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Dear Gaming Forum:


It has come to my attention lately that you're focusing more on pointless bullshit than usual.

1. Nobody cares if GTA:SA or Halo 2 sells better. There's been twenty threads, and they've all turned out with the same replies.

2. Nintendo DS vs. PSP!!1one!1! threads are quick beocming boring. Look! "All PSP bullshit here!" "All DS bullshit here!" Keep in mind that not everyone cares about either of 'em.

3. Advertising, while interesting, is not a pusher of sales. You cannot put a quantifiable measure upon advertisement's effect on sales. It's an impossibility.

4. Metroid Prime didn't have dual analogue. We've known this for over a year, jesus christ.


I don't know, dude, I think everyone might care about the PSP and DS. Who are you to tell people what they believe?
No offense, but pointing out to a forum what everyone should and should not be talking about is extremely pointless as well, and that's putting it nicely.


It's been pretty heated over here, I'll admit.
But I think I prefer it over dealing with the Bush vs. Kerry flamewars, attention-whoring, and the single acronym posts over there.

Naw, I'm kidding. It's all good.
(Though I AM avoiding all contact with The OT during the election)


Unconfirmed Member
Matlock said:
2. Nintendo DS vs. PSP!!1one!1! threads are quick beocming boring. Look! "All PSP bullshit here!" "All DS bullshit here!" Keep in mind that not everyone cares about either of 'em.

I think that this is a pretty rubbish idea. Inconsistent at least. Shouldn’t there also be a similar thread for PS2, Xbox etc? Of course not, that would ruin the forum. I vote to remove them and reinstate single topic threads, with some kind of locking if the same old fanboy shit id trawled up. And I know how much you value my vote.

In other news, Just got back from Americaland. Hit the I5 from Port Townsend down to Seaside in Oregon. Your country is rad*

*Discounting the bad parts.
Matlock said:
It has come to my attention lately that you're focusing more on pointless bullshit than usual.

1. Nobody cares if GTA:SA or Halo 2 sells better. There's been twenty threads, and they've all turned out with the same replies.

2. Nintendo DS vs. PSP!!1one!1! threads are quick beocming boring. Look! "All PSP bullshit here!" "All DS bullshit here!" Keep in mind that not everyone cares about either of 'em.

3. Advertising, while interesting, is not a pusher of sales. You cannot put a quantifiable measure upon advertisement's effect on sales. It's an impossibility.

4. Metroid Prime didn't have dual analogue. We've known this for over a year, jesus christ.

GAF=IGN? The truth is in the air....


"Dear Gaming Forum,

Stop making topics about games.



It isn't our fault that Halo 2, GTA:SA, DS and PSP are the main buzzes around the video game industry at the minute, would you rather have some topics like:

Best Game Ever?

What's better Metroid or Halo?

Best Ending Ever?

Just put up with it mate.



Concerning #2: I think Matlock is right. It's annoying that people want to discuss different aspects of one of the biggest announcements of the year in different threads.

In fact, I think it's annoying to have more than one thread about anything, period. I propose that the forum only has one thread from now on, titled "All Gaming Shit Goes In Here". No need for stickies anymore!


they call me "Man Gravy".
Matlock said:
4. Metroid Prime didn't have dual analogue. We've known this for over a year, jesus christ.

yeah, and not having them in there RUINED THE GAME. DUAL ANALOG PLZ


Tritroid said:
Yeah, really ruined it.

That's why MP2 is above Halo on gamerankings.

And that's also why Halo 2 has a few million more preorders than MP2 and will probably have tens of million more sales than MP2 as well, despite the fact that their userbase size is roughly the same......


ElyrionX said:
And that's also why Halo 2 has a few million more preorders than MP2 and will probably have tens of million more sales than MP2 as well, despite the fact that their userbase size is roughly the same......
Well it IS the sequel to what was previously the only game worth owning on...

Nevermind, I'll get raped by Xbots if I go down that path.

Either way, sales of a game don't really mean that one control scheme works better than the other or is more successful at acheiving what it was going for than the other. Consider your logic FLAWED.


