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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date
I don't know who Kimberly Page is



He's right guyz fired is to harsh a word. I can't wait for these guys to "retire" though

Big Show
John Cena
Ezekial Jackson

Only one of those people is actively hurting the product.

Hint: it's the only one who will never go anywhere.
I remember one of the first things I did when we got Internet access at the house in 1998 was look up Kimberly's playboy pictures. Great memories.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I've been working really hard to get GWF out the door on time but this holiday week is throwing a wrench into it. I might have to take a week off.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I remember one of the first things I did when we got Internet access at the house in 1998 was look up Kimberly's playboy pictures. Great memories.

Oh wow, you see everything at boobpedia for her.



WCW Spring Stampede 4/16/2000


Crazy week for WCW. Russo and Bischoff have come in and stopped every running angle, turned all the old heels face, and all the young faces heel, and now they're running what basically amounts to NWO 3.0, but with the old WWF guys as faces and the young guys as heels. With Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo running it and being in every segment.

TO THE BACK. Hogan has apparently checked himself out of the hospital. Russo and Kidman tell Eric to chill. They've got this. On Thunder they said Hogan had broken ribs/shoulder/a hip injury/a skull injury I think and would be fully hospitalized for at least 2 weeks. He was out and just fine in less than a week.

Scott Hudson, Tony, and Mark Madden are calling the show. Mark Madden didn't miss a show after getting the shit kicked out of him by Tank Abbott. We're going to crown new Hardcore, Tag Team, US, Cruiserweight, and World Champions tonight. DQ rules have been relaxed for the night. I expect 4 DQs at least despite the ruling.

Mamalukes vs Team Package

Before the match, Team Package talk with Gene in the back. Flair is wearing street clothes because they are in for a fight, not a wrestling match. Also, he starts screaming Russo and whooing and being really confused. It was an awful lot like Solid Snake screaming Liquid!!!!! while in a dead sleep in MGS2. Which means it was hilarious. Russo comes out before the match starts and says the match is unfair due to experience differences, so Russo sends out the Harris Boys. Tony doesn't know if this means that the Harris Brothers advance if they win or what. 2 weeks ago, the Mamalukes and Harris brothers were in a pretty heated feud. Now they're teaming up together with no issues. So dumb. Lex with the rack on JTB. Show is not off to a good start when the Harris Brothers are inserted into the opening match.


TO THE BACK. Mike Awesome! is with Mean Gene. Bam Bam interrupts and calls him a jabroni. Awesome attacks him from behind. Mike Awesome's first WCW PPV with zero hype. In fact, as of Thunder, there were only 6 men in the US title tournament, but now there are 8.

Mancow vs Jimmy Hart


The radio host Mancow. Jimmy Hart attacked Mancow while he and Hogan were doing promotional work. Jimmy Hart is back to full on annoying Mouth of the South heel with tacky jackets and a Howard Stern shirt after 3 months of being Hulk Hogan's best friend. In fact, he was in that role on the broadcast prior to this and was laid out and spray painted by Kidman. But this is Chicago and this was the only thing they had pretty much booked before the reboot. Hail is with Jimmy Hart. He was a Saturday Night guy who was on Thunder one week as The Machine in a mask. He looks like an even more jacked up and giant Nikita Koloff. Jimmy Hart hits an amazingly bad top rope splash, but Mancow pulled the ref on top of him.


Hail press slams Mancow onto his group of weirdos. Mancow wins with a chair shot. Awful. Kidman comes out after the match and lays out Jimmy Hart again.

Russo reads the riot act toe the Harris Brothers and Mamalukes. This is from the official VHS release and EVERY curse is muted. Like hell and damn.

