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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date
Got around to finishing PWG's (Best wrestling promotion of 2012) Failure to Communicate. ITs a great show, outside of the amazingly meh match between Brain Cage and Willie Mack. Not sure what happened there. Guess neither are good enough to carry a match yet. Can't wait to add Mystery Vortex to the collection. Or for January 12, when PWG kicks off 2013 with DDT4! So far the teams announced are

The Briscoes
Future Shock
Ricochet & Rich Swann
The Unbreakable Fucking Machines!(Brian Cage & Michael Elgin)
The Young Bucks
The Super Smash Bros.
DojoBros (Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong)

Can i just say that The Unbreakable Fucking Machines! are gonna be the most amazing tag team ever and would give Sunflower the biggest Batista boner ever?

That really is one of the coolest tag names.
Definitely looking forward to that show.

Also, I only care about TLC because I'll be going after Final Battle and that's just because I'm in town for my Tokyo flight. Should be fun though, haven't seen Moxley wrestle since he beat big Zeke at the dark match before Smackdown after Mania. I also think Rollins will amaze off the ladder.


If you're going to hate a game because one cutscene is dumb, you cannot possibly like any Metal Gear game.
"Not enough" to say the least. I was so excited to see you unleash the BRUTAL moveset you are supposed to have, then Nocturnowl taps in the first minute. Unbelievable.

The owl's a scrub! Clearly only fit as enhancement talent :p

You cold bastards.
Aren't I like overall 75 while Frog is like 99? yeah, maybe that's why I was locked into a minute long submission, just a thought.

It's not wrong. It's just a video game, and the developers decided to take a bit of liberty with the cutscenes, instead of just doing a frame for frame remake, which would have been a waste. It's just a cool side game in the series, and it wouldn't have much appeal if it was just a straight remake. However, it's a good game, and I'm amazed that it gets all this hate from MGS fans just because Snake does a fucking midair backflip. It was the game that introduced to the series, honestly, and I've played every single one, and thought it fit right in.

Snake never did any ridiculous shit in MGS1? He fought a giant mech and won, lol!
Bolded for points I massively agree with, I mean baloney fudge and mustard! I prefer Conker's Bad Fur Day to the Xbox remake because the old N64 multiplayer modes were more unique and varied (though live and reloaded had its moments) plus the game was ironically less censored on the Nintendo version but it's not like I need to trip over myself to discredit the alternative version, I mean the one I prefer still exists, jeez.
Twin snakes is the one of the few remakes i've seen get so much flak for being you know, different.
I stand by the original point of both versions are worth playing, the original is better on the whole but TS has its moments, in fact one major boon is that it has those hidden pipes to change the card key temperatures without consecutive time wasting backtracking segments because Kojima ran out of actual content towards the end of the game.

Yeah, it's a shame how few people played Peace Walker. It really is a great game that imagined to overcome the control limitations of the PSP.
Actually I couldn't stand it because the PSP controls for it, I can abide pointless waggle, I can make use of touch screen controls in a situation where they're intrusive, hell I can contort my fingers into uncomfortable positions to play Monster Hunter PSP and completely no sell the apparently painful to play Kid Icarus Uprising.
But you make me simulate dual analogue with freaking face buttons and you've got no chance in hell of me enjoying the game.

So about that wrestling, I hear Kane is a pretty Kool Kat.


So not worth it
So I was wondering, why is there no browser-game where you can manage your own wrestling promotion and compete against others for ratings, stars, buys and what-not?
So I was wondering, why is there no browser-game where you can manage your own wrestling promotion and compete against others for ratings, stars, buys and what-not?

It might be that no one's thought of making a wrestling management sim for browsers yet. There are a plethora of wrestling sim browser games where you train and develop individual wrestlers, so it's not as if the idea itself is weird, but sometimes people overlook the obvious options until others point it out to them.


So I was wondering, why is there no browser-game where you can manage your own wrestling promotion and compete against others for ratings, stars, buys and what-not?

I heard THQ was working on one for Facebook but it got canceled.

