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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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All I want from WM30 is for D Bry to finally get the title, not get screwed over, and for me to be able to cry along with 80,000+ other people in the superdome lol. Guess that isn't happening :(

Punk or Roman Reigns vs. HHH could be fun. Punk promos leading up to mania would be better for Raw, but maybe Reigns can hold his own with some promos idk.

I would think that a Cena vs Wyatt match would be a no DQ match. I can't see a regular match between the two being slightly fun for me. I haven't really seen Wyatt do single matches (I started watching NXT right when he was on his way out)

They clearly want to push their homegrown guys at this mania. Maybe it'll surprise us. I'm being VERY optimistic because I already have a mania ticket and Raw after mania ticket lol


All I want from WM30 is for D Bry to finally get the title, not get screwed over, and for me to be able to cry along with 80,000+ other people in the superdome lol. Guess that isn't happening :(



From the latest issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter:

He had always stated he was up for a last run and had nixed any approaches by TNA, telling people if he was going to come back, it would be only in WWE.

While this could change, right now they have a Batista vs. Orton match scheduled for WrestleMania. He’s actually been on the books to be at Mania this year for a few months, probably dating back to around the period the first rumors came out that he denied, about coming back.

Batista is expected to be in the Royal Rumble. If Orton ends up as the champion at Mania, then the original plan was likely for Batista to win the Rumble. If Orton loses the title, then the plan was likely for whoever gets the shot at the new champion to be the guy who takes the Rumble.

HHH vs. C.M. Punk is now on the books for Mania as the climax of The Authority angle. Roman Reigns is a back-up plan for HHH’s opponent, but there was a Langston vs. Reigns singles match tease on TV this week, and I don’t see that taking place at the Rumble because that would seem way too soon, and the Elimination Chamber is a multiple-person main event. Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar is also still on the books for WrestleMania.

With all the top guys seemingly taken, that would still seem that Cena is in for something to do with Hogan in some form, since Cena should be involved if they do a Hogan final deal type of show. As of last week, Cena vs. Bray Wyatt, believe it or not, was the main event planned for the show. Vince McMahon stated to the writers and producers that “Cena is the main event until his time is clearly up. That man feeds us!”

That one I could see changing because it would require them to have confidence Wyatt has gotten over to that level, and right now that’s going to be tough. It’s great positioning for Wyatt when it comes to establishing him as a long-term top guy, although Miz was in a similar position in one of the biggest Manias of all-time, and look at how that ended up.

The booking is based on the idea Hogan won’t be able to do a match or pass the medicals. That still leaves a Bryan vs. Michaels spot open (as noted, everyone internally is being told Michaels will not work another match, as are friends of Michaels, but even so I wouldn’t reject that possibility 100%) as well as a lot of other guys not accounted for. Sheamus doing a heel turn could be a backup plan for Cena if they don’t think Wyatt is ready for that spot, but that would be tough to put as the main event. It’s a match that was done for months straight and as a main event program, and while it’s foolish to think that Mania has to be all new matches, Cena vs. Sheamus doesn’t feel like a Mania main event. Sheamus’ shoulder hasn’t recovered yet, which may cut into the time to get him over enough to be in that position, if that can even be done at this point, unless there was a great idea to heat him up.

Ryback vs. Goldberg would take place if they can make a Goldberg deal, and, as noted last week, Goldberg is driving a hard bargain. To me, if Michaels, Hogan and Batista are involved, there’s zero point this year for Goldberg being involved given the cost and not being positioned strongly enough to where it’ll make a business difference. If Michaels and Hogan aren’t involved, the dynamic changes, but a Goldberg return should be high enough on the featured this to make it worth the expense. All the chants may sound like people want it, but it becomes overkill on outsiders. Plus, it’s one thing if Ryback has been booked super strong and it would be a big match.

At this point, the only logical result of Goldberg vs. Ryback is Goldberg winning in two minutes with a spear and jackhammer, which is booking for a pop as it means nothing soap opera-wise or going forward and will be nothing more than a moment in the middle of the big show.

Ryback has lost far too often to mid-level WWE guys, so Goldberg putting him over would both be difficult to get Goldberg to agree to (in the sense it would take a lot of money), and would accomplish nothing since Ryback’s been positioned the way he has. Goldberg winning in two minutes may get a quick nostalgia pop, but you can do that next year. Perhaps if there’s no Hogan nor Michaels involved, the dynamic would be different, but the way things look, why spend that kind of money for something that’s six matches deep in a 10 or so match card?

