Good job on panda's model sunny!
It's not wrong. It's just a video game, and the developers decided to take a bit of liberty with the cutscenes, instead of just doing a frame for frame remake, which would have been a waste. It's just a cool side game in the series, and it wouldn't have much appeal if it was just a straight remake. However, it's a good game, and I'm amazed that it gets all this hate from MGS fans just because Snake does a fucking midair backflip. It was the game that introduced to the series, honestly, and I've played every single one, and thought it fit right in.Okay, let's not view it in a vacuum. Guess what, Snake has still always been "the grounded one" in the mainline games. The crazy physical feats are always done by people around him. Snake suddenly doing Crouching Tiger moves is out of character, especially when part of his characterization in MGS1 was being "the veteran operative coming out of retirement." It's just wrong.
he fought a giant lumbering tractor of a mech and won. It was basically like a nuclear equipped loader in Aliens. You are painting the MGS scenario as if it is totally outrageous and fits the bill to all the games, but MGS2 was ridiculous in comparison.
MGS1 had at least one foot on this planet![]()
Damn straight.And it was arguably worse for it. Kojima decided to up the crazy with Twin Snakes, and it couldn't fit any better if he tried. Backflipping off of missiles and over doorways was fucking AWESOME. Ya'll act like Snake has never done any sort of acrobatics at all. Stop gettin' mad at the crazyness and just get on board. It's a hell of a toboggan ride.
Kojima actually didn't direct The Twin Snakes.And it was arguably worse for it. Kojima decided to up the crazy with Twin Snakes, and it couldn't fit any better if he tried. Backflipping off of missiles and over doorways was fucking AWESOME. Ya'll act like Snake has never done any sort of acrobatics at all. Stop gettin' mad at the crazyness and just get on board. It's a hell of a toboggan ride.
I was very close to getting PSP Go around Peace Walker launch to play it.Today I learned that not many wrassle gaffers have played Peace Walker, the best of the bunch next to MGS3. Then I remembered not many gamers in general have played Peace Walker lol
Yeah, it's a shame how few people played Peace Walker. It really is a great game that imagined to overcome the control limitations of the PSP.Today I learned that not many wrassle gaffers have played Peace Walker, the best of the bunch next to MGS3. Then I remembered not many gamers in general have played Peace Walker lol
And it was arguably worse for it. Kojima decided to up the crazy with Twin Snakes, and it couldn't fit any better if he tried. Backflipping off of missiles and over doorways was fucking AWESOME. Ya'll act like Snake has never done any sort of acrobatics at all. Stop gettin' mad at the crazyness and just get on board. It's a hell of a toboggan ride.
Today I learned that not many wrassle gaffers have played Peace Walker, the best of the bunch next to MGS3. Then I remembered not many gamers in general have played Peace Walker lol
We get it, man. Snake didn't do a backflip in MGS1, but he did in Twin Snakes. We don't care. Twin Snakes wasn't designed to be a straight remake of MGS1. It was supposed to be a more stylized telling of the story."It couldn't fit any better if he tried" despite Solid Snake never doing moves like that again...
Me thinks some of you let Raiden, Vamp, Psycho Mantis, etc. taint your view of Snake. He's the soldier. The basic soldier who moves through the battlefield using military training and a little help fromsteroidsnanomachines in MGS4. He isn't supposed to be Neo.
Hell, we haven't even mentioned the soundtrack which his superior in the original also. You guys are nuts. Stahp it.
and how is Grey Fox supposed to be considered this super ninja, when a retired Snake is able to simply do the same acrobatics?Me thinks some of you let Raiden, Vamp, Psycho Mantis, etc. taint your view of Snake. He's the soldier. The basic soldier who moves through the battlefield using military training and a little help fromsteroidsnanomachines in MGS4. He isn't supposed to be Neo.
They fixed that in Twin Snakes too. The shit Snake was doing in Twin Snakes was nothing compared to what Grey Fox was doing in Twin Snakes.and how is Grey Fox supposed to be considered this super ninja, when a retired Snake is able to simply do the same acrobatics?
And then they made Gray Fox worse by changing the voice actor.They fixed that in Twin Snakes too. The shit Snake was doing in Twin Snakes was nothing compared to what Grey Fox was doing in Twin Snakes.
We get it, man. Snake didn't do a backflip in MGS1, but he did in Twin Snakes. We don't care. Twin Snakes wasn't designed to be a straight remake of MGS1. It was supposed to be a more stylized telling of the story.
And you couldn't get into Peace Walker, and you call yourself a MGS fan?
The reason for that is because the original voice actor for Gray Fox played Donald Anderson in Twin Snakes, and when they had him voice Gray Fox, they realized that he just sounded way too similar, and that it was too obvious that it was the same guy that was voicing both. Instead, they got Rob Paulsen to voice Gray Fox in Twin Snakes.And then they made Gray Fox worse by changing the voice actor.
