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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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also all gaming related gifs of developers or representatives need to be BANNED.

Using a vince gif for some goofy looking guy? Come on.

I dunno, this was pretty good



I support Stro and will also raise heck if gaming side uses his gifs for lame-o inside gaming jokes involving those dork sony/xbox people.

Gaming side you're just not funny with that stuff.


I legit shoot wish OT/OT Community was its own board. Gaming Side is terrible. The topics are terrible, the in jokes are terrible, the gifs are terrible, the clearly paid people are terrible, and Gaming Side is the side that gets the whole board 404'd on the reg. I'm pretty sure I found out about Neogaf through Wrasslegaf, linked from another board. I had never heard even heard of this board before that. I have zero interest in gaming side. In fact, I kind of wish Wrasslegaf was its own off shoot board.
It's true:

***_******* seemed to be one of the more vocal supporters of Miz that night:

Meanwhile, spindashing was one of the few posters keeping a cool head on his shoulders:


One of these days WrassleGAF will join me again in the Miz love. One of these days it'll happen, damn it!

Big Plans For Miz 2013 :(


OT/Community is excellent. It's my favorite board I've ever been too and I love Gaf. I fucking hate Gaming Side and the melt downs they have that affect OT and people who don't give a shit about random specs or developers or spokes people. I don't give a SINGLE FUCK about any company talking head or representative. I don't even know any of them except for Reggie because he looks funny. Gaming Side ruins the rest of the board. The Gametrailers doc wasn't about how great OT is, it was about how terrible Gaming Side is.
So random question, but if I reviewed every Rumble match leading up to the actualy Royal Rumble, would anyone here be interested in it? Still probably going to do it, but I'd love to have some feedback from here.


So random question, but if I reviewed every Rumble match leading up to the actualy Royal Rumble, would anyone here be interested in it? Still probably going to do it, but I'd love to have some feedback from here.

The first few aren't very good. 1990 and 1992 are good. Most of the 90s weren't that good and 2000 was also not that interesting. I think you'll really be bummed if you watch them all. But go for it. Reviews everywhere!
The first few aren't very good. 1990 and 1992 are good. Most of the 90s weren't that good and 2000 was also not that interesting. I think you'll really be bummed if you watch them all. But go for it. Reviews everywhere!

The Rumble is probably my favorite gimmick match, but maybe I will do a Top 10 of sorts, so I only watch the better ones lol



FMW Explosion Pool Death Match 8/28/94

The tape opens with highlights of a few 6 man and woman tags, a match with the Great Sasuke, and a match with Mr. Gannosuke.

Combat Toyota vs Yukie Nabeno WWA Independent Women's Title

Toyota looks intimidating as fuck. Yukie isn't intimidated at all and smacks the shit out of her as soon as the bell rings. It heads to the floor for a moment. This is clipped. Toyota works over the knee and the screams from both women are really uncomfortable. Reverse tree of Keanu is followed with a splash. Hard cut to a Boston crab. Toyota is mean. Fujiwara arm bar from Yukie. Rope break. Yukie has that fighting spirit. Too bad Toyota has COMBAT in her fucking name. Back drop drivaaaaahhhh. Yukie kicks out. It seems like most of Yukie's offense is cut out. Powerbomb. Combat misses a top rope elbow. Yukie hits a missile dropkick to the back of the head. Then a moonsault that she landed on her head doing. Yukie wins! New champion!



Sabu vs Hayabusa

Oh shit. Imagine the botches that are about to happen. Hayabusa gets the early advantage with some kicks and a tope. This is also clipped and the next shot is Sabu doing a dive of his own. Flying kick from Sabu and it goes back to the floor. Hayabusa is placed in a chair and Sabu dives on him. A cut and Haybusa is in control. Some big dropkicks. Sabu is sent to the floor. Top rope Asai moonsault. Another cut and Sabu is doing a split legged moonsault. Sabu gets a table. Sabu tried a springboard 450 through it. Hayabusa moved and the table actually broke. IN JAPAN! Tombstone from Busa. SSP gets the win for Hayabusa.



