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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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CWA (Memphis) Championship Wrestling 4/11/87

This is actually two shows combined into one. I find it interesting that when TNA first started, they totally ripped off the CWA intro. But they couldn't rip off Thus Spoke Zarathustra that gives way to a FUNK version.

TO THE CONTROL ROOM. Michael St. John gives us a run down of the show. We'll see "Paul Dangerly", which is Paul Heyman. Baby Paul, saying stupid things. Can't wait.

Big Bubba/Goliath vs. Soul Train Jones/Brickhouse Brown

This match is joined in progress.This Big Bubba isn't the Big Boss man, but is actually the Shockmaster/Typhoon/Tug Boat. And he's in a singlet and looks more muscular than he did in the WWF. Not sure who Goliath is. Brown manages to fight back and make a hot tag. Soul Train Jones is Virgil. Downtown Bruno (Harvey Whippleman) causes a DQ. Virgil was jacked. Jesus. I thought he was Tony Atlas at first. Brown is tied up in the ropes as the fat dudes drop multiple leg drops on poor Virgil. They even stomped his balls. This seems like a leaving the territory kind of beat down. Jeff Jarrett and someone made the save, eventually.


Local house show hyping.

TO THE BACK. Lance Russell interviews Big Bubba, Goliath, and Downtown Bruno. Typhoon is muted immediately. I think he was saying he was going to rip Virgil's dick off in a no DQ match.

We're thrown to Las Vegas.

Nick Bockwinkle vs Paul Garner (From AWA on ESPN)

Nick was apparently a face at this time. Garner does some cheap moves and gets in control of the champ. Bock recovers with a drop drown into a drop toe hold and nasty looking calf/knee submission. Garner gets out with a choke. This just fires Bock up. Bock has no problem with fisticuffs. Flying lariatooo from Bock. Bock wins with a weird figure four, which is referred to as an Indian death lock, but I've never seen it applied that way. It looked like a figure four but with Bock's leg pushing down on the knee instead of the ankle of the crossed leg.

Mike throws it to Paul Hale, who is about to talk with new manager, Paul Dangerly.

. Paul Hale talks with Paul Dangerly, the future Paul Dangerously/Heyman. God, he's such a baby. We're shown clips of Lord Humongus beating some scrub. He's suing King and Eddie Marlin. We're shown why. Tommy Rich was injured by King and Bam Bam Big Yellow when they pulled him balls first into the ring post. "Half of Tommy Rich is still better than all of Jerry Lawler". The Dangerous Alliance is coming together! He was so young, but he definitely had that same fire and captivating energy that he'd be known for. He would have been like 22ish I think during this promo.



TO THE CONTROL CENTER. We're again thrown to Lance talking with Big Bubba/Goliath/Bruno.

TO THE LANCE. He talks with the Downtown Connection. Typhoon does an impression that some might consider racist today. He then says that there isn't a brotha or sista that can stay in the ring with him. Rocky Johnson and Virgil come out of nowhere with boards and knock the shit out of them. It heads into the ring. Typhoon is busted open. Lance then got a few words with Rocky and Virgil. No more wrasslin. They're getting down from now on. No man has to take the things that have been said to Virgil, because this is the 80s. I assume there were some racial slurs thrown at Virgil.



TO THE CONTROL CENTER. Mike sends us to the Jackson Colosseum

Mr. Helo vs Brickhouse Brown

Also JIP. Helo is Hiromichi Fuyuki, who you may recognize from Japanese deathmatch promotions and the AKI WCW games. He was also part of Footloose with baby Kawada in AJPW. Brown is able to fight back and send Helo out of the ring. He fires up with a fist drop and missile dropick. Brown pays too much attention to the manager and gets hit with a lariatoooo. Helo wins with a handful of tights, but he didn't need it as Brown was out.


We're told about how wild the action we are about to see is. Downtown Bruno has placed a $5K bounty on the mask of the BT Express.

