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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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WCW Monday Nitro 4/17/2000


After a particularly shitty PPV, the New Blood now have all the titles except for the Hardcore Championship. And the TV Championship, I think. I think it was permanently retired in the reboot. Jeff Jarrett is the WCW Champion, Scott Steiner is the US Champion, Buff and Shane Douglas are the tag champs, Chris Candido is the Cruiserweight champ, and Terry Funk is Hardcore Champion.

TO THE BACK. Security guards are stationed all over the building, making sure all the doors are secured. Some of the worst security guards ever. I think one of them was Frohike of The Lone Gunmen fame.

New York New York plays and we're having a ticker tape parade for the New Blood. Riot guards lead the way. Ludicrous amount of balloons and confetti.


Russo introduces all of the new champions. "You know that old small promotion where I used to work? You know, the WWF?" This leads into Russo SHOOTING on Jim Ross for holding Jeff Jarrett down and introduces the new champ. Jeff Jarrett also tells JR to kiss his ass. He's mad about not being in Ready to Rumble and wants a triple cage match with DDP. It seems funny that no one is pointing out that everyone in the ring besides Buff wrestled in WWF or ECW. Granted, Steiner made his name in WCW, but no one else in the ring did. New Blood! Or castaways from other promotions. Eric and Kim comes out. Kim is not a good talker. She turned on DDP because he's such a selfish prick. I'm trying to get a good picture of Sunny in her skin tight pink cat suit. DDP tries to arrive, but is stopped by security. DDP then takes them out and comes to the ring anyway. The riot squad let him through because they were the Millionaires Club! WHATTA SWERVE! Sting was in full make up, too. That seems like an easy way to get caught.

. Eric wants to know why the B-Team didn't come out to help. Eric particularly takes issue with Booker. Russo shoulder checks Chavo on the way out. Russo is then sent to find Mike Awesome to beat up Page. Then the security staff that got beat up comes in and quits. One is the squishy faced dude from early TNA and I think one is a young James Storm. Or maybe Tom Segura.


The phone doesn't ring, but Eric picks it up and says hello anyway. It was Hulk Hogan, who had his own audio channel, saying he was going to be there in about 5 minutes. I don't know how we heard Hogan here, but we did.

Shawn "The Perfect One" Stasiak vs Curt Hennig.

Stasiak's music is a JHV of Mr. Perfect's old music, which itself was a JHV of Theme of Exodus. That's some inception shit right there. Scott Hudson claims severe gimmick infringement from Stasiak. Ms. Hancock is out. I can't believe she wasn't on Nitro or the PPV dancing. Perfect randomly throws water on Mark Madden, because fuck Mark Madden. Ref bump, which means no pin for the real Perfect Plex. Stasiak had brass knuckles in his knee pad and decks Hennig. Stasiak wins a kind of F5 variant where he lays out instead of falls back. I didn't realize anyone actually did that move. I just thought it was one of the moves that make it into wrestling games for some reason.

TO THE BACK. There is a camera in the cop car that was following Hogan. Hogan gets out of his car and police won't let him in the building. Then they back down to him when he stares them down. The fuck?


Hogan is in full Suburban Commando gear. Hogan walks all the way to the ring. But first he got lost around the Gorilla position. This whole time Stasiak has been beating on Hennig. Hogan tosses Shawn out of the ring and saves Hennig. Again.

Hogan is still in the ring. He's SHOOTING. He's listened to the fans and the critics. Everyone gets older, brothers. He hasn't lost a step. He's only lost half a step. He's willing to kick anyone's ass who wants some of him. The fuck, he's out here talking about how you can mess with his character or gimmick and make him lose and look dumb, but you can't take money out of TERRY BOLLEA's pocket or take food out of his kid's mouths. He finally gets to Kidman bitching about his push and refusing to work until he'd know if he was going to win or not. Kidman and Torrie are on the tron and tell Hulk he needs to go back there if he wants some. A wide shot showed Bischoff and the white hummer were behind Kidman.


TO THE BACK. Hogan is in the parking lot looking for Kidman. Gene is with new champion Jeff Jarrett. Jeff is giving out an open contract to any NB member. "Choke on that, Jurassic Slapass."

The Wall vs Terry Funk Hardcore Championship

Tony is so amazed that Hulk Hogan revealed his REAL NAME on television for the first time ever on any sports entertainment show. Funk moonsaults from the top to the floor and dies on it. Basically lands straight on his head and shoulder.


