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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Monkey Pants said:
Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to say that we appreciate the thoughtful feedback and analysis here. I can't go into line by line explanations or dialogues about everything, but we read every word and it will help make future games better.

- The DS team.

PS. So far, my main takeaways are that you want lots more infinite respawn Necromorph gang fights and asteroid shooting sequences. Right? ;)

I've been bitching a lot in the latter part of this thread, so don't get me wrong: it's still an amazing looking, enjoyable game (and after starting over I'm finding it all much more manageable). In retrospect it just seems like there's a right way and many wrong ways to play the game that aren't particularly evident that first playthrough, especially toward the end.
tedtropy said:
It falls short of the first, and while I think the voice acting is good, I'm still not all that convinced that Issac needed to talk.
The silent protagonist can only get you so far, particularly when the story of both games revolves partly around the main character being insane. It works when the story is in Discovery Mode aka DS1, where the main character is trying to learn what happened and thus their input is less important because they're working from a state of ignorance, but DS2 shifts to Crisis Management Mode (we know what's happening and mostly why) which tends to require a vocal protagonist to avoid having both overly-irrational decisions by NPCs and a reactive-only protagonist. Half-Life 2 got away with it by doing a huge shift in time/scenario so the player remained in discovery, but even then it got a bit ridiculous at times.

I thought Issac talking would bother me at first but the devs did a good job of keeping his character trying to solve the problem and moving forward (with lots of obstacles slowing him down). At first I thought it would be another "go here Issac do this" which, while not a problem for me in DS1 would be silly this time, but that was resolved early on.

I think my main problem with the game (which I'm really enjoying blah blah) is that while I think the Sprawl is "realistically" modeled in that it's a big sprawling industrial super-city in outer space in a moderately depressing future... I don't find it very interesting. If it weren't for a few zero-G sections and the borderline insta-death windows the whole thing could be set on a planet. I think the game is paced properly to reflect the change in tone and purpose, but I guess I would have preferred a different, less-linear tack that explored the idea of being inside a giant city in space. Maybe something like Sly Cooper 2 or AC2 where you have focused levels connected by a larger city structure that requires protecting or group efforts or something, because what the Sprawl feels more like is a giant space station, not a city.

Also, I get that the game is happening in a very short period of time and the section of Sprawl effected is isolated early on but I really feel that the whole thing should have blown up by chapter 8 or so, just due to the logistics of keeping something like the Sprawl running when every engineer is dead and there aren't maintenance robots going nuts trying to fix the thing.


Dascu said:
To be quite honest, I was a tad disappointed there wasn't one in DS2.

tedtropy said:
I'm a little disappointed there weren't any space basketball or shooting minigame spin-offs.

Yeah no. I personally can do without the stupid asteroid sequence and the headache-inducing space basketball minigame. Sorry but those two were worse than anything DS2 can came up with including the regenerator.

All I ask is that you guys don't take what everyone has said at face value. Some of the things that people say would not work for Dead Space without further consideration for other elements of the game. For example, the request for less but stronger enemies would not work if the speed of each enemy is still blazing fast like it is now.

As for future ideas, I'd like it if you guys would consider multiple characters' story happening at the same time (similar to SIREN: New Translation). I like Isaac and his new voice. It really gives me a commanding presence and that is important in any game. Plus, I find him to be the strongest/most interesting character in the entire Dead Space stories right now. Everyone else is kinda forgettable (especially Lexine - I want to forget).

Most of all, thank you for making a game where the voice acting is actually good. Good script, good direction, and overall good delivery from the actors.
Monkey Pants said:
Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to say that we appreciate the thoughtful feedback and analysis here. I can't go into line by line explanations or dialogues about everything, but we read every word and it will help make future games better.

- The DS team.

PS. So far, my main takeaways are that you want lots more infinite respawn Necromorph gang fights and asteroid shooting sequences. Right? ;)
Please, for the love of Altman, consider giving DS3 a Metroidvania structure.


Just finished the game last night and immediately started my zealot run. Wow, what a ride. I personally loved the tension and "running the gauntlet" feel of the end game. I didn't feel it was cheap or inappropriate.

I'm about for or five save points in on my zealot run and I've fired my plasma cutter maybe once or twice. I'm using telekinesis pretty much exclusively and loving it. Feels like a completely different game. Haven't made my mind up yet on what weapons I'll be using but the contact beam
alt fire with stasis
is awesome. I haven't fired a single shot with the pulse rifle, seeker rifle, ripper, flamethrower or line gun yet. Probably gonna try line gun and ripper, loved both of them in DS1. Force gun and contact beam got me out of any trouble though.


