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dear lord! I'm speachless over this AMIGA game, Lionheart, a stunning platformer....


And even i am moderately surprised
ST vs Amiga is the greatest "console" war ever.

Even lead to some games being done as a challenge.

Guy who wrote Blood Money : "This could not be done on the ST"
Guy who promptly ported Blood Money to ST : "Bitch be slapped!"

Hmm.... Time to get the ST emu up and running on the GP32 again.

I wanna play Hostages....

Agent X

DCharlie said:
Guy who wrote Blood Money : "This could not be done on the ST"

That would be David Jones. Near the back of the Blood Money manual (for the Amiga), there's some interesting comments from him about the development of the game. He clearly had a lot of nice things to say about the Amiga.

I've never seen the Atari ST version (and I have no idea who did it), but there was a surprisingly good conversion for the Commodore 64.

Agent X

Speaking of Atari ST, there was recently a homebrew conversion of a popular Dreamcast game.


It's supposed to be quite good on the ST. You can find more information here.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Guy who wrote Blood Money : "This could not be done on the ST"
Guy who promptly ported Blood Money to ST : "Bitch be slapped!"
Man, that was funny. It's even funnier how much more Amiga itself was pushed later on. Blood Money ended up looking very weak by Amiga's standards.


And even i am moderately surprised
"It's supposed to be quite good on the ST. You can find more information here."

lol. I've very good friends with Mr Pink and YES , all Reservoir Gods game rock.



Banstick Emeritus
Oh man, this is just what I've been needing. A few days off from the internet, come back and a fullblown Amiga discussion in swing. I have that copy of The One for Amiga magazine scanned at the top, btw. :D

I'd have to rate Turrican 2 slightly ahead of Gods in the platform department, I always found the control in Gods to be slightly sluggish compared to T2's leaping about. The amount of secrets in Gods puts most other titles to shame, however - one of these days I should d'l a guide and put the puppy through its paces once again...

*glances behind him at his Amiga 2000HD, freshly set up*


Now, I loved the Amiga as much as the next man, more in some cases, but this is a crazy discussion.

Lionheart was shitty, as was Gods. Both were like console ports of Quake3 - competent technically, but clearly not meant for that medium

Console platforms had the rules sorted, and refined and mature. Amiga platformers were immature and lacking in polish at best, and were simply shit at worst.

Granted, some of the tech was good, and may god forever bless Jay Miner for the copper. But look at the nasty art on Lionheart.


doncale said:
TG16 didnt get Strider - the PC Engine CD-ROM with Arcade Card got it. although its still a PCE/TG16 CPU and graphics chip doing Strider, but with CD-ROM and the extra RAM of the Arcade Card.

Ghouls n Ghosts was on the SuperGrafx which had 2x the graphics horsepower of the PC Engine, 2x the VRAM and 4x the main RAM.

the only game you mentioned that was running on a stock PC Engine was Street Fighter 2`

same thing :p (actually i thought TG16 was the equivalent of supergrafx, those name changes always confused me )

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Lionheart was shitty, as was Gods. Both were like console ports of Quake3 - competent technically, but clearly not meant for that medium
You speak foul. GODS was barely a 'platformer' to begin with, and has stronger art direction than 99% 8/16bit console games. Also, it's gameplay structure to me was more interesting than regular console platformers that perhaps had better control mechanics, but were boring in many other ways.


Fafracer forever
mrklaw said:
Amiga platformers were immature and lacking in polish at best, and were simply shit at worst.
Heretic, burn him!!!
Actually I don't know if you're arguing here that Amiga exclusive platformers were bad - in that case I can't really argue since I have no idea whatsoever what was ported to what back then...
But I do know that we had Rick Dangerous, Nebulus, Magic Pockets, Manic Miner... just to name a few that I rate very highly against any console platformer.

Speaking of platformers, how about the technically terrible ones, like Barbarian. Even back then I couldn't quite figure out how a game with static screens managed to run at 10fps with one character on screen... I still found it perversely addictive for some reason...

And on the final note, why was SOTB compared to a platformer at the start of this thread? SOTB were adventure games, at least the first 2, and second one in particular had emphasis on annoying puzzles.
Either way, I first 2 games were both among my favourites on the platform, haters be damned. :p


same thing :p (actually i thought TG16 was the equivalent of supergrafx, those name changes always confused me )

TurboGrafx16 = PC Engine ( released Oct 1987 in Japan, summer 1989 in the U.S.)

SuperGrafx = PC Engine 2 ( released Nov 1989 in Japan, never released in the U.S.)

TurboGrafx16 is the same thing as the PC Engine, aside from the casing.
SuperGrafx is a super-charged PC Engine with more graphics power. the SuperGrafx never came out in the U.S. even though it has the 'Grafx' name.


I kind of liked GODs art style, but the game was crappy. The main character was simply too big for the platforms and screen. I always thought the bitmaps were overrated. Speedball 2 and Xenon 2 were about all I liked from them.

Rick dangerous was good, as was nebulous and manic miner. Magic pockets was shit.

Nebulous was a port from the 8-bits, as was manic miner, so they aren't just relying on style over substance.

I like Fire and Ice from graftgold, and Turrican and James Pond were OK.

'm not saying they were all crap, but by and large platformers weren't the Amiga's forte, even compared to generic console platformers.


Banstick Emeritus
You'd compare a generic console platformer like Mr Nutz or Aero the Acrobat favourably against a stellar title like Turrican 2? You, sir, are obviously high on those illegal "street drugs" I hear so much about on the evening news.
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