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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date
The booking for the end of that triple threat match sucked.

EDIT: WHOA. A friend SoulPlaya made comment few week back..now I no why, i say a small mecha called the DZ did hay shake my hand no! Yes I said SMALL!


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
WWE is going to do something big and stupid at the ppv that tries to hook viewers to watch
3+3+2 (no commercials)+2+1+30 minutes of first run WWE programming next week

Everybody says the WWE Network would be a good thing but i'm tired of just thinking about getting through the first 2 days of next week.

Some of the shit tonight is just mind blowing. Why did they have a #1 contender's match for the tag titles the Raw before a ppv when the tag titles won't be defended at the ppv? They could've saved that match for the ppv or next week.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Anyone notice that Smackdown and Raw don't have intro videos anymore? Smackdown hasn't used that Green Day song in a few months.

da fuck
Anyone notice that Smackdown and Raw don't have intro videos anymore? Smackdown hasn't used that Green Day song in a few months.

da fuck

Smackdown doesn't use the Green Day song anymore it has a new theme but it hasn't had an intro video since the change


Just watched RAW for the first time since May, so much I've missed in the last 6 months. Ryeback, those Shield jobbers, Team Hell No/Yes/No, Crazy AJ, Rhodes Scholars (Sandow is AWESOME), Ziggles, Zack Ryder still jobbing, Alberto Del Rrrrrrrrrrrrriooooooooo still not being to draw, the Miz still sucking, Company Man Punk, etc..

What's with the camera work during the end with those Shield guys? I felt like I was going to barf.

BTW, Cody's mustache is AMAZING.


From Meltzer's update:

--JTG, the WWE's resident magician having developed the ability to disappear for long periods of time, turns 28 today.
If Vince McMahon doesn't know who you are, you can't get fired.
It's a great system that way.

I believe Percy Watson is still collecting a paycheck as well.


Just watched RAW for the first time since May, so much I've missed in the last 6 months. Ryeback, those Shield jobbers, Team Hell No/Yes/No, Crazy AJ, Pink & Stink (Sandow is AWESOME), Ziggles, Zack Ryder still jobbing, Alberto Del Rrrrrrrrrrrrriooooooooo still not being to draw, the Miz still sucking, Company Man Punk, etc..

What's with the camera work during the end with those Shield guys? I felt like I was going to barf.

BTW, Cody's mustache is AMAZING.






I feel like Cody needs a move called the Rhodesian something. Maybe rename the Beautiful Disaster, which is such a stupid name, even during the full on Dashing days.


So not worth it
So since I never get to join you live, here's my running Raw commentary just as if I was there in real time. In chronological order as I watch.

Hi there Heel Sheamus, you can't touch Big Show, so lets just push this random guy that did nothing to you from a ladder. Sheamus, you're a dick.

Barrett vs. Truth with Cesaro and Kofi on commentary. No way this match isn't ending with a double run-in.

Oh wait, Barrett is winning the title and Cesaro is retaining, so of course Barrett loses clean. Come on Aiii, you've been watching this shit for year, you know how they book.

I'm excited too AJ! But we both know you're getting attacked by Tamina to set up a PPV match.

OMG, Cody is back already? No way. I hope this doesn't end the apprentice search :(
Heh, a Cody's Moustache chant? Well done crowd, well done indeed. Predictable winners, and rightfully so. Hope they win the belts soon.

They're making a huge deal about a women's match, you go AJ. Shame it isn't a match with Vickie, it would help the division if they made this big a deal about matches with girls that could work instead of non-wrestler authority figure squash. Still, progress.
Meanwhile, Divas Champion gets no hype at all. Poor Eve, she deserves better.

No wheelchair? I'm dissapointed :(
Walrus? Really? Really? Reaaaallyyyy Jerry Lawler?

Okay, so 40 minutes into the show (guess this is around 9PM timeslot), I'm really enjoying Raw so far. Sure, the matches weren't that long, but they were enjoyable for the most part.

Maybe we should get rid of the roman calendar and replace it with a new one that counts the days from Punk's title win.

