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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie

MrCompletely said:
So what's the multiplayer consensus? I jumped in for a single round and it seems like it could have a lot of potential. I was impressed how well the game performed, feels just like the single player as far as controls and movement and there was not a hint of lag or performance issues in the 8 player room. Also found a fresh full lobby without waiting.

I think it's pretty fun, just kind of limited.
So I went and bought Ignition against my better judgment, mostly because I wanted the Hacker suit and access to those hidden rooms in DS2...and it really is that bad! Wow.
Gryphter said:
I tread lightly in this thread for fear of spoilers, but does anyone else feel like the weapons are extremely different than they were in Dead Space 1? My favorite weapons are now my least favorite and vice versa.

Hated flame thrower and pulse rifle, now I love them
Loved the Line gun, now I hate it
Hated the ripper, but it's OK now. Still not a weapon I equip, though.

Also rotating the plasma cutter doesn't seem all that necessary anymore, I don't even bother to do it because it severs limbs like a champ anyway. I'm playing on normal and maxed out the plasma cutter, so that's probably why

I was thinking the same thing. The Ripper was godly in 1 and is very average in 2 (still pretty good) and the Pulse Rifle in 1 was putrid and in 2 its a decent weapon.


MorisUkunRasik said:
I was quite enjoying trudging through the game. Died a couple times, but nothing as lame as the asteroid shootin' from DS1. But then
the last few chapters it doesn't even seem like the designers cared about you having fun anymore, lets throw 4 necros in this room and then when you open the door there are 3 more out here and the next room there 4 more that spawn after you kill the original 3 that were in here. I was fed up but so close to the end I decided to make a run for the end. I mean the end would surely redeem the shitfest that was the last few chapters.

I made it to the marker and the cut scene shows Isaac kill the guy with the javelin gun. Then Nicole reveals she was just fucking with you and now you gotta die.

Nicole boss fight, I thought hm, could be interesting, oh wait I have literally two pulse rounds because I was encouraged to run instead of pick up items. Whatever, my stasis regenerates so there was an obvious point to me not having much ammo right? Wrong, even though you are encouraged to run past the last two chapters worth of enemies you are also expected to have a decent amount of ammo. Maybe they wanted me to kill her with my bare hands, kind of interesting. Wait now there are shadow necromorphs helping her and I have zero ammo as it is.

Fuck this game.

Swarms of enemies I can take, swarms of enemies with very little ammo I can tolerate, swarms of enemies with little ammo and a boss fight that requires you to have ammo is horseshit.

I have no prior saves, so I can either continue to try to beat the game with no ammo or start over.

It just feels like the makers of this game really fucked up.

I mostly agree with your complaints but I don't understand how you've played and gone through DS1 and not expecting to/be prepared for:

1. Enemy will gangbang you, especially during the last few chapters of the game.
2. Realizing that conservation of ammo/health items is crucial regardless of how many you get at the start. Because I conserved, I ended up with 3x large health packs, 24 x medium health packs, 8 x small health packs at the last save point of my game. Health wasn't an issue for me at the end.
3. Upgrade the stasis since this was an obvious thing to do even back in DS1.

I can definitely do with less gangbang but those 3 things should be crucial to every Dead Space players.
Replicant said:
I mostly agree with your complaints but I don't understand how you've played and gone through DS1 and not expecting to/be prepared for:

1. Enemy will gangbang you, especially during the last few chapters of the game.
2. Realizing that conservation of ammo/health items is crucial regardless of how many you get at the start. Because I conserved, I ended up with 3x large health packs, 24 x medium health packs, 8 x small health packs at the last save point of my game. Health wasn't an issue for me at the end.
3. Upgrade the stasis since this was an obvious thing to do even back in DS1.

I can definitely do with less gangbang but those 3 things should be crucial to every Dead Space players.
The difference is that Dead Space 1 never ceased to have good level design, even as you're getting gang raped by necromorphs near the end. The last few chapters of Dead Space 2 feel sloppy (both in comparison to Dead Space 1 and the rest of Dead Space 2 up to that point). The whole run up to the end and shitty final "boss" mar an otherwise great game. I should emphasize that DS2 is still a 9+ in my book so no one gets the wrong idea, but the inexplicable dip in quality right when the game should reach its climax is pretty disheartening. I also agree with the complaints about the way the game encourages you to waste ammo before throwing you unceremoniously into the final encounter. It really makes the boss more tedious than challenging in a good way.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
The difference is that Dead Space 1 never ceased to have good level design, even as you're getting gang raped by necromorphs near the end. The last few chapters of Dead Space 2 feel sloppy (both in comparison to Dead Space 1 and the rest of Dead Space 2 up to that point). The whole run up to the end and shitty final "boss" mar an otherwise great game. I should emphasize that DS2 is still a 9+ in my book so no one gets the wrong idea, but the inexplicable dip in quality right when the game should reach its climax is pretty disheartening. I also agree with the complaints about the way the game encourages you to waste ammo before throwing you unceremoniously into the final encounter. It really makes the boss more tedious than challenging in a good way.