Mike Awesome vs Big Titan

I'm pretty sure these guys are or were tag team partners. Big Titan is the future Razor Ramon. Forearm battle. Titan powerslam. Then a press slam. This is crazy, Mike Awesome is getting thrown around like a cruiser. Titan is about the same size as Awesome, but is throwing him around like he's Rey Mysterio. Awesome did a pescado. This is also clipped. Bummer if everything is clipped. Awesome splash. Titan Frankensteiner. Awesome Bomb for the win. Big Titan challenges Awesome to one more match.

Mr. Pogo vs Mitsuhiro Matsunaga Street Fight Death Match

Surprised at how much Pogo I've seen on various shows. Dude got around. Pogo has a barbed wire bat. Mats had a chair that was immediately knocked away. He was then hit with the bat repeatedly. Pogo gained a ton of weight between 1988 and 1994. It heads to the floor and Mats hits some kicks. They're in the crowd. Pogo tries a rope hanging DDT onto the bat, but he missed. He did do a piledriver/powerbomb combo on it, though. Head kick from Mats. He has the bat and throws it out of the ring. He pulls brass knux out of his kick pads and goes to town. Back to the floor. Gnarly piledriver on the floor. The sickle is out, and it is super heated with a blow torch. Mats it stabbed in the head and the back. Pogo is GRINDING the point into the back. It's fucking gross. More back stabbing. Pogo has a bottle of rubbing alcohol and dumps it on Matsunga's wounds like a fucking cunt. He misses a fireball and Mats hits a series of strikes. Fameasser! Pogo kicks out. Pogo's second trips Mats. The back is back in play. Pogo is hit a few times with it. Pogo is hen choked with the bat for a while, but throws powder. The bat is set on fire. Pogo hits Mats with the flaming barbed wire bat for the win.




Tarzan Goto vs Kisakatsu Oya

Everything is clipped. It's really hard to judge a show when all the matches are clipped. Nothing of note here. It was really chopped up. There was a spike and some chairs. A lot of blood. Goto won with a pancake on two folded chairs.


Atsushi Onita vs Masaji Aoyagi Electrified Explosive Barbed Wire Death Match BARRICADE Double

I don't know what the rules are or what BARRICADE Double means. The ropes are down and are replaced with barbed wire which are presumably electrified. The mats on the floor are covered in barbed wire boards. Aoyagi does a series of kicks. Onita hits the wire and there is an explosion. Match is what it says on the tin. Onita is suddenly on the offense and has a half crab applied. His arm is shredded. Aoyagi is back on offense and appears to be biting the lower back of Onita. Repeated kicks to the arm. Onita comes back with a lariatoooo. Back drop. Onita applies a Kimura while pinning. He's knocked to the floor, which is also explosive. The thing I never got with death match wrestling was why didn't they used worked barbed wire/tacks/whatever? Wrestling is fake. Using fake barbed wire is totally acceptable. Just pretend it is real. More kicks to Onita's bloody arm. Both men fall to the floor and are blown up. Mr. Pogo shows up and blows fire at Onita just to be a dick head. More kicks from Aoyagi. A lot of them. In fact, I think that is his only offensive move. He's sent into the wire and blown up. Onita wins via KO after multiple powerbombs.



Shark Tsuchiya/Combat Toyota/Crusher Maedomari vs Megumi Kudo/Miwa Sato/Keiko Iwame

The only woman I know is Combat and the name Kudo, as she was the creator of the Vertebreaker. Combat starts out. This is also clipped to shit. Combat is beating up some woman who has a crimson mask. It's very, very clipped. Combat's team won with a powerbomb. Combat did a powerbomb after the match and one of her team mates didn't like it.


Mike Awesome vs Big Titan

The rematch. It starts out with a strike battle. Awesome is press slammed. Awesome comes back with a German suplex. They head to the floor. Chair shot. Then chair shots in the ring. Again, this is very clipped. Awesome hit a top rope Frankensteiner. Awesome does a tope and clips the rope, making him fucking lawn dart to the floor. Awesome splash. Titan kicks out of an Awesome Bomb. Titan gets his knees up for a second splash. Frankensteiner. Awesome kicks out. Titan wins with a powerbomb of his own.


