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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
"Fantastic wrestler" is pushing it. Good hand, yes. Never would I call Mike Rotundo a fantastic wrestler. In fact, he was never bad, but he was rarely very interesting in the ring. He's really the perfect baseline average wrestler. Also, the sweatiest wrestler of all time. Dude would be completely drenched in 2 minutes guaranteed. Even in WCW when he was back to wearing singlets and not dress pants and button downs.

Oh man, I disagree with that - Rotundo was a delight to me. Might just be a diff'rent strokes thing but I loved watching him wrestle in the 80s.



God damn it, Nancy was amazing. She has to be one of the sexiest women I've ever seen in the pro wrasslin world. Particularly pre-mid 90s, but even then she was still unbelievably sexy. But Florida and NWA Nancy was stunning.

I would think more people would have been annoyed not with Rotunda being brought in with a new name and gimmick, since that was the normal thing to do then, but that the WWF brought him in as a completely new character and gimmick even though he had been a reasonably well known star under his own name just a few years prior. He was even on the first Wrestlemania card. Although I was watching Raws from 1994ish I think and there was an interview segment where Vince kept using Mr. Rotunda and Mr. Shyster interchangeably. I believe it was the opening to Raw where Vince interviewed from ringside IRS in his office. It was really weird. The whole episode was built around IRS, too. I've always been really annoyed at gimmick changes like that. Take an established guy for your own company and change his name and persona and pretend he's never been there before. Happened a whole lot in the late 80s, early 90s and drove me crazy even as a kid. Obviously the Repo Man was Demolition Smash.
He has some clever offence, if you like the MMA-hybrid sort of stuff, and works as a total whiny asshole heel because it's easy to buy that he's a total whiny asshole.

My biggest problem with O'Reilly is the fact that he barely sells, and when he does his selling is generally awful. Still, with the right opponent he can work well - the matches with Cole this year were good, and he put on a good MMA vs capoeira showcase match with Tadarius Thomas on one of the ROH b-shows a while back.

Yeah, it's hard to give them the benefit of the doubt when this is just one of many cancellations/incidents they've been involved in this year. Davey made a big mistake burning his bridges with New Japan, and pulling shit like this for tiny, two-bit indies is bad enough, but when it's a rising promotion like AIW it's sure to reflect badly on Richards & co.

I buy into the whiny asshole part but the rest... I don't know. I've always found him, Strong, and Richards to be one of the most overrated wrestlers in the biz. I used to love Low Ki but I think he belongs on that list as well even though he is tearing it up in Japan.
The best part about the reboot Nitro was Bischoff asking Sid, "What's wrong? Can't find your scissors?" in a reference absolutely no one in the live crowd got.



WCW Monday Nitro 4/10/2000


Here it is ladies and gentlemen. The reboot of WCW. Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff had agreed to run WCW together as a partnership. They took a week off and aired best ofs for Nitro and Thunder. This is the first show with them in charge. Buzz is probably the highest it has been since Sting/Hogan at Starrcade 1997. Ironic, since we know how that know how that ended up as well.


We open the show with a new Nitro set and the entire roster in the ring and surrounding the ring side area, all out of character. Everyone looks grumpy and pissed. I don't even recognize some of them. Jaime Noble doesn't have his Zorro mask on, Demon isn't in face paint, Kidman is in a suit. Van Hammer is out!


Double J is the last one out and the first to speak. He told everyone he was the chosen one. Good ol' boys derailed the plan of the man who turned the WWF around. What goes around comes around. Oh man. This is already hilarious in hindsight. Jeff Jarrett of all the people who could say that. The hype being the biggest since Sting/Hogan in 1997 and how that ended up. Jeff brings out Vince Russo.


Russo said he'd never appear on camera, but I guess that whole PTB thing didn't count since it was only his voice. 3rd Vince McMahon name drop 6 minutes into the show. He says things were turning around and the new blood were changing everything until the good ol' boys and politics took over. He knew it sucked and other people did, too, and that's why The Radicalz and Shane Douglas left and why Steiner got suspended for talking about it. He tells the roster that shit is changing and they need to seize the day. He's interrupted by Eric Bischoff. They shake hands and hug!


Eric says they have more in common than anyone knows and were both screwed by the same good ol' boys network. Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Sting, DDP, and Sid were all mistakes. But the biggest mistake he's made was Hulk Hogan. In the back, DDP/Kim, Lex/Liz, Sid, and Sting are watching a monitor.


