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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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I like wrestler ass wreslters like shamrock, bork and angle.

Swagger while no as good as them. I have enjoyed him and see potential. Just like Shelton before him
I like Christian, mostly because the attitude era was the last time I was super into wrasslin and I liked him and Edge and I guess Gangrel too
I don't really dislike Christian so much as I nothing him. He's probably a better wrestler than Edge, but Edge had more of that intangible "something" that makes a star, even when his in-ring stuff lacked. Plus he was a GREAT ultra-dick heel who would do crazy shit on ladders for big matches, and ladies seem to find him aesthetically appealing.

I dunno, I guess I just can't really see him as a top guy in WWE.

Edit: Swagger is a charisma-less fuck who works stuff and wrestles like mud. He's what you get if you get a competitive wrestler who doesn't really have an innate sense for how to translate that to the spectacle of pro wrestling.



TNA Lockdown 2007

This was the second monthly TNA PPV to be held outside of the Impact Zone. It was also the last TNA show as part of the NWA.

Chris Sabin vs Jay Lethal vs Sonjay Dutt vs Alex Shelley vs Shark Boy TNA X Division Championship Xscape Match

Black Machismo and the PCS in general were some of the funniest things I've ever seen in wrestling. The cage is an electrified cage for the 3D/LAX match. This means it looks like a chicken wire cage instead of any kind of wrestling steel cage. Sonjay and Sabin start out. They do some rolly polly bullshit. Tower of doom 3 minutes into the match. Shelley and Shark Boy are now in. This is under tag rules? How stupid. I dislike all of this actually. Just dudes rolling around doing shit that makes no sense. I used to be a big fan of these kinds of matches, but it just reminds me of the Young Bucks. Fuck the Young Bucks. And this cage looks like balls. It's so dumb this 5 way match in a cage is contested under tag rules. Shelley and Sabin do a lot of double teaming. I don't even think the cage can be used tonight. Young Bucks kick spots. Cradle Shock to Sonjay. He's the first to be eliminated. This should be the craziest match of the night and it has been boring as fuck. Lethal Injection is a terrible move. Shelley is eliminated via flying elbow. Shark Boy was eliminated at some point. I must have missed it. He was the only guy not to do a superkick. Sabin escapes. Title retained. This was so boring. Not off to a good start if the 5 man cruiser spot fest isn't even interesting.


TO THE BACK. JB talks with the Christian Coalition. Christian, Tomko, AJ Styles, Abyss, and SCOTT STEINER! They all hate Abyss. Christian says Jeff Jarrett is going to turn on Team Angle and talks about Christmas. Scott Steiner says that's bullshit because Christmas is 8 months away.

Robert Roode vs Petey Williams

I think this is for Eric Young's life or something. I'm not sure. I don't care. The first move is a pop up rana. Petey then botches a springboard Codebreaker. We see the Spanish announce team, who appear to be calling the show in a closet with a tiny monitor on a coffee table. Eric Young is sad. So am I. Bobby Roooooooo's solo run just did not work until after Beer Money. They tried so hard, but he was just not over at all. King Kong knee drop from Rooooo. Remember the terrible Roode/Booker feud? The only part of the cage that can be used as a weapon is the door. Petey tries to send Bobby into it. Bobby stops it and does a Rock Bottom. Ms. Brooks tries to put a hockey stick in the ring. EY won't allow it. Cameras miss a rewind rana and some kind of head droppy move. Petey totally whiffs on a dropkick to the back. Bobby had to decide to sell it and then go with it not hitting him. Spinebuster. EY gives Petey the hockey stick. Earl wouldn't let him use it. A 2nd Rock Bottom is countered into a roll up. Roooooo is sent into the door. Petey has trouble spitting. Rooooo wins clean with a Perfect Plex.




TO THE BACK. Kurt Angle confronts Rhino and says they have to change the order of who enters the Lethal Lockdown match. All because Jeff Jarrett cost them the advantage. Faces aren't allowed to start with the advantage in War Games. I don't see what the problem is.

