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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Nah "best comeback" will be John Cena in that match where he spend 90% of it getting beat up by his opponent but came back in the last 3 minutes got the win out of nowhere.


Also, was it just me, or was Ziggler almost a straight up face in last night's show? He's the underdog against Cena, forced into a match that he gains nothing from but could lose everything in, everyone tells him he can't beat Cena, Sheamus blindsides him for no reason, on commentary he's calm, reasonable and has legit gripes that Cena has been given endless title shots for nothing, even though he's blown all of them.

Why would i cheer for Cena? He's the monster heel in this story, and Dolph the plucky underdog. About the only heelish thing he did all night was hit Sheamus with a chair, and Sheamus is the guy who beat down Big Show with a chair at Survivor Series.

Either he's a face that no one realises is a face, or he's an "anti-villain" heel. What does he really do that heelish? Be cocky? Show off? The top faces are all cocky as hell too. The occasional underhanded tactic is the only cursory thing done to make him a heel.

When Daniel Bryan turned heel at the start of the year, he turned into an absolute asshole. He was hilarious, but you can see how he's supposed to be hated. Same with Punk, even if the crowd still cheers him, he goes for every cheap heat and heel tactic he can find.


Also, was it just me, or was Ziggler almost a straight up face in last night's show? He's the underdog against Cena, forced into a match that he gains nothing from but could lose everything in, everyone tells him he can't beat Cena, Sheamus blindsides him for no reason, on commentary he's calm, reasonable and has legit gripes that Cena has been given endless title shots for nothing, even though he's blown all of them.

Why would i cheer for Cena? He's the monster heel in this story, and Dolph the plucky underdog. About the only heelish thing he did all night was hit Sheamus with a chair, and Sheamus is the guy who beat down Big Show with a chair at Survivor Series.

Remember: Faces are Heels and Heels are Faces.

Cena hasn't been the underdog in years. He's a dynasty!


So not worth it

Naughty or nice, most Divas have the same wish this holiday season: winning the “Santa’s Helper” No. 1 Contender’s Diva Battle Royal this Sunday on the WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs free online Pre-Show.

Eight of WWE’s fiercest females will light up Brooklyn, N.Y.’s Barclays Center like a tree in Rockefeller Center in the prelude to this Sunday’s pay-per-view. The Pre-Show will stream live on WWE.com, YouTube.com/WWE and Facebook.com/WWE starting at 7:30 p.m. ET/4:30 p.m. PT. Among the Divas gunning for Eve’s butterfly-emblazoned title are former champions Alicia Fox, Layla and Natalya, as well as Kaitlyn, AJ Lee, Rosa Mendes, Aksana and Tamina Snuka.

The last time the Divas collided in a Battle Royal — to decide the top challenger to then–Divas Champion Layla — WWE NXT season three winner Kaitlyn stunned the WWE Universe by outlasting Eve. Will luck strike the powerhouse Diva again, or will Kaitlyn find only coal in her stocking this Sunday?

Eve will surely keep a close eye on the over-the-top action that even Mrs. Claus would approve of. Aside from the former champions, the field is packed with threats to Eve’s title reign. Tamina Snuka has re-entered the Divas title contention in a big way, “Superfly”-splashing through lesser opponents. A rare exception to that was AJ, who upended Tamina with a quick, flash pinfall on the Dec. 3 Raw. Will Tamina’s power and intimidation help her cruise through the competition, will AJ’s tenacity pay off or will another Diva push her way to victory and a Divas Championship match?

Find out by clicking on to the free WWE TLC Pre-Show, streaming live this Sunday at 7:30 p.m. ET/4:30 p.m. PT.
I bet the "best comeback of the year" will be John Cena returning after missing a week due to his elbow surgery.

What about when Cena returned after becoming forgotten because NO ONE REMEMBERS SECOND PLACE! THAT'S WHY I CAN'T LOSE, those 24 hours after WM were a trying ordeal but boy did he recover.