Did you really miss anything though?fuck
I missed smackdown
Did you really miss anything though?
Be that as it may, I'd never recommend someone play Twin Snake before, or instead of, MGS1 proper because Snake, as presented in Twin Snakes, is inconsistent with the rest of the series.+ the voice acting and soundtrack is better in.
It just has always felt not necessary, because Metal Gear Solid is one of the few games of that generation that still holds up.That's fine, but people just seem to have this irrational hatred for the game just because it was on GCN, and not directly made by Kojima. However, I will say that it doesn't matter if he's not consistent with the Solid Snake of the rest of the series. Solid Snake is a relatively minor character (from a gameplay perspective) in the rest of the games, with the exception of MGS4, but you could argue that he's not even the same character, due to the large age difference.
I missed smackdown
Edit: Since DB got so over that they stuck him on Raw every week, Smackdown has been pretty awful.
In the WWE food chart it's
Raw---SMS---Main Event-------Superstars--------AM Raw------------NXT--------------------Smackdown
That's fine, but people just seem to have this irrational hatred for the game just because it was on GCN, and not directly made by Kojima, and because Snake did a fucking backflip. Hell, I bet Kojima loved the backflip. However, I will say that it doesn't matter if he's not consistent with the Solid Snake of the rest of the series. Solid Snake is a relatively minor character (from a gameplay perspective) in the rest of the games, with the exception of MGS4, but you could argue that he's not even the same character, due to the large age difference.
The point of the game was because Miyamoto wanted Nintendo gamers who didn't have a PS1 to experience MGS. Kojima agreed, looked over the project, and signed off on its release.It just has always felt not necessary, because Metal Gear Solid is one of the few games of that generation that still holds up.
It's not bad, but it is inferior to the original.
For me, RAW's my most watched but NXT is my favorite. I don't watch Saturday Morning Slam or Main Event, and Superstars varies depending on who's in the matches. The only time I get to SmackDown is when I rarely am at my house on a Friday night with nothing better to do. RAW and NXT are the only two WWE programs I watch regardless of who's in the matches.
Do you have any proof of this, or is this yet another claim of yours that you're just pulling out of your ass? LolKojima hated it.
NXT is written by a totally different creative team. That's great.
Raw has the most emphasis on selling ppvs and furthering storylines.
Back in my day Raw and Smackdown had 2 different creative teams. IT WAS GOOD.
I don't think it is a creative team for NXT. I'm pretty sure it is just Dusty Rhodes.
Wire fu is wrong but a man living through another man's arm, nano machines, rocket launcher versus 100s of metal gears, and the entirety of big boss' story is okay?Me too. Game was an insane experience back in 99.
And you people saying Twin Snakes is better are terrible, terrible people. It's not a bad game, like many on GAF would say, but the wire-fu nonsense in the cutscenes is completely wrong for MGS1, and the voice acting is not as good as the original. Shame on you guize.
What have we become? Policenauts is obviously the better game.
Wire fu is wrong but a man living through another man's arm, nano machines, rocket launcher versus 100s of metal gears, and the entirety of big boss' story is okay?
But wire fu was wrong....
They're mad because they don't understand the development of the game. They think it was just SK going "LOL MGS" and putting all this wacky stuff in. They don't realize that most of the things that they don't like about the game (the cutscenes, the voice acting, the soundtrack) were all Konami and Kojima's decisions.All of that was MGS2. All that is being said is that MGS1 is the grounded one if there is such a thing in the series. Such things would seem a bit out of place in that game, but not at all for the series as a whole. But it would only seem weird if you inserted that stuff randomly into the actual MGS 1 game. Not if they whole game is remade with that kind of tone, though. But really, the repelling down the side of the tower section seemed kind of out of place with the tone.
But if Twin Snakes was made with that kind of tone in mind, I don't see the problem or why people are arguing about it. It's not like they took MGS, added that kind of stuff, and then rereleased the game. They remade the game with an intentionally different tone and wackiness. It doesn't change the actual MGS1, so I don't really get why people are upset over it. It isn't like a Star Wars thing where you can't get the original versions or something. But I want to play Twin Snakes now. Also, I want Kojima to make a game where you play as The Boss and a full remake of MG 1/2. I feel like the time line of games is moving towards redoing Metal Gear 1 and 2 in the Solid style, which sounds great to me. But The Boss. I need a game of her.
I look forward to the Slammys more than any other award show. Seriously!
Also, what happened to the WWE draft?
If I remember it was during the match between Nash and Rick Steiner at Spring Stampede that he started making a face turn. Then a few months later he joined the Steiners.Why did Ted Dibiase leave the nWo in WcW again? I forgot
If I remember it was during the match between Nash and Rick Steiner at Spring Stampede that he starting making a face turn. Then a few months later he joined the Steiners.
EDIT: Found his promo.