I'm sure when EA picks up the right, there will be tons of WWE social games. Hell, maybe even a WWE vs UFC card game for Myspace.


I heard THQ was working on one for Facebook but it got canceled.

I'm sure when EA picks up the right, there will be tons of WWE social games. Hell, maybe even a WWE vs UFC card game for Myspace.

What's the point? HHH would beat every UFC star and Taker is the best pure striker of all time with the best super heavyweight ground game of all time.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife

revenge is a confession of pain ya know

Ryback is on SMS

I foresee a lot of cut aways


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
2 random enhancement talent vs. Ryback

hahahahaha 1 guy is shitting himself in the corner

Ryback is a luchador now



WCW Thunder 2/23/2000

This is also being put up at wcw2000.tumblr.com maybe, it seems to not be letting me add anything. Is there a post limit to a tumblr page?


Recap of Double J having a "signed document" to face Sid one on one and him declaring war on WCW. Which means having the Harris Brothers do a lot of run ins. Ric Flair and Lex Luger's continuing partnership ending in Hulk hogan being left down and out in a cage on Nitro.

TO THE BACK. Commissioner Nash is wheeled into the building where he is met by Mike Graham. He apparently has amnesia due to the guitar shots from Jarrett and doesn't realize he is commissioner until it was explained to him. Thunder has a wildly new intro and new heavily muddled industrial type music.


3 Count is in the ring as we start the show. Mike Tenay is throwing another fit about 3 Count. I guess since he's the god of Thunder, he can bitch if he wants. Tenay and Brain are the current Thunder team.

Evan Karagias vs Fit Finlay.
This is a hardcore match. This so far is Finlay shrugging off getting hit with weapons and clocking someone. Pretty gross looking snake eyes on the ring apron.


Evan has a chair trying to keep Finlay away from him. It doesn't work. Eventually the 3 get a hold of Fit and since it is a hardcore match, it is just fine. Finlay is still beating the fuck out of them, even when they double/triple team him. TOMBSTONE! for the easy win. He pretty much took out the entire group by himself, something Norman Smiley couldn't do.

Show rundown. Sid vs The Total Package. Will Lex break Sid's arm tonight? Ric Flair, Buff, Tank are all here tonight.

TO THE BACK. Nash is having his nurses explain to him that he is Kevin Nash: WCW Commissioner. He says if he is commissioner, that must make his nurse Chief O'Hara. "We haven't got time for this. We need Vampiro. The Joker has just escaped the asylum. We need to call Batman! And if we can't get a hold of Batman, call Bruce Wayne, because Bruce Wayne ALWAYS knows where Batman is." Mean Gene is in the Shittiest NWO lockerroom. Double J is pacing and Gene calls the NWO girls whores. Uncensored will be the beginning of the Chosen Reign. JJ says the Harris Brothers will be doing run ins again all night.

Buff is now hitting on Daffney in a stairwell. She screams at him.

Ric Flair heads out to the wring with Hulk Hogan's weightlifting belt around his shoulder. That belt probably means more than all the WCW belts combined at this point.


Naitch heels on Reno. "Would you like me to take your girlfriend home and let her ride Space Mountain, make a big deal out it?" Ric Flair really gets boners over Lex's body. Vampiro is out! Ric Flair must be The Joker. He says he and Ric will have a match. This is a huge step up for Vamp. The fans are into it, though. Ric is incredulous to the idea that this dead man would want to wrestle him. WHAT?! WHAT?!! WHATOHTAHAT!?

TO THE BACK. La Parker is interviewed by Mean Gene. What the fuck. He does the promo with a voice over talking for him...which is voiced by someone doing a JYD impression. That was odd. Nash is still waiting on Batman. Super villains are running amuck in his city. He's got to do something! He's going to call Alfred. Apparently this works. But then Alfred asks him what he's wearing. *Cut to* RALPHUS wondering who the hell that was who called him!


Berlyn! He is ein donut. "I am Berlyn. And I am from Germany!" This was his promo.

Berlyn vs LA PARKA!

Berlyn drop kicks Parka off his chair. What a dick.


