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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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O Canada!

Our home and native land!

True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.


Stadthalle Bremen, Germany
6,000 Fans

. 2 Cold Scorpio vs Hiro Yamamoto (AKA Hiroyoshi Tenzan)

Big reaction for Scorp here, as he dances to the ring. He gets in Tenzan's face and does the robot. Tenzan complains to the ref. They lock up and trade waistlocks. Scorp grabs an arm bar and forces Tenzan to the mat. Tenzan powers his way out and grabs a wrist lock. Scorp flips out of it and forces Tenzan into the ropes. Clean break. They lock up and Tenzan forces Scorp into the ropes, before slapping Scorp in the face. Scorp goes for a lariat, but Tenzan reverses it into a backdrop. Big chops from Tenzan. He whips Scorp into the corner and hits a shoulderblock. He goes for it again, but Scorpio hops up and hits a nice roll-up for 2. Big dropkick sends Tenzan to the floor. Scorp fakes out a dive and does some dancing instead. Tenzan gets back in, another dropkick sends him straight back out again. Plancha from Scorp. He slams Tenzan into a table and waits for him in the ring. Tenzan headbutts Scorp a bunch of times, but he no sells it and knocks Tenzan down with chops. He goes for a standing moonsault, but Tenzan gets the knees up. Bodyslam from Tenzan before grabbing a chinlock. More headbutts and a bodyslam, before Tenzan scores with a flying headbutt off the top. The ref won't count it for some reason.

Boston crab from Tenzan. Scorp fights out and hits a chinbreaker, before going to work with kicks and hitting a big enziguri. They trade punches and Scorp gets a nearfall with a jumping mule kick. He whips Tenzan into the ropes, but Tenzan ducks the clothesline and scores with a spinning heel kick. He does a couple of sentons onto Scorp and goes for the cover, but the ref won't count again. What the fuck is up with these rules? Tenzan whips Scorp into the corner and charges, but eats a big superkick. Scorpio Splash in the corner, followed by a twisting legdrop off the ropes. He gets Tenzan up for the tombstone. Tenzan tries to counter, but drops Scorpio. Legdrop off the 2nd rope. The ref won't count again. What? Tenzan goes up for the moonsault, but Scorp gets out of the way. Bodyslam and Scorp hits a moonsault of his own. Wow, ton of height on that, but he only gets 2. Tenzan counters another mule kick and hits a dragon suplex out of nowhere for the 3-count. Fun match, but not sure what was up with the ref.


. Six-Man Elimination Match: August Smisl, Ice-Train & Ulf Hermann vs Cannonball Grizzly (P.N. News), Dan Collins & John Hawk (JBL)

The foreign bad guys make their way to the ring. You've got to be kidding me...JBL does a Nazi salute. August starts out against Collins and quickly hoists him over the ropes to the floor. Collins takes him time getting back in and eats a shitty shoulderblock once he does so. They lock up. Collins whips August into the ropes, but whiffs a European uppercut and gets shoved to the floor. P.N. News tags in, as does Ulf. Wristlock from News, before throwing a bunch of rabbit punches to the kidneys. Big slam from News. He forces Ulf into the ropes, but Ulf hits the slowest Arabian press armdrag ever on the super-loose ring ropes. He charges P.N. but gets elbowed in the face. News goes up top and floors Ulf with a big flying clothesline. Ulf hits the ropes, leapfrogs over and tries for a shoulderblock. News doesn't go down. Ulf tries again, but News hoists him to the floor before going up top and scoring with a double axehandle. They brawl on the outside and Ulf hits a flipping senton. He rolls News back in, but P.N. rakes the eyes and tags into Bradshaw. JBL whips him over by his arm and goes to work with stomps. Roll-up out of nowhere for 2 and Ulf tags out to the Ice-Train! CHOO CHOO! JBL grabs a side-headlock. Train shoots him into the ropes, leapfrogs over and gets punched square in the jaw by Bradshaw. He headbutts Train, but it has no effect. He whips Train from pillar to post, but it only fires him up and he takes JBL down with a clothesline.