Jeff Jarrett/BT Express/Paul Diamond vs. Pat Tanaka/Shima/Mr. Helo

Also JIP. Jeff is so small. Tanaka and Diamond of course teamed for years in the AWA and the WWF. Shima is Akio Sato, who would be in the original Orient Express in the WWF and would show back up as Hakushi's manager. I'm not sure who the BT Express is. Jeff is knocked to the floor and pounded on. Back in the ring, Jeff continues to be the FIP. He's busted open and getting the shit knocked out of him. He's so young. He would have been about 20 in this match, but he's really solid for someone that young. He makes a hot tag to the BT Express. Vader Bomb elbow. Shima is fucking mean with his stomps. Tanaka tries to get the mask off. Hard chop. BT takes an awesome Jannetty bump. Tremendous. BT looked for a tag, but Diamond dropped off the apron to help Jarrett. This has happened twice now. Diamond does it again. Looks like the fix is in. Jeff can't take any more of the beat down and jumps back in the ring to fire up on the heels. Paul Diamond nails Jarrett! SWERVE! The match is thrown out and Diamond goes after the mask. Someone comes down for the save and is also attacked. The mask is off! It's Billy Travis. I don't know who that is, but he's pretty good. Paul Diamond just wants the money. Bruno tries to welch on the bounty. Tanaka and Diamond get into a fight over the money. Diamond hits him and runs off. The brawl continues in the ring. Fun stuff.




Lance gives us a run down of an upcoming arena show. Jeff Jarrett vs Pat Tanaka in a No DQ match with the winner facing Paul Diamond. Double J is brought in for an interview. Jeff's voice is great. Part of it is just the tape, but he's also 20. He's going to be on Paul's back all night.


Then we go back to the aftermath of the previous match, with Jeff throwing a fit and throwing the format away to brawl with Paul Diamond. Pat Tanaka comes back to fight with Jeff, but then goes after Diamond. Paul runs out of the studio as Jeff and Tanaka argue by the announce table. The promoter (maybe) comes out to calm it down. The match we were just told about is booked. Tanaka, despite being the evil foreigner, speaks with much less of an accent than Double J.

TO THE CONTROL CENTER. The first show ends and the second begins.

Lance and Dave Brown welcome us to the show. This is actually the matches from the previous show. I'm not really sure how territory TV schedules worked. But apparently there were different shows for different markets and one was a highlight show, and one was the actual studio show. I'm not really sure how it worked, but the second show was actually just the first show without the control center segments or the AWA match.

Man, Memphis was fun. This wasn't anywhere near prime Memphis, but it was a really enjoyable show and I'd like to see the big arena event that this was building to. Baby Paul Heyman and Baby Jeff Jarrett were interesting. Seeing Typhoon and Virgil under completely different circumstances was also interesting. Typhoon was a pretty good promo. I've always enjoyed Lance Russell. Just a good random territory days TV show.


This semi project is way better than watching full years of something. Wrestling spirit is returning. I would love to watch a full year of Memphis, though. I don't think it is easy to find and I'm not sure the big events really ever got aired on TV except in clips. I'm thinking maybe a WCCW show next. Or Stampede.


Kevin Steen is looking good.

Lol. Virgil was not joking with that board.


Stampede Wrestling 5/78

Stampede has interesting opening credits, which are done almost movie form, listing the promoter/host/producer with comic kind of plates.

Allo Lelani/Gama Singh vs Sandor Novak/John Foley

This is JIP. I'm a little confused at who is who since it seems like 3 guys have been called by the same name. Lelani is the only guy I am sure of because he's the jacked up "Islander" type. Novak is a big fat white guy with long hair. John Foley looks like an old guy who you can find in any local bar. I'm not really sure who is face or heel here, but I do know that the Stampede ring looks miserable to bump on. It might as well be a boxing ring. Foley throws Singh to the floor. Foley is also a manager it seems. Weird double clothesline/should block thing that Foley wasn't prepared to do. Ed Whalen has no problems with silence. Hot tag to Lelani. Big head butt to Novak. One more and a standing splash gives Singh/Lelani the win.


TO THE ED. Ed talked with Foley and his man, Casavuvu (?). Foley's British accent is nearly unintelligible. He will be in a shark cage in a title match due to his constant interference.

Keith Hart vs The General

Keith always had that creepy mustache. At least it fit in the 70s. They trade punches. They get into the corner and General goes in the ropes to beg off. Back body drop from Keith. Keith controls on the mat and a dropkick sends the General to the floor. Back in the hardway, followed by a Perfect neck snap. This is very, very dry. The actual finish wasn't even shown on TV. We were told about it when they came back.