Tarzan Goto/Hisakatusa Oya vs Hideki Hosaka/Koji Nakagawa

It is very clipped. Big surprise. The only match to not be clipped is the death match. Nothing interesting happens. I have to say that I'm losing my patience for the clipped matches shit. Instead of having a 2 hour tape with 13 clipped matches, maybe have a 2 hour tape with 8 or 9 full matches instead. Goto again won with a pancake on chairs.

Atsushi Onita vs Mr. Pogo No Rope Barbed Wire Double Barricade Death Match

At least I know what I'm getting into this time. Onita had the good sense to wear pants instead of his wrestling gear this time. Pogo is nearly thrown to the floor multiple times early on. He eventually goes, but it isn't an explosion match, so it looked pretty lame as compared to the previous match. The sickle is out and Onita goes to the floor. Pogo must have done some intense shit between 1988 and 1994 because he can barely move already. This is terrible. Pogo grinds the sickle in Onita's back for a bit. Onita then has a piece of table that he uses to block it and throws both weapons away. Pogo is sent to the floor and Onita drops a headbutt/elbow/splash thing. Into a bed of barbed wire. Onita is stuck to the wire ropes and gets the fire breath. He kicks out. Piledriver. Onita kicks out. Then another on some chairs. Onita kicks out. Onita uses a barbed wire bat, fire, and a DDT on chairs to win the match. A bunch of dudes hit the ring after the match for a brawl.


Tarzan Goto/Hisakatsu Oya vs. Mitsuhiro Matsunaga/Yukihiro Kanemura

Again, a clipped to shit match with nothing to note. Well, this match was done inside an Olympic side pool and there were some pool bumps, but none were as cool as WCW Spring Break Out pool bumps. I don't even know who won.

Atsushi Onita/Katsutoshi Niiyama/Mr. Gannosuke vs. Mr. Pogo/Mike Awesome/Hideki Hosaka Barbed Wire Electrified Dynamite Pool Double Hell Death Match

Finally, the main event. This is more gimmicked than a Russo on coke match. Barbed wire. An electrified pool with DYNAMITE. Double hell, whatever that means. I like that everyone makes their entrances on fishing boats. This is just a mess of nonsense. Barbed wire bats, chairs, all that shit. The same stuff on the rest of the rest of the tape. Crazy Awesome Bomb. Awesome throws a dude into the pool, which explodes because it had DYNAMITE in it. Pogo is grinding his sickle into the gut of Onita. Awesome is sent into the pool and blown up. This is really stupid. Pogo blows fire. Dude kicks out. Onita dodges some fire. Cross body into the pool of dynamite. Onita wins with a powerbomb.




I will probably not be revisiting FMW. I'm not a fan of death matches to begin with, but I'm really not a fan of clipped up tapes. It's hard to judge a tape that is all clipped up, but I didn't like this much. I'd rather watch another IWA Japan show than FMW show.



Okay, that's really messed up if it's even remotely real.

Death matches are reeeeaaaally dumb, especially if these guys aren't even making that much money from them.


OT/Community is excellent. It's my favorite board I've ever been too and I love Gaf. I fucking hate Gaming Side and the melt downs they have that affect OT and people who don't give a shit about random specs or developers or spokes people. I don't give a SINGLE FUCK about any company talking head or representative. I don't even know any of them except for Reggie because he looks funny. Gaming Side ruins the rest of the board. The Gametrailers doc wasn't about how great OT is, it was about how terrible Gaming Side is.

LOL it's funny cause it's true.

You know if it was at all possible, I'd love to post a thread in Gaming side telling them how horrible they are and quoting your posts man.

But it's not possible I guess, mods wouldn't allow it and fanboys all over would be fuming.


Japanese death matches and US death matches are very different. I think both are stupid and suck. US ones seem way more giant bump oriented. Japanese ones seem more blood oriented. But that's mid 90s Japanese ones I've seen. I don't know how they've evolved. There is definitely a difference, though. I kind of prefer US ones because at least they go over the top with bumps, whereas Japanese ones only have a few and the rest of the match is down time with nothing going on. I will not be revisiting CZW/FMW, but I may do another IWA Japan show at some point. When I get around to IWA MS, it will probably not be a death match show.

Why the fuck don't they have worked weapons? Makes no god damn sense to me. Maybe Boots can explain it. Wrestling is a work, so why not have worked barbed wire/weapons and sell them like they are real? FMW obviously did that with the pool gimmick, but I see zero reason to have actual barbed wire cutting people up in a fake sport.


