We couldn't get rid of Shoe, but can we please get rid of AJ?

So... why didn't they just:
Have an even match.
Cena gains advantage, goes to AA Seth through a table.
JJ makes save, then beat down Cena. Set him up for the triple team power bomb.
Reigns's music hits, Spears one J, Super Punches the other, gets into staredown with Rollins.
Cena grabs Rollins from behind and AAs him through a table.
Instead, everyone looks like shit except for Cena and Reigns and we have a random Big Show?
I expected Orton but they gave us Reigns instead. The Reigns hate here is crazy sometimes. I can't judge him right now. I need to see him more.
We couldn't get rid of Shoe, but can we please get rid of AJ?
Because she hates AJ more than Brie. AJ was bad mouthing both the Bellas on the build up to the match where she lost the belt to Nikki.why is brie a heel?
no one cares.
Trust me...AJ would leave on purpose if there was a choice...
I don't get the point. Rewatching a lot of older stuff from the 90s made it pretty obvious that wrestling is at it's most popular when it's shocking. Expect the unexpected. WWE has none of that these days. Nothing is surprising. And when something surprising does happen (Punk's pipe bomb, Brock destroying Taker/Lesnar) they do nothing meaningful with it.
can anybody catch me up on what has happened so far? just tuning in
can anybody catch me up on what has happened so far? just tuning in
We couldn't get rid of Shoe, but can we please get rid of AJ?
Aside from the pre show match, all the vets made the new talent look like shit.can anybody catch me up on what has happened so far? just tuning in
can anybody catch me up on what has happened so far? just tuning in
We couldn't get rid of Shoe, but can we please get rid of AJ?
We couldn't get rid of Shoe, but can we please get rid of AJ?
dude needs a new shirt
We couldn't get rid of Shoe, but can we please get rid of AJ?
We couldn't get rid of Shoe, but can we please get rid of AJ?
I guess they really didn't feel that pressure to compete
I imagine having sex with john cena feels like doing some sort of primateNikki Bella can get it. What a waste I bet John Cena disappoints her sexually.
I imagine having sex with john cena feels like doing some sort of primate
I don't get the point. Rewatching a lot of older stuff from the 90s made it pretty obvious that wrestling is at it's most popular when it's shocking. Expect the unexpected. WWE has none of that these days. Nothing is surprising. And when something surprising does happen (Punk's pipe bomb, Brock destroying Taker/Lesnar) they do nothing meaningful with it.