I'm not sure if I'd call DS1 "has good level design". The asteroid level, the pong level with the Lurkers were more annoying than any level in DS2 (Ubermorph aside).

I think the 'run up to the end' in DS2 is simply the by-product of adding the ubermorph into the game. That really broke what is otherwise similar kind of gang-rape scenario by the Necros. Do an ubermorph OR do Necros gang-rape but don't do both. It's just too overwhelming.

I think the boss in DS2 was pretty standard. It was just a typical "destroy the armor first then destroy the real monster. repeat-rinse". It wasn't special but it wasn't as hard as people described it.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I finished this yesterday, I've been mulling over it in my head.

The highlight of the game was walking back through the
Ishimura and realising how memorable some of those designs were.
My memory of the first half of DS2 was a series of copy and pasted suburban space rooms, ugly blue church area and the elementary school. I just... nothing really resonated with me. It was just a big clumsy action game.

I get that a lot of money go into these things and making sure everyone can enjoy it is important, but in all I feel like it was a serious regression from DS1. I've posted before about how I feel the combat was misguided, and in all that's probably the games biggest short-coming (given it's forward-moving linear design), but in addition to that, from my perspective, this game had all the character spit-shined out of it. It's hard to articulate. I only played DS1 twice, and yet
revisiting those areas made me realise how instantly recognisable those rooms were to me.
I seriously doubt any one area from DS2 will be as instantly recognisable.

Maybe the story was supposed to be more of a focus and therefore be the driving factor, but none of it meant much to me on any level, so it was just a case of occasional cool moments punctuating a really pedestrian design.

I'd like to see more games like this, in that it's not a military shooter with space marines, but I can't reconcile how uninteresting a lot of the game was relative to the first DS.

I realise this post doesn't do much in the way of actually citing many examples of what I'm talking about, but it would take me a while to really sort through how I feel about it. If anyone cares enough about my opinion to ask me to evaluate on a certain point, fire away, but as of right now I'll just leave it at this. I'm disappointed.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I'm a little ways into Chapter 14... and I think I'm just about ready to hang up Dead Space 2. I haven't seen a game get this hatefully difficult since Ninja Gaiden 2. Not challenging difficult; certainly not fun difficult; just plain mean-spirited, "Fuck you, gamer" scenarios that practically force you to take advantage of the game's every little sparse glitch and hiccup (and no small amount of luck) to survive.
Not to mention the lame-ass return of the regenerator, now complete with a stretch of very narrow, very linear corridors with locked doors to wait on and hack while black variants of just about the entire game's bestiary pop out of vents that always seem to materialize wherever you're not looking.

Ugh. It started off so well...

This game was great until those last three or four chapters. Whomever designed the encounters in those stages is a moron. I know they tried to make it challenging and all, but throwing countless enemies at you and making you waste boatloads of ammo isn't the best way to do it.
Finished it as well. Overall Dead Space 2 is a much better made game then the original but I like both equally. DS2 had a bunch of awesome Uncharted like moments over the first but the combat heavy portion at the end of the game kinda of brought it down.

My favorite moments were
the train, the space jump, the tormentor, and the ending.

My favorite line in the game was when
your own your way to the bridge on the Ishimura. "Ellie I'm headed to the bridge." "Good cause they're swarming threw the medical deck." Warning, track obstruction, welcome to medical deck." "Crap..."

Question. Is there any scene at the end of the credits? I didn't sit around and wait.


They said there was a DS3 trailer on DS2 prior to its launch, but all i saw was a
little teaser conversation after the credits

jax (old)

Rez said:
I finished this yesterday, I've been mulling over it in my head.

The highlight of the game was walking back through the
Ishimura and realising how memorable some of those designs were.
My memory of the first half of DS2 was a series of copy and pasted suburban space rooms, ugly blue church area and the elementary school. I just... nothing really resonated with me. It was just a big clumsy action game.