Full joshi cards are really hard to review when you have no idea who is who. After this, I think I have to do a European show. Probably World of Sport. I've been all over North America and Japan. Europe is next.


Japanese death matches and US death matches are very different. I think both are stupid and suck. US ones seem way more giant bump oriented. Japanese ones seem more blood oriented. But that's mid 90s Japanese ones I've seen. I don't know how they've evolved. There is definitely a difference, though. I kind of prefer US ones because at least they go over the top with bumps, whereas Japanese ones only have a few and the rest of the match is down time with nothing going on. I will not be revisiting CZW/FMW, but I may do another IWA Japan show at some point. When I get around to IWA MS, it will probably not be a death match show.

Why the fuck don't they have worked weapons? Makes no god damn sense to me. Maybe Boots can explain it. Wrestling is a work, so why not have worked barbed wire/weapons and sell them like they are real? FMW obviously did that with the pool gimmick, but I see zero reason to have actual barbed wire cutting people up in a fake sport.

A buddy of mine lent me a Japanese death matches DVD, and I made it through about the first three before I said that it just wasn't for me. The focus is not on good guys and bad guys taking each other on...it's simply on suffering and gory spectacle. Not for me, thanks.


A buddy of mine lent me a Japanese death matches DVD, and I made it through about the first three before I said that it just wasn't for me. The focus is not on good guys and bad guys taking each other on...it's simply on suffering and gory spectacle. Not for me, thanks.

It kinda is torture porn. I don't like it either.


Once you get past chairs and tables, there are only a few guys I think can do those matches and make them matter: Foley, Funk, and sometimes Sabu.
I don't really like deathmatches either, but recent Big Japan stuff, according to people who like that kind of stuff, has drifted to a deathmatch style with actual psychology to it instead of just random spots for the sake of spots.

I'm guessing the barbed wire is real for the same reason you actually get dropped on your neck and elbowed in the face in Japan - because it Japan, it it closer to a sport, so it has to be more real.


I don't really like deathmatches either, but recent Big Japan stuff, according to people who like that kind of stuff, has drifted to a deathmatch style with actual psychology to it instead of just random spots for the sake of spots.

I'm guessing the barbed wire is real for the same reason you actually get dropped on your neck and elbowed in the face in Japan - because it Japan, it it closer to a sport, so it has to be more real.

But you can have faked barbed wire and blade or something instead of getting your entire body sliced up for real.


I legit shoot wish OT/OT Community was its own board. Gaming Side is terrible. The topics are terrible, the in jokes are terrible, the gifs are terrible, the clearly paid people are terrible, and Gaming Side is the side that gets the whole board 404'd on the reg. I'm pretty sure I found out about Neogaf through Wrasslegaf, linked from another board. I had never heard even heard of this board before that. I have zero interest in gaming side. In fact, I kind of wish Wrasslegaf was its own off shoot board.

Easy, easy. That's how all those other weird boards got started.

When I go to the department store, there's a furniture section and I don't need furniture, so I just don't go over there.


The first few aren't very good. 1990 and 1992 are good. Most of the 90s weren't that good and 2000 was also not that interesting. I think you'll really be bummed if you watch them all. But go for it. Reviews everywhere!
Think 1992 has to be my favorite of all of them. Bobby Heenan's commentary with Gorilla Monsoon, along with Flair's antics in the ring, brilliant work.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
OT/Community is excellent. It's my favorite board I've ever been too and I love Gaf. I fucking hate Gaming Side and the melt downs they have that affect OT and people who don't give a shit about random specs or developers or spokes people. I don't give a SINGLE FUCK about any company talking head or representative. I don't even know any of them except for Reggie because he looks funny. Gaming Side ruins the rest of the board. The Gametrailers doc wasn't about how great OT is, it was about how terrible Gaming Side is.
How does it affect OT? This is like me with the divas division. I just change the channel when they come on. Certainly no one from gaming is going to use your gifs, dude. I don't know why you care.

I would ask you to start dropping any talk of creating a shoot off board.


Watching NXT and how awesome the crowd is makes the Impact Zone seem even worse somehow, I'd be a lot more into TNA if the audience was this cool
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