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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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Is this up for the professor beef interaction award


meh I don't care. They are performing on a stage, it is all an act.
I also don't like the fat jokes just because they are bad, they aren't funny. Same with the Cena's gay jokes they are embarrassing. At least the gay organization complained and got them to stop. Took 80% of Cena's promo material away


So not worth it
meh I don't care. They are performing on a stage, it is all an act.

Which means it's a concious choice too.

This is not acceptable, unless your character is to be a sexist, racist heel. But that's not the case, generally it's faces talking to heels. That's why it's bad, they're basically saying, "yeah, it's fine to call women bitches, because you don't like them."

And Vickie didn't even do anything to Rock, other than be the heel authority figure at the time (I think).


You don't see anyone calling out how doughy Triple H is now.
Only person who did it recently was Edge who isn't employed by them. But yeah, you can make fun of Vickie and JR all you want, but not the King of Kings. Can't let him look weak for a second.

Rock can fuck off with that shit. It's like saying "Nah, me and my black friend here are actually great friends. You're dumb if you think when I sang that anti-black song I meant it! lol!"

It's about the goddamn standard you set for others. For people who DON'T know. For people who actually are impressionable.
Which means it's a concious choice too.

This is not acceptable, unless your character is to be a sexist, racist heel. But that's not the case, generally it's faces talking to heels. That's why it's bad, they're basically saying, "yeah, it's fine to call women bitches, because you don't like them."

And Vickie didn't even do anything to Rock, other than be the heel authority figure at the time (I think).

So if that was Rock's character, it is okay but because it isn't, he shouldn't be allowed to say it? I can understand that if you think that type of stuff shouldn't be tolerated regardless of the gimmick but to throw an exception makes no sense to me.

Looking at this strictly as something that the character The Rock would do makes total sense. He's always done this. This isn't anything new.


Shaming women, the overweight, the disabled and stereotyping racial minorities is another one of those tendencies that will diminish substantially when old man Vince finally dies.

He finds all of that crap hysterical.


Seriously, I cringed again so hard when the Rock Concert segment they chose to promo was him calling Vickie a whore for two minutes.

Jesus christ, how is that acceptable in 2013? Why is this PG-oriented family program so incredibly fucking sexist (and racist too)? If we talk about what's most shameful about wrestling, it's that for me. The way they treat women and minorties in wrestling is just sad.

Yep, all that stuff is way worse than the swearing and being a little more brutal.


Is this up for the professor beef interaction award


What about this is "Wrestling Smart?" You shouldn't shame a women for being a women, especially a fucking WIDOW, on a global stage where children and other people will hear and see it, thinking it's okay because GOOD GUY ROCKY said it.

And The Rock doesn't even run his Twitter. His agency does that for him.


I wonder how much of their weekly stupid humour is directly Vince and how much of it is writers trying to write what they think Vince thinks is funny.
I wonder how many people here would change their tune if they found out Vickie was ok with those segments.

It won't matter. I don't recall the reaction here but I remember the negative reaction in other threads/forums to Cole when made the comment about Lawler's mom having the best seat in the house during that promo for their WM match.
Shaming women, the overweight, the disabled and stereotyping racial minorities is another one of those tendencies that will diminish substantially when old man Vince finally dies.

He finds all of that crap hysterical.

My memory is really horrible in this period, but wasn't there this feud with HHH and Booker T where HHH was a huge racist who said that "your people" can't become champion...and won the match?

Forever (racist)
Take this from someone who has actually watched a Young Bucks match this year, they're one of the most consistent tag teams going today and if you think they continually wrestle the same match over and over, you obviously haven't watched a lot of their matches.

But, of course, there's no point trying to defend them. Hell, it's the same with Davey Richards - I saw him wrestle one of the best technical matches I've seen all year, he told a story in the ring and sold better than most WWE 'superstars', but the shit he gets here for those couple of gifs, Jesus.

I've seen multiple Young Bucks matches in person. I've also seen a couple of Davey Richards match on him and gone to a show that he's bailed on. They are all phenomenal and they deserve the criticism they get, especially the Young Bucks who have turned being indy shitheads into an amazing gimmick.

meh I don't care. They are performing on a stage, it is all an act.