Scott Steiner vs The Wall

First round tournament match. Steiner comes out to the old Steiner Brothers music, which is really funny for some reason. Wall now wears a black wife beater, which is a bad look for him, since he's super pasty and has a gut. Spinning belly to belly. Blatant low blow followed by a big boot and leg drop from Wall. Crowd is 100% behind Steiner. Steiner breaks a safety rail after getting thrown into one. Wall has a table out. Steiner poked Wall's eyes and then threw Slick Johnson at Wall. Wall, since he was blinded, couldn't tell the difference between 270 pound shirtless 6 feet tall Scott Steiner and 170 pound, fully clothes under six feet tall Slick Johnson. Slick gets chokeslammed through a table and a new ref comes out to call a DQ. After they said at the beginning of the show that DQ rules were extremely relaxed for the night so guys could fight it out. Steiner advances.

TO THE BACK. The Cat is with Gene. Bam Bam attacks Cat during the interview.

Mike Awesome vs The Cat doesn't happen because of the Bam Bam attack.

Mike Awesome vs Bam Bam Big Yellow

Mike Awesome's WCW in ring debut. They shouldn't have debuted him with Nash. Awesome's whole thing was he was this giant man who flies around and whatnot. But Nash is like 6 inches taller than him, so he didn't look nearly as impressive next to him. Awesome with a pescado a minute in. Now he dives over the the railing and into the crowd. Worked a lot better for him than Big T. Top rope lariato gets a two count only. The Cat comes out and takes Bam Bam out. So I guess The Cat vs Mike Awesome is now happening. But Cat comes out just to dance. The fuck? Awesome with a huge frog splash for the win. Over Cat. In what was first Cat vs Awesome and then Bam Bam vs Awesome, then back to Cat vs Awesome. This show has been terrible.


TO THE BACK. Russo is getting a headache from Eric's stressing out. Shane Douglas and Buff are with Gene. Buff's facial hair looks painted on. I lol at the idea of Shane Douglas talking about how he's the new blood and it is his time, yet Flair is the one still going 12 years later on Raw and Impact while Shane is still trying to do ECW reunion shows.

Shane Douglas/Buff vs Harlem Heat 2K INC.

Ahmed sounds like he exploded a hernia side slamming Buff. Buff's stupid Vader Bomb. Shane wins with a Pittsburgh Plunge on Stevie Ray, but really just turned into a vertical suplex. Harlem Heat get into it a bit after the loss.


. Mean Gene is with Booker. Book says he's not on the same page as the New Blood and Eric/Vince outside of fighting for a chance. Except on Nitro he willingly went out and beat on Sting and the rest of the Millionaires Club

Booker vs Sting

This might pick the card up. Crowd is super into Sting. But it will probably be a 5 minutes or less match like everything else so far. Mark Madden doesn't like Sting AND THAT'S A SHOOT! They've never talked backstage in the 6 years Mark had worked there. The fuck, Mark Madden had worked for WCW since 1994? Sting throws Booker into the cameraman/time keeper/some one else and takes them all out. Booker is working as a heel despite his pre match promo where he said he didn't agree with what the New Blood were doing. This is the first match to have a clear heel/face dynamic, at least. All the other matches have been heels vs heels. Axe kick! Book took too long to cover. Sting makes a come back with a DDT and a Stinger Splash. He tried for a second one and got caught with a Harlem side kick in the gut.


Suplex reversals lead to a Scorpion Death Drop for the win. The first decent thing of the show. An hour in. Booker has Sting get back in the ring to offer him some dap.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with Kidman, Eric, and Torrie. I think Torrie is wearing a shower curtain tonight. Eric keeps looking around for Hogan. Kidman is going to send him back to the hospital if he shows up.

Kidman vs Vampiro.

This could be another good match. These two had good chemistry in their little mini feud. Huge over head belly to belly from Vamp followed with a top rope lariato. Crazy tossing powerbomb to Kidman. Will gif for proof.