Monkey Pants said:
Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to say that we appreciate the thoughtful feedback and analysis here. I can't go into line by line explanations or dialogues about everything, but we read every word and it will help make future games better.

- The DS team.

PS. So far, my main takeaways are that you want lots more infinite respawn Necromorph gang fights and asteroid shooting sequences. Right? ;)

Oo... good. I have a lot of feedback and sugggestions. I'm already replaying on Round 6 (awesome idea to let me choose difficulty for New Game+. Really!). :p Possible spoilers...

1. icon GUI in the store was awesome, but maybe a way of grouping the same items into a single icon in the banked inventory would be good so I'm not scrolling all the way down - like how windows task bar groups the same programs. Press A to select, have an adjustable counter to sell/move whatever number of the item. Also group between item types: Health Packs, Ammo, Weapons, Armour. Select each to access sub-group listing the individual items...

Yes, I actually did max out the number of items I could store away...

2. Really liked that there was not-so-obvious backtracking of environments despite copy/paste, but still seamless transitioning. :p More variety would be nice of course.

3. Detonator gun was neat. Definitely something I didn't use much, but on retrospect there are plenty of areas I could have used it. Maybe it needs an upgrade to significantly increase the area it covers on deployment, not just splash damage. Turn it into a turret? :p

4. Sniper weapon seemed a bit pointless without having larger open areas. Still a good weapon.

5. much more responsive controls for isaac was great, particularly the faster melee cooldown time. Default control config was pretty good for me (360).

6. Would like to see a horde defense against AI instead of strictly multiplayer team vs team. Or maybe co-op? Mix things up with more randomly spawning A.I. for multiple players. I don't care if it's true co-op (story integration) ala Gears or just drop-in ala Halo.

Though I think there was a little bit of random spawning in certain areas where I was running around back and forth. It wasn't endless spawning on first encounter, but here and there over some time. Made it seem less empty and more "alive. That was just my experience in the last areas of the game.

I suppose it's part of the draw of the online component... :s Online co-op would be nice then.

7. optional mini-games were nice in DS1. Was a bit disappointed to see they were gone. The puzzles/non-action sequences were nice (e.g. fitting in pieces aboard the Ishimura, moving the solar arrays, iron man flying, using the explosive canisters to destroy clear out the path with the giant tentacles...). Not too frustrating. Would have liked to see more of the oxygen-deficient sections ala the boulder manipulating in DS1. I suppose variety and novelty was a concern for DS2.

8. Let me skip the animation sequence for outfitting Isaac into the different armours. Or at least make it faster after the first time you've put a particular one on.

9. What happened to giant boss fights? The quick-timed events were nice, not too frequent. Good riddance to the asteroid fight. :p I really enjoyed the fight where you had to throw back the explosive bits at the boss. hm... though I never tried that with the one space creature in DS2 that shot stuff at you...

10. Super fast necromorphs.. dreaded in DS1. Was hoping to see them again in DS2 just for variety. They would have made a good case for using the detonator because I'm pretty much shooting necromorphs either way...

11. would have liked to see multiple chances/methods to get rid of the ubermorph permanently whilst running away from it. I didn't like being limited to just running.

12. plasma sword/saw please. Aim trigger should let me walk around slowly with it but let me swing it when appropriate. :p upgrades: Longer blade, lower energy consumption on hitting. :p How about a suit upgrade so Isaac causes a small shockwave with the boot hitting the ground. It'd make it a little more useful against the little creepy crawlies.

13. special upgrade for certain weapons was really nice. Love the contact beam one with stasis. Suit upgrade for bigger flashlight? Maybe have additional special bonuses, but picking one special locks out other specials. e..g even bigger ammo clip beyond regular upgrade but not another special bonus to reload speed for example. Was thinking of the added bonuses as with the hacker contact gun.

14. save civilian in time so that he/she will open unlocked door with goodies? House of the Dead style...

15. destructable lights -> maybe isaac accidentally shoots out lights in a room making it harder to see for the player. It'd be similar to the danger of shooting out those glass walls...

16. Ability to repair destroyed stores/workbenches using a powernode or minigame?

17. branching paths ala Dead Space ignition. Give another reason for New Game+ (and achievements).

18. Areas with goodies accessible if you blast it open (caved-in entrances)? Different weapons, different amount of firing necessary. Something akin to that power node that was across the canyon in some box (need TK to grab after shooting it) and you could easily miss it.