The issue is that they are performing on a stage in front of a bunch of impressionable children, treating the asshole misogynist like a hero, then touting themselves as anti-bullying. It's easy to say it's an act and that kids are smart enough to know it isn't real, but they don't discern the fact that acting like the Rock and treating people awfully is a shitty way to be.

Not really that many kids watching the attitude era thought it was cool to hit each other with steel chairs to solve problems but tons of them thought "Suck It" was fucking hilarious to use in real life situations.


more money than God
I don't get Stroud. Does he not realize that he's watching pro wrestling? People are beating eat each other up and hitting each other with chairs, and his problem is with fat jokes?


So not worth it
So if that was Rock's character, it is okay but because it isn't, he shouldn't be allowed to say it? I can understand that if you think that type of stuff shouldn't be tolerated regardless of the gimmick but to throw an exception makes no sense to me.

Looking at this strictly as something that the character The Rock would do makes total sense. He's always done this. This isn't anything new.

The reason I feel a heel can say it, is because heel's are supposed to be despicable. You're supposed to be against them. Someone being a sexist or racist dick to someone else and then getting his just due because of that is fine with me, because it's a storyline.

But a face doing it and winning in the end teaches me that it's okay to be a sexist bastard, because it's what winners and good guys do.

And I say that as an exception, I'm not saying any heel should be that character, but if there is such a character then sure. As long as they're loathed and get their due, that's sending the right message.


Some News about SummerSlam in 2014:

- There is talk of Los Angeles not getting WWE SummerSlam in 2014. Madison Square Garden in New York City has been rumored as a venue. There is also talk of doing the 2015 Royal Rumble in either Los Angeles or Anaheim.

Someone is now leaking scripts from the WWE. The new one is from the Royal Rumble in 2013:


Also, for the Kaitlyn fans to give them some hope:

PJ Braun, the professional bodybuilder and supplement entrepreneur who recently got engaged to WWE Diva Kaitlyn, was arrested on March 28th, 2011 in a steroid ring bust in Danbury, CT. Officers and agents found Percoset, Testosterone, Decadurabolin, Halotestin and Proviron (the latter four anabolic steroids, the former a pain killer). Braun was hit with a variety of possession charges. He got probation and community service once he completed a drug rehab program.


I don't get Stroud. Does he not realize that he's watching pro wrestling? People are beating eat each other up and hitting each other with chairs, and his problem is with fat jokes?
Its stupid. Part of the appeal is the outrageous behavior people wouldn't do in real life.

We have gone soft.


I wonder how many people here would change their tune if they found out Vickie was ok with those segments.

Is she okay with it because her job depends on it, or is it because she, on a personal level, doesn't mind being called a whore and fat and how her vagina smells like fish and leaks all the time?

People believe those things. Yeah, wrestling is worked and fake. Still doesn't change the perception people have on the people. Especially when real names are being used, because that's ALWAYS attached to your name. Even when the cameras are off. Not to mention, The Rock is supposed to be a face, right? He shouldn't stoop down to middle school-level jokes just because they're heels. He, as the most facey face of facetown that everyone should love because he isn't John Cena, should be setting examples about respect and actually being a star; even when his adversaries don't do the same.

And why was Vickie even involved? He was feuding with Punk and then Cena. All his insults should've been directed at those two.
Is she okay with it because her job depends on it, or is it because she, on a personal level, doesn't mind being called a whore and fat and how her vagina smells like fish and leaks all the time?

People believe those things. Yeah, wrestling is worked and many agree with that. Still doesn't change the perception people have on the people. Especially when real names are being used because that's ALWAYS attached to your name. Even when the cameras are off.

Not to mention, The Rock is supposed to be a face. He shouldn't stoop down to high school jokes just because they're heels. He, as the most facey face of facetown that everyone should love because he isn't John Cena, should be setting examples about respect and actually being a star.

...have you never seen The Rock's promos before?