I get that a lot of money go into these things and making sure everyone can enjoy it is important, but in all I feel like it was a serious regression from DS1. I've posted before about how I feel the combat was misguided, and in all that's probably the games biggest short-coming (given it's forward-moving linear design), but in addition to that, from my perspective, this game had all the character spit-shined out of it. It's hard to articulate. I only played DS1 twice, and yet
revisiting those areas made me realise how instantly recognisable those rooms were to me.
I seriously doubt any one area from DS2 will be as instantly recognisable.

Maybe the story was supposed to be more of a focus and therefore be the driving factor, but none of it meant much to me on any level, so it was just a case of occasional cool moments punctuating a really pedestrian design.

I'd like to see more games like this, in that it's not a military shooter with space marines, but I can't reconcile how uninteresting a lot of the game was relative to the first DS.

I realise this post doesn't do much in the way of actually citing many examples of what I'm talking about, but it would take me a while to really sort through how I feel about it. If anyone cares enough about my opinion to ask me to evaluate on a certain point, fire away, but as of right now I'll just leave it at this. I'm disappointed.

I kind of have to disagree on this.

DS1's areas are obviously delineated thus : different zones - agriculture/minining/etc. To be honest, I can't recall. I just know that it was all sort of messy and confusing to run around in and that there was susbstantial backtracking in places. The only reason why you'd say its better planned is because btw each section. They showed this MAP of the ishimura and drew a line saying you're going from A---->B. That aside if it didn't have those loading screens, do you really think the rooms in DS1 are that much different? Because... .they're not.

jax (old)

DOO13ER said:
I'm a little ways into Chapter 14... and I think I'm just about ready to hang up Dead Space 2. I haven't seen a game get this hatefully difficult since Ninja Gaiden 2. Not challenging difficult; certainly not fun difficult; just plain mean-spirited, "Fuck you, gamer" scenarios that practically force you to take advantage of the game's every little sparse glitch and hiccup (and no small amount of luck) to survive.
Not to mention the lame-ass return of the regenerator, now complete with a stretch of very narrow, very linear corridors with locked doors to wait on and hack while black variants of just about the entire game's bestiary pop out of vents that always seem to materialize wherever you're not looking.

Ugh. It started off so well...

as someone else posted somewhere. You can lower the diffciulty anytime.

I finished on survivalist 1st go... and it really wasn't that tough.

Jedeye Sniv

Man, I feel like I'm the only person who kinda dug the last few chapters of the game. Yeah, they are very difficult but they force you to really change up how you play the game, and for that I appreciate them. Going from methodical and unhurried to panicking and freaking out was a good experience for me. It was scary, which it wouldn't have been if the heat wasn't turned up so considerably.

Also, it forces you to play with different tactics. In my first playthrough I didn't really use the Kenesis to rip off arms that much but the end of the game made me become a pro at it. The feeling of stasising an enemy, shooting off and arm and using that to stick them to a wall is just very satisfying, and the increased pressure just makes it that much more fun IMO.

Basically, the way I look at it is that by this point in the game the regular pace of the combat is no longer frightening or stressful, you (and Isaac) have become a pro at it. So in amping up the encounters it makes it scary again, it puts you way out of your depth and says 'swim you pussy!'.

Also started reading the book this week. So far it's pretty good stuff, surprisingly creepy given that I'm pretty used to the universe by now. I like how it's giving a much more personal and psychological look at how it is to have these dead people hanging around you. Only about 100 pages in though but I can tell I'm going to enjoy this.


For the next game, I hope they balance the enemy encounters and difficulty a bit differently. My personal preference would be:

1) Fewer enemies, but...
2) ... More dangerous (every attack hits much harder)
3) Slow them down just a tiny little bit
4) Randomize the enemy encounters; there are tons of vents everywhere, make them appear from different ones each time
5) Increase the importance of strategic dismembering (right now you can just chop off the arms and win)
6) Do not telegraph enemy deaths by letting them enter ragdoll mode. Enable them to still surprise you even if they flop around.
7) Follow-up to the previous post: No enemies in DS2 that I can think of go into "fake mode" after being dismembered. I'm replaying DS1 right now, and several necromorphs go into fake mode after having their legs cut off.
8) And finally, increase the enemy variation.


