Damn it Sunny.
I concede.
That's not a WWE thing, that's how wrestling has always worked. Faces can do anything to heels and still be a face. Case in point, in ECW 95, Tommy Dreamer (face) spikes Beulah (heel) with a piledriver and injures her. The fans love it and cheer for Tommy and Joey Styles approves of it.
Fast forward three years, Beulah (face) is injured by the Dudleys (heel) and the fans hate it. The Dudleys are despicable, cowardly, etc. according to Joey Styles.
The heel shtick extended beyond Hogan's ring work. Throughout his prime WWF period, between 1983 and 1993, Hogan was a dick basically every moment that he wasn't boring. In 1987, Hogan was presented with a trophy for being champion for three years; a week later, Andre received a (smaller) trophy of his own for being undefeated for 15 years. (The WWF gave the trophies out for no noticeable reason other than to start this feud, and the presentations took place on Piper's Pit, of all places.) When Hogan got his trophy, Andre congratulated him modestly; when Andre received his, Hogan interrupted Andre to give a long, self-centered speech. Andre soon turned against Hogan, largely because he felt Hogan had egotistically upstaged him. Hogan actually had egotistically upstaged him. Andre had every right to feel insulted.
I kept thinking that surely he did a promo before he started getting over, but no - they simply just lined em up and his body language in the ring spoke better than he ever could on the mic.
He said "Who's next?" at one point. Does that count?
Hogan was the worst when it came to faces acting like heels. Another good example is the Mega Powers Implode storyline, where Hogan tried to steal Miss Elizabeth from the Macho Man... and Savage was the heel.
.- The USA Network has dubbed next week WWE Week with the following schedule of shows taking place:
* Monday, 12/17: 3-hour WWE RAW, the night after TLC
* Tuesday, 12/18: Live, commercial-free episode of SuperSmackown
* Wednesday, 12/19: WWEs Tribute to the Troops special.
* Thursday, 12/20: Big Show guest stars onBurn Notice.
* Friday, 12/21: CM Punk hosts an airing of the WWE movie The Game Plan.
WWE released the following promo video for WWE Week next week on USA:
This was the HOTTEST promo, look at Macho Man - and he was 100% justified.
God damn that promo is SO intense. I love it. Rarely do you see Savage so focused and so pissed.
Dat promo.So good.gif
I feel bad for not appreciating Savage enough back in the day![]()
This was the HOTTEST promo, look at Macho Man - and he was 100% justified.
I find it funny when people complain about how Cena or Sheamus act like heels because Hogan had them beat by a mile. At least Cena and Sheamus do heelish stuff to other heels, Hogan did that to other faces! Like during the Royal Rumble 92, Sid Justice (face) cleanly eliminated Hogan. What did Hogan do? He threw a temper tantrum and pulled Sid over the ropes, eliminating him. Sid became the heel in that feud.
That live, commercial free Smackdown should be interested. They've got 40 extra minutes of screentime, and zero breaks they can have.
I'm expecting a lot of long matches. That's the only way they can fill up the time, their dumb skits and whatever they do on live SDs won't take up two straight hours.
That live, commercial free Smackdown should be interested. They've got 40 extra minutes of screentime, and zero breaks they can have.
I'm expecting a lot of long matches. That's the only way they can fill up the time, their dumb skits and whatever they do on live SDs won't take up two straight hours.
I better get to work creating the few people for the reunion show.
It isn't easy work. Starting GWF was incredibly tough.
Do you need any of the dudes I made? I can tag em if you want to get em from Community Creations (and are on 360)
I find it funny when people complain about how Cena or Sheamus act like heels because Hogan had them beat by a mile. At least Cena and Sheamus do heelish stuff to other heels, Hogan did that to other faces! Like during the Royal Rumble 92, Sid Justice (face) cleanly eliminated Hogan. What did Hogan do? He threw a temper tantrum and pulled Sid over the ropes, eliminating him. Sid became the heel in that feud.
Ithil doesn't turn heel, the world turns face around Ithil.GWF results from last night, as we were all tired and high off of some intense wrestling:
In the first match, Heavy defeated Gangrel after Gangrel hit his finisher FIVE TIMES and could not keep Heavy down.