One match that was earmarked for the show, Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust, to me would be a big mistake. The two wanted to do the match last year, and even had an angle put in place to start it, but Vince McMahon vetoed it. This year, the tag team was originally set to lead to a split and a match at Mania. The problem is, the two have ended up forming a good team and not only is it way too early to split them, I think splitting them and feuding wouldn’t work now, and may never work. Real brothers feuding only works when there is a story with real meat and believability to it (Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart). When it’s done when there’s no real good reason that people can buy (Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, and no, nobody believed Matt set fire to Jeff’s house and killed his dog) you can spend months building up a cartoon feud and the people will crap all over it. Plus, both have far more upsides together than either would separate for the time being, and for Goldust, it’s a career saver because once they split, no matter how good a worker he is, they aren’t going to push him as a single at his age.

WWE shipped 275,000 DVD or Blu Ray orders in September, 2012. In 2013, that number was 303,000. As we’ve noted in the past, it’s a stat used, but it’s relatively meaningless.

As of the end of November, the five most shipped DVDs this year have been WrestleMania (174,000), Best of Nitro Volume 2 (121,000), Bill Goldberg (86,000), War Games (80,000), 25 Greatest Rivalries (64,000) and For All Mankind (59,000). Actual sales of late have hovered around the 60% mark of total shipments. For a comparison, the top five at the same date last year were Mania (236,000), The Rock (150,000), C.M. Punk (114,000), Undertaker (102,000),Greatest Superstars of WrestleMania (96,000), NWO Revolution (94,000) and Royal Rumble (89,000). So there was more interest in the WWE’s DVDs a year ago, and granted it’s bigger name releases, but Mania is still the same Mania and it’s down 26% year-over-year. The DVD market is declining, but not at that level. Rumble would be down even more since that list shows it didn’t even crack 59,000 this year for shipments which probably means less than 35,000 for actual sales, and that’s a DVD of a show headlined by Rock vs. Punk that did better on PPV than any non-Mania show in five years.

For what it’s worth, at a recent meeting, Vince McMahon said there are no more babyfaces and heels. Vince has for years pushed no strong delineation because of the belief that in real life, nobody is completely good or completely bad. Nevertheless, they still book characters as heels or faces and do turns and such, and the characters who go back-and-forth like Miz end up being deader by the week.

The company has upgraded its television in Japan and will be going live there for the first time starting with he new year. Japan had gotten the shows on a several week delay, since PPVs would air three to four weeks later so they would coincide with television. Starting with the 1/6 Raw show, it will air live in J Sports in Japan. Live in Japan in Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. Smackdown starts on 1/4 in a Friday night from midnight to 2 a.m. time slot, meaning the show will air the same time in the U.K., Australia and Japan, which is ten hours earlier than on the East Coast of the U.S. and 13 hours earlier than on the West Coast. The PPVs will be airing on Tuesdays. There is an issue there because the Raw show airing live the day after Raw, which will show PPV highlights, will air before the PPV itself, which kind of makes buying a PPV kind of ridiculous. J Sports said they were trying to reduce the workload on their staff with all the editing they used to do for a Japanese show. Instead of airing with Japanese announcing, it will air in English the Japanese subtitles. According to those in Japan, they felt the country was behind the times in airing all WWE programming on such a long delay. It was one thing years ago to do so, but not in this day and age.

The reason Layla El, 36, hasn’t been appearing on the anti-Total Divas team is because she is not medically cleared to perform. There are no details as to whether this is an injury or another reason, nor is there an estimated date listed for a return.

They are going to be producing an Ultimate Warrior DVD this year. The whole Hall of Fame deal was based around Warrior wanted an apology for the DVD they did of him years back where they buried him. A public apology would be tough. Not impossible, but I can’t recall Vince ever publicly apologizing to talent. So maybe a new DVD where they put him over like crazy could be the compromise. I know there was talk of him as the main eventer for this year’s Hall of Fame.

Steve Austin has no contractual ties to the promotion right now. That also means he can’t use the Stone Cold name, which WWE owns, although he has the rights to the Steve Austin name, which is now his legal name, as part of an agreement with WWE.


I enjoy Ryback getting buried as much as the next guy, but there really is no need to bring Goldberg in to do it, he'll add literally nothing


I had a WCW dream. It was a PPV held at a camp ground. The only matches I remember were Bam Bam vs Sandman, which had Sandman throw a dropkick at the camera man on a trail, and Piper vs Buff, which had a finish of Buff trying to light a bag of sparklers to throw at Piper only for it to blow up in his face (but only 2 or 3 actually lit up and it looked like shit).


