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Dead Space 3 |OT| Can I Play With Madness?

Goddamn I got knocked around a lot by
the Stalkers and Slashers outside Geology
, it was the first time fighting the Stalkers has actually been gripping.

I'd been rather disappointed by the encounters with the Stalkers up to that point, they largely played out with me standing in the one spot shooting them down as they charged me one by one before they could get to me.


Nork unification denier
Up to chapter 9 in Hardcore now. I'm a little surprised I haven't died yet. I think most of that is due to the Evangelizer pre-order weapon, since that thing is godly if you upgrade the damage a bit. Have no idea how people who don't have it get through that first bit of a Hardcore run - the initial weapons are pretty weak.

Can you play Hardcore in co-op by the way?
Finished the game this morning.
The real ending was a bit of a shocker ala Gears of War 2

I really loved the weapon crafting system. More games should implement this in the future


Severed was two chapters, IIRC.

Yup but two pretty good chapters I thought. Will definitely buy the DLC.

Up to chapter 9 in Hardcore now. I'm a little surprised I haven't died yet. I think most of that is due to the Evangelizer pre-order weapon, since that thing is godly if you upgrade the damage a bit. Have no idea how people who don't have it get through that first bit of a Hardcore run - the initial weapons are pretty weak.

Can you play Hardcore in co-op by the way?

Well the game is only on Hard instead of Impossible. The game is not really a challenge on Hard at all.

Yes you can play hardcore in co-op. This will test your friendship.


If my last checkpoint wasn't near a bench and I have little ammo and medpacks, am I screwed? I'm towards the end of the game and I'm in a section where I get ambushed by a bunch of those
skinny creatures
(they're charred/black too) and I have no idea what to do.

I understand they had to do it for co-op, but I really dislike the auto-save system now. That, and the convoluted upgrade system and shop (which I'm still not sure I understand completely) have really hampered my enjoyment of what is otherwise a really fun game :(
You can use chapter select to jump back to an earlier chapter to stock up on items/resources. Then select 'Continue From Last Story Point' to restart from where you left off.


Who the fuck came up with those infamous scenarios in chapter 5 and 6?! Such a shitty idea for a gameplay: let's give the player a slow-firing dismemberment tool and put him against lightning fast enemies.

And the checkpoint is so shitty especially in chapter 6. Also, let's put a bench where you have to craft a key in an open area where you can get swiped while waiting for the slooooow-ass bench to start up.

def sim

You should make a new weapon, Replicant. One that has a good area of effect for crowd control, maybe. It sounds like you are solely using a plasma cutter.


Who the fuck came up with those infamous scenarios in chapter 5 and 6?! Such a shitty idea for a gameplay: let's give the player a slow-firing dismemberment tool and put him against lightning fast enemies.
you have 2 weapons in this game from the getgo, one hard hitting, slow firing one and one fast firing one.

cant blame the game here, really


you have 2 weapons in this game from the getgo, one hard hitting, slow firing one and one fast firing one.

cant blame the game here, really

Except for the fact that the fast firing one doesn't even do much of a damage against the bullet-sponge creatures. Also, fast firing is fucking useless when enemies surround you from every crevices and sides.

I'm not blaming the game. That'd be dumb. I'm blaming the one who came up with the scenario of the gangbang while you have to escape from various shits with shitty weapon in your hands.

Mike M

Nick N
Also, let's put a bench where you have to craft a key in an open area where you can get swiped while waiting for the slooooow-ass bench to start up.

Uh... You clear the room first...

Except for the fact that the fast firing one doesn't even do much of a damage against the bullet-sponge creatures. Also, fast firing is fucking useless when enemies surround you from every crevices and sides.

I'm not blaming the game. That'd be dumb. I'm blaming the one who came up with the scenario of the gangbang while you have to escape from various shits with shitty weapon in your hands.

What weapon parts do you have? The sub machine gun exists pretty much solely to be broken down so you can put the military engine on a heavy frame.