I don't get Stroud. Does he not realize that he's watching pro wrestling? People are beating eat each other up and hitting each other with chairs, and his problem is with fat jokes?

What if the next Rock Concert features lines about Kane's gut, weird belly button, and strange hair line?


Steve Austin said in his latest podcast on Tuesday that Vince McMahon is interested in appearing on the audio show. Austin said that the two of them are trying to sort out a time that would be good for both of them to record an interview for the podcast.
I'm thoroughly ready.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
My memory is really horrible in this period, but wasn't there this feud with HHH and Booker T where HHH was a huge racist who said that "your people" can't become champion...and won the match?

Forever (racist)

He called Booker T a thug because he had a previous jail sentence.
I want to say they did something similar with Shelton as well. Shelton Benjamin.
I don't get Stroud. Does he not realize that he's watching pro wrestling? People are beating eat each other up and hitting each other with chairs, and his problem is with fat jokes?

Hitting people with chairs and beating people up is contextually justifiable in their storyline. So is acting like a complete and total asshole, but not if you are supposed to be the hero. It'd be like if Batman told Bane that his throat must have gotten fucked up from sucking too many dicks and that he should have been the one called Catwoman because he's such a pussy bitch.

Its stupid. Part of the appeal is the outrageous behavior people wouldn't do in real life.

We have gone soft.

Yeah, kids never bully each other like that in real life.


Hitting people with chairs and beating people up is contextually justifiable in their storyline. So is acting like a complete and total asshole, but not if you are supposed to be the hero. It'd be like if Batman told Bane that his throat must have gotten fucked up from sucking too many dicks and that he should have been the one called Catwoman because he's such a pussy bitch.

Yeah, kids never bully each other like that in real life.

The Rock has always been an asshole whether he was heel or villain. That's The Rock. I don't see how people can act brand new about it when that's how it's always been.


Hitting people with chairs and beating people up is contextually justifiable in their storyline. So is acting like a complete and total asshole, but not if you are supposed to be the hero. It'd be like if Batman told Bane that his throat must have gotten fucked up from sucking too many dicks and that he should have been the one called Catwoman because he's such a pussy bitch.

Yeah, kids never bully each other like that in real life.
Ban movies , videogames, and music next. Heck how is power rangers still on?


I don't get Stroud. Does he not realize that he's watching pro wrestling? People are beating eat each other up and hitting each other with chairs, and his problem is with fat jokes?

I think his problem is that the Good Guy Who Is Bigger Than Cena was calling a woman a fat ugly whore for no reason, and that this is geared towards a PG crowd. "Lol wrestling" stopped being a good defense for this when marketing shifted from people who could legally drink to children.
I just don't find the rock funny anymore. His jokes are the lowest denominator

Also so judging by the response on twitter story is getting people can't tell the difference


Why Booker didn't go over Triple H in that match is a crime. Perfect time to 1) build up somebody new and 2) make the story balanced so the heel wasn't always on top and getting the edge.
Personally, unless the character is an outspoken, uncontrollable, Austin-type anti-hero, I think the goody goody, make a wish faces should be above cheap name calling. Same goes for the face announcers - Cole & Lawler should ask themselves "would Gorilla say that?" every time they're about to call Vicky fat.

I'm all for heels getting their comeuppance, but too often some of this stuff just comes across as mean. *edit, which is fine for The Rock, honestly. Hasn't he always sort of been a bit of a mean asshole, anyways?

I've seen multiple Young Bucks matches in person. I've also seen a couple of Davey Richards match on him and gone to a show that he's bailed on. They are all phenomenal and they deserve the criticism they get, especially the Young Bucks who have turned being indy shitheads into an amazing gimmick.

I'm not saying the criticism they receive isn't valid, because it is - it just isn't the be all and end all of their in-ring work. The Bucks can go to Japan and wrestle a tight, compact, well paced jr. heavyweight tag match, take the time to do some limb work and sell a bodypart, but that's not what you'd see them do in a 3-way ladder match at a PWG show or wrestling the Machineguns in TNA. They're more versatile than people give them credit for and the same goes for Davey Richards.
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