Huge USA chants. Either the Reno crowd doesn't realize La Parka is Mexican, or they just hate all foreigners. LA PARKA WINS with a whisper in the wind headbutt type move.

TO THE BACK. Buff has an issue with the Kid Cam. Kidman tells him the camera was stolen and it wasn't him. TOUGHMAN Tank Abbott has a word with Gene. He's the alpha male. VIRGIL interrupts the promo saying that Tank almost ruined his career and he wants another shot at him. Tank accepts. Virgil is now known as Mike Jones.


Buff Bagwell vs David Flair

David wasn't very pleased with Buff hitting on Daffney. He was a bit jealous over it. Daffney has a purple wig and her black tank top has "People Eater" in purple. Purple People Eater. Close enough. David slams Buff and then flexes. Buff rips David's shirt off and laughs at him. Now he's holding him and making him flex, but David hits a low blow and does Buff's strut thing.


Now the Maestro and Ryan Shamrock are out. Daffney climbs on the apron holding the crowbar. Buff throws David into her, which sends her crashing into Maestro. She laughed about it. Buff hits a reverse layout DDT for the win. Maestro then attacks Buff, but is fought off. Buff is apparently supposed to be a face despite hitting on 3 different girlfriends/wives of his co workers, getting caught 3 times, and then trying to start a fight with the guy he thinks is responsible for catching him. But it is okay because the 3 girls belong to heels.

TO THE BACK. Tank is heading to the arena. Vampiro is kicking walls preparing for Ric Flair.

Tank Abbot vs Wrestling Superstar Virgil *Vincent* *Vince* *Shane* *Curly Bill* *Mike Jones*


Virgil actually gets an entrance. He even has music. What the hell, he takes Tank to the floor immediately. Tank SHOOT THROWS him back in the ring and puts him in a standing guillotine for a bit. Now they are in the corner and Virgil knocks Tank down! But he celebrated and turned around into a KO punch. Fucking Virgil put up more of a fight than The Barbarian.

TO THE BACK. Up next, Ric Flair vs Vampiro! Kevin Nash has Alfred (Ralphus) in his office. Nash sings Bingo and calls Ralphus Bruce. I thought he was supposed to be Alfred?


Vampiro vs Ric Flair

This is by far the biggest match of Vamp's career. A huge jump up for him. WCW were really doing good stuff with Vamp and Kidman. Not really with anyone else, but those two at least. I want to see Flair try to take the high angle uranagi and scream OH SHIITT AH SHH OH SHIT. This is a weird style match up for sure. Rolling heel hook OUTTA NOWHERE. Ric and Billy Silverman are already getting into it. Vamp is off to a big start and Flair has to bail for a breather. Ric is now begging off in the corner and Vamp is giving chops until an eye poke gets things turned around. Big chops in the corner from Flair now. Vamp missed a big top rope leg drop and appears to have hurt his leg. Flair sees the opening and goes to work. Crowd is 100% behind Vampiro. Two count off a figure four reversal. Lex and Liz are coming out. Man. This is actually a good match. I don't want to see Lex ruining shit. Vamp hits his spinny kick and goes for a moonsault, but Lex knocks him off the rope. Figure four for the Ric Flair win. This was a good match and totally put Vamp on that level. Flair and Lex with a beat down of Vamp after the bell.


TO THE BACK. Turn coat Dustin Rhodes is on his way to the arena. Vamp is in the back rubbing his knee and Finlay attacks him. Also, the decision was reversed so Vamp technically just beat Ric Flair. Booker and Kidman are talking with each other about their tag match. Recap of Dustin's heel turn on Terry Funk.

Dustin Rhodes is out for his promo. Idk Dustin, maybe red leather pants and a red pirate/cowboy shirt isn't a good look with the non dashing Rhodes body.