Finished it the other day. Couple of steps backwards, couple of steps forward in comparison to DS1. I don't feel like listing them out since a lot of people have already worded similar sentiments.

Regardless, here's an idea for Visceral Games/EA: How about doing a more survival-horror oriented game where you don't control Isaac and are armed only with a plasma cutter. Less enemies, but more frightful ones. You don't have to call it DS3, but it'd be a nice way to expand the Dead Space universe. Heck, if you really want to keep it cheap, then make it a short side-game starring Ellie during the events of DS2 and put it on the downloadable services (and Steam!). Kind of like Resident Evil 4's Seperate Ways with Ada.
I'm having a blast with this game so far. Granted I'm only on chapter 5 but I feel like this is what I wanted from Resident Evil 5: action packed but still with a lot of atmosphere.

It's a little more fast paced than RE4, but I feel like the fun level is the same.


Played some multiplayer tonight. Not bad at all. Except that apparently if your NAT type is strict, you have to create a room for others to join since you can't join random game. So I did that and it was working! I couldn't join random game before and thought that my MP was borked. So if it's not working for you, maybe it's because your NAT type is strict so you have to create a room for others to join.

The game was pretty tight. Both parties seem to know what they're doing with the objectives so while one tries to achieve the objective (humans) the others try to cockblock (the necros). On each round, I find that I always play as Necro first then human. Playing as Necro is hard. You get killed easily unless your opponent is dumb and you're going on WILD rampage to claw their eyeballs. HAHAHA.

Playing as human is comparatively easy.....until you get gang-raped by a bunch of Necros. And the higher ranking you are, the more likely you'll be targeted as potential gang-rape victim. Still, our group won each time whether it's as Necros or Humans. Sucks to be the other group. I'm up to Level 6 now and I got some infected suits (the white ones, I think. Want the yellow one - maybe next time).


Nork unification denier
BeeDog said:
6) Do not telegraph enemy deaths by letting them enter ragdoll mode. Enable them to still surprise you even if they flop around.
7) Follow-up to the previous post: No enemies in DS2 that I can think of go into "fake mode" after being dismembered. I'm replaying DS1 right now, and several necromorphs go into fake mode after having their legs cut off.

Re 7) This was not the case for my four playthroughs of DS2. Necromorphs (most usually the bladed fast moving ones) would often play possum if I cut off their legs, but didn't deliver coup de grace. Scared/injured me a few times, until I realized what was going on. Re 6): So I started trying to move their bodies with kinesis - if I couldn't they weren't dead yet.


Steroid Distributor
I'm really surprised at the amount of whining in this thread about the difficulty at the end of this game.
I absolutely loved how the action ramped up near the end. I thought the ubermorph added a ton of tension and was a great addition. The last two chapters are really the only time I felt the intensity level stay consistent. This game gives you so much time to relax between fights throughout the first 13 chapters it was a nice change that it forced me to almost rush through rooms while avoiding the ubermorph.

I'm seriously curious what you all were doing with your ammo and money throughout the game if you got to the end of were low on supplies. I think on my Zealot playthrough I still had 5 or 6 full health left in my safe when the game was finished.

1 .Did you not level up any of the weapons to the max strength?
2. Did you not level up your rig and stasis?
3. Did you not realize that the game was going to get intense at the end when Nicole says "Lets finish this" and the music gets all Inception intense?
4. Did you not think for a moment that you were about to walk into hell when you were given one of the only save spots in the game that also had a store AND a bench in the same room?

Seriously people. Don't judge a game by your bad decisions.

It is going to take a one heck of a game to bump this out of my GOTY spot. Incredibly impressed on how this turned out. Can't wait to have the time to sit down and do my hardcore run this Saturday.


I didn't have any issues with the masses of enemies at the end, but i was using the Ripper and Contact beam alt like it they were going out of fashion. Contact Beam's Special is a lifesaver, especially on Zealot difficulty.
Truelize said:
I'm really surprised at the amount of whining in this thread about the difficulty at the end of this game.
I absolutely loved how the action ramped up near the end. I thought the ubermorph added a ton of tension and was a great addition. The last two chapters are really the only time I felt the intensity level stay consistent. This game gives you so much time to relax between fights throughout the first 13 chapters it was a nice change that it forced me to almost rush through rooms while avoiding the ubermorph.

I'm seriously curious what you all were doing with your ammo and money throughout the game if you got to the end of were low on supplies. I think on my Zealot playthrough I still had 5 or 6 full health left in my safe when the game was finished.