JBL tags to News. Shoulderblocks, neither man goes down. Train lifts up News for a bodyslam, but the weight is too much and he's crushed for a 2 count. He avoids a splash from News and clobbers him with a freaking huge lariat. Collins gets in, but Train has no problem manhandling his much smaller opponent. JBL trips him up, however, and Collins takes control. The heels beat up on Train, but he quickly escapes and tags in August, who hits a big military press gutbuster and eliminates Collins! JBL gets in and is nearly pinned with a roll-up. August hits the ropes, but News kicks him in the back. CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! JBL eliminates August. Dropkick from Ulf. He hits the ropes, but News clocks him in the back of the head. JBL and News hit a double big-boot. Sunset flip from Ulf. News tries to sit down on him, but misses and the Ice Train tags in! He gets News up, but again can't hold the weight. News, however, hoists him for a bodyslam with ease. Train reverses a whip and News goes slamming into the corner with a Flair/Funk flop, sort-of. He cant make it back in before the 10-count, so JBL is left on his own. Big clothesline out of the corner takes down Train. JBL goes for the clothesline from hell, but Train avoids it and tags Ulf, who springboards in with a clothesline to pin JBL for the 3-count! Eh, that was pretty messy.


. Alpen Cup Match: Steve Wright vs Hias, w/ special referee Klaus Baumgart

This doesn't look promising. The ref's a musician, while Hias is apparently a TV host. However, Steve Wright is the father of WCW's Alex Wright, so there's that. They lock up and Wright grabs a wrist lock. Hias starts screaming and staying stuff in German that sets the crowd laughing. They go for a test of strength, Wright cartwheels through an takes Hias down with the wristlock. Second round begins. Hias grabs a side headlock, but Wright lifts him up and hits an atomic drop. Lots of people walking in front of the camera, this must be the bathroom break on the card. Hias manages to accidentally stomp on the ref's foot. Wright grabs a full Nelson but turns it into a cravate. Airplane spin from Wright. He then airplane spins the ref, who falls on top of Hias. Wright counts the pin and declares the ref the winner, before taking the Alpen Cup for himself and leaving.

. Tony St. Clair vs Masahiro Chono

OK, now business is picking up. Good reaction for Chono, but Tony's the clear fan favourite. Chono jacks Tony in the face with a huge boot before the bell and then just stomps the shit out of him for a good minute. He grabs a side headlock, but Tony shoots him into the ropes, only to eat a shoulderblock. He tries it again and ducks under, hitting a big hip-toss on the rebound to send Chono sprawling. Side headlock takedown from Tony, but Chono gets his legs around Tony's neck to free himself. He applies a ton of pressure, but Tony kips up out of it and goes back to the side headlock. Chono shoots him into the ropes. Shoulder block, neither man goes down. Chono ducks under and goes for the hip toss, but Tony counters out of it and lariatoooo's Chono the floor! They go for a test of strength, which Chono wins, but Tony ducks his head under Chono's arm and scores with a nice suplex, still holding the test of strength. Tony forces Chono's shoulders to the mat, but he spins out of it and puts Tony's shoulders to the mat for 2. Tony kips up, kicks out one of Chono's arms and hits a wristlock takedown into an armbar. This rocks. Chono spins out again into a chinlock, but Tony bridges out and jacks Chono with a series of big European uppercuts. That shits only making Chono mad, though, and he kicks Tony low and puts on a headscissors hold. Tony works it into an ankle lock, but Chono scrambles to the ropes. They lock up and Tony takes Chono down hard with an armbar. Chono tries to roll through, but Tony won't budge so he has to get to the ropes again. Side headlock takedown from Chono, but Tony keeps rolling it over into a pin, so Chono just resorts to punching him in the face. Drop toehold from Chono, straight into the STF, but it's too close to the ropes.

Chono reluctantly releases the hold and throws Tony to the floor. He gets back in at the count of 8 and Chono stomps him back to the floor. He slams Tony into a table before taking him back in the ring and kicking in the face repeatedly. Tony won't go down, though, and stars to hulk up, locking in a sleeper as Chono charges at him. Tony releases it and Chono just makes the ten count. Tony tries to trade strikes, but Chono chops him down to the mat before going up top. Big shoulderblock from Chono, he goes up top again and waits for Tony to get to his feet, but this time Tony side-steps and knees Chono in the gut. Tony climbs the ropes and hits a diving crossbody, but Chono rolls it into a pinfall for 2! Chono throws him to the floor and they brawl on the far side for a few minutes, before Tony brings things back inside and takes Chono down with some big elbows. Abdominal stretch from Tony, but Chono powers out of it and slams Tony to the mat. He whips Tony into the rope, but misses the elbow and both men go over from a shoulderblock. Chono whips Tony into the corner, but eats a boot as he charges. Tony goes up top and hits a sommersault bodyblock. He slams Chono and goes up top again, but Chono avoids the kneedrop. Chono kicks out Tony's leg and goes for a dragon screw, but Tony hits an enziguri! Big DDT from St. Clair! His knee's hurting though and he can't make the count. He eventually slams Chono and pins him, but Chono's foot was on the ropes. Chono boots Tony low, locks in the STF and Tony taps! Went a bit wayward in places and wasn't quite the technical match I was hoping for, but that was pretty good nonetheless.


