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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Triple H channeling those Japanese entrances is the most I've ever liked him
Loved this. I marked for HHH that moment and the needle went his way when I was rooting for Bryan the whole year. Just awesome HHH at his heel finest. Came out like the true final boss.


I'd like to nominate Let Our Children Pray in School as best original song and all Hayes gifs as best gif. I find his overall absence from the ballot fairly suspicious. It wreaks of collusion and foul play.


They could do a lot of thing. But they won't.

Reigns will win it. Lesnar vs Reigns at Mania.

If we are unlucky Cena wins and we get Cena vs Reigns.

Yup. Rollins will cash in after the match and lose, too.

Or, he'll try it at Mania and get destroyed by Reigns. Seriously, Rollins is kinda screwed right now. There's no way he gets his hands on the title anytime in the near future.

Maybe if he's lucky they'll give him a break and allow him to successfully cash in at the Rumble, but Brock will murder him at the February PPV. Brock/Reigns is happening at Mania, with Reigns going over.

Last year we had that whole "maybe is Bryan that wins it and WWE are swerving us" and even when Batista won it backfired in just an amazing way that it made a good show.

This year there's no doubt about what's going to happen, no viable alternative (not like Bryan at least) and no backfire.


This is a problem. Ambrose is probably the closest guy they have to early 2014 Bryan, and it's really not even close.

Unless Bryan comes back...

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
How's that part-timer Daniel Bryan get a nomination for best superstar?

The womens' wrestler category makes me sad. I'd try to post more joshi, but I'm told I don't contribute so y'know


Cena will be the one guy who leaves the industry in a worse state than it was before him.

None of the other "top" guys have ever done that.


less than 30 minutes remain until another entry in the longest running weekly episodic show on television, wwe monday night raw!

Well wrassle gaf. It's been fun, but now I'm actually going to spend the next few hours doing something productive.

Smackdown live on USA, tomorrow night, I'll watch (E+C! plus recaps of everything that happened on Raw) but I'm taking the night off of RAW because the last two were terrible and TLC was terrible.

The odds of me missing a great RAW are so slim, that even if I do, I won't feel bad about it.
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