Where are the big stars? Hiding in the back. Until they come out. This is pretty weird. "Looks like this is a party. And for once, it looks like you guys showed up ready for work!" "Hey what's up Sid, no softball game? How about you Lexer, no golf game today? No lunch with Michael Jordan? Hey and DDP, what about those 7 fans of yours down at the trailer park wanting to have your autograph and your new book, what about that? And Stinger, what, no Hollywood premier tonight?" "What's the matter Page, nothing to say?" DDP tells Eric to STEP OFF! DDP would be turning tricks at a run down bar in Florida saying he's friends with Bon Jovi if it wasn't for Eric Bischoff. Eric rebuilt Sting's career and made Lex a multimillionaire when WWF didn't want anything to do with him. Russo is about to SHOOT on Ric Flair. Ric Flair is a piece of SHIT on the bottom of Russo's shoe and he's going to flush Ric personally.

Starting tonight, all titles will be stripped. GOLDBERG chants start up. If Eric wants Sid's title, he'll have to come get himself. Sid will never work again if he doesn't hand the belt over. "What's the matter Sid, can't find your scissors?" "WOOOOW" "Ugggh" "I said what's the matter Sid, can't you find your scissors?" Sid backs down and hands his title over. Eric Bischoff just bowed up and made Sid his bitch.


Show run down. The announcers are stunned at the actions of the previous segment.

Hulk Hogan has arrived. Sting lets Hulk know what just happened and that Bishoff is on him tonight. "I'm not ribbin' ya." "You know what, I'm not ribbin' either."

DDP vs The Total Package

DDP's music was cut and his pyro didn't go off. But he still has Kim and that ridiculous leather jacket. Luger's music was also cut off. Then his spotlight went out once he started posing. Why is Bischoff on Hogan's ass when they've kissed each others asses for years? Idk, Mark. Eye Dee Kay. A mini tournament is held to face Jarrett at Spring Stampede for the World Title. Lex vs DDP and Sid vs Sting. This is really boring. Buff's music hits and out he comes with his pyro in the middle of the match. Buff hits on Kim. Then he hits on Liz. Buff forcibly holds and kisses Liz twice while she was fighting him off, which distracted Lex enough to get hit with a Diamond Cutter. DDP will face the winner of Sid/Sting later tonight.

TO THE BACK. Hogan is looking for Eric. Curt Hennig meets with Russo in the back. He wants to know why Hennig didn't get a big deal since he was Vince's right hand man. Russo offers a match: If Hennig can beat Jarrett tonight, he'll get his title shot at Spring Stampede. Hulk is still looking for Eric.

Tank has a pre match promo where he says he's a not a pansy ass wrassler, but a SHOOT fighter. He says he came to WCW for one reason and it was to kick Goldberg's tongue waggling ass. He's going to kick everyone's ass until Bill can grow some balls big enough to face him. He eyes the announce table. Scott Hudson mutters "holy shit" under his breath. Tank decides on Mark Madden. He's punching him, rips his shirt off, and throws him in the ring. Security breaks it up. Will gif this.


TO THE BACK. Jeff is upset with Russo about booking him in a match. "Do I look like JJ Dillon?" Kidman darts out of the locker room, Torrie is upset, but Kidman tells her to stay back. Hulk finds the Red Rooster, who tells him where Eric is. Bisch says the boys are just stirring shit up and brings him into his office.

Billy Kidman has a mic and comes to the ring. He's out to SHOOT on the old assholes holding him and the rest of the new blood down and he's sick of it. One man in particular: HULK HOGAN. Billy Kidman is calling out Hulk Hogan!


Hulk's been shit talking him for weeks behind his back, but Kidman has two things Hulk will never have: Heart and talent! The only way Hulk got that creepy orange tan was from being in the spotlight way too long. "You say Billy Kidman can't draw flies. Well, you may be right, but who would know better about drawing flies than a pile of SHIT like you!" Hulk passes a monitor in the back and can't believe what he's seeing. "Come on, Hulk, it's time to see if your balls are as big as your bald spot!". Fuck it, this is awesome. Hilarious, but awesome. Out comes Hulk. His music doesn't get cut off. Tony says something about people thinking Kidman's reaction was worked for weeks. Kidman's been bitching about getting a push and his shot and it is people like Billy that made things bad for the other young guys. "You're so damn P-whipped and in love with that gi...." Kidman snaps and attacked Hogan. "Kidman has attacked Hulk Hogan, the world has turned upside down!" Hogan then beats the shit out of Kidman. Who wouldn't be pussy whipped if they were with Torrie? Eric Bischoff is out with a chair. He tells Hogan to use it on Kidman, but then SWERVES him and hits Hulk. Hulk hilariously and blatantly blades before hand. Will gif.


TO THE BACK. A limo has arrived. It's RIC FLAIR. BUT WHO IS LIMO?! Hulk is throwing shit around and being bleeped hardcore.