Miss Jackie Moore vs Gail Kim

The first ladies cage match in the US. This starts on the ramp. Gail got thrown on the announcers. I'm pretty sure Tenay copped a feel. You know, Jackie was around for a long time and I have no idea. Was it because there weren't many black women in wrestling? She had no talent in the ring and was an awful, awful promo. There is nothing about her that makes sense to have worked in WWE, WCW, and TNA for so long other than there was a distinct lack of the lady brothas (a reference, before someone gets fake offended). Cameras miss a back drop driver because TNA loves doing crane shots as often as possible. Gail has a pretty ridiculous camel toe going on. She could have walked out and instead decided to jump and mostly miss a cross body for the win. TNA being TNA, they show slow mo replays from the worst angles that just accentuate that Gail totally missed the dive.




JB talks with MR. BACKLUND! He says some weird shit.


Austin Starr vs Senshi Special Guest Referee: Bob Backlund

Austin Starr is Austin Aries trying to be Randy Savage and Jesse Ventura. He looks like Joey Ryan. I wish I had started a crane shot count at the start of the show because I'm pretty sure they cut to one ever 20-30 seconds. Ki chops Austin all around the ring. Backlund makes him stop due to Austin being in the ropes. What's the point of doing cage matches when all the rules are the same as a normal match? It's all so dumb. You know how small everyone thinks Bob Backlund was? He's double the size of both Ki and Aries. I wish this was a triple threat and Backlund was stretching these two jobbers. How is a match with Austin Aries and Low Ki so boring? The highlight of the match, undoubtedly, was Backlund throwing his bow tie in anger. Low Ki wins with a roll up.

TO THE BACK. JB talks to Joe. Joe was doing his Elvis hair and side burns at the time. Team Angle just can't get along!

I really hate Mike Tenay. The stupid faces and nodding he does while other people are talking drives me fucking crazy.


James Storm vs Chris Harris Blindfold Mach

James Storm turned on Chris Harris by hitting him with a beer bottle. The bottle blinded Harris in one eye. This gave TNA a perfect excuse to do a gimmick within a gimmick match. Of note, this isn't even the first blindfold match at Lockdown. It happened at the 2005 show as the 3rd fall of a 2/3 falls match, just to add an extra layer of gimmick. There has never been a blindfold match that wasn't stupid as fuck. It's all comedy spots and people standing around, waving their arms. Harris finally lands a punch and Storm's hood goes flying off. It comes off again about a minute later. The rope inside to keep it tied flew off the first time and the ref has it in his pocket, so I imagine it will come off a few more times. This is awful. They fight on the top rope. Storm's hood again comes off. Harris can see well enough to land a spear while both are standing on the top rope. Harris' hood is now off. Despite this, the ref just throws the hood at him as he's counting a pin fall. Chris Harris puts the ref in a Sharpshooter, somehow not noticing how tiny and clothed he was. James Storm takes his hood off and hits a superkick for the win. Absolutely awful. And hilariously TNA.


TO THE BACK. Kurt and Sting talk. Kurt talks about Jeff being trust worthy. The irony of course being that Jeff was busy stealing SHOOT stealing Kurt's wife during this period. "This job sucks."

Christopher Daniels vs Jerry Lynn

Daniels was doing some thing where he was really playing up the Fallen Angel gimmick. Then he grew a stubble beard and sometimes grew his head ring out. He also took to wearing face paint over one of his eyes. Sometimes. Otherwise, he was exactly the same Chris Daniels he'd been for his entire TNA run. Jerry easily dominates for the opening minutes. Daniels cheats and is in control. This show has no energy at all. It can't just be me. Daniels gets a camera cable from the camera man. The worst TNA shows aren't the ones with a bunch of shitty wrestlers, but the ones with a bunch of good wrestlers putting on boring matches. It's even worse when they put on boring normal matches inside of a cage. Remember all the Daniels/Lynn matches in 2002-2006? It's that. But this time in a cage and Daniels has a beard. The closest thing to a highlight was a top rope flatliner used as a transition move, followed immediately by Lynn doing a kryptonite crunch in response. Daniels kicked out. Daniels won with the Last Rites.

TO THE BACK. JB talks to Team 3D, who have replicas of the ECW, WCW, and WWE tag team championship belts with them. The NWA Tag Team Championships are the only major title they haven't won. AWA: Buried. Bubba uses "you people" in reference to LAX twice during the promo. I don't think they should brag about the WCW belts. I don't count those. If they actually wrestled for WCW and won them, that'd be different. Elsewhere, the YAK talked to LAX. Fucking Konnan.