1 .Did you not level up any of the weapons to the max strength?
2. Did you not level up your rig and stasis?
3. Did you not realize that the game was going to get intense at the end when Nicole says "Lets finish this" and the music gets all Inception intense?
4. Did you not think for a moment that you were about to walk into hell when you were given one of the only save spots in the game that also had a store AND a bench in the same room?

Seriously people. Don't judge a game by your bad decisions.

It is going to take a one heck of a game to bump this out of my GOTY spot. Incredibly impressed on how this turned out. Can't wait to have the time to sit down and do my hardcore run this Saturday.
Here's what I was doing that fucked me over at the end: selling my ammo and stasis packs so I could buy more Power Nodes. It's a great strategy for 90% of the game, but at the end I completely fucked myself over by having a bunch of wonderfully powered-up equipment and no actual ammunition for my guns.


Steroid Distributor
Facism said:
I didn't have any issues with the masses of enemies at the end, but i was using the Ripper and Contact beam alt like it they were going out of fashion. Contact Beam's Special is a lifesaver, especially on Zealot difficulty.

I went with Force gun and Ripper at the end. Another great combo. Force gun gave me some space. Ripper killed everything in the room without me ever even getting hit. And it took down the ubermorph fairly easy too.

The Line guns alt fire worked well with stasis as well.


Truelize said:
I'm really surprised at the amount of whining in this thread about the difficulty at the end of this game.
I absolutely loved how the action ramped up near the end. I thought the ubermorph added a ton of tension and was a great addition. The last two chapters are really the only time I felt the intensity level stay consistent. This game gives you so much time to relax between fights throughout the first 13 chapters it was a nice change that it forced me to almost rush through rooms while avoiding the ubermorph.

I'm seriously curious what you all were doing with your ammo and money throughout the game if you got to the end of were low on supplies. I think on my Zealot playthrough I still had 5 or 6 full health left in my safe when the game was finished.

1 .Did you not level up any of the weapons to the max strength?
2. Did you not level up your rig and stasis?
3. Did you not realize that the game was going to get intense at the end when Nicole says "Lets finish this" and the music gets all Inception intense?
4. Did you not think for a moment that you were about to walk into hell when you were given one of the only save spots in the game that also had a store AND a bench in the same room?

Seriously people. Don't judge a game by your bad decisions.

It is going to take a one heck of a game to bump this out of my GOTY spot. Incredibly impressed on how this turned out. Can't wait to have the time to sit down and do my hardcore run this Saturday.

I agree. It also thought the ending was great. It finally got a bit tougher and it was hard in a good way. It just required a bit of strategy, but in the end it was a great ride.

Stop juding a game based on your bad decisions!


Truelize said:
I'm really surprised at the amount of whining in this thread about the difficulty at the end of this game.
Man, I must have played the game wrong then. My opinion is invalid, end of the game is good guys!
Truelize said:
I'm really surprised at the amount of whining in this thread about the difficulty at the end of this game.
I absolutely loved how the action ramped up near the end. I thought the ubermorph added a ton of tension and was a great addition. The last two chapters are really the only time I felt the intensity level stay consistent. This game gives you so much time to relax between fights throughout the first 13 chapters it was a nice change that it forced me to almost rush through rooms while avoiding the ubermorph.

I'm seriously curious what you all were doing with your ammo and money throughout the game if you got to the end of were low on supplies. I think on my Zealot playthrough I still had 5 or 6 full health left in my safe when the game was finished.

1 .Did you not level up any of the weapons to the max strength?
2. Did you not level up your rig and stasis?
3. Did you not realize that the game was going to get intense at the end when Nicole says "Lets finish this" and the music gets all Inception intense?
4. Did you not think for a moment that you were about to walk into hell when you were given one of the only save spots in the game that also had a store AND a bench in the same room?

Seriously people. Don't judge a game by your bad decisions.

It is going to take a one heck of a game to bump this out of my GOTY spot. Incredibly impressed on how this turned out. Can't wait to have the time to sit down and do my hardcore run this Saturday.
1.) I maxed out the Plasma Cutter and Pulse Rifle.
2.) I had a fully upgraded rig and I upgraded the stasis function to, as best I can estimate, 60%.
3.) It's pretty fucking obvious as to what's going to happen.
4.) Also obvious. I bought a boatload of ammo and health packs, and had more than enough for the final encounter.