. CWA Intercontinental Title: Fit Finlay (c) vs Doink

Doink offers the handshake to get things started, but Finlay turns him down. They go to lock up, but Doink punches Finlay square in the jaw and goes for a hammerlock. Finlay scrabmles to the ropes. He grabs a side headlock, but Doink counters out if it lightning fast and goes back to the hammerlock. Finlay scrambles for the ropes again. They lock up and Finlay applies a wristlock, but Doink drop toe-holds him and they have a stare-down. Doink offers the hand again, but Finlay slaps it away. Doink scoots between Finlay's legs and trips him up, but Finlay grabs hold of his ankle and works it over. Doink tries to escape, but Finlay turns it into half of an STF, allowing Doink to float over and grab a headlock. Some great wristlock counters here, until a frustrated Finlay trips Doink again and goes back to the ankle. Doink's saved by the bell and that's the end of round 1, but Finlay attacks Doink when he turns to go to his corner! Round 2 starts and Finlay stomps on Doink, but gets a thumb to the eye. Doink whips him into the corner and hits a hip-toss that sends Finlay to the floor. He gets back in slowly and they go for a test of strength that Doink, surprisingly, wins. Finlay knees Doink in the gut to gain control, but Doink pushes him into the ropes and monkey flips him over for a near-fall. Quick pin exchange and another face off. Finlay forces Doink into the corner and hits some big forearms. Snapmare and Finlay drops the knee, but the bell rings for the end of the round. They lock up at the start of round 3 and Finlay grabs a side headlock. Doink puts him into the ropes, ducks under, leapfrogs and follows up with a series of hip tosses that send Finlay to the floor. Finlay gets back in and offers the hand, but Doink's sceptical. He finaly shakes, but Finlay kicks him low and slams his head into the turnbuckle.

He drapes Doink over the arpon and hits a big elbow to the back of the head before slamming him into a ringside table. He tries to whip Doink into the ringpost, but Doink slams him shoulder-first and goes to work with some big kicks to the arm. Headbutts from Doink now. He slams Finlay's head into the ringpost and then twists his arm in the bottom rope. Finlay's mad and starts flipping tables. Doink slams him from turnbuckle to turnbuckle before choking him with the ropes. Finlay fights back and grabs a chair from ringside, slamming it into Doink's knee as the round comes to a close. Round 4 starts with Finlay kicking out Doink's leg, before locking in a single leg crab. Doink makes it to the ropes but Finlay kicks at the knee and then slams his leg around the ringpost before they brawl on the outside some more. They get back in the ring and Finlay locks in a kneebar just as the bell rings. Round 5 sees Finlay start out with a stretch muffler. Doink works his way to his feet and hits an enziguri, but it doesn't fully connect. He takes Finlay down with some punches before choking him out with his boot. Finlay kicks out the knee again as Doink argues with the ref. He backs off into the corner and Finlay charges, but Doink gets a boot in and rakes Finlay's eyes with the top rope. Leg drop from Doink get a 2-count. Doink takes it to the floor again and sets up a table against the ring, before slamming Finlay's face into it. Back in the ring he tries for a series of pins, but can't get the 3-count. Round 6. Big boot from Doink, followed by a clothesline. He shoots Finlay into the ropes and locks in a sleeper! Finlay makes it to the ropes, however. He goes for a short-arm clothesline, but Doink ducks and goes back to the sleeper. Finlay's fading, but he hits a chinbreaker and follows up with a big tombstone piledriver to pin Doink and retain the championship! Well, that started out fun, with some good wrestling from both men, but became somewhat repetitive once things broke down, plus the rounds format made it feel a lot longer than it was.