19. why can't I sell back power nodes or suits I won't use? :p

20. good riddance to the mini-map.

21. really enjoyed isaac hallucinating. I was sort of expecting a hallucination sequence that meant betraying humans but you didn't find out until after the fact. Or maybe to make Isaac go the wrong way...

22. going through the ducts/jeffries tubes. Nice touch for seamlessness. Felt a bit of a nod to Bioshock with the little sisters. Again, branching path possibility? :p

23. Isaac talking didn't bother me. Thought it was well handled.

That's it for now... will edit as I think of more things...


24. Other thing I liked was the Ishimura trip. Pretty nice seeing it all with the white covers. Heh, wouldn't mind it used in a dream sequence/nightmare that changes things up even further. Makes it more of a surprise...
Just got to chapter 11. The game has been amazing so far, hope it keep up. I just love the seemlessness of everything.

Chapter 10 really made me want to replay the original again, I never did complete Impossible. It's too bad I can't find any copies at retail.

Monkey Pants

Outpost Games Creative Director
henhowc said:
Its like the evolution of a yo momma joke. If these are actors, the black lady deserves an oscar. LOL

They're not actors. Totally real. There's a reason that you're only seeing the top 2-10 of 200 Moms that participated.
Being able to actually save civilians would be nice. There were a few points where I felt pretty down not being able to help. Also hope there are more surprise bits like
The tentacle grabbing you and throwing you into space. Came out of nowhere, but it was exciting, intense and awesome all at once in a split second.

Monkey Pants said:
They're not actors. Totally real. There's a reason that you're only seeing the top 2-10 of 200 Moms that participated.

Were the reactions of the other 190 moms similar or what? Not as entertaining?
AlStrong said:
15. destructable lights -> maybe isaac accidentally shoots out lights in a room making it harder to see for the player. It'd be similar to the danger of shooting out those glass walls...
When I was playing though the unitology church I accidentally shot out some of the overhead lights, it made it quite dark. I don't know what other lights can be shot out though.


MrTroubleMaker said:
When I was playing though the unitology church I accidentally shot out some of the overhead lights, it made it quite dark. I don't know what other lights can be shot out though.

Ah... I missed it then. Guess they should do it more. :p I'm a pretty good shot usually!


Monkey Pants said:
They're not actors. Totally real. There's a reason that you're only seeing the top 2-10 of 200 Moms that participated.

Very gooey. Do they sign release forms indicating that they are going to get video-taped and made fun of on the internet? :D
hey Monkey Pants, nice to see you posting here. given that you replied right after my constructive criticism, i figure i don't need to go over it again.

Dead Space 2 has shot up my list of favourite games, even if i found there to be a few flaws in the later section (not game breaking stuff) than i found in the earlier section (where there were things that could definately have been better, but nothing i would have labelled a flaw per se).

i was lucky enough to fly out for a community day on the first game before it came out, and i'm glad that you're getting the sales and recognition you deserved.

oh! one thing. next time could we have stomp and alt fire on different buttons? maybe it was just me but more than once i shot a pulse rifle grenade into the floor when i wanted to stomp because i didn't let go of the aim button quick enough. all those bullets wasted...


Currently replaying Dead Space 1, which makes me appreciate many of the refined things in DS2; something as simple as the revised control scheme is a noticeable improvement. But aside from the different things I listed in my previous posts, I feel one more thing should be discussed for DS3; PLEASE go back to the more satanic-ish areas that were used in the first game. The many candles in the apartment complexes in DS2 didn't really cut it, make it really fucked up like in DS1 with tons of dead bodies (with covered faces) and generally messed up locations.


Monkey Pants said:
Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to say that we appreciate the thoughtful feedback and analysis here. I can't go into line by line explanations or dialogues about everything, but we read every word and it will help make future games better.

- The DS team.

PS. So far, my main takeaways are that you want lots more infinite respawn Necromorph gang fights and asteroid shooting sequences. Right? ;)

Hey Monkey, I was wondering if you'd check your PM please. :)



Oh on another note, how's about chapter select from the main screen. Use the New game+ data for inventory data. I suppose that would have made more sense in DS1 with the split level design though.


BeeDog said:
Currently replaying Dead Space 1, which makes me appreciate many of the refined things in DS2; something as simple as the revised control scheme is a noticeable improvement. But aside from the different things I listed in my previous posts, I feel one more thing should be discussed for DS3; PLEASE go back to the more satanic-ish areas that were used in the first game. The many candles in the apartment complexes in DS2 didn't really cut it, make it really fucked up like in DS1 with tons of dead bodies (with covered faces) and generally messed up locations.
You mention revised controls, but I immediately switched to classic control scheme when I played. What's the difference when you play "center" or whatever it's called?


