I don't have a problem with Hardy as champ as much as I do the story around it. He's their most over guy by a lot (though I've never understood WHY he's been so over with his particular group of fans, which are overweight fake gothy/emo teen girls. It's a really specific subgroup that are super into him and I've never understood it.), but the whole "one more chance" thing when he's repeatedly fucked things up in both WWE and TNA and is always given another chance to redeem himself. And every time, it is the same story of "I'm really sorry for what I did, but I'm a free spirit and sometimes that happens, but never again, because I'm really modest and humbled by my actions". And then he does it again. Then sorry guys, never again, and he does it again. Repeat every 6-10 months for a decade.
I get that he's the most popular guy they have and it makes sense to have him as champ and face of the company, but at the same time, it's ridiculous to keep rewarding him and put a guy like that in a position that him flaking would really damage the company. He should for sure be a main attraction, but the main guy. Think of Randy Orton, who is a featured and main star, but won't get the company put on his back again due to his repeated flakiness. So what TNA does is completely derail the A Double and James Storm pushes just to give Hardy another chance with the same redemption bullshit story that he's been using for 10 years now every time he fucks up.
You know who that story worked for? Eddie Guerrero. Because he came back from as rock bottom as you can get and turned it all around and stayed there until he died. Not repeatedly flake out in the middle of big angles or no show/show up at PPVs fucked up and have whatever company he's working for at the time use him as a role model for kids after he cleans up for a bit. If dudes want to do drugs, do whatever, as long as it doesn't interfere with your work. In Hardy's case, it has interfered multiple times in serious ways over the past decade. And when you are in a position like he keeps getting placed into and in a profession that he's in, your work being affected doesn't just harm you, but everyone you work with. It potentially hurts other guys in the ring and can affect the money people are making from the wrestlers to the production guys.
I'm not even sure that I'd mind as much if he wasn't portrayed as some noble guy who conquers his demons and deserves another chance. Sure, after the first and maybe even second time, I buy that. After 10 times, well, come on. I don't think you get the benefit of the doubt anymore. You only have so my chances before someone needs to say no more. I think he passed that bridge a few years ago.