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Dead Space 3 |OT| Can I Play With Madness?


Well, got my Platinum in DS3. Game was great but more in the co-op is awesome way than the "holy shit, I'm gonna crap my pants from fear" way. I don't mind this but co-op really removes most of the tension out of the game.

I have to say that I very much like the weapon crafting aspect of the game. Sure, it removes some of the uniqueness of the weapons, but in return I get the ability to craft a weapon that suits my playstyle. Rivet chaingun with underbarrel rocket launcher FTW.

As far as the suits go, I have to chime in on the disappointment. There's too many reskins and most of them don't really look all that great. I hope that Visceral releases the Advanced Suit as DLC. I really miss it.

Anyway, I had a blast with the game and will be buying the story DLC day 1.

EDIT: While I'm at it: Visceral, fix that goddamn disappearing Scavenger Bot issue!

def sim

The difference here is that there's very little sense of atmosphere compared to the first two games. Dead Space 3 is missing moments like in Dead Space 2 where you encounter Stalkers for the first time and you hear nothing but their chirps, wondering what the fuck is making that noise. There's no tinge of madness or a sense of dread at the fucked up situation at hand. The only chapter in DS3 that recaptured what made the previous DS games great is Chapter 9. Finding out about the Feeders was really the only truly memorable moment in the game for me.

The introduction of the stalkers in DS2 was definitely cool, but I was completely bummed out that the strategy against them is to stand in a corner and wait until they rush you straight on. It was a bit of a chore to fight them. I get what you mean, though. Enemies had more character, I suppose, then and are reduced to fodder for my custom weapons now.
I think I'll sell this game as soon as possible. What a disappointment.
I'll rather play the Dead Space 1+2 instead.

I was disappointed but I got it for 40 dollars new. Had it been 60, there wouldve been tears.

Traded it in for GoW:A right after I beat it. First DS game to not get an immediate replay.


Trying to fight the urge to jump into the series with this one, playing in the wrong order like I did with the Gears of War series. I know it's not as "scary" as the others but I dunno, I guess I kinda dig the Thing similarities. With that said, I actually own 1 and 2 (got them cheap a while ago, kind of a pussy and expect them to scare me at least initially) so by the time I get through them I bet this one's cheaper.

Play the first 2 games. They are better than DS3 in just about every way.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Picking this up today. Whats the consensus on which version is better?

2 was better last time round on ps3.
I asked this earlier in the thread and so far all the replies said there's no differences between the two.

What made the PS3 version of DS better, btw?


Do they still? I thought that only came with the limited PS3 edition?

They're all "limited edition." lol

Edit: apparently there is a greatest hits version that only has the demo. But I have never seen a copy of it in the wild. The limited edition is very easy to find.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
They're all "limited edition." lol
Just checked it and it seems the Limited Edition is not available, or at least easily so. Unless you go to Amazon, chances are you're gonna get the Greatest Hits. You'll have to spend the $37.00 to get the LE.


Just checked it and it seems the Limited Edition is not available, or at least easily so. Unless you go to Amazon, chances are you're gonna get the Greatest Hits. You'll have to spend the $37.00 to get the LE.

Well but Dead Space Extraction is totally worth that. Most underrated entry in the series.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Well but Dead Space Extraction is totally worth that. Most underrated entry in the series.
I have the Wii version. Is the PS3 version on disc or does the LE comes with a code to download it aka DLC?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Disc install.
Damn, I may have to go and get the PS3 version if that's the case. Extraction is great and although I got the Wii version (here's the catch, I don't even have a Wii! I bought it because Dead Space!) I wouldn't mind having the HD version of it.
Saved game process...

Has Visceral come out and said why they decided to completely fuck it up?

Loaded up the game...

Put me straight into a combat with three necros. They were already spawned. Completely sloppy.


Saved game process...

Has Visceral come out and said why they decided to completely fuck it up?

Co-op multiplayer. Kill it with fire next time around.

Loaded up the game...

Put me straight into a combat with three necros. They were already spawned. Completely sloppy.