Drewsky said:
You mention revised controls, but I immediately switched to classic control scheme when I played. What's the difference when you play "center" or whatever it's called?

In Centered mode, your targeting laser beams are constant, they don't interact with enemies and objects in the environment. i.e. Whether you point them at something a mile away or at a wall two feet in front of you, it stays the same. It basically gives you a targeting reticle in the center of the screen, no matter what. Including when you're in a "grabbed" state, whereas in DS1 and Classic that puts you in that weird freestyle aiming mode where you can move your targeting beams all over the place.


Yeah, as said, the Centered/Classic options just affect how the beams from the weapons are handled. What I meant was the button placement in the control scheme and how Isaac is handled.


- You can't reload without aiming (L1 + X).
- He's clumsier/more heavy (not necessarily worse).
- Running animation while in zero gravity is different; he takes bigger "jumpy" steps.
- The stomping is janky and doesn't always hit an object/enemy when it should.
- The bashing is also janky, and if you accidentally melee a wall or a solid object, you notice Isaac pushes away from it fast, which looks ugly.
- The kinesis works differently in that there's a "ring" extending from his hand that physically grabs an object. Overall, it's much slower than the TK in DS2.
- The buttons to use health packs and stasis are changed around.
- You can't use stasis packs immediately (only through the menu).


- You can reload while running.
- The stomping and bashing actually works much better this time around.
- The TK is much faster resulting in that you can cut off necro arms and immediately TK throw them back.
- You can use stasis packs immediately.


I don't mind that Isaac talks, but he definitely could have done without his cheesy Last Action Hero one liners.

Ellie: It's a bad idea Isacc!

Isaac: ...stick around... *helmet on* I'm full of bad ideas.



Just finished it, i really enjoyed it, although the last chapters were definitly the weakest aand sometimes downright frustrating.
Improvemnet of Zero G sections really stood out for me, wish there were some longer and more sections of it.
Time to dive into new game+ and check out the rest of the weapons.


Nork unification denier
jaekwon15 said:
I don't mind that Isaac talks, but he definitely could have done without his cheesy Last Action Hero one liners.

Ellie: It's a bad idea Isacc!

Isaac: ...stick around... *helmet on* I'm full of bad ideas.


Oh come on, those were awesome.

I admit that
"you complete me"
line was hokey as hell though.

Monkey Pants said:
They're not actors. Totally real. There's a reason that you're only seeing the top 2-10 of 200 Moms that participated.

Well, now I'm really curious. Maybe the other 190 moms kicked ass at multiplayer. I think I would enjoy that commercial even more. Maybe showing them wiping the floor in a match against their kids or husbands.

Mr. Sam

Got this for £25 in HMV today. Thought the opportunity was too good to pass up. Played the first half hour so far and hey, who knew how much fun you could have with levitating wheelchairs?


benevolent sexism
jaekwon15 said:
I don't mind that Isaac talks, but he definitely could have done without his cheesy Last Action Hero one liners.

Ellie: It's a bad idea Isacc!

Isaac: ...stick around... *helmet on* I'm full of bad ideas.


I'm normally pretty sensitive to cheese, but I thought his one-liners were pretty understated, at least. Didn't bother me, in any case. The cheesy love stuff with Nicole falls flat for me, and that's really my only complaint about the dialog in this game so far.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
badcrumble said:
Please, for the love of Altman, consider giving DS3 a Metroidvania structure.
I know this is one of those requests that the fans want but will never actually happen, but, you know, a man (me) can dream.
jaekwon15 said:
I don't mind that Isaac talks, but he definitely could have done without his cheesy Last Action Hero one liners.

Ellie: It's a bad idea Isacc!

Isaac: ...stick around... *helmet on* I'm full of bad ideas.



jax (old)

I do wonder what they can do with the DS3 story at the end of 2 though.

END talk
The people are evil for the most parts - and well, the marker is this chaotic monster making thing - which I wouldn't class as evil - its just not a good thing. However, 2 games now and both titles don't signal a true big bad. And unless there's a marker king/queen - I honestly don't know. It has to ramp up otherwise, this notion of more markers to destroy, plus more rooms with necromorphs in them, don't really expand deadspace at all. As is DS2 is very much more deadspace... but the third game really needs something.


