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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
have you ever noticed that the Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks sound the same every week?
Batista? Whoa.




All Japan Women Dream Slam 1 4/2/1993

This is the first joshi show I've ever watched, so please pardon my ignorance. My only knowledge of joshi workers are from ones who showed up in WWE/WCW and Fire Pro games.

This show starts with footage of the ring being set up and the women arrives on tour buses. Then we get the opening ceremonies.

Hikari Fukuoka/Plum Markito vs Karoru Ito/Sakie Hasegawa

Ito/Hase start out with dropkicks and ass bumps. Fukuka does an abdominal stretch and tags out to Plum. I know who Plum is, but not the other women. This show is going to be really confusing on names and who is who. Plum tags back out and Hikari is dropkicked repeatedly. Pumphandle slam. Butterfly suplex. Hikari dodges a corner lariatoo and does a bulldog. Plum is back in with a dropkick and back suplex. Rolling kneebar. She does some slaps while applying the hold, which is now almost a Nagata lock. Tag to Hikari. Peter Pan reverses for a moment, but is back into a leg lock. She eventually gets to the ropes. Plum is back in and hits a missile dropkick. Purple Lady hits a bulldog. Plum locks her in an abdominal stretch variant. Dragon sleeper is escaped and Purple Lady is in control. Gedo Clutch, which is then turned into a regular camel clutch. Cattle mutilation! Flying ass bump from Peter Pan to Plum. Twice. Whisper in the wind splash from Peter Pan. She beings working over the leg. Boston crab. These women are no joke. After really only being exposed to WWE women wrestling, this is already pretty crazy. Rolling butterfly suplexes from Purple Lady. 5 of them. Plum fires up with a big forearm and then it goes back to the mat. Plum Boston crab. It is turned into a a half crab. Purple Lady gets out and is caught in a few spinning head scissors. Peter Pan is back in. Leg Lariatoooo by Plum. Then another which is more of a senton Thesz Press. She tags out. Partner accidentally dropkicks Plum. It didn't really matter as Plum did a rana seconds later. Moonsault from partner. The pin is broken up by Peter Pan. Purple Lady is bleeding from the eye. Peter Pan misses a top rope double stomp. We're out to the floor. She hits one off the apron. Peter Pan hits the top rope double stomp. 2 count! Second rope powerslam from partner gets a 2 count. Plum is back in. Cross body is countered with a fall away slam. Powerbomb from Peter Pan. Another double stomp. Then a few more. 2 count. These dames are legit. Spin kicks from Purple Lady. Uranagi. Plum gets the win with a super rana. This was the opening match and definitely better than any WWE/WCW female match I've ever seen.


TO THE BACK. The winners are interviewed. The losers are shown walking in the back. They also give a short interview. Elsewhere, we get an interview with Terri Powers and Sakechi Nobue and then Eriko Tsuchiy and Yoshika Maedomari. Both were very short.

Eriko Tsuchiya/Yoshika Maedomari vs Sakechi Nobue/Terri Powers

Terri Powers is better known to US fans as the WWF's Tori. Maedomari is better known as Crusher and is from FMW, as is her partner. Torrie has an injured arm going into this. The FMW women attack before the bell. They go right to work on Tori's arm. Seems like they are the heels. Tori hits some lariatoos with her good arm and tags out. Sak doesn't last long as she's put in a choke repeatedly by Eriko. She comes back with some shoulder blocks. Double big boot. Superfly Splash from Sak. She attempts a super sunset flip, which doesn't work, then tags out. Crusher comes in and goes to work on Tori's bad arm. Tori is no joke with her slap and chops. Tori tags out. Crusher hits a few shoulder blocks on Sak. The first big spot of the match is an Alley Oop from Eriko to Sak. Fucking Big Show, stealing everything from everyone. Crusher comes in and does a modified butterfly suplex. Sak is right back into it with lariatooos and bulldogs. Backdrop from Crusher. 2 Count. Second rope Hart Attack from the heels. Eriko hits a powerbomb for the win.


The winners and losers give short interviews. Then some other women are interviewed, which I assume are in the next match.

Esther Moreno/KAORU vs Mima Shimoda/Tomoka Watanabe

No clue who is who. I think Esther and KAORU are the masked women from EMLL, but one of the Japanese women is also masked. The EMLL women start out with arm drags and feint dives. Makes sense to me. KAO starts with Japanese Masked woman. Repeated seated sentons. Tags are made. Esther is lariatoooed. She comes back with some lucha arm drag shit and gets booted for it. Spinning head scissors. Cannon ball off the apron, then a seated senton off the apron from the lucha women. Masked woman apples a pretty rough arm bar to KAO . Muta Lock with a Fujiwara arm bar. Then a Dragon sleeper is added to the hold. Esther breaks it up. Judo throw from Masked. Then another. Perfect Plex gets a 2 count. Cross body from non masked. She seems really mean. KAO plays FIP for a while. Dragon Clutch. KAO and non masked head to the floor. KAO is suplexed on the floor. Back in the ring, we have a Romero Special. KAO is double teamed and plays FIP. She fights back and hits a moonsault. Non Masked is really mean. Hard suplex on the floor. I wish I could do a better job, but I really don't know who is who. KAO is hit with a German suplex. Tags are made. Flying prawn hold. It's reversed into a roll up. I've always wondered why WWE women don't do body slams like joshi women. It seems way easier and looks much better. There was a 4 way submission. Lucha women do stereo missile dropkicks and moonsaults to the floor. KAO accidental hits her partner and misses a moonsault. She hits a rana and nearly wins. She wins shortly after with a La Magistral.