Went to Wal-Mart tonight and they had a huge selection of WWE DVDs on sale for $5 each. Shawn vs. Bret, Heart and Soul doc, Brian Pillman doc, Rey doc, Big Shoe doc, BATISTA doc and many many more that I can't remember. I'll go back tomorrow or Saturday and take a pic, try to get some more insight in which ones to pick up.

I did pick up this little gem though and am about to watch it. WOOOOO!




AWA Championship Wrestling 2/21/88

Larry Nelson introduces the show and sends us to highlights of the Rockers vs Nasty Boys from last week. As it turns out, the Rockers pinned the non-legal man. The Nasty Boys are now lobbying for a rematch. The main event tonight will be Jerry Lawler vs Curt Hennig! "Let's go watch an Indian named Wahoo!"

Wahoo McDaniel vs Samoan Joe

Samoa(n) Joe! Wahoo is old, out of shape, and close to immobile. Joe looks like a fatter Tonga Kid. Wahoo wins with a terrible elbow drop to the head. It might have been a falling chop.


Bad Company vs The Hurricane Kid/Billy Anderson

Bad Company would be the (2nd) Orient Express in the WWF. Paul Diamond and Kid start out. Tanaka is tagged in and Kid takes the most confusing Irish whip. Tanaka lets Kid tag out and hits a superkick on Anderson. Bad Company win with a slingshot/DDT combo.



Larry shows us some clips of Baron Von Raschke being attacked by Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie. Baron then shows up and tells us the claw is back! I wonder how this full on Nazi character turned face. Same with Fritz Von Erich.

Destroyer Samoan vs Greg Gange

AWA seems to love islander jobbers. Greg Gange is one of the least intimidating wrestlers I've ever seen. Even as a young man, he looked like a middle aged CPA or something. Destroyer attacks before the bell. It heads to the floor. Greg is sent into the ring post. Greg wins with a sleeper in a boring match.

TO TONY THE TIGER. Lee Marshal talks with AWA Heavyweight Champion, Curt Hennig. Hennig shit talks Greg Gange and says no one will take his belt. Greg comes out and challenges him to a title match.

Cowboy Bob Orton vs Kevin Collins

This is joined in progress. I intentionally thought Collins was actually Phil Lafon, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Total squash. Orton wins with the superplex. He did a piledriver after the match.


TO THE LARRY. Larry talks with Soldat Ustinov. He shits on The Baron. "You are a German, you are just like the Americans!" What a weird insult.

Curt Hennig vs Jerry Lawler AWA World Heavyweight Championship

Perfect looks kind of tubby. Very even opening minutes. Perfect bails out to avoid getting a punch. He does a lot of stalling and hits a punch of his own, then goes back to stalling. King finally gets too pissed to contain himself and catches Perfect in the mouth. Back to stalling. Perfect gets back and unleashes a series of shots in the corner, which fires King up to do the same. The shots knocked Perfect on the ropes and then over them. More stalling. Second rope first drop! Perfect kicks out. Blatant low blow right in front of the ref. Perfect should be disqualified. Lawler is sent over the top rope, which should also be a DQ for Hennig. The strap comes down. They go back to the floor. Double count out. Title retained.


TO THE LARRY. Larry talks with Wahoo. He wants a title shot against Hennig.

AWA is so bland. It definitely feels like a promotion for and by middle aged white guys in the Mid West.


Does anyone honestly think that it'll be Brotista vs. Orton for the title at 'Mania? If it is, and THE ANIMAL wins, he'll have to bail by May to go do publicity for Guardians of the Galaxy. I just don't see WWE putting the strap on him for that short of a time.


So not worth it
Does anyone honestly think that it'll be Brotista vs. Orton for the title at 'Mania? If it is, and THE ANIMAL wins, he'll have to bail by May to go do publicity for Guardians of the Galaxy. I just don't see WWE putting the strap on him for that short of a time.

Did you miss the WWE of January through April of this year?
I had a WCW dream. It was a PPV held at a camp ground. The only matches I remember were Bam Bam vs Sandman, which had Sandman throw a dropkick at the camera man on a trail, and Piper vs Buff, which had a finish of Buff trying to light a bag of sparklers to throw at Piper only for it to blow up in his face (but only 2 or 3 actually lit up and it looked like shit).