Flair is watching a replay of the opening segment at the production table with Terry Taylor.

Ric Flair heads out to the ring. 45 minutes into the show (without commercials, so it was probably more like an hour) and there has been one match. I hope Flair goes insane tonight.


Vince came from WWF to save WCW, but he grew up watching Ric Flair. Forget got old, he got GREAT. He compares himself to Babe, Joe, Elway etc. At least Eric has the balls to walk up to Sid. He doesn't want to spend another $200,000 on bills again. He calls out Russo, but out comes Scott Steiner! YA OLD BASTARD! "The last time I had an interview on you, you obviously listened, cuz you cleaned your teeth, but they're still crooked as hell!" He says that if you look at the WWF and look at their champions, all of them except one came from WCW, because Flair and his OLD BASTARD buddies ran them out so he could be a 14 time champion. The fat ass in the 3rd row with no teeth could have been 14 time champion with his buddies. Ric Flair is no class white trash from "Scarlet" North Carolina. Stiener puts in fake teeth and does a Ric Flair impression when Flair is attacked by Shane Douglas in the ring. DICK FLAIRRRR HAHAH.


. Kevin Nash, on crushes, has arrived. Bret Hart is in the audience.


"We've had, literally, a train wreck every segment here, Scott Hudson." Ric Flair is looking for Shane Douglas. Mean Gene talks with Shane. Gene is HOT at Douglas. If only this was ECW, he didn't even curse besides son of a bitch and ass.

Sid vs Sting.

The match isn't important. It is the Sting vs Sid formula. Tony and Hudson are just talking about all the crazy shit tonight anyway. Crowd is lit really weird, I assume to hide the lack of a sell out, but it is kind of like HD era WWE. The Wall comes out carrying a table. Ref bump. Sid powerbombs Sting, Wall hits Sid with a chair. Sid gets chokeslammed through a table! Sting wins via count and will face DDP tonight.

A recap of the night. Tony doesn't know what is going to happen next. Flair slides in the ring and demands Shane Douglas come out. He's sick of Shane bitching and being a bitch, basically.

TO THE BACK. Hulk Hogan is still rampaging. He throws stuff and after a commercial says he's going to kill Eric and throws 3 Count into a gate.

Ready to Rumble premier highlights.

Jeff Jarrett vs Curt Hennig

Winner will face the winner of Sting/DDP for the title at Spring Stampede. Which is this Sunday. So two shows to build a PPV from scratch since nothing had been announced anyway and anything that was probably going to happen was scrapped anyway. Hulk Hogan has been informed that Eric Bischoff is in a sky box somewhere in the arena. Mr. Perfect music hits in the middle of the match. Shawn Stasiak (WE KNOW WHO THAT IS, HE WAS MEAT IN THE WWF AND WE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN NEW YORK) comes out with the gum and towel and spits the gum in Hennig's face.


Ref bump. Meat hits...something. Looked like it was going to be a Samoan drop, but Shawn couldn't get him all the way up, so he just kind of tossed him. Looked like Hennig injured his back on it. Jarrett wins with the Stroke.

TO THE BACK. Hogan is breaking into sky boxes looking for Bisch. Flair is heading to the ring. Nash is on the phone with someone. Gene is with Sting. Sting IS loyalty. He's been working his ass off since 1988 and he's going to take Jarrett out and leave the company.

Ric Flair vs Shane Douglas.

Flair still has his music and pyro. Unscheduled brawl. Both are in street clothes. Shane is predictably wearing a hideous shirt. Lots of chops, low blows. Russo is out with a bat. He hits Ric twice with a bat and spits on him. Now Shane is beating Flair with the bat. Vince gives Flair the crotch chop. Will gif. Shane very audibly calls Flair a COCKSUCKKKERRRRRR and Russo steals Flair's watch.




Kevin Nash is hobbling to the arena.

Kevin Nash is in the ring. Scott Hudson talks about The Kliq. Nash talks about a couple of jag offs in the back playing games with careers. He's lost some brain cells traveling with Scott Hall for 10 years, but "What I'm wondering is what ever happened to that sweet little wrasslin' show we were doing every monday? I mean, where in the hell is The Dog when ya need him?" Scott is great, sober, and in a real bad mood. Kevin Nash is delightfully dashing. Nash talks about saving Russo from HBK kicking his head off numerous times and how Eric would still be Verne Gagne's coffee boy if it wasn't for The Outsiders. "We're shootin' here." WHAT WHAT WHAT IT'S MIKE AWESOME! THE ECW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION HAS JUST WIPED OUT KEVIN NASH!?