The next powerbomb attempt doesn't work, though. The fuck, Madden says we could have been seeing matches like this years ago if the MC had gotten out of the way. You mean like like these guys having a two month respect feud not even 3 months ago? Do those matches not count now? Big rock bottom to the Kid. Another can't powerbomb Kidman spot. Random above the ring angle for a few seconds. A Dodge Charger arrives in the back and HULK HOGAN IS HERE! BUT WHOSE SIDE IS HE ON!?!? Hogan comes out and throws Kidman out of the ring. This isn't a DQ, but Wall accidentally chokeslamming a ref is. Hogan can come out and spend 5 minutes trying to kill Kidman. Hogan throws the steps at Kidman, but he moves and they hit the steps. Then Hulk tries to Khali bomb Kidman off the steps through the announce table, but they only have Japanese tables in Chicago. He body slams him through it instead. A dead Kidman is thrown back in the ring where Vampiro makes the pin. Hulk grabs a mic and says he's coming after Bischoff.


TO THE BACK. Eric tries to leave, Russo convinces him to stay because he'll get caught if he leave the locker room. Russo leaves and Hulk is now in the back throwing shit around looking for Eric. Hulk finds Eric. Police come in and PULL THEIR GUNS ON HIM! PILLMAN HAS A GUN! WIDE SHOT WIDE SHOT WIDE SHOT!


Followed by heading right back to the locker room where the guns are no longer drawn and Hulk is being arrested. Red Rooster and Terry Funk walk by. Rooster tells Funk that Norman is nervous and is in catering.

Norman Smiley vs Terry Funk Hardcore Championship.

This starts in the men's room where Norman is hiding in a stall. Funk empties a fridge of Diet Coke on Norman. They're in the kitchen, where Norman makes a come back by spraying Funk in the face with the dish washer faucet. Funk destroys a lap top on Norman's head. Not a mac book air, but a lap top from 2000. Norman climbs a random ladder and is now hanging from a pipe. Funk knocks him off like a pinata and Norman falls through a table. They're finally making it out to the ring area. Shit. Norman hits Funk in the back of the head with a chair while Funk was on his knees. Disgusting. I don't think he meant to do that. Funk hits the Sabu style chair shot. Dustin Rhodes is out. Piledriver on a chair. They tried a teeter totter spot with a ladder where Funk knocked Dustin off the ropes into the ladder which with then hit Smiley in the face, but it was completely botched. Funk then just threw the ladder from the ring to the floor on Smiley and pinned him. Then he did an amazing strut/dance which looked shockingly similar to how Axl dances nowadays. Will gif that.


TO THE BACK. Russo is not pleased with Booker.

Mike Awesome vs Scott Steiner

Sure, makes sense to have this as an unhyped tournament match. Steiner makes Awesome look like a total jobber for the first minute, then Awesome comes back with a slingshot shoulder block and top rope lariato. Springboard back elbow. Fans get crazy for something. It's KEVIN NASH! He hits Awesome with a crutch while he's on the top. Steiner locks in the recliner for the win. This was barely 3 minutes.

TO THE BACK. Russo fires Dustin Rhodes for letting Funk win the Hardcore title. Russo brings up how he created Goldust and that's the only time anyone gave a shit about Dustin.

Vampiro vs Sting.

Also makes sense to have this as an unhyped 5 minute tournament match. Seems like Vampiro turning on Sting should have been a big angle they would go with, but nope, have a PPV match a week later with no hype. This is weird. Vamp is bumping around like he's HBK. Sting hits his awesome Superfly splash, which I think is one of the most underrated top rope moves of all time. Always looked crazy. Sting misses a Stinger splash on the railing and Vamp hits a LEGIT, CroCop style axe kick. Vamp seems totally gassed. Started off good, but this match has ground to a halt. Vamp goes for a missile drop kick, Sting swats it away and handily defeats Vampiro with a death drop and death lock.

Gene with DDP and Kim. DDP is going to fuck Jeff up.

Shannon Moore vs Lash LeRoux vs TAFKAPI vs Chris Candido vs Juvi vs Crowbar for the Cruiserweight Championship.