He says he should have put the ambulance in reverse and run that old shit head over. He's done everything for this business only to have a broken home and a closet full of gold costumes. If people don't like it, they can piss off. He's got scars, too. They call Terry Funk a hardcore legend, but he has scars all over his body. He remembers many nights of Funk putting his dad in the hospital. He says if Terry Funk is standing in front of him, he WILL KILL HIM. Straight up threatening murder. When he's done with Funk, he's going to get the biggest cigar he can find, enjoy it, and snuff it out on Funk's old ass. Terry Funk is Live Via Satellite. Funk is going to put his boot so far up Dustin's ass that he'll have to have an appendectomy to get it out and that both Rhodes men are not men at all. Dustin then beats up some ring crew guys, including one that might have been Bill Nye. I don't know why there was a guy in a bow tie just standing around the ramp with a clip board. This was pretty good. Most fired up Dustin had been in a long time.


TO THE BACK. Crowbar is heading to the arena. Terry Taylor and Mickey Jay are talking. Mickey Jay wants a match with Mark "Slick" Johnson! Yes, ref matches!

Crowbar vs The Artist for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship.

I don't think Crowbar is a cruiser, but whatever. Crowbar starts taking phantom bumps just for fun. Crowbar hits his splash off the apron. He grabbed his pipe, but TAFKAPI takes it away and hits a dragon screw. Crowbar countered the diving DDT with a Northern Lights for 2. They're both fighting on the top rope and Crowbar his a giant face buster. I think. I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be an offensive move or both men falling.


Daffney slides into the ring and distracts Prince. It's the purple wig, of course. Once Sharmell rips that off the spell is broken and we have a CAT FIGHT! During this, Prince hits his diving DDT to retain his title.

TO THE BACK. The Wall and Disco head to the ring for their match. Mean Gene is standing with the champ. Who bent the top of Big Gold? You can't be master to the master. Sid is going to fuck someone up. Commissioner Nash is sure that Sid is The Joker. One of the nurses suggests that since Batman is a no show, maybe they should call Metropolis for help. Nash is offended at the suggestion, because everyone knows that Superman is a comic book character.

The Wall vs Disco Inferno.

Lane and Idol attack the Mamalukes on their way to the ring. Disco wasn't aware if this and thinks his guys are still behind him. Until he gets to the ring. He's fucked. Wall wins with the chokeslam in short order.

TO THE BACK. Kidman/Torrie/Booker head to the ring. They have a match against The Harris Brothers up next. Lex and Liz have a chat with Mean Gene. He's going to take Sid out.

Kidman/Booker vs The Harris Brothers.


Torrie in a pink cat suit tonight. Booker comes out to no music at all now. Fuck the Harris Brothers. Can't even enjoy Booker and Kidman when it is against them. H-Bomb on Booker for the win.

TO THE BACK. Sid is walking to the ring chanting his name. Commercial for a new set of action figures, with Sid being awesome. Then a promo for Uncensored that is still using clips from January, with Bret Hart and the nWo, Meng, and various other matches from well before the last PPV.


The Total Package vs Sid.

TO THE BACK. The Shittiest NWO are watching this match. WHO'S THE MAN? WHO'S THE MAN? I'M THE MAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN!! Remember how Matt Morgan's whole gimmick for a while was that he was tall guy who wasn't fat? Sid was always in ridiculous shape. Undertaker had periods where he was in great shape. The Giant was straight up svelte when he debuted. Giant Gonzalez had delightfully furry definition. So why did Morgan think people should be so impressed that he wasn't a fat slob? He wrestled 3 times a month and had the rest to work out constantly. Fuck Matt Morgan. Flair runs in, but Sid fights them both off. The ref doesn't call for the bell until Lex hits Sid's knee with the bat despite Flair having been in the ring for like 2 minutes. Lex did this while Sid had Flair in position for the powerbomb and I think he actually hit Flair's head and hand during this.

TO THE BACK. The Shittiest NWO decide they should be doing this. Security and refs stop them. Mickey Jay gets hit with the guitar to end the show.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Christ, those Thunder storylines sound worse than the canceled storylines from GWF.

Jamie OD

Decided to start watching the ROH TV show again when I heard they sort of did a soft reboot thanks to Cornette being gone. Feels pretty good to follow the promotion again. Cole Vs O'Reilly from the end of November was good. Richards Vs Elgin from two weeks ago was great. Steen Vs Generico tomorrow should be awesomely chaotic.