Wall piledrives Funk onto the Japanese announce table. WCW seemed to switch out from an unbreakable table to straight up cardboard tables every other week. Wall puts Funk against a guardrail and then slams another guardrail against him. Now they're fighting into the Nitro Girls cages. A stack of tables falls on them out of nowhere. Funk then double stomps one of them onto Wall and retains.

TO THE BACK. Kronik with Russo. They thought they were going to get a title match tonight. Russo says things are busy. They'll get the shot when Vince says so. The contract for Jeff Jarrett was signed. But, by who? Jeff sees it and rips it down off his door. Gene is with Page. DDP is going to rip Bischoff a new ass. Interesting. Kronik attack the Harris Brothers, taking them out of their match.

Kronik vs The Mamalukes.

This is basically a squash. Crush hits an F5! A shitty one, but an F5 nonetheless. Who was the first to use that move? I remember the Amazing Red doing it on an early ROH show. Kronik wins with a double chokeslam and are now number one contenders. Crush cuts a promo after. Wrath looked so awesome. Shame he wasn't as good as he looked, because he looked like a mother fucking killer.

Vampiro comes out for a promo. Holy shit. Vampiro is a terrible promo. This would ruin him more than a random heel turn. Absolutely awful. Lights go out, Sting's music hits, he repels from the top of the arena. IT'S DA UNDERTAKER! Sting beats the shit out of Vamp. Vamp said Sting doesn't know pain, so Sting is beating Vamp and talking about pain. Absolutely demolishes him. That's an angle ending kind of beat down to me.

TO THE BACK. Hogan is still looking for Kidman. Jeff is upset at Russo for coming up with the open contract deal.

DDP vs Mike Awesome.

DDP has his gear, even though he came to the show without any and wasn't even supposed to be allowed in the building. Another weird production error that had the split screen graphics laid over DDP's entrance. It was weird. Awesome has a tasteful ponytail tonight. He's not really bigger than DDP. He's thicker, but he's about the same height. Maybe slightly taller. Not a giant. Also, Madden says DDP is jealous because Mike Awesome is probably happily married. *Cut to* "Mike Awesome was found dead today after his wife asked for a divorce." Awesome with a springboard clothesline to the floor. Champag ne Kanyon comes out and gets dumped on his head with a German suplex. Kanyon is about to be Awesomebombed through a table when Kevin Nash's music hits. He sneaks up from behind and lays Awesome out. Nash powerbombs Mike though a table.


TO THE BACK. Russo is talking with whoever signed the contract. Tank is walking in the arena. Madden is freaking out. Gene is with the new tag champs. The tag champs will have singles matches with Team Package at Slamboree. Shane wants a match with Lex, but Lex makes a stipulation that if Russo interferes at all, Team Package will automatically get the belts.

Tank Abbott is out. He again pulls out Goldberg. He searches for a victim and pulls Bruce McArthur (?), owner of the Chicago Blackhawks into the ring. This is broken up by security and whoever the biggest bad ass on the Blackhawks was at the time.

TO THE BACK. Hogan finds the Red Rooster who finally tells him where Kidman is. Russo tells Jeff that he couldn't convince whoever it is to not take the title shot. All we know is that whoever signed it is crazy. So it's probably David Flair or something.

The Total Package vs Shane Douglas

You know what's great? Shane Douglas being in the New Blood. He started wrestling in 1982. That's before Sting, Luger, Sid, Nash, and DDP. He wasn't exactly new blood in the year 2000. Those men were just dramatically more successful than him. Jarrett had also been wrestling for about as long as Sting/Lex. Scott Steiner had also been wrestling since 1986, which was around the same time that Jeff/Sting/Lex all started. But New Blood, bros. Buff out and distracts Lex. Buff again hits on Liz. Shane high fives a fake Sting, which was Russo last week. But this week, it's RIC FLAIR! Russo comes out to pull Shane out of the ring.

. Hulk finally finds the white hummer. It's literally taken him over an hour to make it to the parking garage? After a commercial, Kidman was getting beat down and Torrie tried to save him with a 2x4. Hogan grabs her by the throat, shoves her up against a wall, and rears back to punch her.


That seems a bit extreme. She was just trying to save her man. Bischoff is watching this from afar. Hulk throws Kidman in a giant dumpster. He sees Eric, who jumps into the Hummer, which won't start, because this is a horror movie. Starts right up for Hogan. He rams the dumpster repeatedly. He takes off in the hummer, looking for Bischoff. Kidman is now being loaded on a stretcher.