TO THE BACK. Interviews with the winners and losers. Then interviews with the upcoming combatants.

Miki Hands/Rumi Kazama vs Etsuka MIta/Minami Suzuka

It's even harder to figure out who is who in this since there are no masks and 3 of the 4 are in very similar outfits. Some leg work by Green Lady. Piledriver from Red and Black. Hair whips. Cross body to Green Lady. Butterfly suplex. This review is probably going to suck. It isn't because the women aren't good, but it is because I have no idea who is who. Green Lady hits a tiltawhirl back breaker. Her partner does an airplane spin slam and suplex. Widow Maker. Here's what I've gleaned from joshi: Lots of screaming, lots of Boston crabs, and lots of butterfly suplexes. Butterfly backbreaker. FUCK YOU JERICHO. Blue and Black works a gross Fujiwara arm bar. Green Lady gets beat up for a while, but I don't know if she is FIP or not. Super electric chair. Too bad the camera angle mostly missed the bump. Figure four spot. It's reversed. Handa/Kazama eventually won. Four long tag team matches in a row really blur together.



TO THE BACK. Interviews with winners and losers.

Bat Yoshinga vs Susan Howard WWWA Martial Arts Championship

Finally, a singles match. However, it appears to to be under kickboxing rules and has rounds. I'm not sure if t his is a shoot or not. I hope it is a shoot, because this first round is too boring to be worked. Round 1 is done. Round 2 is not any better. I've been to an actual Muay Thai class and I've seen real fights. I've seen K1. This is basically a Tough Man fight, but with kicks and women. Round 2 is over. Round 3 ends. I'm going to assume this is a shoot title because Susan's leg is deeply bruised from all the kicks to it. Round 4 begins. I hope something happens soon. Nothing happens. Round 5. It went to decision, with Bat winning and retaining her title. Boring as can be.

TO THE BACK. Interviews with the winner and loser.

A number of I assume former stars are out for a HOF like celebration.

Devil Masami vs Chigusa Nagayo

These women seem like they really want to fuck each other up before the bell even rings. This is the first real singles match of the show. They start right away with Nag hitting a belly to belly and then an Indie respeck stand off. Test of strength. Nag gets the better of it with a suplex, but Devil then turns it into a bow and arrow. Her name is Devil, so she better be mean as fuck in this match. She doesn't look like her name should be Devil. Big suplex from the Devil. Tiltawhirl back breaker. Nag no sells a few lariatooos and Devil no sells one as well. Then a double clothesline. Devil bails and Nag hits a cross body from the apron. Series of kicks from Nag. Sharpshooter. Nag transitions into a Romero Special. My cousin tried to do that to me once. It didn't work out and fucking hurt. Devil gets back into things with a German suplex. I've yet to see why she had the name Devil. GET MEAN! Weird drop down spot from Nag. It was definitely a miscommunication. Devil misses a top rope flip. Nag starts kicking the shit out of Devil. Top rope plancha. Powerbomb on the floor. SUCK IT, VADER! German suplexes are traded in the ring. Nak misses a top rope elbow. She hits a DDT. She's caught on the ropes. Devil hits a powerbomb. 2 count. Another powerbomb. Another 2 count. A 3rd powerbomb. A 3rd 2 count. Top rope Northern lights from Devil. That was enough to get the win.



Interviews with the winners and losers. Then a promo from the women in the next match.

Kyoko Inoue/Takako Inoue vs Cutie Suzuki/Mayumi Ozaki

Red and Blue have some serious slaps. Red hits some dropkicks and Kyoko is tagged in. She's legit. Giant swing! I lost count, but it went on for over a minute. She follows it up with a running torture rack slam. Gold comes back with a German suplex. Red is tagged in. DDT. Dragon clutch. Then a Dragon sleeper. They do some lucha stuff until the Inoues start getting rough with submissions. Bridging explodaah. Top rope arm drags. I feel like all the women on this show have the same war crate, and many are dressed similarly. And there is so much screaming. It heads to the floor with double dives. We get a series of top rope double stomps that look like they get progressively more painful. Another German suplex and a moonsault. Rana is countered into a powerbomb. Kyo tags out. Blue does a back drop drivaaah and goes back to the knee bar. Red hits I believe a Tiger Suplex '85. 2 count. Top rope elbow from Ky. Red repeatedly counters her powerbomb. She eventually hits it and the pin is broken up. The Inoues win with a powerbomb/sledgehammer combo. Meltzer gave this 5 stars. It was good, but I don't know.



TO THE BACK. Winners and losers are interviewed. Then the women from the next match.