Christ, those Thunder storylines sound worse than the canceled storylines from GWF.

It was a pretty big show, man. Appearances by Virgil, Ralphus, Mike Graham, JYD's voice, Bill Nye, and Kevin Nash as Commissioner Gordon. Fucking Tumblr won't let me add anything to this blog. What the fuck is the deal?
Decided to start watching the ROH TV show again when I heard they sort of did a soft reboot thanks to Cornette being gone. Feels pretty good to follow the promotion again. Cole Vs O'Reilly from the end of November was good. Richards Vs Elgin from two weeks ago was great. Steen Vs Generico tomorrow should be awesomely chaotic.

Yeah, I've been enjoying it as well - doesn't seem quite as bland as usual, and a lot of the matches have been good. Enjoyed the Corino/Briscoe street fight too, as well as the matches you mentioned.

Also, seems ROH have partnered with a video streaming company to improve their iPPV product - all this will be live for Final Battle tomorrow;

  • Faster Load Times
  • Adaptive Bitrate Streaming across all devices to ensure the smoothest, highest quality stream on PC’s, iPads, iPhones, android tablets, laptops, etc. No more buffering!
  • Live DVR functionality for internet pay per views – Fans will be able to used DVR functions during live streamed events. This means if someone joins late, they can begin watching from the beginning, skip to a later time, or even jump to Live just like they would on their television..
  • Instant Availability of Replays – Once the live event is over, fans will be able to watch the replay immediately. No more waiting!

Some nice features there, and something the competition doesn't offer with their iPPV services. And speaking of Final Battle, here's the card - should be a great show;


http://www.rohwrestling.com/ippv - $14.95

Bell-time @ 2PM EST

  • ROH World Championship Ladder War Match: Kevin Steen (c) vs El Generico
  • Special Challenge Match: Adam Cole vs Matt Hardy
  • 3-Way ROH World Tag Team Championship Match: S.C.U.M. (Steve Corino & Jimmy Jacobs) (c) vs The Briscoe Brothers vs Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander
  • Grudge Tag Team Match: The American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) vs Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish
  • Jerry's Final ROH Match: Jerry Lynn vs Mike Bennett
  • Grudge Match: 'Unbreakable' Michael Elgin vs Roderick Strong
  • Special Challenge Match: Jay Lethal vs Rhino
  • NYC Street Fight: Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin vs Rhett Titus & BJ Whitmer
  • Grudge Match: Prince Nana vs Barrister R.D. Evans


Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup Night 2 could be good.
World Wrestling Network presents
Jeff Peterson Cup X
Saturday, December 15, 2012 - 6 PM EST. Bell Time
The Orpheum
1915 E. 7th Avenue
Ybor City, FL

Live on iPPV at www.WWNLive.com

The Tenth Annual and Final Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup

Second Round Matches:
Samuray Del Sol vs. Jonathan Gresham
Mike Cruz vs. Jon Davis
2011 JPC Winner AR Fox vs. Shane Strickland
Papadon w/ Larry Dallas & Trina Michaels vs. Lince Dorado

FRAY! Featuring Eddie Rios, Derek Ryze, Maxwell Chicago, John Silver, Joey Janela, Jay Cruz, Johnny Vandal, Black Baron & BJ Hancock

Plus The Semi-Finals & Finals

It sounds like they eliminated all the jobbers and local talent in round one......everyone that advanced to the second round has appeared on Evolve or DGUSA before....except maybe Gresham who is a former Chikara star.


Apparently there is a post limit per 24 hours for Tumblr and pictures take up extra posts. So when I'm able to, I'll update Thunder and probably the next Nitro.

Also, good news. It looks like the pack might finally finish some time today (it is at 99.6%, which is up from the 96.4% it sat at for a week). Which means I'll go back to the few shows I wasn't able to do before and I think I'm going to find somewhere to upload them all so we can all watch. I'm sure they won't last long on YT, so what other streaming sites are they like that? Fuck Dailymotion, I'm not going there.
Mr. Sandman said:
Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup Night 2 could be good.