How about after Brock kicked the eternal shit out of him and Cena took an important respite to recover from injuries and save his marriage from divorce, another trying 24 hours there but Cena bounced back like the champ he is.

Man strobogo was right, Cena's a comeback machine


Wasn't that for Taker kicking out, not HHH?

You're right. I guess I got it mixed up since HHH came out at some point and spun that as him ending the Undertaker's streak by beating him up so bad (and losing).


Party Pooper
So my friend texts me after the show last night saying he met Ranjin Singh in the parking garage when he was leaving (having no idea he's the Raw head writer)

Giving him a hard time this morning, YOU COULD HAVE PITCHED SOME IDEAS :lol

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wtf was with your behavior on the ppv last night Ithil? Shameful!


So not worth it
I for one just hope GWF has a blood bank backstage, because I'm not sure I'll survive another match at this rate.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I for one just hope GWF has a blood bank backstage, because I'm not sure I'll survive another match at this rate.

Well it was "Fatal Match" so you have to expect it.


Slammy's prediction: Superstars will be given meaningless rewards which they did nothing for and the only thing that will come out of it is a heel in need will get some form of bragging rights and something to carry to the ring for a few months that he did nothing for.


I thought the Shield had a pretty good showing in the clusterfuck ending last night. They all got a good pratfall in when Ryback tossed a ladder in their faces, Rollins beat down Cena without the help of the others (since they were late, or something), Ambrose was awesome screaming in Cena's face and slapping him, and Reigns was shown being able to go toe to toe with Ryback in the middle of the ring.

It's also extremely refreshing that none of them are cowardly, they all stand their ground instead of fleeing when a face comes running down. The only time they've been sent off is when they were physically manhandled into the crowd.

Between them and Cesaro, it's nice to see heels that aren't chickenshit.


So not worth it
Awesome that they're putting this on to get a NYC crowd warmed up. :(

To be fair, AJ got one of the bigger pops last night. If they have her go over, that should get the crowd somewhat excited. Esp. seeing as there should be at least some Jersey folk in that crowd. Aside from a bunch of hot girls in tiny santa's helper outfits doing some grappling.


To be fair, AJ got one of the bigger pops last night. If they have her go over, that should get the crowd somewhat excited. Esp. seeing as there should be at least some Jersey folk in that crowd. Aside from a bunch of hot girls in tiny santa's helper outfits doing some grappling.

If they're keeping AJ face, I'd rather she didn't win the title on a PPV with no build-up, it'd be a bigger star making moment to have her finally beat Eve at WM 29 in her home state.


So not worth it
If they're keeping AJ face, I'd rather she didn't win the title on a PPV with no build-up, it'd be a bigger star making moment to have her finally beat Eve at WM 29 in her home state.

Just talking about the pre-show Battle Royale here, she should lose to Eve, either through Tamina interference or other shenanigans. Assuming the plan is still for Eve and AJ to feud for a while.


To be fair, AJ got one of the bigger pops last night. If they have her go over, that should get the crowd somewhat excited. Esp. seeing as there should be at least some Jersey folk in that crowd. Aside from a bunch of hot girls in tiny santa's helper outfits doing some grappling.

I thought Cody's mustache got a bigger pop.


Why can't they just have AJ realize her life/career has gone to shit since becoming involved with Cena. I hope that on Sunday as he's climbing the ladder she runs in and pushes it over and starts yelling at him for ruining her life.

We still would have all wasted too much time on this, but I hope they can get some nugget of good out of it in the end.

What am I doing?

I'm North from the GWF chat last, btw. Now that Raw is airing earlier in Canada I hope to catch season 2 live.


So not worth it
Why can't they just have AJ realize her life/career has gone to shit since becoming involved with Cena. I hope that on Sunday as he's climbing the ladder she runs in and pushes it over and starts yelling at him for ruining her life.

I like how you're fantasy booking this.

Perhaps, since they've been hammering on her living in cars/being homeless for weeks now, she can yell something like "I WOULD RATHER LIVE THE REST OF MY LIFE IN A CAR THAN BE WITH YOU" or something spiteful like that.