Team 3D vs LAX NWA Tag Team Championships Electrified Cage Match

The highlight package showed Homicide shooting Spike with a stun gun. Spike had a vest on under his shirt that was clearly visible. They could have edited to not show the clear shot of the vest in the highlight package, but such is TNA. The way to show this cage is electrified is to turn the house lights off and put blue spotlights on the ring. A sewage pump is then hooked to the ring, which makes the lights flicker. They have a terrible match where Bubba seems to go out of his way to make Homicide look like shit. I guess that's to be expected since Homicide might be shorter than Rey Mysterio. Devon is gushing blood, which is super hard to see due to the terrible lighting. I doubt the fans in the arena could tell at all. At one point, Hernandez grabs the top of the cage to balance himself. I guess the top isn't electrified. Stereo superplexes that weren't actually in stereo at all. Maybe stereo with a delay. At some point, Konnan is wheeled down. The guy who wheeled him out knocked out the ref or camera man and gave Konnan a chair. Hector Guerrero punches this guy and takes the chair. The door is also not electrified because Hector and Buba touched it. Hector gets a table. Hector slams the door shut on Hernandez. The cage hasn't come in to play, even though it has definitely been touched a few times. It also hasn't prevented outside interference. Hernandez Border Tosses Devon into the cage. The lights flicker and there is a loud ZAP. I think the Mountie recommended the cage builders to TNA. It sounded like there might have been a gong in there as well. Fans immediately booed. FIRE RUSSO chants. Lol. Awesome. I thought Hard Justice 2010 was the worst TNA PPV, but this is giving it a run for its money. Hernandez uses what appear to be baseball gloves to climb the cage. As we are reminded that his boots prevent electrocution, the lights flicker anyway, but are missing the sound effects. Hernandez misses a splash from the top of the cage through a table. Homicide is then thrown into the cage, which he grabs and holds on to. The intention was that the shock was so much that it sent him flying off the cage and right into a 3D. Instead, Devon dropped him. They then did a full ring Irish whip version of 3D to a guy who should probably be dead, since he was just electrocuted with 100,000 volts or something. Dudleys win. New champions. What a shit show. Both the match and the show in general.




TO THE BACK. JB talks with Kurt. If Jeff Jarrett screws Team Angle, Jeff Jarrett screws Kurt Angle. Actually, Jeff Jarrett screwed Karen Angle.

Team Angle vs Team Cage Lethal Lockdown

Angle and AJ start the match. TNA should have done the two ring thing. 12 SIDES OF STEEL! Kind of. It would make a lot of sense to me in a TNA way to have 2 rings and matches going on in each ring. Every 5 minutes, one person would leave one cage and join the other until the match beyond begins. Then, each man eliminated would go back to the other cage. There would be double eliminations. The winners left in each ring, even if from the same time, would then have a singles match with the winner having to climb out of both cages individually to win. With 20 seconds until the next entrant, Kurt hits an Angle Slam and sells it as much or more than AJ. It's Abyss! Shock Treatment. Also, Harley Race is at ringside, I think as the opener of the door. Rhino enters the match. He throws AJ around. AJ is sling shot into the corner. I'm pretty sure he bladed right after, as he clearly had a blade taped to his hand the whole match and the ref took something from him shortly after. Sure enough, the next shot had him bleeding. He didn't even hit the cage. Tomko enters the match. Rhino is also bleeding, despite nothing having happened to cause him to bleed. The cage can't because it's actually just rubber coated wire and not actually a cage at all. Samoa Joe! He goes on a tear, being the first guy to do something even slightly exciting in this match. Muscle buster to AJ. Scott Steiner! HOLLAR! Super Frankensteiner! He just fucks everyone up. Sting! Oh my! WE KNOW WHO THAT IS! Stinger Splashes for everyone. Tower of doom spot. Made so much sense to do it in the opener when they were going to do it in the main event. Team Captain Charisma Christian Cage is the last member of the heel team to enter. Jeff Jarrett is the final man in and the match beyond begins! Amazingly, his guitar breaks DURING HIS ENTRANCE. He just drops it and heads to the ring. It's okay, there is another one hanging from the ceiling. Jeff hands out weapons to his team mates, nearly falling off the ropes at one point. AJ and Angle head to the roof. James Mitchell gives Abyss bags of tacks. Harley Race punches him for it. Joe tries to grab the guitar while fighting with Tomko on the ropes. He dropped it. He then tried an enziguri while up there and nearly killed himself. Rhino GORES Tomko through the cage door. Joe dives out. Steiner is also out side of the cage. Abyss spreads his tacks. Jeff and Sting chokeslam Christian on them. Jeff takes the Black Hole Slam, which was sold as being done on the tacks. It wasn't. A few strays might have got his back, though. Kurt knocks AJ off the cage and onto the men on the floor. Abyss loads the guitar with tacks. How thoughtful of someone to not put strings on it. Sting turns around and it looks like Jeff is going to hit him with it. Instead, Jeff tells Sting to move so he can hit Abyss with it. SWERVE BY LACK OF SWERVE! Sting pins Abyss to win. Jeff offers a handshake to Sting after the match. It takes a lot of stalling before Sting agrees to it. Rhino and Joe also shake his hand. But Kurt, who fought for Jeff to be on the team and to get the others to trust him, walks away from Jeff in disgust.








