boss. : /


Bit deflated. Try again tomorrow.


bigdaddygamebot said:
It is a GREAT death scene.

And I died fighting the final boss. : /


Bit deflated. Try again tomorrow.

Can I just say that if you have the Contact Beam (and ammo), then that is all you should use?

On my zealot run I literally did this: contact beam
(one shot), then contact beam
the marker
(one shot). I just repeated this cycle until the boss was done. Took about three cycles, 15 seconds, and six or so contact beam shots. The
shadow pack
never even got close because they disappeared every time I shot

If that worked on Zealot, I see no reason why it shouldn't work on Hard Core.


bigdaddygamebot said:
It is a GREAT death scene.

Yikes. I don't think I want to see. I've become fond of Isaac in this game and was horrified every time something awful happened to him.

Sidzed2 said:
Can I just say that if you have the Contact Beam (and ammo), then that is all you should use?

On my zealot run I literally did this: contact beam
(one shot), then contact beam
the marker
(one shot).

How did you Contact Beam the you know what? I mean Contact Beam's primary fire feels as if it's not doing anything at all and it takes forever just to load. It's only the secondary that seems to be doing something.


Replicant said:
How did you Contact Beam the you know what? I mean Contact Beam's primary fire feels as if it's not doing anything at all and it takes forever just to load. It's only the secondary that seems to be doing something.

Hmm, well in my experience, a well-upgraded contact beam doesn't take too long to load. It's certainly quick enough to fire off a shot at
as soon as the battle begins, which should
expose the heart
, which should then only require one or two shots (max) to make
appear again. As soon as
pops up, fully charge your beam and deal some death.

On zealot, with a fully upgraded contact beam, I made short work of the final boss without even moving. I just adjusted my aim between the targets and kept charging. Maybe your problem is that your beam isn't upgraded enough? I know that I didn't use the contact beam alt fire once in the final battle, as there was never a need.

A good trick would be to respec one of your less useful weapons and devote all your nodes to the contact beam at the very last workbench.
Sidzed2 said:
Can I just say that if you have the Contact Beam (and ammo), then that is all you should use?

On my zealot run I literally did this: contact beam
(one shot), then contact beam
the marker
(one shot). I just repeated this cycle until the boss was done. Took about three cycles, 15 seconds, and six or so contact beam shots. The
shadow pack
never even got close because they disappeared every time I shot

If that worked on Zealot, I see no reason why it shouldn't work on Hard Core.

Yep...I'm a boob. I should have done precisely that as I did that on my zealot run as well. I just got brazen and tried to mess around with force gun.

Lesson learned.


ADD New Gen Gamer
Finally finished the game. Great experience, although
I kept expecting some great revelation from Zoss, but he was pretty much a throwaway character in the end. Was he there just to poke an eyeball

Who else hated the
unkillable Necro
? So annoying.


A bit OT but I got some stereo headphones, which is a better option? Connect the headphones to the audio output of the TV? Or connect them directly to the PS3 via component cables?


Pancho said:
A bit OT but I got some stereo headphones, which is a better option? Connect the headphones to the audio output of the TV? Or connect them directly to the PS3 via component cables?


Really? Stalkers? I though they were ridiculous, even on Zealot. Just sit in a corner, wait, and shoot. Boom. Bitches are dead.

The most terrifying necromorph for me is The Divider. The noise it makes, the walk, everything about it. Terrifies the fuck out of me. I was sad to see
there was only one in the game (that I know of. But boy did he scare the FUCK out of me. I walked out fo a node-activated room, all happy, then I heard the noise, turned aroudn and BAM! He was all over me :(


Nork unification denier
ajim said:
Really? Stalkers? I though they were ridiculous, even on Zealot. Just sit in a corner, wait, and shoot. Boom. Bitches are dead.

The most terrifying necromorph for me is The Divider. The noise it makes, the walk, everything about it. Terrifies the fuck out of me. I was sad to see
there was only one in the game (that I know of. But boy did he scare the FUCK out of me. I walked out fo a node-activated room, all happy, then I heard the noise, turned aroudn and BAM! He was all over me :(

He didn't really freak me out that much.
Stasis and ripper. I neglected to stasis him once before approaching with the ripper and that was a mistake, since several of his components will reach out and grab you by the neck (nice animation there).
Things that killed me the most overall were the projectile vomiters (damn j0000) and the golden exploders.


ajim said:
Really? Stalkers? I though they were ridiculous, even on Zealot. Just sit in a corner, wait, and shoot. Boom. Bitches are dead.

The most terrifying necromorph for me is The Divider. The noise it makes, the walk, everything about it. Terrifies the fuck out of me. I was sad to see
there was only one in the game (that I know of. But boy did he scare the FUCK out of me. I walked out fo a node-activated room, all happy, then I heard the noise, turned aroudn and BAM! He was all over me :(

There are two dividers in the game, but still, sucks that there aren't more of them. Dead Space 1 had better spacing of various enemy types, I think.


ajim said:
The most terrifying necromorph for me is The Divider. The noise it makes, the walk, everything about it. Terrifies the fuck out of me. I was sad to see
there was only one in the game (that I know of. But boy did he scare the FUCK out of me. I walked out fo a node-activated room, all happy, then I heard the noise, turned aroudn and BAM! He was all over me :(

There are actually 2 at least. One is in the earlier chapter. Another is in the place you described. It was funny because
while inside the node room, I can hear something banging and I immediately thought "Oh fuck me, something is out there now. True enough, something is out there.
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