Ha ha ha. I think I know which area you're talking about. It's completely messed up because that's not the location where I last saved. I thought I load the wrong file but then I remember there's only 1 save file. :/

You know what else sucks? In this one, it doesn't matter if you stomp on dead bodies, their bodies will be intact again the next time you enter the room. I want to know what kind of black magic does that shit? In DS1 and DS2, stomping is an important strategy which awards players who keep their eyes peeled for dead bodies. Not to mention there's no ridiculous amount of dead bodies returning to its former, undamaged state.
Ha ha ha. I think I know which area you're talking about. It's completely messed up because that's not the location where I last saved. I thought I load the wrong file but then I remember there's only 1 save file. :/

It's still an alright game but it is so...so very much less than what the first two games achieved.

The things I loved the most about the first two games regarding what Visceral accomplished simply aren't present in this one.

I am so weary of EA completely fucking up games that they are publishing.
I am so weary of developers compromising what they are capable of just to chase a consumer demographic that doesn't give a fuck about gaming and will move onto their next episode of Storage Wars right after they cruise through the game on Co-Op on Easy difficulty.

I've kinda had it with this game. I'm ready to simply throw it the fuck outside.
You know what else sucks? In this one, it doesn't matter if you stomp on dead bodies, their bodies will be intact again the next time you enter the room. I want to know what kind of black magic does that shit? In DS1 and DS2, stomping is an important strategy which awards players who keep their eyes peeled for dead bodies. Not to mention there's no ridiculous amount of dead bodies returning to its former, undamaged state.

I am aware of this sucking.

I am also aware of the seeming occurrence of necro corspes "de-spawning" more quickly than they do in the first two games.

It's like Visceral forgot what made their first two games brilliant.


Chapter 18. I've become so feed up with fighting endless hordes of bullshit, that I started just running past entire rooms of necros. That's it. Just run past them and on to the next room with no looking back. That's something I thought I would never say about a Dead Space game. Great f'n game you made here, Visceral.


Nork unification denier
Did they remove one of the two resources packs you could buy with ration seals? There were two (one for 30 and one for 60) and now there's only one.

nel e nel

Did they remove one of the two resources packs you could buy with ration seals? There were two (one for 30 and one for 60) and now there's only one.

Not on the Xbox. I literally just finished up about 30 minutes ago, and all 3 were still available at the workbench before I began my final run.


Chapter 9 optional mission final battle: you gotta be kidding me @ that gangbang.

Good thing I have 1 shot kill Bolas gun with electric spike 2nd weapon plus static coating. Otherwise I would have thrown the controller across the room.


Finished the game last night. I really enjoyed it, as I was playing in coop with my significant other who's sitting next to me :p

I would say it's a good game but definitely doesn't feel anything like dead space. The creeping terror element prevalent to DS1/2 just wasn't there. Also, the side missions were mostly just the same area over and over again, with a couple of "monster vents" tossed in. Regardless, the weapon crafting and tearing up enemies in coop made it for me.

Here's the gun I enjoyed playing most with:
SCAF Assault Rifle with Chain Lightning Gun
Military Engine with MK-V Compressor, full fire rate (empties the clip in seconds)
Tesla Core with Diffraction Torus
Damage Support and Stasis Coating mods

Completely rips enemies to pieces in seconds, even on Hard/Impossible. It's wildy inaccurate, but that actually works to its advantage, or you could fire shorter bursts - but who does that :p

You can also use the chain lightning gun to "trick shoot" at enemies who are behind cover or if there's a big group of enemies approaching, it jumps up to 3 targets and applies stasis to each one.


Aha so there is a way to use the Devil Horns in Hardcore and Pure Survival after you unlocked it by playing through Classic.

Gonna try that out.


Aha so there is a way to use the Devil Horns in Hardcore and Pure Survival after you unlocked it by playing through Classic.

Gonna try that out.

The one that requires you to delete the install data beforehand? Sounds dangerous to me but let us know if it works.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Chapter 18. I've become so feed up with fighting endless hordes of bullshit, that I started just running past entire rooms of necros. That's it. Just run past them and on to the next room with no looking back. That's something I thought I would never say about a Dead Space game. Great f'n game you made here, Visceral.

Sounds like...the endgame of the first 2 games to me. ESPECIALLY 2.

I dunno, once I got all 3 parts to craft the item for the shuttle, the respawns stopped for me as well. I will say though, that they seemed to spawn infinitely UNTIL I got all 3 parts, then I cleaned up the leftovers and continued.

Also: fuck that goddam Refuse Disposal side mission outside the Geology building.

Worst part of the game to me...huge out of nowhere difficulty hike.
Aha so there is a way to use the Devil Horns in Hardcore and Pure Survival after you unlocked it by playing through Classic.