Ziggler vs Sheamus is hard to call. I expect both of them to win at the PPV, so who will take the loss in this match? DQ ending?

Yes, Lawler, thank for reminding us how Sheamus hit Big Show with a chair for over 30 times even when the guy was pleading for him to stop. What a stand-up-guy, hang on while I cheer him!

And a DQ finish, what a shock WWE, what a shock. Great match though, Heel Sheamus really does compensate his shitty persona with some great brawling.

AJ: Pictured while having dinner with Cena. Gets Fired without question.
Vickie: Caught in compromising position with two superstars by the Chairman of the Board himself. Nothing happens.


I guess I should say ffs Vince, I can't imagine nobody from creative told him this when he thought of this segment.

Zack Ryder getting squashed in Jersey. Woo Woo Woo, you know it!

Listen to that pop for AJ, doesn't that just warm your heart? You know I'll be raging by the end of this match.

No ref? Please be McMahon. Please be McMahon!


Meanwhile, in Michael Cole era WWE: "That man is Brad Maddoxx. Brad Maddoxx has been at the center of major controversy..."

Seriously, and you wonder why nobody cares about watching your show?

Still though, it's a decent twist. So kudos for that. Okay, I get Vickie can't sell many moves, but really, another carfight booking and a suprise roll-up win?

Seriously, this company. At least have AJ beat up Maddoxx or something. Book a TLC mixed match between the two McMahon. Do it.

Oh look, it's fucking John Cena ruining the only interesting thing AJ is doing and turning her from bad-ass into crying little girl. Fuck this company.

Told you I'd be raging.

That last part was "and nothing but the truth" Lawler, learn some German would you.

Cesaro going over cleanly, as it should be. That mid-air catch, so good. Cesaro is gonna be huge, I can't even see a way WWE could muck this guy up.

CODY'S MOUSTACHE! CODY'S MOUSTACHE! CODY'S MOUSTACHE! This is the return of Dashing Cody Rhodes, isn't it? Not the old gimmick though, but the late 80's cop-show version of it?

D'aaaaawwww, they are best friends now!

Cody's Moustache needs a pipe.

'The Moustache' Cody Rhodes.

New tag-team name: The Moustache Scholars.

From Yo Momma! to Gay-jokes. Face Miz is even worse than Heel Miz. They should stop putting Miz in segments with guys that are better on the mic than him. Which basically means he just shouldn't be on the mic while other people are present, ever.

Cody's Moustache is already more over than 90% of the roster, great move Cody.

End this storyline WWE, not even AJ will get Cena cheered in Jersey.

Tons of Ziggler on this show, he's winning over Cena and cashing in to win the belt at TLC for sure. I love how he hasn't had a single segment with Vickie either. She doesn't come out to his music either.

Holy fuck, Cheers and a crying girl? Well color me surprised, I guess they love them some Cena in Jersey.

Big Show vs Cena is almost at the top of my list of matches I do not WANT or NEED to see.

Ziggler on commentary saves this match while we wait for SuperCena to engage.

And there he is! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? BAH GAWD IT'S A CHOKE SLAM, THAT'S IT! THAT'S IT! ONE, TWO, NOOOOOO!

Meanwhile, in Michael Cole era WWE: "Choke slam! Big Show! Cena survives again."

I just realised I watched two hours of this and haven't once thought about Ryback not being on the show. Or Kane and Bryan. Or the Shield. Don't they have a big match on Sunday? Less than 3 minutes of this? So weird.

ALL OUT BRAWL! ALL OUT BRAWl! Hang on, is this TNA?

Final thoughts. It was a good Raw, I enjoyed it. Still, even though I hadn't missed him, that Ladder spot by Ryback was brilliant, they're using him as they should. Come in, annihilate opposition, leave. This was one of the best go-home shows they've done in the past year in that it was used to build up the PPV, esp. Ziggler and had very little forgettable bullshit segments aside from the Del Rio - Ryder squash. I hope they add an AJ - Tamina match for the PPV, with a stip, but they won't.

I give it a 7/10.


So not worth it
It took two men, a ton of bloodloss and 13 minutes to put me down.

