They'll keep every fan favorite out of the Rumble and fill it with the Tyson Kidds and Adam Roses of the world so Reigns looks strong.
but I love Tyson Kidd
They'll keep every fan favorite out of the Rumble and fill it with the Tyson Kidds and Adam Roses of the world so Reigns looks strong.
Loved this. I marked for HHH that moment and the needle went his way when I was rooting for Bryan the whole year. Just awesome HHH at his heel finest. Came out like the true final boss.Triple H channeling those Japanese entrances is the most I've ever liked him
<3Me too o/
They could do a lot of thing. But they won't.
Reigns will win it. Lesnar vs Reigns at Mania.
If we are unlucky Cena wins and we get Cena vs Reigns.
Last year we had that whole "maybe is Bryan that wins it and WWE are swerving us" and even when Batista won it backfired in just an amazing way that it made a good show.
This year there's no doubt about what's going to happen, no viable alternative (not like Bryan at least) and no backfire.
i hope the suprises this year are good and not jsut Kevin nash collects a pay check again.
Her gimmick is shit. The only one I suspect people put up with her is because of her body.
I'd like to nominate Let Our Children Pray in School as best original song and all Hayes gifs as best gif. I find his overall absence from the ballot fairly suspicious. It wreaks of collusion and foul play.
You'll get JBL and Cole again and you'll like it damn it!
Her gimmick is shit. The only one I suspect people put up with her is because of her body.
Don't forget about the ECW alums that Vince picks up at the homeless shelter or methadone clinic
I thought that idea got killed when they went back to 30 guys. Otherwise I say there is a high chance for Balls Mahoney.
Last year we had that whole "maybe is Bryan that wins it and WWE are swerving us" and even when Batista won it backfired in just an amazing way that it made a good show.
This year there's no doubt about what's going to happen, no viable alternative (not like Bryan at least) and no backfire.
WWE hitting the reset button with Cesaro would be amazing. him vs brock would be amazing. too bad he is Swiss
Wrasslegaf starting to force Cesaro like WWE forces Roman.
Wrasslegaf starting to force Cesaro like WWE forces Roman.
All he needs is new music.
The towel and robe looks badass.
They'll keep every fan favorite out of the Rumble and fill it with the Tyson Kidds and Adam Roses of the world so Reigns looks strong.
One has talent and indy cred
The other played football poorly at Georgia Tech and the CFL
I will never be grateful for John Cena no matter how big of an abomination I expect Reigns' push and title run will be.2015: Reign's push is so bad we're all grateful for John Cena.
There you go
I'm sure that's more to your liking
Cena will be the one guy who leaves the industry in a worse state than it was before him.
None of the other "top" guys have ever done that.
On a scale of Punk to Cena how bad will Reigns merch be?
On a scale of Punk to Cena how bad will Reigns merch be?
its already awful,default,sc.html
no where to go but up i guess
except it's not shit and she's over as fuck
Cena will be the one guy who leaves the industry in a worse state than it was before him.
None of the other "top" guys have ever done that.
Thats what happens when you are essentially the same character for over 10 fucking years.
All he needs is new music.
The towel and robe looks badass.