Man, I hate wrestling.
those were video games bjork! I think you are getting them mixed up B)
Man, I hate wrestling.
those were video games bjork! I think you are getting them mixed up B)
Oh great, it's that fucking weeaboo.
Kenny omega is apart of the bullet club? I guess they're at the phrase like nwo where they let any one to join.
Kenny omega is apart of the bullet club? I guess they're at the phrase like nwo where they let any one to join.
Bruh, Chase Owens is a part of the Bullet Club. Fucking Doc Gallows is a member. They've been at the Vincent stage of the NWO life cycle.
Who is chase Owens?He's been in it quite a long time. He's no Chase Owens that's for sure.
Who is chase Owens?
Who is chase Owens?
finn balor just rocked up on stage at a panto in wimbledon
what the fuck is life today
it's english hooligan stuff m8, you wouldn't understandBecause I'm sure I'm not alone in wondering WTF is a panto:
Pantomime (informally panto) is a type of musical comedy stage production, designed for family entertainment. It was developed in England and is still performed there, generally during the Christmas and New Year season and, to a lesser extent, in other English-speaking countries.
Who is chase Owens?
Fuck that face turn and fuck Matt for being a drunk. Fucking makes no sense how they say, hey we have a new guy so make him a face. No one liked Doink as a face and when they introduced Dink(Pos pt.2) the "kill the Clown" chants just blast over the arenas.Watching a January 1994 episode of Superstars.
Borga held a dude in a vertical suplex so long that Tatanka's cut-in promo ran in its entirety before he finally dropped the guy.
Then Gorilla came on to talk about an update and all I can see is Boots
also, real talk: Doink's face turn is the worst character change in the history of pro wrestling.
Because I'm sure I'm not alone in wondering WTF is a panto:
Pantomime (informally panto) is a type of musical comedy stage production, designed for family entertainment. It was developed in England and is still performed there, generally during the Christmas and New Year season and, to a lesser extent, in other English-speaking countries.
It is also very heavy on audience interaction! The audience is nearly another member of the cast, with numerous call outs and scenes entirely based around the audience.
Are we seeing a theme here.
Could New Japan have a talent exchange with ROH to get War Machine into the heavyweight tag scene please? Or does War Machine need to get a female valet for the cameramen to perv out on in order to get booked there?
I would take Killer Elite Squad vs. War Machine right now.
That's now my favourite picture. Thank you.Don't see why not?
Yeah, Bullet Club's been at the "let anyone join" stage for years now
It's not a Burning Hammer, but it's close.
Getting your shit in.
Man, these two gifs confirm a bunch of stereotypes.
I know, right?
Two people play Final Fight and neither one picks Mayor Mike? Kids these days.
What the actual fuck. Two wrestlers playing Final Fight and neither of them pick the character who's a goddamn wrestler?
Leaving the bar tonight, I hear some guy watching a video on his phone. I say, that's the Demolition theme.
He goes, "Nah. I'm just watching an 80s wrestling link."
I know!
Monday my fiancée is working so I guess it's going to be a looooooong day for 2K16 and I with no interruptions 😒
Except for the game interrupting itself. I love how people in this thread are always like, "finally, time off... Witcher 3/Fallout 4/etc;" and you talk about playin' 2k16, then RAW the same night.
Have you talked to your fiancee about your BDSM lifestyle..?
I've got both The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 to play with over the break....and my fiance is getting a new Skyrim machine (PS3) to replace the one that broke earlier this year.