Sandman lost to Mr. Sandman in an Extreme Rules match. Most notable was the beer to the eyes move Sandman used to try to even the odds, but Mr. Sandman was victorious, prompting Sandman to be erased from the hard drive from now until forever. Loser leaves the Astral (digital) plane indeed.
Ithil and Sokantish lost to Rikishi and Mike Tyson - both Rikishi and Tyson, freshly resurrected, ambushed the pair before the match. Tyson opened up his hand punching Sok in the helmet too many times. Ithil did what appeared to be a heel turn, ignoring Sok's desperate cries for a tag, and refused to break up the final pinfall. What's going on with Ithil?
Bootaaay explained that Steph had his Commissioner's Briefcase, and said "I literally cannot do my job without that case" and she promised after his match, he'll get it back.
Aiii, Dragonzord, and Pepsi City had a 3-way dance, and ended with Dragonzord doing some seriously sick-ass moves to win. After the match Pepsi City offered his hand in friendship, but Dragonzord told him to fuck off and that he isn't his friend. Where is this headed?
SoulFrog was interviewed by McNei1y and stated that it's time to go to war, and that no Bootaaay will be left unturned. The match began with Nocturnowl in the ring. This was Bootaaay's first match actually wrestling so the crowd was pretty hyped. If SoulFrog loses, they are stuck in hell and Bootaaay is the victor.
Alas, Soulplaya and Laserfrog kept Nocturnowl away from a tag, and Laserfrog slapped on his submission, and Nocturnowl tapped. I think the match went approx 1 minute. Unbelievable.
After the match, Bootaaay was lying down in the ring for no good reason and Steph picked him up, said she's in charge now, and punched Bootaaay in the balls. She then said that Laserfrog is being targeted by all the undead wrestlers from 2012, and he has to have a gauntlet match TONIGHT or else he's stuck in hell.
Laserfrog then has to take on Bam Bam Bigelow first. Bam Bam "Big Yellow" as the announcers called him gave Laserfrog a beating, but he managed to eke out a pin. Immediately after Bam Bam was eliminated, Albert showed up and was nearly instantaneously pinned for a 3-count by Laserfrog - unbelievable!
Last in was Ahmed Johnson, who ran to the ring - Laserfrog immediately slapped on the Laser Clutch and Ahmed tapped! Laserfrog won, ran to the back to celebrate with Bootaaay and Soulplaya, and have formed a united front. Steph is upset, and next week vows to make their lives hell. Since they aren't in hell anymore, Steph is bringing it back.
Wonderful fun last night, made me happy to do it. Might take one week off due to making some new people appearing next season of GWF.
Everyone support G-Fex's reunion show this Wednesday!
That live, commercial free Smackdown should be interested. They've got 40 extra minutes of screentime, and zero breaks they can have.
I'm expecting a lot of long matches. That's the only way they can fill up the time, their dumb skits and whatever they do on live SDs won't take up two straight hours.
Sonic carhops at the announce desk.Expect more product placement than usual to make up for the lack of ads.
Spindashing vs. Harry Demeanor has been confirmed.
Relying on old has beens eh Big Fexy? I think you might be the Nitro of this Monday night War yet!
Meanwhile I put frog over HUGE, see now he's a submission master in the eyes of the people, I can take the loss.
Would a GAF TEW diary be even worth while doing? It is always more fun to watch the results as opposed to read them imo.
Lifes a shoot.
This is like RAW 1000, all the old favourites are returning.
Relying on old has beens eh Big Fexy? I think you might be the Nitro of this Monday night War yet!
Meanwhile I put frog over HUGE, see now he's a submission master in the eyes of the people, I can take the loss.
Do you need Laser up on Community Creations?
He proved it twice, with the submission on.Ahmed Johnson
GWF is a shoot federation though.
This is like RAW 1000, all the old favourites are returning.
Well wrestle gaf I'm out to Mexico for the rest of the year, I will still be able to watch WWE down there but won't be able to post with you guys.
I don't know if they are touring in the area I'm going but I will watch it since my uncle is a big fan of it.Be careful down there! Go see some AAA or CMLL!
Ithil is done
Some damn fool will. I'll bury him.
I forgot Sandman was the Dean Ambrose of the nwa
3 Hours of cheap pops and little substance then, it'll be a blast.
Needs a moment like this to be complete.
young trebek vs young lynde