Huh, I might check that out - I could see Del Sol winning it, with a surprise victory over Davis in the semis and then beating Strickland or AR Fox in the finals.

Mr. Sam said:
What's the difference between a ladder match and a "ladder war match"?

No DQ rules, I'd guess. It's pretty much just a feud ending, crazy-ass ladder match with a bunch of tables and weapons, etc;



Yeah, I've been enjoying it as well - doesn't seem quite as bland as usual, and a lot of the matches have been good. Enjoyed the Corino/Briscoe street fight too, as well as the matches you mentioned.

ROH TV is on Saturdays right? I watched a few when it first came on in my area and I just didn't keep up with it for some reason, maybe I'll start watching again since you guys are saying it improved
ROH TV is on Saturdays right? I watched a few when it first came on in my area and I just didn't keep up with it for some reason, maybe I'll start watching again since you guys are saying it improved

I'm not sure when it's on in your area, might be Saturday or Sunday - you can watch it on the website though; www.rohwrestling.com

And this weeks episode is viewable on youtube until 6PM EST today;



If Rock's gonna be at the Chamber, does that mean Punk has a chance to make it through the Rumble without dropping the title?

If I had to guess, Cena's gonna win the Rumble and get a guaranteed title shot at Wrestlemania, however Punk and Rock will be feuding setting up Punk vs. Rock vs. Cena at WM.

Once in a lifetime™.
Enfinit said:
If Rock's gonna be at the Chamber, does that mean Punk has a chance to make it through the Rumble without dropping the title?

Nah, just that Rock's defending the title at the Chamber PPV, hopefully in an Elimination Chamber match.

Punk drops the belt to Rock at the Rumble > Cena wins the Rumble itself, and a title shot at WrestleMania > Rock successfully retains the title in the RAW Elimination Chamber match > Cena defeats the Rock at WrestleMania, getting his win and his title back. We never get a redesigned WWE Title, unless it's this one;



If they do, what is another place I can put them up? What's that Asian site that has a bunch of pop singers and random US TV shows uploaded to it?


Nah, just that Rock's defending the title at the Chamber PPV, hopefully in an Elimination Chamber match.

Punk drops the belt to Rock at the Rumble > Cena wins the Rumble itself, and a title shot at WrestleMania > Rock successfully retains the title in the RAW Elimination Chamber match > Cena defeats the Rock at WrestleMania, getting his win and his title back. We never get a redesigned WWE Title, unless it's this one;


I feel like that's way too predictable, even for WWE standards. WWE will throw a curve ball somewhere. From what I read, Creative's heavily considering letting Punk headline WM.


So not worth it
Ladies and Gentleman, Boys, Girls and whatever G-Fex is of WrassleGAF! It is that time, that glorious time of the month where we get to PREDICT A PAY-PER-VIEW! YAY! PREDICTION TIME!!


Pre-show: "Santa’s Helper" No. 1 Contender’s Diva Battle Royal - Alicia Fox, Layla, Natalya, Kaitlyn, Tamina Snuka, Rosa Mendes, Aksana, Cameron and Naomi
Lets start with the good, Naomi gets to wrestle in a match. Sure it’s Divas Battle Royal Lol for the #1 contendorship, but it’s progress. Rumors are they’re looking to rebuild the divas division so they need some people that can actually work. So that’s good. That said, with AJ not in this we all know that whoever wins this and faces Eve (I assume later in the night) is not winning. Winner should be either Kaitlyn or Layla, as the only other choice Tamina is a heel and they don’t do heel vs. heel in WWE. So, lets go with Layla.

FYI, also in the pre-show will be the Slammy Awards from wwe.com. AJ for Diva and Betrayal of the year! (Don’t ask me why I care, I just buy into fake award... I see you judge me damnit! Stop it! Stop it now!)