Because Issac is needed to converge, unless 3 starts with convergence and you play as someone else taking on the new "villian" Issac, its going to have the same sort of story.

Honestly don't know what can happen in 3.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
I think Isaac
looks like he wants to get it on with Ellie (when she says, "What?" at Isaac) when he glances at her in the escape pod thingy in the end. Can't blame him. Nicole's dead so..

jax (old)

Verano said:
I think Isaac
looks like he wants to get it on with Ellie (when she says, "What?" at Isaac) when he glances at her in the escape pod thingy in the end. Can't blame him. Nicole's dead so..

I'm guessing you didn't play DeadSpace 1


Jax said:
I do wonder what they can do with the DS3 story at the end of 2 though.

END talk
The people are evil for the most parts - and well, the marker is this chaotic monster making thing - which I wouldn't class as evil - its just not a good thing. However, 2 games now and both titles don't signal a true big bad.

Honestly don't know what can happen in 3.

I don't think we need
A big bad to make the story interesting. God knows, it's a failure on RE with Super Wesker. Having a bureaucratic EarthGov as sideline enemy works because they are big enough and can produce different kind of antagonists for different stories. The main antagonist will still be the marker/necromorph. In this game, we actually get confirmation that the marker can actually influence individual's mind to a certain degree. However, Isaac, unlike the other engineer, managed to fight back the mind control. If we have a game with a bunch of new characters who have no experience like Isaac in DS1, we can have an interesting game where we have no idea which character can turn against the humans. Or maybe your game will affect how the story will unfold.

jax (old)

Replicant said:
I don't think we need
A big bad to make the story interesting. God knows, it's a failure on RE with Super Wesker. Having a bureaucratic EarthGov as sideline enemy works because they are big enough and can produce different kind of antagonists for different stories. The main antagonist will still be the marker/necromorph. In this game, we actually get confirmation that the marker can actually influence individual's mind to a certain degree. However, Isaac, unlike the other engineer, managed to fight back the mind control. If we have a game with a bunch of new characters who have no experience like Isaac in DS1, we can have an interesting game where we have no idea which character can turn against the humans. Or maybe your game will affect how the story will unfold.

problem with RE is the caricature style evil villian/atmosphere they always go for. Even the midget napoleany thing in RE4 was cheesy and over the top (don't get me wrong, he worked for RE4, great villian, amusing) but the tone of the game has always been hammy.

I think, DS2
as someone posted earlier, the military commander in the game didn't feature that greatly in the 2nd half as much of an antagonist outside of a few cutscenes. when you finish the credits - voice over dialogue lends the impression that there's a main bad guy who's overwatching this whole marker incident and the person in charge of the whole thing. We'll see him in 3 but he'll be human. I'm guessing that he's going to be Marker influenced somewhere down the line/endboss because as is, there are humans in the deadspace universe who seemingly are not affected by the influences of the marker - daria/ellie/issac/these military guys - they don't seem to be insane insane/change molecularly to become monsters


Hm.. are any of you finding the audio to skip on 360? I've played through it several times and there are times when the audio just skips during heavy action. It happened mostly during the
ride on top of the drilling vehicle

It's like the audio signal resets and my receiver is trying to find the signal again. :s I have it installed to the HDD on a 360 Slim. Other times it's a bit random, but again always during some shooting/fighting.
BeeDog said:
Yeah, as said, the Centered/Classic options just affect how the beams from the weapons are handled. What I meant was the button placement in the control scheme and how Isaac is handled.


- You can't reload without aiming (L1 + X).
- He's clumsier/more heavy (not necessarily worse).
- Running animation while in zero gravity is different; he takes bigger "jumpy" steps.
- The stomping is janky and doesn't always hit an object/enemy when it should.
- The bashing is also janky, and if you accidentally melee a wall or a solid object, you notice Isaac pushes away from it fast, which looks ugly.
- The kinesis works differently in that there's a "ring" extending from his hand that physically grabs an object. Overall, it's much slower than the TK in DS2.
- The buttons to use health packs and stasis are changed around.
- You can't use stasis packs immediately (only through the menu).


- You can reload while running.
- The stomping and bashing actually works much better this time around.
- The TK is much faster resulting in that you can cut off necro arms and immediately TK throw them back.
- You can use stasis packs immediately.

One thing I didn't notice until someone pointed it out to me is that you can run backwards. They did a way better job of making RE4 controls suitable for a fast-paced action game than RE5 did.


After digesting two playthroughs, feedback from this thread, and everything else, I've come to the conclusion that Visceral are underestimating themselves, the universe they've created, and the amazing mood and atmosphere that they have created in both the Ishimura and the Sprawl.

