Chance Hale
>youtube framerate
Deadly Premonition never ran at 60 FPS, youtube has a 30 FPS cap. Videos uploaded to the site capture slowdown and everything else just fine.
>youtube framerate
The framerate seems even worse, jeez. Is that even 30 most of the time? Aiming doesn't seem any different but I suppose I'll have to wait for impressions.
Framerate looks pretty bad. Worse than the 360 version of the original (how did the JP PS3 version run).
Aw man, there's no release date shipping on Amazon.
Aw man, there's no release date shipping on Amazon.
Yeah, that blows. That was one of the reasons why I went with Gamestop instead as I can just pick the game up in the morning and play it day of release.
Still excited as well after watching that video (new stuff in it) but its a shame there isn't a PC release of this. I think it would do well on the platform and a nice PC could rip its way through the framerate issues.Original PS3 version runs VERY POORLY. It's obvious the game's engine wasn't optimized for the PS3. Not only was the framerate worse, but the audio was, too. There was this weird echo applied to sound, and it doesn't sound like they fixed that in the Director's Cut, based on the videos that have been released.
I doubt the Director's Cut will run much better, so expect it to run much worse than the original 360 version.
I'm still excited, though.
I wonder though, if this is one of those rare weird games that's not street dated and it'll SHIP Tuesday. That might be why Amazon doesn't have day 1.
I'm going to buy every piece of DLC and PSN content for this game...including the Playstation Home items. >_>
So I have a friend who loves Twin Peaks but can't play horror games.
Should I recommend this?
its a pretty meaty game, 15-20 hours
Plus if you complete all the sidequests, you're looking at forty or more hours.
So I have a friend who loves Twin Peaks but can't play horror games.
Should I recommend this?
Vaguely related, what do you get for completing all of the horrid races?
they... removed the difficulty levels? why?
Do the changes to the controls include changing the controls in the driving sequences?
I hope they didn't change that, because I have Stockholm syndrome.
How could is this game at just.. exploring?
How large is the map? Are there random stuff hidden around?
Or more like mafia 2, as in the world is open but best to keep to the missions.
The main characters all follow their own daily routines, and I think it's real-time too. The map is pretty big, so much in fact that you'll probably want to use the quick-travel item unless you want to drive around for a long time. As for hidden things, there are items and collectibles scattered around. During the "evil hour" the map becomes filled with the shadow enemies and they'll endlessly respawn until dawn.
I think the best thing about this game is the story and characters, both of which are quite memorable and entertaining.
I need to replay this flawed masterpiece. The story is one of the best of this gen. Gameplay is one of the worst, though. Still great game.
I actually enjoyed just driving around. The mechanics aren't technically great but I felt good when I was able to master the handbrake. Only ever really used the fast travel when I needed to get somewhere on the other side of town or someplace quickly.
I think the best thing about this game is the story and characters, both of which are quite memorable and entertaining.
Any tips for a first time player?
I remember reading that the combat can be frustrating and that it'd be advisable for some to play on easy mode. Is that so?