Talking about main eventing WM just makes Miz look like more of a loser considering how he's been a complete joke since then. It just makes it look like that was a fluke he got in that position.


In the WWE, faces are faces until the audience is told they're not faces. It doesn't matter how a heel or face acts, it only matters what the predetermined orientation. The only 'heel' act a face can commit is attacking another face.

Sheamus can murder Big Show with a steel chair but he's a face murdering a heel, thus it's cool bro.

The only way to invert that alignment in the WWE today is for Sheamus to hit Cena once with a chair shot, intentionally.

Miz's show sucks. He's terrible. Squeaky, whiny voice, pouty lips, and a bad set of catch phrases.

He's terrible at everything he does.


That Shield promo from Smackdown was terrible. Absolutely terrible. Does anyone have a screen grab of Dean doing the full on Myspace shot with tussled hair and duck face? It was the last shot before they signed off. Maybe 1 second on screen. But it was hilarious.


I like how you're fantasy booking this.

Perhaps, since they've been hammering on her living in cars/being homeless for weeks now, she can yell something like "I WOULD RATHER LIVE THE REST OF MY LIFE IN A CAR THAN BE WITH YOU" or something spiteful like that.

I can see them breaking them apart but making it "AJ's fault", because you know Cena is perfect. On RAW, she bothered him in the locker room, threw a tantrum later on, then he shot her down when she wanted to come to ringside because she'd muck it up.

So I'm assuming they're making her a "burden" on poor John Cena who has to put up with this dumb woman. So he drops her and she turns "heel" as a result.

Which would of course be a braindead way of ending it, that does nothing but harm to AJ's character and as usual, Cena no sells any kind of change. So it's likely.

Same as ending the Rise Above Hate story by Eve suddenly becoming an evil slut, Ryder being forgotten, and Cena learning nothing.
Wow. Cesaro is amazing in the ring. Needs a better gimmick...

It seems like his gimmick is getting there. They're removing the unnecessary parts (Aksana, speaking in five languages) but still allowing him to talk down to Americans and drop in a little German (or Swiss, whatever) for that cheap heat.


It seems like his gimmick is getting there. They're removing the unnecessary parts (Aksana, speaking in five languages) but still allowing him to talk down to Americans and drop in a little German (or Swiss, whatever) for that cheap heat.

And it's not like a lack of heat stops a heel in the WWE. Del Rio has zero heat, and he's seemingly got an eternal push (or half-push anyway).

Cheap heat it might be, but it gets Cesaro a heel reaction, and that's good. Early in his WWE career, he needs to be in the fans minds as much as possibile.


In the WWE, faces are faces until the audience is told they're not faces. It doesn't matter how a heel or face acts, it only matters what the predetermined orientation. The only 'heel' act a face can commit is attacking another face.

Sheamus can murder Big Show with a steel chair but he's a face murdering a heel, thus it's cool bro.

The only way to invert that alignment in the WWE today is for Sheamus to hit Cena once with a chair shot, intentionally.

That's not a WWE thing, that's how wrestling has always worked. Faces can do anything to heels and still be a face. Case in point, in ECW 95, Tommy Dreamer (face) spikes Beulah (heel) with a piledriver and injures her. The fans love it and cheer for Tommy and Joey Styles approves of it.

Fast forward three years, Beulah (face) is injured by the Dudleys (heel) and the fans hate it. The Dudleys are despicable, cowardly, etc. according to Joey Styles.


Hopefully Cesaro will be a lock to win the next MITB(LOL Cena is the next MITB Winner).

I think he would get over huge if he got a clean victory over a main eventerIf he countered a RKO into the Neutralizer or something.


Hopefully Cesaro will be a lock to win the next MITB(LOL Cena is the next MITB Winner).

I think he would get over huge if he got a clean victory over a main eventerIf he countered a RKO into the Neutralizer or something.

He won't be over huge until he's involved in a hot angle with some promos. Nobody gets over huge from just ring work.
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