You don't need the monster closets or the constant rush of Necromorphs to make your game awesome. The best parts of DS1 and 2 is just walking around the environment, feeling the vibe of whatever place you're in, exploring every room, taking in the amazing art direction and sound design, and just being creeped out the fact that nothing happens.

Don't get me wrong, the combat is amazing. I just wish you'd trust the player to EXPERIENCE your game, not just play it by forcing him to actively participate by throwing enemies at him.
AlStrong said:
Hm.. are any of you finding the audio to skip on 360? I've played through it several times and there are times when the audio just skips during heavy action. It happened mostly during the
ride on top of the drilling vehicle

It's like the audio signal resets and my receiver is trying to find the signal again. :s I have it installed to the HDD on a 360 Slim. Other times it's a bit random, but again always during some shooting/fighting.

yup. i mentioned this a few weeks ago. after googling around i found this:

Ok, so I just beat DS2. What I can say is that I was signed out of live for the whole time and did not once encouter the audio dropouts, even in intense fights. Although I haven't done the proper controls yet (replayed a scene where I previously encountered dropouts) it looks like signing out of live solves the problem.

I will do some further testing when I have time, like (re)playing a scene that causes dropouts when signed in to live to test if this still happens when signed out.

Couldn't bother to test it tonight since I was too hooked in the game ;)



dunno if the solution works as i haven't tried it yet.


Truant said:
After digesting two playthroughs, feedback from this thread, and everything else, I've come to the conclusion that Visceral are underestimating themselves, the universe they've created, and the amazing mood and atmosphere that they have created in both the Ishimura and the Sprawl.

You don't need the monster closets or the constant rush of Necromorphs to make your game awesome. The best parts of DS1 and 2 is just walking around the environment, feeling the vibe of whatever place you're in, exploring every room, taking in the amazing art direction and sound design, and just being creeped out the fact that nothing happens.

Don't get me wrong, the combat is amazing. I just wish you'd trust the player to EXPERIENCE your game, not just play it by forcing him to actively participate by throwing enemies at him.
This is a great post. Completely agree.


AlStrong said:
Hm.. are any of you finding the audio to skip on 360? I've played through it several times and there are times when the audio just skips during heavy action. It happened mostly during the
ride on top of the drilling vehicle

It's like the audio signal resets and my receiver is trying to find the signal again. :s I have it installed to the HDD on a 360 Slim. Other times it's a bit random, but again always during some shooting/fighting.

Yes, happened while I was playing tonight.
Goddammit! I keep dying during stupid sequences in the first few chapters of Hardcore mode! I just fuckin' died when the gunship fires at you in the Church of Scientology lobby! Can you believe it!??

I finished the game twice now and I never died there! I thought the bullets were armless and for show!!
SketchTheArtist said:
Goddammit! I keep dying during stupid sequences in the first few chapters of Hardcore mode! I just fuckin' died when the gunship fires at you in the Church of Scientology lobby! Can you believe it!??

I finished the game twice now and I never died there! I thought the bullets were armless and for show!!

No, those sons of bitches will cut you up if you're foolish enough to run into the strafing fire. But there's only like two bits where you can die, and one is a quick-time event. Did you run there on purpose?
NotTheGuyYouKill said:
No, those sons of bitches will cut you up if you're foolish enough to run into the strafing fire. But there's only like two bits where you can die, and one is a quick-time event. Did you run there on purpose?

Yeah, I always ran near the bullet impacts, on the left side of the statue in the lobby. I always thought the statue would protect you. So I need to run on the right side, underneath the bullets?
SketchTheArtist said:
Yeah, I always ran near the bullet impacts, on the left side of the statue in the lobby. I always thought the statue would protect you. So I need to run on the right side, underneath the bullets?

That's what I always did. Just under the windows, no way the shots can hit you there.


I'd prefer te game to have more preset enemies. It takes a bit from the immersion factor when rooms are completely empty until you hit a trip wire and then they start coming from different vents or windows in the room every time. It'd be nice to walk into a room and see necromorphs already walking around, enabling me to stealth them or plan for them if I so choose.


One thing that bothers me in Dead Space 2:

Throughout the whole game after you encounter Eileen, you can obviously see that she's low in health. WTF can't you give her a health pack, damn it? It's killing me to see her trudging along with her health bar in red, near death like that.

And oh, I didn't know you can die from that EarthGov attacked in level 6. I always breezed through it even on Zealot.
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