Gonna try that out.

If there was significant risk in those modes past the insta-gib sequences, I'd probably entertain the idea. However, the enemies are cake to deal with once you get the rhythm of each area down and realize what tools/weapons do and don't work.

Let us know how it goes though.


What's this electronic "bwa bwa....bwa bwa....bwa bwa....bwa bwa" sound I keep hearing? Is it coming from Isaac's suit? His weapons? A door? What? I've no idea what's causing it or what it is and it's driving me crazy.


What's this electronic "bwa bwa....bwa bwa....bwa bwa....bwa bwa" sound I keep hearing? Is it coming from Isaac's suit? His weapons? A door? What? I've no idea what's causing it or what it is and it's driving me crazy.

The sound means you're at a spot rich with resources, you can release scavenger bots there (once you have one).
I was disappointed but I got it for 40 dollars new. Had it been 60, there wouldve been tears.

Traded it in for GoW:A right after I beat it. First DS game to not get an immediate replay.

I'll trade it in tomorrow for Metal Gear Solid Rising
I got Dead Space 3 from Gamestop 2 days ago....so there's still one day left to return it.

nel e nel

Chapter 18. I've become so feed up with fighting endless hordes of bullshit, that I started just running past entire rooms of necros. That's it. Just run past them and on to the next room with no looking back. That's something I thought I would never say about a Dead Space game. Great f'n game you made here, Visceral.

Yeah, I did the same, but more because I was too low on ammo and was using up all my scrap metal than anything else.

Even though I personally never did it, running away/past enemies was always a viable strategy in the first two games.


I finished the game this weekend and love it just like I love DS1 and DS2. I look forward to a second playthrough since I didn't get into the weapon crafting before late in the game.

I never felt the game abandoned the horror element, and I was just as tense during my playthrough as in DS1 and DS2. There might be more action, but thats not a problem. I always saw the games as action games with horror elements and that's just what you get here.

My mini review:

-New environment feels both fresh and familiar enough
-graphics and audio is amazing as always
-the design is spot on
-some cool new enemies
-atmosphere is great, for me the game felt just as tense as 1 and 2
-controls are perfect
-weapon crafting is a nice addition
-lenghty compared to most action games (I think I spent around 14h)

-human enemies are a letdown compared to necromorphs. Luckily there aren't many encounters with humans.
-the beginning of the game is poor until you get into space
-the overall story is poor, but gets the job done

The Dead Space games are probably my favorites this gen. I've replayed each games 2-3 games, which I've only done with a few other games. I'm surprised to see so much negativity here, but I guess I should know that popular games gets a lot of hate. Everybody loves to hate :)
No one mention the awakened achievements?

I finished the game this weekend and love it just like I love DS1 and DS2. I look forward to a second playthrough since I didn't get into the weapon crafting before late in the game.

I never felt the game abandoned the horror element, and I was just as tense during my playthrough as in DS1 and DS2. There might be more action, but thats not a problem. I always saw the games as action games with horror elements and that's just what you get here.

My mini review:

-New environment feels both fresh and familiar enough
-graphics and audio is amazing as always
-the design is spot on
-some cool new enemies
-atmosphere is great, for me the game felt just as tense as 1 and 2
-controls are perfect
-weapon crafting is a nice addition
-lenghty compared to most action games (I think I spent around 14h)

-human enemies are a letdown compared to necromorphs. Luckily there aren't many encounters with humans.
-the beginning of the game is poor until you get into space
-the overall story is poor, but gets the job done

The Dead Space games are probably my favorites this gen. I've replayed each games 2-3 games, which I've only done with a few other games. I'm surprised to see so much negativity here, but I guess I should know that popular games gets a lot of hate. Everybody loves to hate :)

I like you.

nel e nel

Finished up myself last night (solo Impossible), and while I liked it the least of all the DS games - barring Ignition - I still really enjoyed it, and it felt like the logical evolution of Isaac's story. I do agree that a lot of the dramatic beats felt hammy or fell flat, but the expansion of the lore and history of the Markers was great. (Oh shit! Make Us Whole...now I get it!!!) The final boss was kinda goofy, but at the same time it was a nice reprieve after getting my ass handed to me on the lead up to it.