No one is going to have the same experience. I found the end portions of the game annoying.


Nork unification denier
Truelize said:
1 .Did you not level up any of the weapons to the max strength?

No - I distributed nodes equally across my four weapons and had a lot of difficulty with the final boss battle on my first playthrough as a result. I eventually needed to go back and respec into maxing out the
Pulse Rifle
which finally killed the boss in an acceptable amount of time.

Don't assume that everyone playing the game is going to make the same decisions you did with respect to upgrades. I had plenty of ammo and health, but repeatedly plinking away with the apparently not sufficiently upgraded weapons I did have, meant I had to sit through
five+ openings of the marker
in the final battle. Which was extremely tedious and not fun. And by then my health was so degraded, I was killed by the
. If a maxed-out weapon is required for most people to get through the final battle, that should have been signaled more clearly by the game. The fact that they did put a bench in the final save spot indicates that Visceral was aware that people were probably going to have to respec if they didn't max out a weapon.

I love the game for the most part, but it's just not a very well designed boss battle, imo.


In my experience, you DO NOT NEED to max out a weapon to beat the boss on Normal. All you have to do is to reach the SPEC (special) node on the plasma cutter and the Contact Beam. By doing that, your plasma cutter will be a one-hit-kill against each one of the kids horde, and your contact beam's alt fire will be freezing and destroying anything that comes into its contact.

I also spread most of my node upgrades on my four weapons (the two others are Line Gun and Zealot Force Gun). But none of them are maxed except for Stasis. The thing is, early on (like starting from Chapter 10 and forward), I started to carry my Contact Beam but limit its use so I can get a lot of its ammo. I sell some of the ammo to buy extra nodes so I don't have to sell my other weapons or other ammos.


Nork unification denier
Replicant said:
In my experience, you DO NOT NEED to max out a weapon to beat the boss on Normal. All you have to do is to reach the SPEC (special) node on the plasma cutter and the Contact Beam. By doing that, your plasma cutter will be a one-hit-kill against each one of the kids horde, and your contact beam's alt fire will be freezing and destroying anything that comes into its contact.

I also spread most of my node upgrades on my four weapons (the two others are Line Gun and Zealot Force Gun). But none of them are maxed except for Stasis. The thing is, early on (like starting from Chapter 10 and forward), I'm starting to carry my Contact Beam but limit its use so I can get a lot of its ammo. I sell some of the ammo to buy extra nodes so I don't have to sell my other weapons or other ammos.

*shrug* I wasn't carrying the contact beam and I didn't have the plasma cutter maxed to SPEC.
I think I'm gonna try a Hard Core run sometime soon but I'll probably buy the DLC and use that Detonator trick to grind up a ton of Power Nodes so I can spend all of my rightfully earned money on health packs, ammo, and stasis packs. Shameful, yes. But I suck and yet I still want that fuckin' Hand Cannon.

Jedeye Sniv

badcrumble said:
I think I'm gonna try a Hard Core run sometime soon but I'll probably buy the DLC and use that Detonator trick to grind up a ton of Power Nodes so I can spend all of my rightfully earned money on health packs, ammo, and stasis packs. Shameful, yes. But I suck and yet I still want that fuckin' Hand Cannon.

I don't understand the lust for the hand cannon. Yeah it's gigglesome but by the time you've done hardcore you've finished all there is to do. I hate it when games give you the uber weapon after the game is finished. I could have used this 20 hours ago you bastards! lol
I finished the game with a like, 2 upgrades to my health and maybe one to my stasis.

Weapons? A maxed-out Plasma Cutter, a half-maxed Ripper, a Line Gun with maybe one or two nodes for damage and width, and a node-nude Contact Beam.

On Zealot.

Bow to me, you thankless peons.


Nork unification denier
Jedeye Sniv said:
I don't understand the lust for the hand cannon. Yeah it's gigglesome but by the time you've done hardcore you've finished all there is to do. I hate it when games give you the uber weapon after the game is finished. I could have used this 20 hours ago you bastards! lol

I'm definitely going to use my foam hand for the DLC (assuming they let us import weapons from the sp Issac campaign).
1.) I maxed out the Plasma Cutter and Pulse Rifle.
2.) I had a fully upgraded rig and I upgraded the stasis function to, as best I can estimate, 60%.
3.) It's pretty fucking obvious as to what's going to happen.
4.) Also obvious. I bought a boatload of ammo and health packs, and had more than enough for the final encounter.