Jesus Christ. They played the WHOLE FUCKING 3 Count song. Guaranteed this goes on longer than this actual match will. They get half way through a second play before TAFKAPI, Lash, and Crowbar end it. Daffney accidentally hit Crowbar with the ranna. Juvi straight up kicks her in the gut. Probably the lamest dive sequence ever. Shane is in the ring dancing and all of the sudden David is behind him dancing. Skip and Prince mess up a top rope superplex reversal, so they repeat the spot and almost mess it up again. Prince goes to hit his diving DDT on a chair and SUNNY! pushes him off the ropes, leading to Chris Candido winning the title. I'm pretty sure the 3 Count stuff really did last longer than the match. This was just over 5 minutes. For a 6 man match. Sunny and Sharmell get into a cat fight. Paisley and Sunny both throw ball grabs on Charles Robinson and Shannon Moore. Absolutely nothing match.


Gene is with Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett can't even say Slapass or slapnuts on the home tape. The PPV was rated TV 14, I don't know why you couldn't even say hell on the home release.

Team Package vs Shane Douglas/Buff WCW Tag Team Championship

Buff and Douglas is a weird pair. Russo is out on commentary. I still have 40 minutes of this left. Lol. Scott Hudson calls Shane the Dynamic Dude. What the hell. Madden gives Tony shit for acting like Flair is General Patton for answering Shane's challenges when he's just run out of places to hide. So there is a brief lull and Tony yells BULLSHIT! And it wasn't muted when damn wasn't even allowed to make it to the tape. How weird. This match is really boring whenever Flair and Shane aren't in the match. And even then, eh. Flair couldn't get over the buckles on the Flair flip. So they repeat the spot. Lex is trying, at least. Flair has Shane in the figure four, but Russo gets it broken up. Shane holds Flair up for the Blockbuster, but Ric moves and Buff allegedly hits Shane with the move. He whiffed pretty hardcore on it. Ric makes the pin, but Russo pulls Nick Patrick out of the ring. They get into it out on the floor. Russo slides the bat in. Kronik debut and double chokeslam Lex. Russo pulls Nick's ref shirt off, puts it on, and counts the pin. Buff and Shane Douglas are new tag champs. I think this is the longest match of the night so far at about 8 and a half minutes.

TO THE BACK. Gene with Steiner. The vein on Steiner's arm is bigger than all of Sting's arm put together.

Scott Steiner vs Sting WCW US Championship

Gene with Sting. WCW runs through the veins of the Stings and Flairs. But Steiner's veins are bigger than Sting's arms. So suck it, Stinger.

Sting was all pumped in the promo, but strolls to the ring like he couldn't give less of a fuck. Sting's entrance is so long they actually get to the lyrics of Seek and Destroy. YES. Steiner does the up yours with a twirling lawn mower taunt from WCW/NWO Revenge. My favorite. Sting hits a plancha! Scotty gets his knees up on the Stingerfly Splash. Some yak in the crowd pisses Steiner off and he screamed some unpleasantries at her. T-Bone. Now someone on the other side pisses Steiner off so he jumps to the floor and gets in their face and the guy backs down immediately. The second Singer splash had Mickie Jay get pulled in front of it. Then Vampiro pops up out of the corner of the ring and drags Sting into the hole. They get Sting out of the whole and Steiner locks in the recliner to win the US Championship. Another 5 minute match. Scott wrestled 3 matches and I doubt he had more than 10 minutes total in the ring. Steiner clearly should have been in the world title match. He was way more over than Jarrett and looked far more like a bad ass mother fucker heel champion.


Recap of the past week and the Jarrett/DDP feud.

DDP vs Jeff Jarrett for the WCW Championship

Featured the long, Goldberg style entrances for both men. Jarrett's music looped twice it took so long for him to get out. DDP went to the wrong door for Kim. They brawl up into the stands. Can't see what's going on though since they don't have a camera man on them, just the hard cam. Meh. I'm WCW'd out for the day I think. DDP has a good pwoerbomb, though. Eric Bischoff is out. Ref bump. Belt shot. Kick out! DDP hits the Diamond Cutter. Eric is on the apron distracting the ref. Kim gets in with the guitar. Kim hits DDP with the guitar! IT WAS A SWERVE!!!! Jeff Jarrett is your new WCW Champion!