You should totally review one of the DDT Camping Ground Pro-Wrestling shows;

2008, 2009 & 2010


Does anyone honestly think that it'll be Brotista vs. Orton for the title at 'Mania? If it is, and THE ANIMAL wins, he'll have to bail by May to go do publicity for Guardians of the Galaxy. I just don't see WWE putting the strap on him for that short of a time.


Rocky doesn't have as big of a year as Batista does in 2014. They'll put the strap on him, and Rey will wear a Rocket Raccon outfit at WM30. Khali dresses as Groot.


Did you miss the WWE of January through April of this year?

Aiii beat me to it. The Rock wasn't even on most Raw's while he had the belt.


Rocky doesn't have as big of a year as Batista does in 2014. They'll put the strap on him, and Rey will wear a Rocket Raccon outfit at WM30. Khali dresses as Groot.

You guys are really equating Dwayne with Batista?

You all are drunk, go home.


You guys are really equating Dwayne with Batista?

You two are drunk, go home.

If they fight for the title, Batista is getting it. He's in Marvels biggest movie of 2014 as one of the leads. WWE wants PUBLICITY. They want MONEY. When they make decisions they're thinking about DOLLAR BILLS.

For every Guardians of the Galaxy trailer released, it'll be another reason to mention ROYAL RUMBLE WINNER AND WWE CHAMPION BATISTA. God, WWE is probably seeing dollar sign after dollar sign at the thought of having the cast of GotG at WM30. Maybe they can even get Marvel to sponsor the event. Vin Diesel and Batista hit Orton with the Doomsday Device......Vince is salivating.


If they fight for the title, Batista is getting it. He's in Marvels biggest movie of 2014 as one of the leads.

Captain America 2, Amazing Spider-Man 2 and the next X-Men movie say hello.

Batista as one of the leads? Yeah, okay. Let's see how much time onscreen/lines he gets when he's covered in green make-up and scowling at everyone.

God, WWE is probably seeing dollar sign after dollar sign at the thought of having the cast of GotG at WM30. Maybe they can even get Marvel to sponsor the event.

I just spit out some of my Crown Royal reading this.


Curtis Axel went from beating Cena twice to losing clean to Great Khali in supposedly ten seconds this year. I bet he sleeps well at night.


Captain America 2, Amazing Spider-Man 2 and the next X-Men movie say hello.

Batista as one of the leads? Yeah, okay. Let's see how much time onscreen/lines he gets when he's covered in green make-up and scowling at everyone.

X-Men and Amazing Spider-Man 2 aren't Marvel films. Fox and Sony, respectively.

Guardians of the Galaxy is bigger than Cap 2. It's positioned as the second Avengers-style film, and is very important from a storyline aspect because it's connected to the plot of The Avengers 2.

Drax the Destroyer is also more than just green angry man, in the comics anyway.

I just spit out some of my Crown Royal reading this.

I'd spit out Canadian whisky too.
Besides the possibility of Cody v Goldy, WM30 seems kinda shitty. CM Punk going with the same old antiestablishment storyline is so boring. I don't find the Wyatt family interesting at all....hell, same goes for Batista. I like HBK and Triple H, but I don't want to see them in the ring or hog up camera time ever again.


X-Men and Amazing Spider-Man 2 aren't Marvel films. Fox and Sony, respectively.

Guardians of the Galaxy is bigger than Cap 2. It's positioned as the second Avengers-style film, and is very important from a storyline aspect because it's connected to the plot of The Avengers 2.

Drax the Destroyer is also more than just green angry man, in the comics anyway.

I'd spit out Canadian whisky too.

Fuck off, you blue dot loving son of a bitch. Canadian whiskey is the best whiskey.
Canadian's make whisky? I bet it tastes like maple syrup. If it ain't from Scotland or Kentucky/Tennessee, it ain't whisky, as far as I'm concerned.

Wrasslin' - TMDK seem to be starting a feud with BULLET CLUB. In an interview they called the NJPW gaijin stable "a shit boy group" and claimed they're "ruining the image of foreign wrestlers in Japan".


There is Maple Crown, but there is Maple of pretty much every brand of whiskey now. I really dislike corn whiskey. I'm all about the rye, which is what pretty much all the Canadian brands are made of. I'll take Crown/Canadian Hunter over over Jack/Beam/Knob Creek every day.

Whiskey is the best export Canada has next to Trish.
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