Wait so the art book covers Dead Space 3 as well? let me purchase

Also by the time you get to the point Repli is complaining about, you should have at least upgraded or changed weapons around (did you not get the day 1 weapon DLC either?)
Who the fuck came up with those infamous scenarios in chapter 5 and 6?! Such a shitty idea for a gameplay: let's give the player a slow-firing dismemberment tool and put him against lightning fast enemies.

And the checkpoint is so shitty especially in chapter 6. Also, let's put a bench where you have to craft a key in an open area where you can get swiped while waiting for the slooooow-ass bench to start up.

Craft a Shotgun with a Survey Charge secondary fire. This should see you through some of the more aggressive bottlenecks the game enjoys throwing your way.

Make no mistake, there are many and much more aggressive bottlenecks to come. There's one bottleneck in particular that will either result you turning the game off and trading it in without another moments thought or will see you emerge a battle hardened victor who no longer fears death and charges into all encounters assured of victory.


Hopefully if the franchise continues and they can expand in interesting ways, we might get one. The Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia is interesting. But I think I ultimately prefer the artbook. The artwork stands on its own and the commentary bits in general are just incredibly fascinating a lot of the time.

Sorry for the crap quality:

It's the shittiest shot, but the early Isaac concepts are really interesting.

Damn! I need Dead Space next gen!

As awesome as the necros are, their character models still don't do justice to the amazing art Visceral produces...obviously this is much more a problem of the consoles horsepower (or lack of, by now) than of Visceral knowing how to utilize it.


Just ordered that new Art of Dead Space book. Can't wait to see it. It'll go great with this art book that I still own (3D glasses and all) that came with the original..



I'd been rather disappointed by the encounters with the Stalkers up to that point, they largely played out with me standing in the one spot shooting them down as they charged me one by one before they could get to me.

That's how it played out in DS2 once you figured out their AI and started carrying a force gun. I was pleasantly surprised by the later Stalker encounters in 3 even though they had to throw in different enemy types as well.
Got this today. Just finished chapter 1 and currently think it's absolute shit.

Someone tell me it gets better.

It gets much better before tailing off again and doesn't really recover.

To add to my dislike of the new save system, another annoyance I have is that I completed all the optional missions but didn't unlock the achievement due to not completing the co-op optional missions as well. I hate how co-op has infected the single player aspect of this game, the fact that there are doors that only unlock for co-op play is extremely frustrating.

The lack of video log is also a hard pill to swallow. The audio logs aren't as good either. Neither this nor Dead Space 2 have managed to capture the same feeling that Dead Space 1 still manages to evoke.
On to Pure Survival! It's going to feel great to finally build weapons again.

After Hardcore I'll probably do some co-op to finally check out the latter Carver missions.


Except for the fact that the fast firing one doesn't even do much of a damage against the bullet-sponge creatures. Also, fast firing is fucking useless when enemies surround you from every crevices and sides.

I'm not blaming the game. That'd be dumb. I'm blaming the one who came up with the scenario of the gangbang while you have to escape from various shits with shitty weapon in your hands.

You can craft a Force Gun pretty early in the game. It's invaluable for a "GET OFF ME" settings, though it doesn't do much damage by itself. I combined it with a survey charge tool so I could sweep the enemies down, back up a bit and wipe them all out with an explosion if things got hairy.
This new upgrade system is confusing me. I hate wasting stuff so I have no idea what to start pouring my stuff into (at the start of ch.5 now).

If you start putting tips and stuff on weapons, can you remove them later to attach to another? And any suggestions on what I should start upgrading?


This new upgrade system is confusing me. I hate wasting stuff so I have no idea what to start pouring my stuff into (at the start of ch.5 now).

If you start putting tips and stuff on weapons, can you remove them later to attach to another? And any suggestions on what I should start upgrading?
Give it time, you'll get used to it.

Yes, you can salvage/sell parts you've crafted for a return of resources.


Or you know just check out the weapon arena and play around with some builds to see what you like. I mean that is why the put that in the game.


What is the purpose of crouching in this game? I remember them telling you to crouch during the prologue but that was about it and even then it seemed highly unnecessary.

Is there a stealth mechanic I'm unaware of?


What is the purpose of crouching in this game? I remember them telling you to crouch during the prologue but that was about it and even then it seemed highly unnecessary.