Jeff Jarrett vs Scott Steiner WCW Championship

No wonder Jeff didn't want this match. DROP THAT REMOTE, I'M BEING TOLD WE'RE GOING PAST 10:00! They keep doing these weird above the ring shots. Think the camera from TLC matches. They both hit each other in the slapnuts. Steiner has the recliner locked on. Booker T comes out and axe kicks Steiner.


TO THE BACK. Hulk has a pipe and is looking for Eric. Now he finds him in a locker room. Looks like he's chasing him all the way out to the ring. Hulk kicks him in the dick. Russo comes out with a bat, but Bret Hart was behind him with a chair. Bret gets in the ring. Hulk assumes Bret is on his side. Bret lifts the chair and is about to hit someone when....WE'RE OUT OF TIME! Fade to black. I guess I'll have to watch Thunder to find out what happened! Not a bad show. Much better than Spring Stampede. But it was also half as long. SS was like a 3 hour Raw, but with Vince Russo in every segment.

This whole thing with the Millionaires Club is kind of silly since all those guys are actually getting pushed HARDER than they were before. And continually beat the shit out of the "young guys" and make them look like fools. Kidman calls out Hogan, gets his ass beat, has to have Eric Bischoff save him. Then they t-bone suplex his limo. Hulk is dead, will be in the hospital for at least 2 weeks, has broken ribs/hip/back/head/mustache, comes back 6 days later and demolishes Kidman again. Then does it again the next night. Vampiro turns on Sting, Sting beats him soundly at the PPV and the next night spends an entire segment absolutely destroying him with ease. DDP had Jeff beat twice and only lost because Kim turned on him. Buff and Douglas only won due to multiple interferences. Even Steiner didn't win any of his 3 tournament matches clean. So your big plan is to give all the young guys shots and titles and prove that they are the real deal, but you book them as losers who can't win on their own to these old washed up has beens that should have retired years ago? Not sure they really thought that one through.
Hulk vs. Kidman is such a bizarre feud.

It was another one of Russo's worked shoot things. In February 2000, Hogan did a radio interview. They asked him about Benoit et al leaving the company. He went off on a rant and totally buried all the young guys in the company. He called out Kidman specifically, who WCW was pushing hard at the time, saying that, "Billy Kidman couldn't sell out a flea market."

The Internet went absolutely crazy with this one and really pissed off a ton of people in WCW. I remember Perry Saturn and Chris Benoit, who were with the WWF now, specifically went nuts on Hogan during radio interviews, prompting Hogan to fire back at Saturn, "Well, this washed up old Hulk Hogan will still make more money this year than the cross-eyed midget Saturn will make in 10 years."

When Russo got there, he immediately slapped Kidman and Hogan together.


And if that isn't dumb enough, Kidman is the heel in the feud. Granted, it's only been a week, but Hulk Hogan has kicked the shit out of Kidman 3 times already. And not just beat him up, but beat the holy shit out of him. 3 times. In a week. And the only guy who saved Kidman was that bad ass Eric Bischoff. Not to mention the whole thing of Kidman having been a happy go lucky face since kicking his heroin habit and all of the sudden being a generic overly cocky heel. But now he's been made to look like a total push over anytime Hogan is around and the feud is really just about having Hulk Hogan be a bad ass instead of anything to do with Kidman. It's not a Kidman push at all, it's clearly a Hogan push. Kidman just looks like a fucking pussy who is a foot smaller than Hulk Hogan and nowhere close to his league.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
There are now things in the water in GTA.

Fuck that shit. I'm never swimming. EVER. If I fall into the water on accident somehow I'm turning that shit off.
something something plenty of fish in the water, you're done for stinger


I was putting away toys today and got a look at the WWE figures

A bunch of awful John Cenas

overpriced zack ryder figures

Man this is terrible.

Then of all things I find a Evan Bourne action figure

It had such a pathetic look on it's face I just wanted to put it out of it's misery
I was just thinking about this but can anyone think of any wrestlers who were given a name because of a certain gimmick, but kept that name even though their gimmick changed. Billy Gunn probably got that name because he was originally some shitty cowboy. Same with Triple H.


I was just thinking about this but can anyone think of any wrestlers who were given a name because of a certain gimmick, but kept that name even though their gimmick changed. Billy Gunn probably got that name because he was originally some shitty cowboy. Same with Triple H.