Tables Match for #1 Contender's to Tag Team Titles: Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara vs. Team Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow)
If Rhodes Scholars was not already the best tag-team in at least a decade, last monday’s debut of Cody’s Moustache made it so. I still say they should change their name to Moustache Scholars. What happened to Rey & Cara btw, I can’t remember when they were last on TV. How are they automatically qualified for the #1 contendership while Moustache Scholars had to fight a 4-way elimination for their shot at this match? Seriously WWE, start booking ahead, all this last minute booking is taking any shred of believability out of your product. But hey, same old same old right. This match is gonna be great and we all know. Of course Moustache Scholars is going to pick up the win, I expect them to win the titles off of Kane and Bryan at the Rumble.


United States Championship: Antonio Cesaro vs. R-Truth
Cesaro beat Truth clean at the last PPV, he will do it again here. R-Truth was such a fun heel in his Cena feud. Shame they had to ruin it. Cesaro retains.


Intercontinental Championship: Kofi Kingston vs. Wade Barrett
By all means Barrett should have been in the main event now, but for some reason it’s not happening. Part of it is that the guy doesn’t seem all that interesting to me. What exactly motivates Barrett anyways? His gimmick is “Fight Club” guy right? Fine, make him go complete Tyler Durden batshit insane as well and make me care for the guy. We’ve got entirely too much “AYE JUST WONNA FOIGHT FELLA” guys on the roster already, with Sheamus hogging the spotlight for them all anyway. On the other hand, we have Kingston. Kingston is just not happening, he’ll spend another decade holding the US/IC title a bunch of times. We often speak of future hall of famers, Kofi Kingston is not one of them. So, who should and will win this match? Barrett.


Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank contract: John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler
I know alot of people hate this match, mostly because of it’s stipulation. But if they’re really serious about Ziggler getting that final push, and I believe they are, who better to give Ziggler a solid win than John Cena. Beating Cena is hardly ever done and if WWE is smart they’ll give Ziggler a decisive victory. Sure, on Monday they can retcon it so that the evil AJ Lee has distracted Cena’s mind too much from the match and made him lose focus. But that’s okay, I understand this company is OCD about John Cena and protecting him. Even though a clean loss wouldn’t hurt the guy’s popularity for a second. Ziggler beating Cena and retaining his suitcase will do wonders for him. So lets hope they have enough common sense to make it a clean win.

Now, we’ve discussed this before. I hope this turns out to be a Ladder Match for the belt as this should be the main event of the show and Ziggler should cash in his briefcase after Big Show vs. Sheamus on Sheamus to win the title. Afterwards he can do a D-Bry and face both Sheamus and Big Show and come out on top there as well, maybe turning babyface in the process. If they pair AJ with him and have the two of them wrap up the feud with Vickie, they might have their third top babyface right then and there.


World Heavyweight Championship Chairs Match: Big Show vs. Sheamus
It’s amazing to me how much I’m enjoying Big Show lately. He’s really nailed his persona and it’s the most interesting he’s been since WCW. That said, after more or less dominating Sheamus for two PPV’s and considering his age it would make no sense for him to go over a third time, so Sheamus is regaining the WHC this time. Big Show of course will beat him up afterwards so that Ziggler can become champ by cashing in.


Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match: Ryback, Kane & Daniel Bryan vs. The Shield
I know popular WrassleGAF opinion hates everything The Shield has done, but I for one am loving this angle. I love their backstage vignettes with the dodgy camera, I love the way they slowly prey on their targets from the stands. I like how they haven’t had a single match now. I like that they’ve beat up a whole bunch of people already. The fact they’re taking it slow, it’s perfect. It’s a shame Punk got injured, because now they have to face Ryback just a bit too quickly. If I was WWE and I was serious about establishing these guys I’d have The Shield win. Don’t think this match will be the Main Event anyway, so it’s okay for the heels to win it. Now Ryback can’t take the pin, so that has to fall to either Bryan or Kane. Bryan loses a lot, so he’d be the logical pick if we’re looking from WWE booking standards. I personally would have them defeat Kane and pin him, just to establish just how much of a treath these three can be to Ryback and the Dubya Dubya E Universe.
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