Is there a stealth mechanic I'm unaware of?

It's for the handful of human encounters.


Uh... You clear the room first...

WTF are you talking about? The room I mentioned has infinite respawn. Of course I cleaned the room first as much as possible but it wouldn't be long before new enemies appear via vents while the animation for the bench machine is loading and I got swiped again.

Also by the time you get to the point Repli is complaining about, you should have at least upgraded or changed weapons around (did you not get the day 1 weapon DLC either?)

Tacitus_ said:
You can craft a Force Gun pretty early in the game. It's invaluable for a "GET OFF ME" settings, though it doesn't do much damage by itself. I combined it with a survey charge tool so I could sweep the enemies down, back up a bit and wipe them all out with an explosion if things got hairy.

That's my intention except that I don't have enough Tungsten unless I go micro-transaction way. This is so fucking annoying. You even need Tungsten to open rooms with torque key, which I assume has more resources to use.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
WTF are you talking about? The room I mentioned has infinite respawn. Of course I cleaned the room first as much as possible but it wouldn't be long before new enemies appear via vents while the animation for the bench machine is loading and I got swiped again.

That's my intention except that I don't have enough Tungsten unless I go micro-transaction way.

There's not infinite respawns in that room, unless it glitched out for me.


There's not infinite respawns in that room, unless it glitched out for me.

Yes, there is. Do you even know which room is it or are you just defending the game for the sake of defending it? I'm talking about the large hallway where you have to collect 3 keys with elevators that goes up and down and a middle elevator that takes you from left to middle to right side. I've killed God knows how many enemies and they just keep pouring from all directions.

Heh, even the official guide mentions this very fact:

Take the cargo lift down to the lower level to continue looking for Remote Relay parts. Necromorphs keep coming at you from all directions, so stay alert.

So I guess I wasn't the one who imagined shit.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yes, there is. Do you even know which room is it or are you just defending the game for the sake of defending it? I'm talking about the large hallway where you have to collect 3 keys with elevators that goes up and down and a middle elevator that takes you from left to middle to right side. I've killed God knows how many enemies and they just keep pouring from all directions.

Heh, even the official guide mentions this very fact:

So I guess I wasn't the one who imagined shit.

yeah, I know the room you mean. I killed everything in that room, I'm guessing one of the leapers got stuck on the lower elevator because nothing came after me.
How do the weapon parts work in Survival Mode? Do certain types unlock when I get to a certain chapter, a'la what Dead Space did if you missed a blueprint? Or do I have to build a weapon from the blueprints provided, and then break it down in order to access and be able to create those specific parts (example: Acid Bath). This is the only time that the crafting has me stumped.

Otherwise, I'm loving Pure Survival so far, and I'm on Ch. 6 in the aft section. No need to farm, as the game throws a healthy amount of Somatic Gel and Scrap metal at me. As long as I drop the scav. bot often, I shouldn't really be in much of a need for anything.


Yes, there is. Do you even know which room is it or are you just defending the game for the sake of defending it? I'm talking about the large hallway where you have to collect 3 keys with elevators that goes up and down and a middle elevator that takes you from left to middle to right side. I've killed God knows how many enemies and they just keep pouring from all directions.

Heh, even the official guide mentions this very fact:

So I guess I wasn't the one who imagined shit.

That's the shuttle room, right? I managed to clear it as well and could craft the key in peace.

And surely you have picked up some extra weaponi parts? If not, surely you have a plasma core and a heavy frame in use somewhere you could rearrange to a Force Gun?
This new upgrade system is confusing me. I hate wasting stuff so I have no idea what to start pouring my stuff into (at the start of ch.5 now).

If you start putting tips and stuff on weapons, can you remove them later to attach to another? And any suggestions on what I should start upgrading?

You can go so far as to make a weapon, try it out and realize you're not feeling it, then just put it in the safe and 'Dismantle' it to get your parts back. Until I realized this, I thought it was odd that you couldn't back out of weapon crafting without finishing the weapon.


Yes, there is. Do you even know which room is it or are you just defending the game for the sake of defending it? I'm talking about the large hallway where you have to collect 3 keys with elevators that goes up and down and a middle elevator that takes you from left to middle to right side. I've killed God knows how many enemies and they just keep pouring from all directions.