This show as a fucking chore to get through. 14 matches. Only 6 were over 6 minutes. 5 were under 5 minutes. What would have made way more sense was to have the tournament matches on Nitro and Thunder and have either the finals or finals and semi finals at the PPV. It was basically just a long Nitro. Bunch of short nothing matches with two clean finishes and they were both Sting's wins. Sting/Booker and Sting/Vamp were definitely the best things all night, even though the second match came to a complete halt when Vamp gassed out completely. Maybe Sting did, too. I don't know. I think the Hogan beat down went longer than Kidman's match with Vamp.

Tony's reaction pretty much sums up my thoughts on this show:



I have no doubt Miz will eventually get back in the title hunt.
They won't keep guys like Punk, Ryback, and Cena circling each other forever. They're bound to add in guys like Del Rio, Miz, Ziggler, Show, Barrett - but until they show commitment to push somebody and not screw it up like they do 99% of the time, it's almost pointless to watch. It's why every belt to me is a mere prop.

But I do agree with Dragon, Miz stinks. Do I want him fired? Probably not, but I don't want him getting significant TV time like he's been getting. He's a channel changer. Every segment is hearing his whiny, squeaky voice, watching him pout his lips and try to talk a big game. Why would anybody ever be intimidated by this guy? Speaking of, Punk needs to stop going around saying he'll beat someone's ass. It's just not believable.


Junior Member
Miz deserves a nice long TNA Heavyweight title reign.

They will give him a winning streak too just for the hell of it.

I don't really know what the wwe does with Miz at the moment, they don't have a guy that could elevate him in any way. Cena is not a strong character in the grand scheme and Punk would bury his ass.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh man Strobogo, you're suffering through the worst of the worst now. The little glimpses of a competent team sometimes would show, but my god that commentary team was TRASH.


Oh man Strobogo, you're suffering through the worst of the worst now. The little glimpses of a competent team sometimes would show, but my god that commentary team was TRASH.

I remember when Stro showed the 2000 PPV's.

Bizarre as I didn't recognize almost ANYONE and pretty terrible when Russo is main eventing.

- Antonio Inoki has reportedly converted to Islam and changed his name. Inoki revealed a a press conference upon arriving in Pakistan on Friday for an international show that his Muslim name is Muhammad Hussain.

00-01 WCW is so endearing.

Yeah its when things got bad and on Camera Russo is the worst thing to ever happen to wrestling but I dont know... there is just something about watching a company in its final months trying to create some much needed buzz thats fun to watch.

They are just throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks.
Anyone remember Wrestling Society X? It was so totally ridiculous, but I kinda miss it and wish it had got more than one series. Sure, the way the camera artificially shook on big bumps and explosions was dumb as hell, and the idea of musical guest hosts was a bit hit and miss, but I'd rather watch something intentionally over the top than a company like TNA taking itself and it's dumb storylines far too seriously. The roster was pretty great too, with teams like 'Doing it For Her' (Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black/Seth Rollins), 'The Filth & The Fury' (Teddy Hart & M-Dogg20) & 'That 70's Team' (Joey Ryan & Disco Machine), plus Dragon Gate guys Genki Horiguchi & Masato Yoshino, awesome high flyers like Jack Evans & Matt Sydal, the living legend that is Matt Classic and the one, the only, Human Tornado. I could've done without the washed up ECW/XPW crew, and the Vampiro vs Judas Mesias feud was the drizzling shits (OMG, exploding coffin death match!), but it was a fun (and ridiculous) promotion all the same.

*edit, lol - I totally forgot about Teddy Hart pouring water over Nate Webb and then using 'live' electrical cables to electrocute him. This shit is like slapstick CZW.