Tritroid said:
Well it IS the sequel to what was previously the only game worth owning on...

Nevermind, I'll get raped by Xbots if I go down that path.

Either way, sales of a game don't really mean that one control scheme works better than the other or is more successful at acheiving what it was going for than the other. Consider your logic FLAWED.

Ok sure. But people vote with their money and speak with their wallets.

Anyway, from gamerankings:

Metroid Prime 96%
Halo 96%

So its pretty obvious that reviewers don't see much difference between MP and Halo. Now, can we get some sales figures in here?


ElyrionX said:
Ok sure. But people vote with their money and speak with their wallets.

Anyway, from gamerankings:

Metroid Prime 96%
Halo 96%

So its pretty obvious that reviewers don't see much difference between MP and Halo. Now, can we get some sales figures in here?

5. Metroid Prime GC Nintendo 103 8.9 95.6% 95.9%
6. Halo: Combat Evolved XBOX Microsoft 99 8.9 95.0% 95.7%


Not that it matters much anyway. But I'm just pointing out that MP2's control scheme is on par (if not better than) Halo's.

And stop bringing up sales numbers, they have nothing to do with anything in this convo.




SantaCruZer said:
It's just that about 100 reviews didn't agree with you.

And those 100 reviews mention that it IS the game biggest flaw and Retro opted to do NOTHING about it in the sequel.


Tritroid said:
Not that it matters much anyway. But I'm just pointing out that MP2's control scheme is on par (if not better than) Halo's.

You do realize that in most of those reviews listed on gamerankings, reviewers lament that MP's control scheme is probably its weakest point right? And you also DO realize that in most of those reviews, Halo is lauded for having an excellent DUAL-ANALOG control scheme right?

Oh, the irony..........


Junior Member
'Dear forum, think how I think or stfu, okthxby'

Topic starter has got to be one of the biggest tools here.
ElyrionX said:
And those 100 reviews mention that it IS the game biggest flaw and Retro opted to do NOTHING about it in the sequel.
Then can you explain to me how to switch btwn visors in the game if the c-stick is used for control? The way the controls are setup for MP/2 are perfect for the type of game that it is. Dual analogue works for Halo because of the type of game that it is. Retro has stated in interviews that they played around with dual analogue for MP2, but it didn't feel right. It didn't feel like 'Metroid'.


ElyrionX said:
You do realize that in most of those reviews listed on gamerankings, reviewers lament that MP's control scheme is probably its weakest point right? And you also DO realize that in most of those reviews, Halo is lauded for having an excellent DUAL-ANALOG control scheme right?

Oh, the irony..........
For the control scheme to be listed as its 'weakest point', it still managed to score slightly higher than Halo. Meaning that the control scheme wasn't as weak as you're desperately trying to make it out to be. Otherwise, the game would have been scored considerably lower than Halo because control scheme is a huge factor in overall ratings.

MP2's control scheme is fine. There is no problem. God-forbid it take a different approach to first person control than the overglorified Halo and still rank higher or on par with it (And somehow I think that's the only reason you're still bitching.)


Robert-GCA said:
Then can you explain to me how to switch btwn visors in the game if the c-stick is used for control? The way the controls are setup for MP/2 are perfect for the type of game that it is. Dual analogue works for Halo because of the type of game that it is. Retro has stated in interviews that they played around with dual analogue for MP2, but it didn't feel right. It didn't feel like 'Metroid'.

This has already beem discussed here in case you haven't noticed:


Junior Member



I'll tell you what... that Matlock... always up to no good!!!
Man, i smell like peach. Damn troublesome hoes. I thought today was Sunday, but it's actually Saturday.


Tritroid said:

5. Metroid Prime GC Nintendo 103 8.9 95.6% 95.9%
6. Halo: Combat Evolved XBOX Microsoft 99 8.9 95.0% 95.7%


Not that it matters much anyway. But I'm just pointing out that MP2's control scheme is on par (if not better than) Halo's.

You're fucking kidding me right? :lol! How do numbers judging the overall game tell you that MP's control scheme is on par with Halo, or that they aren't for that matter...?

Thank you for the funniest post of the day.
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