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December Wrasslin' |OT| Sinacember to Remember

Can't believe the number of people I've seen complaining about the NXT crowds singing and shit, heaven forbid a crowd enjoys themselves! Or is the dreaded "getting themselves over" I've heard so much sour grapes about?

Bayley is so screwed when she gets called to the main roster. I'm talking Adam Rose levels of screwed.

She'll get a feud with the Bellas that starts with Brie & Nikki being massive bitches to Bayley, but inexplicably ends up being all about Nikki as the face. Then once that's over it's into the shuffle and the hope that her merch sells enough for anyone to give a damn again.


So not worth it
Can't believe the number of people I've seen complaining about the NXT crowds singing and shit, heaven forbid a crowd enjoys themselves! Or is the dreaded "getting themselves over" I've heard so much sour grapes about?.

Honestly, this is a real thing. The crowd really sees themself as the main pillar of the program and its success. Rather than a logical result if it being a good show. They're wrong.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

He looks like he's gonna need to go to the hospital just by posing for this picture


Neo Member
The gifs, pics and videos of these NXT and ICW shows as of late make me want to go to a show in Europe. Looks like they're having a ball!
*insert crass Rosebush joke here*

All we can hope for is that HHH's behind-the-scenes changes and whispers in ears actually both exist and come into effect before Bayley gets called up.

She's done for.

The best case scenario is only one of Bayley/Balor gets fucked with a callup. That's the only chance she has. If she comes up first and gets treated actually well, just get the Finn Balor Tater Tots meme started ASAP tbh
Honestly, this is a real thing. The crowd really sees themself as the main pillar of the program and its success. Rather than a logical result if it being a good show. They're wrong.

Even away from Full Sail? I don't buy it. There's nothing wrong with a crowd enjoying themselves and showing their support, but that apparently seems to just rub some people the wrong way. I keep seeing stuff like "they're not paying attention to the matches, it's disrespectful", which is a view I imagine the wrestlers would find amusing.
Holy crap guys, the NXT crowd in Blackpool may have been the best crowd I've ever been in. And that includes two raw after WM crowds (28/29)
Unbelievable atmosphere. The chants for Jordan and gable lasted at least 10 minutes.
Loved every second, fingers crossed London can be just as good.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It's hilarious to see people saying AR Fox stepped up at Cage of Death last night. Because he took bumps. Even though he always has.

When he had chances to pin in the match, he would just sort of stand around and kick Tremont rather than going for a pin. It's like he doesn't know what to do if there isn't a spot for him to hit. It's like he has no idea what a match is other than a place to make gifs to get retweeted to up his stock. Like the people who said he stepped up have no idea what is shitty about AR Fox in the first place.

DJ Hyde takes all sorts of shitty bumps. He's still shit.
It's like he has no idea what a match is other than a place to make gifs to get retweeted to up his stock.

Ironically, AR Fox doesn't do twitter. He's also proven quite adept at burning his bridges, so I don't have to see him all that often - dude's like a Special K member, he only belongs in multi-man scramble matches where there's no break in the action. no breathing room for anyone to think for a minute "oh man, that was dumb". At least Deej has an OK lariat and occasionally beats the shit out of some goobers.


So not worth it
Even away from Full Sail? I don't buy it. There's nothing wrong with a crowd enjoying themselves and showing their support, but that apparently seems to just rub some people the wrong way. I keep seeing stuff like "they're not paying attention to the matches, it's disrespectful", which is a view I imagine the wrestlers would find amusing.

It's not the Full Sail crowd when they are away from Full Sail. And even at FS, it's only a couple of the regulars that are among that crowd. Still, they aren't doing the show any favors by making it about them. By chanting how awesome they are. By doing smart chants like "better than Batista." This is a real thing that makes NXT less fun to watch sometimes, I also think it's more about the crowd member's own ego than about having fun with what the program is offering you. To each their own, but I would rather have a crowd that is enjoying the show rather than one that is doing its hardest to pretend they are a part of it. You're not, you are a person that bought a ticket.


I can't think of any of wrestling show I've ever seen in my life where I enjoyed the wrestling less because the crowd was too hyped up.
To each their own, but I would rather have a crowd that is enjoying the show rather than one that is doing its hardest to pretend they are a part of it. You're not, you are a person that bought a ticket.

The majority of the crowd IS enjoying the show though, like you said it's only a few regulars who perhaps think they're more than just a passive part of the presentation and are trying to get themselves over, yet so much attention is paid to them when people complain about the crowd. Isn't that exactly what they want? That dude reading a book during an Eva match got exactly what he wanted, I'm sure.


Smart money is in and one interesting thing is that
Ambrose is favorite to win over Owens. So he is either going to win the title or a dq finish.


WWE Network giving anyone else an ERROR?

It just says ERROR Cannot play video at this time. Please try again later.

I am only clicking for it to start now. It happened when the video transitioned from the Kay commercial to TLC.


WWE Network giving anyone else an ERROR?

It just says ERROR Cannot play video at this time. Please try again later.

I am only clicking for it to start now. It happened when the video transitioned from the Kay commercial to TLC.

I closed the app and re-started it on PS4, no change.

It's also not coming up in my browser.

Youtube works fine though.


WWE Network giving anyone else an ERROR?

It just says ERROR Cannot play video at this time. Please try again later.

I am only clicking for it to start now. It happened when the video transitioned from the Kay commercial to TLC.
I'm getting a blank screen on both Firefox and Chrome.


Part of me wonders if this is someone DDOSing the network. I seriously doubt the # of people watching TLC would take it down.


Yeah it's borked. Getting no picture and when i refresh it "-100000" comes up at the top of the player for a split second, nice.
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