Slater going in on the Spanish annouce table is great stuff
No, you're right. The 6 man was MOTY.I have no voice. But damn that was fun. Great effort overall in the ppv. I thought the place looked small, but its a tall arena, and chants were all around. The 6 man is competing for Match of the Year right now with Punk/Bryan. I really need to watch it on tv to see how they captured it.
Best live moment was everyone trying to do alberto del rio with ricardo's announcing. don't know how that came out on the feed, but it was LOUD live.
Daniel Bryan in another MOTY contender.
I have no voice. But damn that was fun. Great effort overall in the ppv. I thought the place looked small, but its a tall arena, and chants were all around. The 6 man is competing for Match of the Year right now with Punk/Bryan. I really need to watch it on tv to see how they captured it.
Best live moment was everyone trying to do alberto del rio with ricardo's announcing. don't know how that came out on the feed, but it was LOUD live.
Was Over the Limit really that good outside of the Punk and Bryan match? Because that and Laurinaitis' Booker T impression were all that I remembered from that show.
He's fine. I'm sure he's hurting, but he'll be alright. Spots that involve multiple stacked tables are usually safer than just one. They're gimmicked to break easily, and they help brace your fall.So no news about Rollins yet is probably good right? Means he probably wasn't hurt too badly hopefully.
Nice camerawork for the ending
Rollins could've really been made tonight if he actually jumped off that really tall ladder onto Ryback through the table. But obviously they were the heels so he couldn't do that.
So much whining.
Jesus fuck, Ambrose's selling is absolutely hilarious. He won me over on that alone. He's going to be really fun to see what ridiculous faces he's going to make. I lol'd for real at Kane literally getting buried. I thought of Soul and couldn't help but laugh. It's so refreshing to see heels that bring the fight and don't back down. There hasn't really been one since Mark Henry went down and before that it was Brock for a match and D-Bryne for a month or two after WM. Even heels who have a gimmick of fighting bad asses (Wade, Big Show, Mark Henry in between domination runs) still tend to do chickenshit heel stuff. Yet Shield didn't at all and took the fight the whole time. So refreshing. Match was nutty. All it needed was an old school guard rail and it could have been a Guerrilla Warfare match. Can't wait for Seth vs Daniel and Dean vs Daniel. I feel like they went a little over board with the shaky cam shit when they were brawling in front of the announce tables. I get that it makes everything look more chaotic and busy, but fuck. They were doing some over kill. Thankfully it died down as the match went on.
I also got a chuckle over Brodus' dancer being on the card, but not Brodus himself. I can't decide if Seth's ultra tiny trunks will make him a face or more of a heel.
such a good picture. Ambrose face is great
The man is 45 years old, and delivered the best flying clothesline in years!! I said it in the chat, the 5 minutes of Kane dominance in this match was the best thing I'd seen since 2010 (or his return).SoulPlaya on the lower left. Prob in tears
The man is 45 years old, and delivered the best flying clothesline in years. I said it in the chat, the 5 minutes of Kane dominance in this match was the best thing I'd seen since 2010 (or his return).
such a good picture. Ambrose face is great
Yeah, I want more Kane too.I wish more wrestlers did more flying clothesline, supplexes, throwing opponents head to turnbuckle 10x's, etc. etc
So how was TLC?
It was the best ppv this year, behind exteme rules
Looks like a fake account.So was McGillicuty's twitter hacked or does he just want out?