All 10 episodes are up on youtube, if anyone wants to watch some nonsensical, flippy-do, hardcore, random explosion filled wrestling action;



Speaking of TNA:

The Guardian has a new article where they ask celebrities what's on their Christmas wish list this year. Here are some Hulk Hogan's wishes:

"Knee surgery I’ve had eight back surgeries, I’ve had knee replacements, I’ve had both hip replacements. I only need one more surgery – to fix my right knee – then I’m going to go for the TNA world title. I want to be 59 years old and be the champion."

Sounds like Hogan B.S. but knowing TNA they might actually do it. Also, we know why Hogan has killed the James Storm push. He wants the title for himself.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone remember Wrestling Society X? It was so totally ridiculous, but I kinda miss it and wish it had got more than one series. Sure, the way the camera artificially shook on big bumps and explosions was dumb as hell, and the idea of musical guest hosts was a bit hit and miss, but I'd rather watch something intentionally over the top than a company like TNA taking itself and it's dumb storylines far too seriously. The roster was pretty great too, with teams like 'Doing it For Her' (Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black/Seth Rollins), 'The Filth & The Fury' (Teddy Hart & M-Dogg20) & 'That 70's Team' (Joey Ryan & Disco Machine), plus Dragon Gate guys Genki Horiguchi & Masato Yoshino, awesome high flyers like Jack Evans & Matt Sydal, the living legend that is Matt Classic and the one, the only, Human Tornado. I could've done without the washed up ECW/XPW crew, and the Vampiro vs Judas Mesias feud was the drizzling shits (OMG, exploding coffin death match!), but it was a fun (and ridiculous) promotion all the same.

*edit, lol - I totally forgot about Teddy Hart pouring water over Nate Webb and then using 'live' electrical cables to electrocute him. This shit is like slapstick CZW.

All 10 episodes are up on youtube, if anyone wants to watch some nonsensical, flippy-do, hardcore, random explosion filled wrestling action;


I had a bunch of Wrestling Society X footage and outtakes - hilarious stuff, like Matt Sydal trying to act like a mean-ass despite looking like such a little weenie. It was really great and fun to watch, I enjoyed it even though it was horrible on many levels. Matt Classic being there was a surprise gift.
Dolemite, motherfucker!

As far as blaxploitation goes, I always preferred Trouble Man;


"Trouble is here. He's street smart, and steel hard. He's a healer, a fixer, wears $600 suits, drives a $10,000 car and he carries two guns; one to stop trouble, and one to make trouble. He was born in the ghetto, and raised in the streets. He's been a man since he was a kid, and Trouble is this man's name."

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Dolemite, motherfucker!

As far as blaxploitation goes, I always preferred Trouble Man;


"Trouble is here. He's street smart, and steel hard. He's a healer, a fixer, wears $600 suits, drives a $10,000 car and he carries two guns; one to stop trouble, and one to make trouble. He was born in the ghetto, and raised in the streets. He's been a man since he was a kid, and Trouble is this man's name."

Trouble Man is dope. It's nuts - some of my friends who wanted to see some real blaxploitation due to them seeing Black Dynamite just haaaated all the films I showed em. Then again, I admit making them watch Sweetback was me knowing they wouldn't "get it" so I can't feign ignorance here :D

Jamie OD

Anyone remember Wrestling Society X? It was so totally ridiculous, but I kinda miss it and wish it had got more than one series. Sure, the way the camera artificially shook on big bumps and explosions was dumb as hell, and the idea of musical guest hosts was a bit hit and miss, but I'd rather watch something intentionally over the top than a company like TNA taking itself and it's dumb storylines far too seriously. The roster was pretty great too, with teams like 'Doing it For Her' (Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black/Seth Rollins), 'The Filth & The Fury' (Teddy Hart & M-Dogg20) & 'That 70's Team' (Joey Ryan & Disco Machine), plus Dragon Gate guys Genki Horiguchi & Masato Yoshino, awesome high flyers like Jack Evans & Matt Sydal, the living legend that is Matt Classic and the one, the only, Human Tornado. I could've done without the washed up ECW/XPW crew, and the Vampiro vs Judas Mesias feud was the drizzling shits (OMG, exploding coffin death match!), but it was a fun (and ridiculous) promotion all the same.