TO THE ED. Ed talked with Keith and his tag team partner, Hubert something. They will defend their titles against the Osbourne Brothers next week. Hubert will face Sakahara (?) in what I think is an I Quit match. You know how Canadians say they don't have an accent? That's bullshit. Patty Ryan, their manager, also talked about putting his sleeper on big guys in the territory.

The Dynamite Kid vs Norman Frederick Charles III

Dynamite is TINY. This is well before he got on steroids. He would have been about 20 here. He does a lot of Euro styled stuff, which makes sense because he was fresh off the boat, so to speak. Thumb to the throat. Eye rake. It heads to the floor and Charles is posted. Dynamite's nose is bleeding. He does some European uppercuts. A monkey flip is blocked and he's back on defense. Kid wins with a roll up OUTTA NOWHERE.


. Ed talked with the Kid after the match. I can't understand a word Dynamite is saying. That accent is THICK.

Hubert Gallant vs Mr. Sakahara Taped Fist Match

I might be getting names wrong. It sounds like "Sakahara", "Sakuraba", "Sakurata" have been used. This starts about 8 minutes in. This is very boring. The whole show is. It's extremely dry. I wish I could have found a show with Bret or Owen. Even Ed is bored, audibly sighing. Sakurata/raba/hara wins. This is actually Kendo Nagasaki. He challenged the champion for a match.

Leo Burke vs Cassaboovoo(?)

John Foley is in a cage. Sound gets really bad, some of the tape itself is cut or scratch. Leo won with a sunset flip.

Very dry. Not interesting at all. I would have liked to have seen some mid 80s Stampede, but two shows from 1978 were all I could find.


Listening to Wrestling Observer Live right now. Apparently Batista wants one more run, so it might be more than just Wrestlemania.

Son Of D

Listening to Wrestling Observer Live right now. Apparently Batista wants one more run, so it might be more than just Wrestlemania.

I feel it'll be from the Rumble to rather Summerslam or Mania 31. Give him a high profile match with Brock or someone else at Mania 30, then have him feud with someone else for a while. Probably give put Reigns over, which will fit in with the big plans they have for him. Then finally give him another high profile feud to end the run at Mania 31 (in a perfect world he'll put Cesaro over at Mania 31, paving a way for a main event run).

Hopefully they don't just dump him in a feud with Ryback.


Is this basically CZWfans 2.0?

The real question that needs to be asked: Does Rob Naylor post there?

Stampede looks dull as hell. What's the dullest territory show you've seen? Gotta be the Maple Leaf Wrestling version of WWF for me. So boring.

Yeah, pretty much.

Stampede for me personally, but if promotions match their areas, it makes sense that the Canadian territory is dry, bland, and dull.


I would play a Metal Gear game starring Vince McMahon. No sneaking, grapefruit swagger, yelling "I'm Vince McMahon, dammit" at whatever weird ass enemies they had.


I would play a Metal Gear game starring Vince McMahon. No sneaking, grapefruit swagger, yelling "I'm Vince McMahon, dammit" at whatever weird ass enemies they had.

hopefully someone mods this into one of the old pc metal gears, or mgsv(assuming its gonna be on pc)


hopefully someone mods this into one of the old pc metal gears, or mgsv(assuming its gonna be on pc)

MGR is coming out on PC. Rising is a better fit for Vince anyway.


Continental Championship Wrestling 6/28/86

CCW was based in the Alabama/Florida/Tennessee area. It was owned by the Fuller family going all the way back to the 50s. A lot of people who were mainstays in the area were also big in the Memphis/Florida/JCP areas. It was known as South Eastern Championship Wrestling for quite a while, but the name was changed to Continental in an attempt to go national. It didn't really go national and stayed in the same area anyway.

. Gordon Solie talks about the upcoming show and interviews Wildcat Wendell Cooley, who had his title belt stolen by Adrian Street. We're shown clips from the match. Street won a non-title match by cheating and then stole the belt. Wildcat wants his dang belt! Gordon says he will get it back by the end of the hour.