. CWA Mittelgewicht Title: Franz Schuhmann (c) vs Dick Slater

Franz looks like a low-rent Bret Hart. He grabs a hammerlock to start things off, but Dick backs him into the corner and stomps him a bunch before hitting a snapmare and grabbing an armbar. Dick turns it into a hammerlock, holds it in place with his leg and falls back to the mat, keeping the hold until the bell rings. Round 2 starts and Franz takes Dick down with a wristlock, but is forced into the ropes. Dick throws a right, but Franz hits one of his own and Dick retreats to the corner. They lock up, but Franz goes to one knee and takes Slater over with a fireman's carry into a headlock. Slater puts him into the ropes again, but Franz jacks him with a series of punches followed by a drop toehold. Franz slams on Slater's leg before applying a headscissors. Slater escapes just as the bell rings. Round 3 and Slater's had enough, throwing Franz to the floor before slamming him into the ringside tables. He rolls him back in and goes to work with some stiff rights, before whipping Franz into the ropes and hitting a back elbow for 2. Swinging neckbreaker from Slater for another 2. Franz fires back with an uppercut and then slams Slater's head into the turnbuckle. He falls between the ropes and Franz goes to the apron, hitting a running splash and the round ends soon after. Round 4 and Dick trips Franz and drapes his leg over the apron before throwing a table at it.

Slater won't let Franz get back in the ring, but finally he hits a big springboard dropkick and follows up with a iving clothesline for 2. He goes to work, but the bell rings. Round 5. Side Russian from Dick, but Franz hulks up out of nowhere and they trade punches. Big dropkick sends Dick into the corner. Franz whips him from corner to corner, until Slater gets him boot up, but Franz grabs his leg and hits a big right to the jaw to end the round. Round 6, and Slater takes exception to the ring girl. He's here to wrassle' dammit! They lock up and Dick rakes the eyes, he hooks the arms and hits a big butterfly suplex. He tries for it again, but German Bret backdrops him out of it. He whips Slater into the corner and charges with a jumping knee, but Dick moves out of the way and applies the spinning toe hold. He slams Franz's leg into the ringpost and then scores with a piledriver for 2. Spinning toe hold into a figure four, but the round ends. Round 7. Dick kicks away at Franz's leg and then throws a chair at it. God, so much of this show is ridiculously repetitive. Figure 4 again, but Franz reverses the pressure to free himself. Small package from Dick for 2. Backslide from Franz for 2. Slater kicks out his leg and goes for the spinning toe hold again, but Franz counters into a small package for the 3-count! That match was pretty tedious.


. CWA World Heavyweight Title: Rambo (c) vs Big Titan

Oh my. This could be bad. Rambo was 'Sniper' from WWF's The Truth Commission, while Big Titan was Fake Razor Ramon. Titan forces Rambo into the corner and stomps a mudhole, following up with an Irish whip and a mule kick to the gut. He throws Rambo to the floor and hits a splash off the apron before whipping Rambo into the guardrails. They get back in before the count, where Titan continues to dominate, choking out Rambo in the corner. Irish whip into the opposite corner, but Rambo gets the boot up. Clothesline, but Titan won't go down. Another and another, the third sending Titan to the floor. Rambo slams him into a table before whipping him through the crowd. Titan takes his time getting back to the ring and when he does Rambo grabs a side headlock. Shoulder block, neither man goes down. Crossbody from Rambo earns a 2 count. Rambo trips Titan and works the ankle, before switching into a high angle single-leg Boston. Rambo then does the shittiest Muta lock I've ever seen. Also, he marks out for everything he does like Marc Mero. 2nd round, bodyslams from Rambo send Titan running to the floor. He gets back in and they go for a test of strength. Titan wins, but as Rambo's powering out Titan kicks him in the gut. They repeat this spot like 5 times before Rambo finally frees himself. 3rd round. Lariat in the corner from Titan, followd by a backbreaker for 2. He goes for the lariat again, but Rambo rolls him up for 2. Chinlock from Titan, but Rambo works his way to his feet. He tries for a sunset flip, Titan sits down for the pin, but Rambo rolls it into a pin of his own as the round ends. Round 4, big chops from Titan and he misses his lariat in the corner again. Punches from Rambo, he goes for a Cena-esque leaping shoulder block, but Titan side steps it. He whips Rambo into the ropes and hits the shittiest dropkick ever. Oh, right, it was meant to be a hurricanrana. They repeated the spot and he got it right this time. Flying clothesline from Titan for 2. Dropkick for 2. He goes for the hurricanrana again, but Rambo counters it into a powerbomb to retain the title. That sucked SO MUCH.




