Caesar is this a famous japanese wrestler of some sorts?
dude was doing wrestling moves on people in the Wizard music video
Tanahashi's done stunts for Sentai and Kamen Rider a few times.
He even dressed up as Double

Caesar is this a famous japanese wrestler of some sorts?
dude was doing wrestling moves on people in the Wizard music video
If one were to watch Kamen Rider where would he start?
I just got this email about GWF.
Here's the PDF
Kamen Rider W is pretty good.
Tanahashi's done stunts for Sentai and Kamen Rider a few times.
He even dressed up as Double[IMG]
Oh cool.
[quote="slightconfuse, post: 45471704"]If one were to watch Kamen Rider where would he start?[/QUOTE]
I'm in the middle of W right now, so far it's good stuff. And if you want your subs in english use over-time
One time after we finished a tour in London, he came up to me, to my dressing room, and he told that he was very proud of me, and that I was a great wrestler, and he wanted to give me his mask as a sign of his respect to me. So it was a very special moment. I remember I- people are gonna say, like, “Oh, Hunico, is this bad guy in the ring, and y’know the cholo thing”. But I actually, after that, I didn’t tell anybody, but I stood in the dressing room and I cried.
Ryback and Team Hell No Vs The Shield
Ryback and Team Hell No defeated The Shield. Bryan got jumped by The Shield as he was making his way to the ring. Kane came out, but he got jumped too. Finally Ryback came in and cleared the ring of The Shield. Team Hell No recovered and the match was back and forth. Ryback and Team Hell No won the match after Ryback pinned Ambrose with Shellshocked. After the match, Ryback and Team Hell No hugged.
Cena Vs Ziggler In a Street Fight
Cena and Ziggler put on a hell of a match. They hit each other with chairs, microphones, the MITB briefcase and steel steps. The match ended with Ziggler trying to put Cena through a table, but Cena reversed it and hit Ziggler with an AA through the table for the win.
Dude, faces ALWAYS win at house shows.Flashes of the future? I hope not...
I concur.I hopeno oneCena gets injured.
IIRC, that Arnold Classic bodybuilder guy signed to WCW, but they never actually put him on television after realizing that he was absolutely useless in the ring.
Sidenote -- is there anybody here that knows how to hack in textures in WWE '13? I've got a project I'm working on and would love to get some designs uploaded.
The Grumpy Cat ring is just an example of what can be done, not exactly what I want help with though. PM me of you can help!
Cena and Ziggler preparing for a ladder match by having a tables match...oh and it included chairs, so 2/3s of a TLC match without using the item they should be practicing with for the PPV. I hope no one gets injured.
Since we are talking games -pc game coming up:
Pro Wrestling X: Uprising on Steam Greenlight (go vote)
Blame Vince. It's been eight years and he's still treating him the same. Even it hits mid 2's seemingly on a regular basis and he still doesn't change.I concur.
How eerily appropriate Laser, i'm stuck in the same situation!
I regret my decision, I could get back into bed but it wouldn't be the same. I've had a bacon butty though, a rare Sunday treat.
I own this cd and I don't know why.
Ring of Honor Final Battle is today. Who's watching?
I'll be there front row wearing my Bar Fly shirt. He's a luchador along with the great and powerful Abra Cadaver.Falcons vs Giants is at the same time.....and free.
I just got this email about GWF.
Here's the PDF
TLC is tonight?
huh. completely spaced on that.
Wrasslegaf is going to be funny after Cena wins Zigg's MITB.