When I tuned in and saw the Acolytes on SSN and I thought "BradShaw?" He must've been a cowboy or some shit right?

How right I was.
I was just thinking about this but can anyone think of any wrestlers who were given a name because of a certain gimmick, but kept that name even though their gimmick changed. Billy Gunn probably got that name because he was originally some shitty cowboy. Same with Triple H.

Val Venis keeping the same name during Right to Censor.
Aii, G-Fex, and Professor Beef can join Pretty Panda in the list of people I don't like because they say dumb stuff about KK. Heavy is the only cool guy.

If she would actually put effort into her job, then I wouldn't say such truthful things about her.

Hell, JTG and Alex Riley put more effort into their squash matches than Kelly Kelly ever has in her entire career. Even Vince had to teach her how to fucking dance.


So not worth it
Aii, G-Fex, and Professor Beef can join Pretty Panda in the list of people I don't like because they say dumb stuff about KK. Heavy is the only cool guy.

She's pretty, but she's not a wrestler. If someone you wouldn't jerk off to ran the ropes like that or did a back flip that missed the opponent 90% of the time because they couldn't do it straight, you'd be here saying they should be fired and never near a wrestling ring again.

Now I'm not into the whole blonde Barbie
(pun intended)
type, so I say the same about Kelly Kelly.

I don't care what she does, wether it's being a valet, modeling, porn/erotica or I dunno, assisting a game show host by bringing standing next to the prizes and looking all plasticy. But I do care if she's in the ring running the ropes like she's in an Inferno Match, because that shit is one of the prime reasons the divas division is in it's current state.

I blame Johnny Ace for that btw, not Kelly, she's just collecting her pay check.


So not worth it
The reaction to AJ dwarves the one Kelly got and Eve's is at least on par with that.

Give girls like Naomi and Natalya some time and let the entire division actually get some practice in so they don't have to wrestle two minute catfights and can get rid of that ring rust and you'd have at leat midcard-type reactions to most of them.

Give the crowd 5 years of "Kelly wrestling, lol suprise rollup"-matches and yeah, you'll annihilate any interest of the crowd besides: OMG TITS YAY!


Eve gets no reaction, so I don't know how you get that.

I'm not even counting AJ. She is on a completely different level than the other divas. She is more over than most of the male wrestlers. She is also a better performer than most divas.
Eve gets no reaction, so I don't know how you get that.

I'm not even counting AJ. She is on a completely different level than the other divas. She is more over than most of the male wrestlers. She is also a better performer than most divas.

Glad you admit KK is the drizzling shits, then. Yay!


So not worth it

Hadn't even thought of it like that, but I guess that's pretty much spot on if they keep them paired for a long time.

Would be cool if they both became champs as well, to solidify them as WWE's power couple.
My problem with Kelly Kelly was that she was just so awful in the ring. A lot of the Divas are bad wrestlers, but Kelly Kelly was somehow worse. I honestly think only The Great Khali is a worse wrestling wise. But at least he has an excuse.
Would be cool if they both became champs as well, to solidify them as WWE's power couple.

Well now you've gone and jinxed it. Next thing you know Kane and Cena are going to weasel their way into this angle AGAIN and Ziggler is going to get shoved off the entrance ramp and possibly ricochet into orbit.


So not worth it
Well now you've gone and jinxed it. Next thing you know Kane and Cena are going to weasel their way into this angle AGAIN and Ziggler is going to get shoved off the entrance ramp and possibly ricochet into orbit.

Oh God, what have I done?

Nah seriously, the current WWE seems intend on pushing new guys. I have high hopes for 2013 being Ziggler's year. This company is trying to right the ship, and I'm on board damnit!


I was looking back in the March thread for something and lol:


EDIT: This is what I was looking for! This is for all those Kelly Kelly / Eve comments. http://imgur.com/a/u5ilj#0
Notice whose butt is the focus. Not that jabroni's.
My problem with Kelly Kelly was that she was just so awful in the ring. A lot of the Divas are bad wrestlers, but Kelly Kelly was somehow worse. I honestly think only The Great Khali is a worse wrestling wise. But at least he has an excuse.
She was no worse than the others. That is hating to hate. McCool was just saying how underrated she was.
She was no worse than the others. That is hating to hate. McCool was just saying how underrated she was.
She couldn't run the ropes properly, which is basic pro wrestling. That alone makes her a shit wrestler. Same reason why Eric Watts is a shit wrestler, except he couldn't do a dropkick.

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