Bull Nakano/Aja Kong vs Eagle Sawai/Harley Saito

Oh shit. Things are about to get RULL. Someone is going to get hit hard as fuck. I hope. Aja and Eagle start out. Eagle has the fighting spirit and keeps running into Aja. She eventually hits a back suplex. Aja does one of her own and tags are made. I always thought Bull was hot. She was quite a bit smaller here than she was during her US runs. Eagle runs through Aja! Didn't work the second time. Aja does some throat based offense for a while. Tag to Harley. She's much smaller than Eagle and I expect her to the be the one to get fucked up. She hits a series of enziguris, taking Aja down a few times. Aja got sick of it and kicked her in the spine. Eagle does a butterfly backbreaker. Bull gets her nunchucks out and both women use them. Double shoulder block. DDT. These tin boxes are used as weapons for a bit. Aja piledriver. Eagle hits a stiff Northern lariatooo and a German suplex. Tags are made. Double Flapjack Norton to Bull. Suicide dive from Aja! Bull does one as well. Doomsday Backdrop Drivaaah. Reverse DDT from Bull. Bull is powerbombed, but kicks out. SPINNING BACK FIST! It was more like a forearm, but it looked like it hurt. Then another, even stiffer one. Guillotine leg drop from Bull. Eagle breaks the pin. Bull then hits a corkscrew version for the win. Bull gave Harley her nunchucks after the match.



TO THE BACK. Interviews with the winners and losers.

Dynamite Kansai vs Yumiko Nagasawa

Code of honor is followed. they take turns doing leg sweeps. Dynamite goes HAM with grounded kicks. Yuki replies with a back drop drivaaah. Kind of a shoot style flavor to this. Yumi fires back with some fucking rude kicks. Head kicks rock Dynamite. This is awkward. I can't tell if this is supposed to be a straight match or a kick boxing thing. They are throwing brutal kicks like it is a shoot and they're doing 10 count spots. Piledriver. Another. Sharpshooter. Another piledriver. Dynamite misses a splash but connects with a lariatoooo. Yumi hits some nasty kicks and then a tiger driver. Straight jacket German superplex. Powerbomb. Dynamite wins with a BT Bomb. This was stiff as fuck.




TO THE BACK. Interviews with the winner and loser.

Akira Hokuto vs Shinobu Kandori

I'm ready for some Akira beat down. Akira immediately slaps Kandori and starts shit talking. Kandori gets up and does an arm bar that apparently popped the shoulder of socket. It has to be popped back in on the floor. It goes back to slapping the shit out of each other. Akira does some knee strikes, the last of which was turned into an Achilles lock. Akira avoids arm submissions as best she can. It goes to the floor and then to the announce table, where Kandori hits a tombstone. Akira is bleeding. She gets fired up and takes it into the crowd. Now Kandori is also bleeding. Akira starts trying to kick heads off. This is sloppy as fuck. It also has a ton of down time. Kandori gets a chicken wing locked out, but Akira gets to the ropes. Piledriver. Heel kick to the face. Kandori comes back with a DDT and triangle. Rope break. Superfly splash. Kandori gets her knees up on the second one and hits a huge powerbomb. She goes up and misses a cross body. Dragon suplex gets a 2 count. More powerbombs. Hilo to the floor. Akira follows it up with a missile dropkick to the floor. Back to arm work. Northern lights bombbbaaaa! Akira wins with a knock out punch/forearm. Meltzer gave this 5 stars. I don't see it, but there was definitely something lost in translation. I thought it was very sloppy and full of large gaps of down time with nothing at all happening, but the crowd was super into it and it got a standing ovation.




Manami Toyota/Yamada vs Kudo/Combat Toyota

Kudo punches the shit out of Yamada and then Combat does the same. Manami is tagged in and fires up on Combat only to get put in her place. I'm ready for this show to end. It's over 5 hours long. I can only see tag matches with all the same moves being done repeatedly so many time. This show has actually taken me around 24 hours to get through. There were a lot of gross neck bumps and Toyota/Yamada won.




Too draining for me. Show was so long and most of the matches were extremely similar. No exaggeration, there were probably upwards of 50 back suplexes and dropkicks on the show. The Inoues tag match was by far my favorite match. If I revisit joshi, it probably won't be a big super show full of long tag matches that are exactly the same.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
It makes sense. They started wailing on Langston after breaking up the pin, which would go beyond the standard "break the pinfall" interference.

The ref should've kicked out the illegal men as stated in chapter 7 article 4 of the WWE referee handbook.

This ref calls for a DQ for breaking up the count, but he's totally ok with 6 guys in the ring giving each other their finishers.


I don't understand how Goldust can be this good at this point in his career. He's making people look lazy.


He was pretty damn good during his WWECW run as well.

Definitely. This run is really a continuation of that one. Much like now, he was doing Dustin Rhodes in the paint and it was great because Dustin Rhodes was excellent. I really feel like had he continued on the path he on before Hogan went to WCW, he would be considered one of the GOATs. He (and Austin) were definitely going to be the next anchors of WCW.

The closest he ever got to really combining Dustin and Goldy was during Book Dust.
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