DQ Count: 0 out of 8 matches.

LOLTNA. Jesus. First off, the cage made EVERYTHING look terrible just based on how it wasn't even a cage, but wires. It couldn't even be used in matches. Then all the dudes who you'd expect to have good matches have boring matches at half speed. Then they have a blindfold match where the blindfolds keep falling off the entire match. Then they do their big electric cage gimmick, which is clearly just someone flashing the lights and playing a sound effect. The couldn't even do sparks. The main event had Jeff's guitar breaking during his entrance, Joe dropping a guitar on the top rope and trying to commit suicide for it, people fighting out side of the cage, and Kurt Angle being the only one to not shake Jeff's hand despite being the only guy who wants Jeff on his team.

This was so TNA it hurt.


Is Bryan always this popular, or was it more because he was n his home town?

I also hate how Cena leeches off him for cheap pops since the crowd dislike him
Yeah that PPV is probably the most TNA thing I can think of.

Shitty gimmick matches, botches, Jeff Jerrett, silly spots.

Oh and I forgot Tomko was in TNA for a while. Is he still in jail?
Is Bryan always this popular, or was it more because he was n his home town?

I also hate how Cena leeches off him for cheap pops since the crowd dislike him

Bryan always gets a big reaction, but it's amplified by a billion when they hit a major city like Seattle. That it was his hometown only turned things up even more.


Jeremy Borash dressed like such a douche. THAT COLLAR.

And that's the only fucking suit he'd ever wear too. What a nerd.

Yeah that PPV is probably the most TNA thing I can think of.

Shitty gimmick matches, botches, Jeff Jerrett, silly spots.

Oh and I forgot Tomko was in TNA for a while. Is he still in jail?

I don't think he is. I know WWE paid for him to go to rehab and he completed it successfully. Pretty crazy that they liked him so much and that he ended up in the bathroom of Chili's and shot up injected 200 crushed up oxycodone pills.

Is Bryan always this popular, or was it more because he was n his home town?

I also hate how Cena leeches off him for cheap pops since the crowd dislike him

Seems they are going to un bury the ultimate warrior

We can now exclusively reveal that a new Ultimate Warrior DVD is currently in the works at WWE for release next year!

It’s down on the schedule as a full blown 3 disc DVD (2 disc Blu-ray) and listed as a “match compilation”. There is no word as of now if Warrior himself will be involved but that is possible given his recent new ties to the company as relates to the WWE 2K14 video game and a rumored meeting with Vince McMahon during SummerSlam weekend.
Seems they are going to un bury the ultimate warrior

"The Resurrection of the Ultimate Warrior!"

HHH in 2005: "That guy was such a prick. He was so hard to work with. He didn't want to listen to anything."

HHH in 2014: "Being able to work with a legend of his caliber was such an amazing experience."


"The Resurrection of the Ultimate Warrior!"

HHH in 2005: "That guy was such a prick. He was so hard to work with. He didn't want to listen to anything."