Southwest Championship Wrestling

Not sure on the date of this. The video says probably 1986, but I'll have to do some double checking based on who is on the show.

Blackjack Mulligan is cutting a scathing promo on Bruiser Brody, that no good, back jumping, no good pole cat. When he was a kid, they'd take their fights outside like men and deal with it how they wanted to deal with it. That was the birth of the Bunkhouse Brawl. It's a weird mesh of a crazy Funk and Dusty Rhodes promo. Brody showed up and wants those names said to his face. Brody is over like a god here. Blackjack isn't from Texas, he's from New Jersey and his car broke down in Texas. Cheap shot from Mulligan. The brawl is on! Mulligan takes his boot off and tries to use the spur on Brody's face. He does and we've got blood. Brody fights back and eventually other wrestlers come out to break it apart. Rick Rude, Paul Bearer, and Chris Adams are the only guys I recognize.


Rick Rude vs Chris Adams

Rude is said to be the champion, but I don't see him having any titles in SCW. I believe the title he has is actually the NWA American Heavyweight Championship and I believe this is actually a WCCW show. That would date this show between November of 1985 and July of 1986. Adams takes it to Rude. Adams has an eye patch. He misses a second rope splash and Rude hits a suplex. Percy Pringle, future Paul Bearer, is Rude's manager. Lariatooo. Press slam. Second rope first drop. Rude is solidly in control. It heads to the floor. Adams is slammed on the table. Rude for some reason steps over the top ropes to enter the ring. Standing dropkick. Adams fires up. Superkick! Piledriver. Rude got a foot on the ropes. A second superkick. Adams goes up top. Percy uses his cane to shake the ropes and Adams falls. Rude wins. Title retained. The decision was reversed due to interference. Rude attacked after the match. Superkick! Fucking Young Bucks!




TO THE BACK. Bill Dundee is interviewed for Georgia Championship Wrestling. Maybe this is a territory hodgepodge. He really liked the Beverly Hillbillies. He'll take anyone on in any city.

We're shown clips of Dutch Mantell vs Bill Dundee. Dundee won after using the title.

We then go to a promo of Tully Blanchard after winning a title. The Red Rocker is here!

Then a promo with a guy who was apparently partners with Adrian Adonis. Christopher Love.

Alibay (?) the Turkvs Ninja the Warrior vs Tiger Conway vs Sweet Brown Sugar vs Scott Casey vs Bob Sweetan

This is a number one contender match and this is indeed a SCW match. I believe Ninja The Warrior (Not The Ninja Warrior) is Mr. Pogo. No idea who the Turk is. Casey and Sugar go at it hard. Sweetan is tagged in. Now it is Pogo and Sweetan. It's a free for all elimination match, but with tags. Missile dropkick from Sugar eliminates The Turk. It's hard to call this since I don't know who anyone is and everyone only stays in the ring for 30 seconds at a time anyway. Piledriver eliminates Pogo. Casey is eliminated for tosses Sweetan over the top rope. Tully was on commentary and said somethings about "Soul Brotha". Tape quality went in and out. Sweetan eliminates Sugar while holding the ropes during a pin. Tully interfered before the final fall could be finished. Tiger Conway Jr. is declared the winner by DQ and will face Tully Blanchard for the title.


TO THE BACK. Sweetan and Sweet Brown get into a fight. They get into the ring before the next match can start and continue their fight. Sweet Brown throws some dropkicks and Sweetan bails.

TO THE BACK. Tully talks about his upcoming match with Tiger Conway. Tully says things will be just like they were 100 years ago and that Tiger's kind always steals. Tiger is black.

Some dude I don't know I believe calls out the Sheepherders. Oh shit, this is Bobby Jaggers, who I saw on the WWC show. We're shown clips of Bobby vs Luke. Bobby Sweetan turned on Jaggers, giving Luke the win. Buddy Marino was also involved in the promo. They're bros and Buddy can carry Bobby's stick anytime. What?