*edit, lol - I totally forgot about Teddy Hart pouring water over Nate Webb and then using 'live' electrical cables to electrocute him. This shit is like slapstick CZW.

All 10 episodes are up on youtube, if anyone wants to watch some nonsensical, flippy-do, hardcore, random explosion filled wrestling action;


I have the DVD set and one of the extras was an episode script as it went through each draft. It revealed some early ideas like Teddy Hart being built up as the top babyface before turning heel and Youth Suicide becoming Terry Funk's protege.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Is GWF on the cards tonight?

Unfortunately GWF is out for a week, maybe two depending on the holidays.

No show tonight or tomorrow - since it's the holidays. :( Too much insanity going on. I scrapped my draft, too.


Somebody compiled this but here is the top 9 matches in the WWE that got 4 stars or more from Dave Meltzer in 2012:

1. The Undertaker vs. Triple H (WrestleMania 28) ****3/4
2. John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar (Extreme Rules) ****1/2
2. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (Over The Limit) ****1/2
2. Ryback, Kane, & Daniel Bryan vs. The Shield (TLC) ****1/2
5. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan (Money In The Bank) ****1/4
5. John Cena vs. CM Punk (Night Of Champions) ****1/4
7. Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (Extreme Rules) ****
7. World Heavyweight Championship Money In The Bank Ladder Match (Money In The Bank) ****
7. John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler (TLC) ****

In those 9 matches, Daniel Bryan is in 4 of them and CM Punk and Cena are in 3 of them. I find it interesting that for Cena to be in 3 of the top matches he either needs to be carried by Punk or Ziggler or be in a unique match like the fight with Brock.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
In those 9 matches, Daniel Bryan is in 4 of them and CM Punk and Cena are in 3 of them. I find it interesting that for Cena to be in 3 of the top matches he either needs to be carried by Punk or Ziggler or be in a unique match like the fight with Brock.

I voted Cena/Lesnar as the best WWE match of the year - they had the psychology in that match down pat. It was great.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That's a shame. Maybe I'll stream something wrestling related later.

That'd be neat. :)

It's frustrating when you're 10 scenes in and think what you're doing is stupid. An hour's worth of work gone! A whole hour!

I'm doing my best, not trying to one-up last week's show as I might not be able to top that Fire Pro gimmick. Should just concentrate on angles this week. Motivation.

Mr. Sam

In those 9 matches, Daniel Bryan is in 4 of them and CM Punk and Cena are in 3 of them. I find it interesting that for Cena to be in 3 of the top matches he either needs to be carried by Punk or Ziggler or be in a unique match like the fight with Brock.

I think that's spurious logic - Cena is the common denominator here, yet he gets none of the credit for fantastic matches with three different opponents. I'm even surprised Cena versus Rock isn't on there (considering Triple H versus Undertaker is top somehow).


Realised I have my custom outside arena with official john cena face turnbuckles. I think I'll use my 48 hour live code and download some wrestlemen and Tiger Garry can be in the main event because he's all ready to go.


I think that's spurious logic - Cena is the common denominator here, yet he gets none of the credit for fantastic matches with three different opponents. I'm even surprised Cena versus Rock isn't on there (considering Triple H versus Undertaker is top somehow).

I just saying for Cena to have a great match he needs to have a good opponent who can work. I will give him alot of credit for the Lesnar match because he let him hit him legit to make the match seem real and to make him bleed without blading.

Also, gets crap because some of his pay per view matches with Kane, Johnny Ace and Big Show this year were really bad.
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