No one is going to have the same experience. I found the end portions of the game annoying.

I had to start it over because I thought there would be another store before the final battle. Started over and stocked up on loads of ammo and health and finished it with ease.
Truelize said:
I'm really surprised at the amount of whining in this thread about the difficulty at the end of this game.
I absolutely loved how the action ramped up near the end. I thought the ubermorph added a ton of tension and was a great addition. The last two chapters are really the only time I felt the intensity level stay consistent. This game gives you so much time to relax between fights throughout the first 13 chapters it was a nice change that it forced me to almost rush through rooms while avoiding the ubermorph.

I'm seriously curious what you all were doing with your ammo and money throughout the game if you got to the end of were low on supplies. I think on my Zealot playthrough I still had 5 or 6 full health left in my safe when the game was finished.

1 .Did you not level up any of the weapons to the max strength?
2. Did you not level up your rig and stasis?
3. Did you not realize that the game was going to get intense at the end when Nicole says "Lets finish this" and the music gets all Inception intense?
4. Did you not think for a moment that you were about to walk into hell when you were given one of the only save spots in the game that also had a store AND a bench in the same room?

Seriously people. Don't judge a game by your bad decisions.

It is going to take a one heck of a game to bump this out of my GOTY spot. Incredibly impressed on how this turned out. Can't wait to have the time to sit down and do my hardcore run this Saturday.

Seriously, people in this thread need to learn to read posts and click links, I'll provide it again for the new page.


StevePharma said:
So I guess I'll be using the Javelin Gun in the last two chapters and on the Final Boss in Hardcore...check this Japanese guy out beastin' through the hallways

Here's the clip, warning MASSIVE SPOILERS FOLLOW IF YOU CLICK HERE (chapter 13/14/15)
Finished the game a couple of days ago. I platinium'ed the first game so I decided to start the game on 'survivalist', I figured i'd max out my plasma cutter and take it slow - big mistake. The game isn't like that anymore. I like challenge in games and all, but to me this game felt like a cheap sequel.

-Too many enemies. Big rooms where they just throw tons of shit at you.
-Some enemies are ridiculously fast now and barely get slowed down when you shoot them.
-Shit spawns right behind you, something even right ON you.
-The story... ugh. Got quite annoyed at how bad and predictable it was.

You hardly can rely on enemies dropping ammo anymore. I almost got fucked over once, where I had only one savegame and had to start that one part of the game over and over again because I barely had sufficient ammo to kill the 15+ enemies that were locked in with me. After a while I wouldn't dare trying new weapons, instead I'd just play it safe and stack up on a shitload of plasma and riffle ammo, just in case I would have to deal with that kind of situation again.

Maybe it's just bad luck on my part because I tried to play it a certain way and it didn't pan out to be very fun. Or maybe it's just that the first game was so much better. I don't think i'll be replaying this one.
Ninja, what difficulty were you playing on?

Javelin run is mighty cool, btw.

EDIT: Also, I can't recall there being that many enemies in the end-game. I played DS on hard for the first time literally, what, 2-3 weeks before playing 2? I didn't see much of a difference between the last few chapters, tbh.
BeeDog said:
4) Randomize the enemy encounters; there are tons of vents everywhere, make them appear from different ones each time.
Only on some impossible mode. I'd love to get 3 black leapers against me in an open space (not).
Jedeye Sniv said:
hate it when games give you the uber weapon after the game is finished.
Pretty much. Nothing left to do now, but troll in the single player?. . . nah. I didn't even bother.
StevePharma said:
Seriously, people in this thread need to learn to read posts and click links, I'll provide it again for the new page.

Just watched that video. Wow. Seems like you can go through the entire game just using it. I never used it once. Also, I love the ending.
"... What?"
Just watched that video. Wow. Seems like you can go through the entire game just using it. I never used it once. Also, I love the ending.
"... What?"

This guy pretty much rolls with a P. Cutter and a Force Gun for 3/4 of the game and then switches to the Javelin.....SPOILER
Even Tidemann uses one twice on you before you fuck him up
, so that should be a BIG clue


Nork unification denier
Drewsky said:
God damn that guy with the javelin is destroying.

Contact Beam still beats it hand down for the final boss, imo. Took me five hits with primary Contact Beam fire (when it's maxed out), three on Nicole, two on the Marker heart, to beat the boss battle. About 45 seconds total, I think. I was never even touched by the shadow mob.
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