The Spoiler vs Buddy Marino

Buddy doesn't look like he's from Mexico. He looks like he's from Greece. Well, this immediately stops and cuts to a different match.

King Kong Bundy vs Mr. Wrestling II

This is from Mid South. Very short match that had a ref bump and interference from Mr. Olympia. Bundy won with a powerslam.


Kind of hard to judge this since it wasn't one show. It was multiple territories and all cut up. The actual SCW parts weren't very interested. I'm much more interested in seeing what was going on with Brody/Mulligan in WCCW. SCW was actually on USA before the WWF was. After a bloody match, they were fined and couldn't keep up with the payments, so Vince offered USA to take over the time slot and Prime Time Wrestling was born.
I'm all for this.

Southern wrasslin' > WWE

Come at me, Vince.

strobogo said:
No idea who the Turk is

You almost had it right - Ali Bey. I've seen a few matches of his from IWE in Japan, as he was often one of Andre's partners on his early tours over there.


Southern Wrasslin is the best. Especially TV wise. Memphis/JCP/Mid Atlantic/CWF. You watch that stuff in 1980-1987 and compare that to the weekly shows the WWF had on. No contest. TNA should have tried to be a real Southern promotion in the style of Memphis instead of an even lower budget and worse dying WCW.

The Turk sucked.
The Turk sucked.

Yeah, he's pretty awkward in the ring. Wiki says his background was as a Turkish oil wrestler.

Also, I realised I posted a match with him in a while back and it's worth a repost because YOUNG ANDRE IS FREAKING AWESOME;

Bootaaay said:
Andre the Giant, Franz van Buyten & Ali Bey vs Rusher Kimura, Teranishi & Thunder Sugiyama - 2/3 Falls - (IWE 05/02/1972)

Oh man, I love early Andre matches and this one is SO much fun. He doesn't get properly involved until six minutes in, but gives a running commentary in French from the apron while looking confused that the crowd aren't responding to his calls for them to clap, only to get enraged when they clap for Teranishi as he takes on Franz van Buyten. Andre even clowns on his own tag partners, flicking the top rope up into Ali Bey's face as he tries to get in the ring. He looks like he's having a great time. Teranishi hits a nice takedown into an arm bar and then Franz deadlifts him out of it, but the crowd are paying attention to Andre, who's comparing his height against the diminutive Ali Bey. Andre finally gets in and there's some wonderful comedy spots with his tag partners that have the crowd rolling. Teranishi is having a rough time of it and desperately wants to make the tag. The commentary starts around 10 minutes in, for some reason. Teranishi finally tags out to Rusher Kimura, who goes to work with some big chops which Andre bumps ridiculously, comically huge from. Later, there's a real cool lucha spot when Teranishi has Bey in a side headlock and van Buyten rushes him, but Teranishi jumps up, locks in a headscissors and takes both men down. Andre tries to get in, but eats a dropkick from Teranishi and does the spot where his arms get tied up in the ropes that he loved so much. After freeing himself, he finally hits some big offence, trading blows with Kimura. They do a ridiculous submission spot on Andre's legs that sees his partners rush in to save him, only to get caught between his legs. So dumb, lol. Franz is getting worked over and keeps trying to flip over the ropes to escape, but Andre keeps tipping him back in the ring. Amazing. The finishing stretch is a bit flat, Ali Bey & Thunder Sugayama have an awkward exchange and the crowd sound tired after 25 minutes, but it's a real fun match nonetheless, 3 clean falls, some good wrestling from Franz, Teranishi & Rusher, plus Andre being ridiculously awesome throughout. Well worth a watch.


Pretty cool doc on the history of wretling in japan


That was a very well-done quickie intro to professional wrestling in Japan. I'm still a novice myself when it comes to knowing about wrestling in Japan, so I feel much more educated after watching that. I wish they would have talked about the big promotions, but looking at pro wrestling at multiple levels of popularity was very nice as well. I wish Canadian and American colleges had a student pro wrestling program like the one they bring up in this documentary.


Hope WWE comes up with a new face soon, really tired of seeing Ortons commercial and showing off his package. I guess it is what Vince wanted, but there is many ways to end the promo without shooting from that angle.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Hope WWE comes up with a new face soon, really tired of seeing Ortons commercial and showing off his package. I guess it is what Vince wanted, but there is many ways to end the promo without shooting from that angle.

