Doom_Bringer said:Please someone edit my avatar!! Add the kittonwy tm smiley on the skeleton that's getting boned
hope you like it:
Doom_Bringer said:Please someone edit my avatar!! Add the kittonwy tm smiley on the skeleton that's getting boned
Great Rumbler said:
The real question is what's he like in RL? If he annoys that many people on the internet I can't imagine him not being annoying as **** in reality.xaosslug said:oh, pimpwerx--MY BAD! But seriously, if y'all can't be accepting of some random dude on the Internet's 'avatar and the posting style' what must you be like in RL...? :lol This isn't even as bad as spelling error riddled posts and terrible Grammar, as far as annoying posts go.
Doom_Bringer said:Please someone edit my avatar!! Add the kittonwy tm smiley on the skeleton that's getting boned
Eel O'Brian said:I'm trying to envision a parallel universe where the label "System Wars veteran" might be considered a mark of honor instead of just an embarrassing zit-like blemish, but I keep coming up blank.
davepoobond said:
Ronok said:Who would have known something that started off so beautiful would end in such horror? ; ;
davepoobond said:
SonSon2 said:Gah! You beat me to it. However, make room for kwality:
davepoobond said:
DCharlie comes to his defense
pilonv1 said:Anihawk avatar thread redux!
sonycowboy said:Did you drill a hole through that head? :lol
davepoobond said:here bluetsunami:
davepoobond said:here bluetsunami:
Spooks said::lol this thread is too awesome