I'm like Goldberg! Can't beat me one on one damnit! I want a singles rematch against Dragon ZEEEEE! Sunflower, book that shit!
hmmmm, thinking about RR:

-Rock win vs Punk and title and then appears cena with "money in the bank" and get the title from Rock, and that way we have the rematch for WM and the title every week on shows...

-Ziggler wins RR Match.


So not worth it
hmmmm, thinking about RR:

-Rock win vs Punk and title and then appears cena with "money in the bank" and get the title from Rock, and that way we have the rematch for WM and the title every week on shows...

-Ziggler wins RR Match.

After last night. I guarantee you Ziggler is leaving the PPV as champ and is going over Cena as well.


hmmmm, thinking about RR:

-Rock win vs Punk and title and then appears cena with "money in the bank" and get the title from Rock, and that way we have the rematch for WM and the title every week on shows...

-Ziggler wins RR Match.

Cute, you think

1) Cena is actually getting the briefcase for a 2nd time

2) and that the briefcase can be cashed in on the Raw title



So not worth it

Superstar of the Year: CM Punk
Breakout Star of the Year: Daniel Bryan
Comeback of the Year: Brock Lesnar
Kiss of the Year: Kane & AJ
The Most Shocking Moment of the Year: Rock def. Cena at WM28
Match of the Year: Kane vs Punk vs Bryan from No Way Out
Hash tag of the year: #AJALL
LOL Moment of the year: AJ jumps Kane and kisses him.


None of these will happen, here are the actual WWE Universe results I predict:

Superstar of the Year: John Cena
Breakout Star of the Year: Sheamus
Comeback of the Year: Triple H
Kiss of the Year: Cena & AJ
The Most Shocking Moment of the Year: Sheamus def. Bryan in "record-time" at WM29.
Match of the Year: The Rock vs John Cena - Not Just Once in a Lifetime Probably
Hash tag of the year: #TROOPS
LOL Moment of the year: Daniel Bryan is called a Goatface by CM Punk.
Owl is such a jobber.

you sent botaay to hell

My wings were clipped, this is bullshit! I've had enough of going down to Frogs illegal submission moves, I call upon a ban! like Taker with "that submission".


So not worth it
Probably best to stay away from triple threats and such in the future Sunflower, all the pin break-ups take way too long.


Slammys became worthless the moment that they decided HHH kicking out of the Tombstone Piledriver in a match that he lost was a bigger "OMG Moment" than CM Punk winning the title match at MITB 2011.


Slammys became worthless the moment that they decided HHH kicking out of the Tombstone Piledriver in a match that he lost was a bigger "OMG Moment" than CM Punk winning the title match at MITB 2011.
Wasn't that for Taker kicking out, not HHH?


So not worth it
Yeah well, as they're supposedly not rigging the vote this time and are doing actual voting I find myself more interested in the Slammy's now than I was in previous years.


Yeah well, as they're supposedly not rigging the vote this time and are doing actual voting I find myself more interested in the Slammy's now than I was in previous years.

I'm afraid I find myself even less interested. All those WWE.com polls results are just "vote for Cena, and if Cena isn't on there, vote for the most pushed babyface".


Probably best to stay away from triple threats and such in the future Sunflower, all the pin break-ups take way too long.

Matches where you have to rely on the CPU to take advantage of situations are the best. Look at that tables match last week lol


AJ is gonna win it all, yay!

The only thing she's winning is the best kiss award for Cena (hahahahahahaha). She's like the contender anyway, with about 5 people she's made out with this year.

Yes it is stupid to be able to say that.

Prepare for Cena, Sheamus, Ryback, Rock/Cena, Rock Concert or Cena's Ace Ventura/Star Wars promo, #troops, 18 seconds to be the winners across the board.

You know, all the shittiest parts of the year that WWE tells the crowd are great, and therefore, are great in their mind.
Yeah well, as they're supposedly not rigging the vote this time and are doing actual voting I find myself more interested in the Slammy's now than I was in previous years.
They are more rigged than ever using the app gives the ability to hide the actual results even more than normal
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