Yeah the billboard outside the Amway Arena advertising the houseshow next month has him standing on the turnbuckle and its zoomed in on his junk. Totally not appropriate for an ad like that!




Pro Wrestling USA 10/20/1984

PWUSA was a super promotion made up of the NWA (mostly JCP and Georgia), the AWA, and CWA. It was made to combat the threat of the WWF's sudden national rise, but only lasted about a year before promoters couldn't get along anymore.

TO THE BACK. Jack Reynolds talks with Bob Backlund. He announces Bob as the WWF Champion, which he definitely wasn't. Bob was told that the fans didn't care about him and that he had no future in wrestling. He went home to be a family man. But thankfully, Pro Wrestling USA gave him a chance to come back to wrestling. It was a terrible promo where he mostly just stared in silence.

The Fabulous Ones vs The Nightmares

Terry Funk is on commentary. Stan Lane starts the match. Skinner is in and out smarts both Nightmares. Arm drags and a press slam from Lane. Huge monkey flip from Skinner. Skinner went for another one, but the Nightmare moved and he went hard into the corner. Stan is tagged in and they hit a double back drop. Kick to the head. Stan wins with a quarter nelson roll up.







Billy Graham vs Craig Carson

This was during the period when Superstar dropped the Superstar gimmick and decided to adopt a karate gimmick. Everything that made him famous, he dropped. No tie dye, shaved head, just a mustache, boring ass promos. It was pretty weird. Jimmy Hart is at ringside. I don't think he's with Superstar as General Adnan is Superstar's manager. Superstar easily wins with a full nelson. A fan takes his shirt off to flex at Graham. He comes in the ring and gets his ass kicked. He's obviously a wrestler, but he didn't look familiar. Terry Funk does not like Superstar and is pleading for someone to get Superstar off this kid.

TO THE BACK. Is with AWA Champion Rick Martel. He's looking forward to coming back to Pro Wrestling USA. He's been defending his title all over the world.

Dutch Mantel vs Dory Funk Jr.

This could be really good or really boring. They immediately start some serious grappling. Dory gets a drop toe hold and goes after the arm of Dutch. Dutch comes back with an arm drag of his own and drops some mean elbows on it. Dory uncorks some European uppercuts. Dutch does a cross body and they have a stand off. Not an indie respeck stand off, though. Dutch does a tight headlock that is countered with a back suplex. They do a criss cross spot that ends with Dory doing a stiff forearm to the face. Butterfly suplex from Dory. Vertical suplex from Dutch. He's firing up. Some miscommunications lead to some awkward spots. Hip toss is countered into a back slide. Dory wins! This was pretty enjoyable. Anyone who only knows Dutch from his manager runs in the WWF really missed out. He was a machine. He reminds me a lot of prime Kurt Angle, but in the early 80s. Dutch threw a dropkick after the match and was then thrown to the floor, possibly injuring his knee. He was helped up by referees and Jerry Lawler. I bet these dudes could have a great 45 minute match in Japan.


Tommy Rich joined the announce table and was confronted by Paul Ellering. Tommy decked Paul. The Road Warriors then came out and beat up Tommy. Ellering has to be the most yoked manager of all time.


Keith Eric vs Mr. Saito

Saito squashes Keith. It included a Saito suplex that Keith took on his face. He won with a Scorpion Death Lock.


Rick Martel vs The Spoiler

This is not the most well known Spoiler who trained Taker. This is a non title match. Bockwinkle joined for some commentary. Martell was much bulkier and less cut before his Model days. Martel easily wins with a cross body in a quick match. Spoiler tried to attack after the match and got put in the Quebec Crab.

The Fabulous Ones are interviewed. Stan Lane is wearing white jeans with a shirt that is cropped half way down his chest and most of his shoulders are showing. They don't really say anything.

Tony Atlas/Butch Reed vs The Dirty White Boys

One of these is Tony Anthony, who is best known as TL Hopper: Wrestling Plumber in the WWF. The Tonys start out and Atlas wins the exchanges. Len Denton is tagged in and also is easily handled. Atlas made the pin with a standing splash in a short match.

Dutch/Dory was really fun. The rest were more or less squash matches, which were the norm at the time. Enjoyable show. Despite being a super promotion with the combined money from 4 major companies, it still looked low rent compared to the WWF, which itself didn't have the best of production values in 1984 even with the national expansion.
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