HHH in 2014: "Being able to work with a legend of his caliber was such an amazing experience."

It's time for Triple H to get his win back. WM30.
I think the next show is going to be the first PPV of the Hogan/Bischoff era

You should do the January 4, 2010 edition of TNA when they went head to head with Bret Hart returning on Raw.

Hernandez being unable to climb out of the cage! Tons of shots featuring Hogan on his way to the Impact Zone then getting in the ring and saying, "You know, I've been in the back all day"!


You should do the January 4, 2010 edition of TNA when they went head to head with Bret Hart returning on Raw.

Hernandez being unable to climb out of the cage! Tons of shots featuring Hogan on his way to the Impact Zone then getting in the ring and saying, "You know, I've been in the back all day"!

They only have PPVs on their paid service.


You should do the January 4, 2010 edition of TNA when they went head to head with Bret Hart returning on Raw.

Hernandez being unable to climb out of the cage! Tons of shots featuring Hogan on his way to the Impact Zone then getting in the ring and saying, "You know, I've been in the back all day"!

Wait, was that the night they had like 24 limos coming to the arena any moment now?
You should do the January 4, 2010 edition of TNA when they went head to head with Bret Hart returning on Raw.

Hernandez being unable to climb out of the cage! Tons of shots featuring Hogan on his way to the Impact Zone then getting in the ring and saying, "You know, I've been in the back all day"!
It was Homicide you racist.
I always thought it was bullshit Stephanie and Lilian Garcia got to be excused from those yearly bikini and lingerie photoshoots the Divas used to do in the Attitude Era. Lilian finally started doing the bikini ones around 2005 or so.


Oh man, they don't have Genesis 2010. It's probably because of the fans being pissed about going back to a 4 sided ring, Hogan then shitting on the history of TNA, the fans booing the shit out of Hulk, and fans turning their backs in disgust to Daniels jobbing to Val Venis. It would have been perfect to review.

Maybe....BFG 2010?


Or is there another TNA PPV I should do first?


I'm only a half hour into Genesis 2010 and the fans have already turned on Hogan, Bischoff, and Val Venis. It's awesome. Were those Hulkamania shows recorded and released?


Sting's didn't always look like shit. He gave up on wrestling after Starrcade 1997. Before that, it looked fine, though never as good as Bret/Owen.


Sting is like ten thousand years old. That's probably why.

Actually, I dunno. I think Sting kinda sucks. Crow Sting was a cool thing at the time but ehhh to the rest of him. I certainly don't understand him facing The Undertaker thing. That's all been a joke, right?


Match wise, Crow Sting sucked. He only had 3-4 good matches as Crow Sting and all of them involved DDP or Goldberg. But Sting before Hogan came to WCW was awesome and anyone who says differently is a fucking asshole. Sting was never the same after Hogan took his spot, but when he was the true franchise of WCW, he was great.


Sting is like ten thousand years old. That's probably why.

Actually, I dunno. I think Sting kinda sucks. Crow Sting was a cool thing at the time but ehhh to the rest of him. I certainly don't understand him facing The Undertaker thing. That's all been a joke, right?

I don't get Sting either. I think for most people, Sting is just a name we remember from WCW that never went to WWE but is still around.

And yeah, the Rock may get into a deep squat position, but that shit above (one is from the 90s!) is brutal.
Match wise, Crow Sting sucked. He only had 3-4 good matches as Crow Sting and all of them involved DDP or Goldberg. But Sting before Hogan came to WCW was awesome and anyone who says differently is a fucking asshole. Sting was never the same after Hogan took his spot, but when he was the true franchise of WCW, he was great.


Surfer Sting had 50 times the workrate from Crow Sting + better workers around him (Vader, Rude, Flair, Muta, Stunning Steve).


Sting from 1990-1994 is awesome. As good as any top guy. I'll stand by it forever. He was good against weak opponents and great against good opponents. He was highly charismatic, athletic, and never phoned it in. Then Hogan came in and he was immediately made to be second rate despite being the only guy to stick with and carry WCW during its weakest time. I don't think he ever recovered mentally from that. Although I think he tried a lot more in his first 2-3 years in TNA than he did in the last 2-3 years of WCW. Still, he stayed way too long. He should have retired in 2006 at the latest.
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