Heh, even the official guide mentions this very fact:

So I guess I wasn't the one who imagined shit.

Sorry Rep, you can definitely clear out that room before you craft the key. I know because I did it. Just keep killin'.
The lack of video log is also a hard pill to swallow. The audio logs aren't as good either. Neither this nor Dead Space 2 have managed to capture the same feeling that Dead Space 1 still manages to evoke.

Can't say I fully agree with everything you've posted as I thoroughly enjoyed Dead Space 2 and 3. But I do agree that there's something about the first one...the pacing and atmosphere really make that one special. I also like that Isaac is a hapless engineer trapped with the rescue crew sort of like John McClane, and most of your in-game errands have to do with simply escaping horrible circumstances and improving your team's situation.
Chapter 8 at the moment.
Compared to the first two games this game is crap. Everything is bad except for the graphics.

I can't believe what they've done to Dead Space.


This really is a massive misfire from a very talented developer. They've lost sight of their own series in their pursuit of Call of Duty and Uncharted. Dead Space 2 is a masterpiece of tone and atmosphere by comparison. Some of the dialogue in this game is embarrassing.
Chapter 8 at the moment.
Compared to the first two games this game is crap. Everything is bad except for the graphics.

I can't believe what they've done to Dead Space.

meh, felt like Dead Space to me. Enemies pop out, you kill them, pick up their drop, repeat. Weapon crafting gave me the a comparable sense of investment as the store in DS1 and 2.


This game really has no sense of place. It just feels like warehouse after warehouse after elevator after corridor. There is no sense of a 'world gone bad' that made DS1 and parts of 2 so effective. No children's bedrooms or nurseries... Just snow and corridors. It's fairly stunning how wide of the mark this game is in some key areas.


And surely you have picked up some extra weaponi parts? If not, surely you have a plasma core and a heavy frame in use somewhere you could rearrange to a Force Gun?

Well, now that I'm on my 2nd run of Chapter 1-5, I actually have some Tungsten to create/upgrade my weapon. But before that? None. Nada. It's kind of ridiculous that I have to repeat those chapters just to mine resources. And I hate that one of the side-missions in Chapter 4 is locked since I am not playing co-op atm. I thought all parts of the game can played on your own if you want to. I guess not.

Sorry Rep, you can definitely clear out that room before you craft the key. I know because I did it. Just keep killin'.

Okay, I'll try it again when I get there on Chapter 6. But that means they must have placed ridiculous amount of enemies down there.

This game really has no sense of place. It just feels like warehouse after warehouse after elevator after corridor. There is no sense of a 'world gone bad' that made DS1 and parts of 2 so effective. No children's bedrooms or nurseries... Just snow and corridors. It's fairly stunning how wide of the mark this game is in some key areas.

I like the outer space part of the game but yeah, apart from that nothing else has impressed me thus far. I remember how foreboding the sets in DS1 and DS2. But in this one, they all look the same. As for the enemies, because they are now ridiculously aggressive and fast, I can't even see what they look like. As a result, the feeling of dread is gone and now simply replaced by annoyance.

Weapon crafting hasn't clicked yet for me mostly because I'm resource-strained. I'm not about to dismantle my effectively working weapons just to see if other combinations might be better. I did that before and was rewarded with shitty combination that saw me restarting an entire wave of enemies over and over again because the weapon just didn't work as I thought it would. The problem is what you see in the stats often don't match the actual reality of the weapon's power.
And I hate that one of the side-missions in Chapter 4 is locked since I am not playing co-op atm. I thought all parts of the game can played on your own if you want to. I guess not.

That's another thing that really bothers me, I'm not going to play co-op and wont get 100% on this :/

def sim

meh, felt like Dead Space to me. Enemies pop out, you kill them, pick up their drop, repeat. Weapon crafting gave me the a comparable sense of investment as the store in DS1 and 2.

One of the biggest problems I have with this game is that it's still using the same scares. I don't know where these people are coming from, asking what they've done to Dead Space and all. It's the same game with rebalanced weapons.
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