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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Caesar is this a famous japanese wrestler of some sorts?

dude was doing wrestling moves on people in the Wizard music video

Tanahashi's done stunts for Sentai and Kamen Rider a few times.

He even dressed up as Double



Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm tempted to buy those Nendoroid Petits Tanahashi/TenKoji despite not caring that much about them except for Tenzan. I want a Shinsuke/Okada/Naito set

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Tanahashi's done stunts for Sentai and Kamen Rider a few times.

He even dressed up as Double
Oh cool.
[quote="slightconfuse, post: 45471704"]If one were to watch Kamen Rider where would he start?[/QUOTE]

I'm in the middle of W right now, so far it's good stuff. And if you want your subs in english use over-time


Does anyone know what piece of music Sid's WWF music was a rip off of? I heard something that sounded strikingly similar on the classical station one night driving home from work and it literally made me want to go out and murder people. And powerbomb them. And fist bump them. But murderous rage swelled up inside me hearing it. I've never had such emotions for a piece of music. I've been searching for it for years, but have never been able to find it or anyone who even has a clue about it.

Not that I'm going to murder anyone or anything. I would just like to hear it again. Except I have no clue who it was by, what the name of it was, what time period it was made in. Only that Sid's horror movie music sounds very similar to it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Poor Hunico :(

on El Santo
One time after we finished a tour in London, he came up to me, to my dressing room, and he told that he was very proud of me, and that I was a great wrestler, and he wanted to give me his mask as a sign of his respect to me. So it was a very special moment. I remember I- people are gonna say, like, “Oh, Hunico, is this bad guy in the ring, and y’know the cholo thing”. But I actually, after that, I didn’t tell anybody, but I stood in the dressing room and I cried.


Yada Yada Yada if on repeat.

WWE Live Event Results From Wilkes-Barre, PA (12/15)

Ryback and Team Hell No Vs The Shield

Ryback and Team Hell No defeated The Shield. Bryan got jumped by The Shield as he was making his way to the ring. Kane came out, but he got jumped too. Finally Ryback came in and cleared the ring of The Shield. Team Hell No recovered and the match was back and forth. Ryback and Team Hell No won the match after Ryback pinned Ambrose with Shellshocked. After the match, Ryback and Team Hell No hugged.

Cena Vs Ziggler In a Street Fight

Cena and Ziggler put on a hell of a match. They hit each other with chairs, microphones, the MITB briefcase and steel steps. The match ended with Ziggler trying to put Cena through a table, but Cena reversed it and hit Ziggler with an AA through the table for the win.

Flashes of the future? I hope not...


Flashes of the future? I hope not...
Dude, faces ALWAYS win at house shows.
With the rare exception of a single mid-card heel they're trying to build up as a credible threat.
So you'll see Zack Ryder or Santino trotted out to put over Cesaro.

But otherwise, faces always win and that should not portend in any way, shape or form to how tomorrow's PPV will be booked.

Even if Ziggler wins the title at TLC, he'll still lose at every house show. Just by DQ or count-out in that situation.


Cena and Ziggler preparing for a ladder match by having a tables match...oh and it included chairs, so 2/3s of a TLC match without using the item they should be practicing with for the PPV. I hope no one gets injured.


IIRC, that Arnold Classic bodybuilder guy signed to WCW, but they never actually put him on television after realizing that he was absolutely useless in the ring.

Sidenote -- is there anybody here that knows how to hack in textures in WWE '13? I've got a project I'm working on and would love to get some designs uploaded.


The Grumpy Cat ring is just an example of what can be done, not exactly what I want help with though. PM me of you can help!

how would you even get this on a console?


So not worth it
Cena and Ziggler preparing for a ladder match by having a tables match...oh and it included chairs, so 2/3s of a TLC match without using the item they should be practicing with for the PPV. I hope no one gets injured.

That's exactly why they don't do a ladder match on a house show.


I tried to watch the Rock vs Cena Once In A Lifetime doc on Netflix streaming last night......sitting through half of that was worse than siting through a three hour Raw.
I regret my decision, I could get back into bed but it wouldn't be the same. I've had a bacon butty though, a rare Sunday treat.

I emerged with the dream of a pepperoni sandwich only to discover someone else had snaffled my treat, the early bird gets the worm but I ain't no early bird.
And now my eyelids are going to be heavy for the rest of the day.


A whole page of GWF talk? lol

I don't find GWF even a bit entertaining, but I am entertained at how far you guys are taking it. Keep it up.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
IF the chairs match is early in the show, Ziggs will cash in and win the whc. While Ziggs is celebrating, Vickie or Vince comes out and says instead of the MitB hanging up, the Ziggs/Cena ladder match will be for the whc.

Ziggs wins that match by DQ because Cena AA's Ziggs through a table which is illegal in a ladder match.



So not worth it
Ziggler/Cena will definitely have some AJ-involvement, so Cena is going to lose somehow due to her being there.
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