The Bullet vs El Fuego

The Bullet, or course, being Bob Armstrong's alternate gimmick. El Fuego is a big fat dude in a lucha outfit. The Bullet is clearly Bob Armstrong with a mask. I think he hid it even less than Mr. America. A punch levels Fuego in the corner. Fuego gets some kind of international object while the ref is distracted. Headbutt puts the Bullet down. Knee drop. He misses a second knee drop. Bullet attempts to remove Fuego's mask. Before he can, another masked man runs in and attacks Bullet. Bullet knocks him away and goes back for the mask. Bullet and the other masked man brawl back to the ring. Sleeper! Fuego waddles back out and throws a fireball at Bullet! Opening up strong with a fire ball angle. I think it was Scott Armstrong who made the save for this masked man who moves an awful lot like his father. Bullet is declared the winner.



. Gordon talks with the Bullet. El Fuego is out of the territory and Dutch Mantell is filling his spot in a cage match with the Bullet. I'd like to see that.

TO THE DEAN. Gordon talks with Jerry Stubbs. He is going to put Frankie Lancaster out of commission. We're shown a clip of Jerry giving Frankie a brainbustaaaah on the concrete. Everyone looks black dude to tape quality, but they aren't. Brad Armstrong made the save, so Stubbs is going to get rid of the Armstrongs as well.


Brad Armstrong vs Jerry Stubbs Continental Heavyweight Championship

Jerry is also known as Mr. Perfect. Stubbs was Mr. Olympia in Mid South. Brad gets to the early lead with arm drags. Brad has the speed and youth advantage. Stubbs slaps on a side headlock, taking a cheap shot while doing it. The ref warns him. Stubbs is the king shit of stalling. Brad fires up but is cut off by getting thrown to the floor. Brad is suddenly covered in blood. Series of headbutts from the champ. Diving lariatooo. Frankie Lancaster came out to distract the champ. Roll up. New champion! Stubbs then beats the shit out of Lancaster until Brad runs him off with a chair.

TO THE DEAN. Gordon talks with the new champ and Frankie Lancaster. Stubbs was interviewed in the ring and has a no DQ match coming up. He's going to hurt some people.

Basically, this is a studio show, but done in an arena to give off the impression that they're big time.

Mike Fever vs White Lightning Tim Horner

This is just a showcase for Horner. Tim Horner wrestled for the JCP/WCW and would co-found SMW with Jim Cornette. He also worked as an agent for WWE. Nothing of note. Horner won with an O'Connor Roll.

Gordon does an ad for Jim Walter, a local builder.


TO THE DEAN. The Wildcat is back. Adrian Street is in the ring. Street beat the champ and feels the belt belongs to him. Adrian Street, doing Gorgeous George to the extreme, implies that Cooley is gay or that women don't like him. Street will not get another title shot unless Miss Linda is banned from ringside. Tim Horner also said something to someone.

Robert Fuller/Jimmy Golden vs Tommy Rich/Steve Armstrong South Eastern Tag Team Championships

If Fuller/Golden don't regain the titles tonight, they'll break up forever. Col. Robert Parker and Bunkhouse motherfucking Buck! They are right into a four way melee. Rich and Bunk start out. Armstrong tags in and hits a double suplay. Fuller is tagged in. Arm drag and a drop kick. Dr. Tom Prichard is also at ringside. Fuller tags out. Double dropkick to Buck. Flying knee drop to Buck. He misses the second one. Some got dang cheating from those heels. Hot tag to Steve. He has the sleeper applied. It is broken up. Dr. Tom trips Steve. The Intern fights with Dr. Tom. It breaks down in the ring. Armstrong has a sleeper on again. Fuller kicks Steve, sending him to his back, but the hold was still applied. Golden gets the pin. New champions!

TO THE DEAN. Gordon talks with the new champs and Dr. Tom. We then get a talk with The Intern. Dr. Tom is a BOGUS doctor!

. Miss Linda brings Cooley a present. Inside was the belt, with the strap having been painted pink. This made Cooley go insane. LOL Gordon says "Bobbbb uhh, The Bullet".

Eh, I don't know about this. Didn't really capture my attention at all. Seemed like it was probably a big show with two title changes and a fire ball, but it was no Memphis.


The real question that needs to be asked: Does Rob Naylor post there?

Stampede for me personally, but if promotions match their areas, it makes sense that the Canadian territory is dry, bland, and dull.

Fuck you. Imma break a lumberjack axe off on your ass and slap you in the face with a beaver tail.
O Canada!

Our home and native land!

True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
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