. Hulk is on the phone and doesn't care how much it costs, he wants that piece of shit Kidman and he's going to eat Russo's ass........alive. OH MY GOD. THE WHITE HUMMER HAS JUST T-BONE SUPLEXED HOGAN'S LIMO! THE WHITE HUMMER HAS RETURNED! IT'S ERIC BISCHOFF AND KIDMAN! OMFG! IT'S A SHOOT! Kidman spray paints the New Blood logo on Hulk as he's strapped to a stretcher.


DDP vs Sting

Winner goes on to face Jeff Jarrett for the title at Spring Stampede. Jeff Jarrett is out for color. Jeff goes after Kim, which makes DDP go after Jeff. In the ring, Vampiro runs out and attacks Sting. SWERVE! DDP makes it back to the ring and hits a Diamond Cutter for the win. Jeff accidentally hits Kim with the guitar when DDP ducked.

TO THE BACK. Russo, Bischoff, and Jarrett celebrate in the back and send Jeff back out to the ring.

Jeff has 6 days until he officially becomes the chosen one and new champion. If DDP wants to bring his wife to the PPV, Jeff can show her some real WOOD. DDP flies back to the ring and beats on Jeff. Scott Steiner attacks DDP. Lex Luger comes out to make the save. Buff is now out. Vampiro is out. Wall is out. It's STING! Sting takes them all on, NWO style. This is awesome. It's Booker T and the Cat and they attack Sting! Russo and Vince come out on the stage and laugh and shake hands, but BRET HART is behind them!


Wow. This show. What a bizarre, entertaining, draining, messy, chaotic, stupid, amazing show. The whole show was one giant worked shoot, insidery shit all night, no flow, just chaos. It's kind of awesome in it's own way. You'd be hard pressed to see that and not be interested in what the fuck could happen next. Also, the whole idea that the New Blood were supposed to be faces and the crowds just liked the old guys more is wrong. The New Blood were clearly heels. They could have just as easily been faces, but the booking here was absolutely intended to have them be the bad guys.

I'd like to see Hogan throwing stuff and Russo telling the crowd to suck it become solid reaction gifs.
I like Big E's finisher. Significantly more painful looking than Ryback's Marching Band Samoan Drop. Since it looks like it could turn you into paraplegic. Oh, and I think he can hit it on anyone.


I like Big E's finisher. Significantly more painful looking than Ryback's Marching Band Samoan Drop. Since it looks like it could turn you into paraplegic. Oh, and I think he can hit it on anyone.

It's certainly less laborious. Ryback's Shellshock takes like 20 seconds to hit. I prefer quick flash type finishers.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife

I like how the heels know to GTFO when the SHIELD are ringside but the faces just stand there like Ric Flair


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Have the Shield attacked any heels since they were introduced?

They wanted to jump Big Show but he saw them and they backed off.

Punk did that drive over the barrier that screwed up his knee.

Sandow rolled out without doing a cartwheel.

Heels are smarter than faces.

BTW Cena turned heel at the Slammy Awards. The WWE UNIVERSE voted him Superstar of the Year and what did he do?

He gave no fucks about it.

Then he attacked Ziggler for no reason

We were just too blind to see it.


BTW Cena turned heel at the Slammy Awards. The WWE UNIVERSE voted him Superstar of the Year and what did he do?

He gave no fucks about it.

Then he attacked Ziggler for no reason

We were just too blind to see it.

I forgot about Big Show and The Shield.

Cena is immune to the heel change. He just does what Cena would do. WWCD
I know it's a little out of place but tonight was my first live MMA show and it was at Korakuen hall. It was DEEP Haleo Impact and it was absolutely incredible.

To start off we were a little frustrated when we found out it was standing room only because we had to stand last night. Then we found out we got to do that from the balcony where the heels hang out during Dragon Gate so we got excited.

Up there before the show we saw a couple white guys and chatted them up. It turned out one was a fighter on the card, Tom Mckenna and his trainer. It was very interesting to talk to him about the international fights because he's also under contract to the super fight league in India.

The fights were all exciting and only a kickboxing match went to decision.

The overall billing of the night was that it was the final night for Kasuo Misaki a strikeforce/Pride fighter. It was a full on Ric Flair celebration. They did a ten bell salute for him and when the lights came on a famous Japanese singer sang to him. Then a UFC fighter named Akeyama I believe came out to hug him. A crap ton of guys then have him flowers. It was incredible to be at. I didn't understand the speeches but the celebration was incredible. It was also cool that there were a few sumo guys in attendance.

DDT and New Japan tomorrow!


I'll wait till it gets greenlighted (i voted for it a few weeks ago) I'd rather not have to deal with another account on another service.
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