I'm still undecided about the way enemy encounters are now. On the one hand, I understand the complaints that it feels cheap and overly difficult by throwing tons of enemies at you, on the other hand I think Visceral is pretty devilish in forcing seasoned players to not rely on the same strategies they've used for the past games. One thing is for sure though, that sense of relief - or feeling like a badass - after a particularly difficult encounter is still intact.

Also not sure why folks are expecting to be scared after 3 console games, an iOS game and an XBLA/PSN game. It's hard to put the cat back in the bag when the first game relied so much on Fear Of The Unknown (Is Nightmare on Elm St. 3 as scary as the original?). We know what necromorphs are, and man-sized vents have been a staple of the series, so being able to 'predict' certain encounters is kind of a non-issue for me. There was still plenty of quiet moments that would lull me a bit only to have something catch me off guard. I always felt that the series was less about being scared and more about being tense, and a feeling of 'Aw cripes, I have to go do what now? You gotta be kidding me!'

Regardless of any of the shortcomings, the core gameplay and world design are still so awesome, that it made for a compelling experience.
Can someone explain/list all the game modes available and what they are? Is there a hardcore (limited saves) mode like in 2?

New Game+: Like the regular game, with your completed inventory.
Classic: No weapon crafting, can only build from blueprints, no co op, classic aiming defaults to on.
Pure Survival: Only drops are resources, you have to build your items
Hardcore: You have one life to make it through the entire game.

Much appreciated.

Mike M

Nick N
Can someone explain/list all the game modes available and what they are? Is there a hardcore (limited saves) mode like in 2?
New Game+: Like the regular game, with your completed inventory.
Classic: No weapon crafting, can only build from blueprints, no co op, classic aiming defaults to on.
Pure Survival: Only drops are resources, you have to build your items
Hardcore: You have one life to make it through the entire game.
New Game+: Like the regular game, with your completed inventory.
Classic: No weapon crafting, can only build from blueprints, no co op, classic aiming defaults to on.
Pure Survival: Only drops are resources, you have to build your items
Hardcore: You have one life to make it through the entire game.

Anyone around these parts make it through legitimately yet? You have my gamer respect and fun-spirited envy in advance. The amount of times I choked alone on the first time you have to avoid all of the flying environmental debris en route to Norton/Carver on my Classic playthrough was a clear enough indicator that I have no chance whatsoever. I certainly wouldn't hold it against them if they were to offer the opportunity to buy my way in to Retro at some point. It is my only hope.


Anyone around these parts make it through legitimately yet? You have my gamer respect and fun-spirited envy in advance. The amount of times I choked alone on the first time you have to avoid all of the flying environmental debris en route to Norton/Carver on my Classic playthrough was a clear enough indicator that I have no chance whatsoever. I certainly wouldn't hold it against them if they were to offer the opportunity to buy my way in to Retro at some point. It is my only hope.

It took me like, three days. Three long days. I had the week off work so I had the time to actually play non stop.

It was crazy, I don't even know why I did it. But yeah, it basically was frustrating. Only died during the Drill and durin Chapter 4.

After finishing on Pure Survival, it was very easy though.

def sim

I imagine it's like doing a hardcore run in DS2 where the most worrisome parts are the scripted, one hit kill events. Thinking about the last flying section in the second still upsets me. I lost an hour and a half because of a little bit of debris. :(
It took me like, three days. Three long days. I had the week off work so I had the time to actually play non stop.

It was crazy, I don't even know why I did it. But yeah, it basically was frustrating. Only died during the Drill and durin Chapter 4.

After finishing on Pure Survival, it was very easy though.

Damn, I know it would break me. Serious congrats! The scripted events would mean my eventual gaming collapse. Even on DS2, knowing full well it was going to be over after three saves, it still hurt the first time I realized that they really meant it.


Damn, I know it would break me. Serious congrats! The scripted events would mean my eventual gaming collapse. Even on DS2, knowing full well it was going to be over after three saves, it still hurt the first time I realized that they really meant it.

Honestly, the only shit parts in DS3 were the flying parts. There's none of those moments like in DS1 (ie. with the tentacles grabbing you) or in DS2 (the brute on the train) where you can die just from being all flustered during a moment of intensity.

There are no instant deaths besides the drill and the flying moments. Oh, that reminds me, I also died once in that area where you have to be stealthy. I missed the hydraulic spike things with my stasis, went to stasis again, had no packs, and died. :(
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