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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

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Is it possible for a wrestler to express interest in a video games without the authenticity of said interest being called into question? Does Punk get called a fake every time he posts something about baseball? Why are nerds and/or gamers so faithless when it comes to attractive, successful, upwardly mobile people showing interest in their basement dweller hobbies?

I like dwelling in my basement alone, thank you very much.


Is it possible for a wrestler to express interest in a video games without the authenticity of said interest being called into question? Does Punk get called a fake every time he posts something about baseball? Why are nerds and/or gamers so faithless when it comes to attractive, successful, upwardly mobile people showing interest in their basement dweller hobbies?

Never paid their dues. Gotta be ugly, awkward and shunned for life to appreciate the objets d'art of the Grand Interactive Medium.
I thought everyone was just joking about the "fake nerds" much like how everyone jokes about how "bad" The Young Bucks are.

Watched Final Battle and AAW Windy City Classic IX. Enjoyed both shows and the main events were fun to watch. One thing that really bothers me is how bland and dry the commentary is. I think Nigel drags it down hard. While Kelly is nothing amazing, Nigel just brings a vortex of blandness and I think the product suffers for it. When Carino came out to commentate in Nigel's place, things were instantly better.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Is it possible for a wrestler to express interest in a video games without the authenticity of said interest being called into question? Does Punk get called a fake every time he posts something about baseball? Why are nerds and/or gamers so faithless when it comes to attractive, successful, upwardly mobile people showing interest in their basement dweller hobbies?

Because basement dwellers are the easiest fanbase to pander to and 'take advantage of.'


Seems like an odd thing to giveaway at a house show, but it is the Garden

FallingEdge said:
Watched Final Battle and AAW Windy City Classic IX. Enjoyed both shows and the main events were fun to watch. One thing that really bothers me is how bland and dry the commentary is. I think Nigel drags it down hard. While Kelly is nothing amazing, Nigel just brings a vortex of blandness and I think the product suffers for it. When Carino came out to commentate in Nigel's place, things were instantly better.

Kevin Kelly is SO BAD and, yeah, Nigel's super dull. But Kelly...ugh. His fucking catchphrase is the worst - whenever anyone hits a high flying move he comes out with;


Still not as bad as Mike Hogewood on the old ROH on HDnet show;


What does that even MEAN? Corino should be commentator full time. And get Prazak back. He used to sound super bored towards the end of his ROH run, but I like drunk Prazak on AAW commentary these days.

Because basement dwellers are the easiest fanbase to pander to and 'take advantage of.'

So it's a case of misplaced anger, then? They're just upset with their inability to detect such blatant corporate schilling when directed firmly at their own fandom?


If you love video games, good for you. Enjoy them! They're awesome!

But if you're constantly taking photos of your MacBook covered in power rangers and ninja turtles shit, and making geek references that even my mom could get, get the fuck out of here! Poser! Fraud! Phoney!

Hey guys, see my NES controller shirt!?? Lol I'm so nerdy ^_^
If you love video games, good for you. Enjoy them! They're awesome!

But if you're constantly taking photos of your MacBook covered in power rangers and ninja turtles shit, and making geek references that even my mom could get, get the fuck out of here! Poser! Fraud! Phoney!

Hey guys, see my NES controller shirt!?? Lol I'm so nerdy ^_^

I blame Tumblr. I blame Tumblr on everything that's wrong with modern society.
Kevin Kelly is SO BAD and, yeah, Nigel's super dull. But Kelly...ugh. His fucking catchphrase is the worst - whenever anyone hits a high flying move he comes out with;


Still not as bad as Mike Hogewood on the old ROH on HDnet show;


What does that even MEAN? Corino should be commentator full time. And get Prazak back. He used to sound super bored towards the end of his ROH run, but I like drunk Prazak on AAW commentary these days.

So it's a case of misplaced anger, then? They're just upset with their inability to detect such blatant corporate schilling when directed firmly at their own fandom?
Nigel just hasn't been the same aince Hepatitis. Who knows where he would be in The E at this moment.


Cody Rhodes does a moonsault off the top of a steel cage last night at the WWE house show in Madison Square Garden:



Not even that high up.

Is it possible for a wrestler to express interest in a video games without the authenticity of said interest being called into question? Does Punk get called a fake every time he posts something about baseball? Why are nerds and/or gamers so faithless when it comes to attractive, successful, upwardly mobile people showing interest in their basement dweller hobbies?

I would hope people in this thread are fucking around.


TNA is doing six weeks of tapings in the U.K. instead of four. The schedule now is to tape 1/30 in Glasgow for shows that will air on 1/30 and 2/6; 1/31 in Manchester for shows that will air on 2/13 and 2/20, and 2/1 in London at Wembley Arena for shows that will air on 2/27 and 3/6. That means that after 2/1, there won’t be another TV shoot until an almost live show on 3/13. The original plan for the 1/31 show was a taping of the British Empire Cup PPV.
-Wrestling Observer



If it's not pictures of Batman doing it with Harry Potter or that one guy from Glee, then you're part of the 1% of Tumblr. Congrats.

Ahh you hate shippers and AU

Thought you meant the problem with Tumblr kind of allowing people to embrace their anti-social behaviors and find some solace in others doing it as well. Instead of trying to deal with those personal issues
Speaking of Nigel, anyone see the preview of his interview with Kevin Steen?


What a Debbie Downer, trying to infect Steen with his bitterness.
Some broad hurt his liver and it prevents him from doing the thing he loves for the rest of this lifetime. He is taking it in stride. He could teach Wade Barret a thing or two. Maybe emulate him for his Bd News gimmixk
-Wrestling Observer

Bully Ray is the headliner in 2000 fucking 14. Oh my heck. That says all you ever know about TnA.
Is it possible for a wrestler to express interest in a video games without the authenticity of said interest being called into question? Does Punk get called a fake every time he posts something about baseball? Why are nerds and/or gamers so faithless when it comes to attractive, successful, upwardly mobile people showing interest in their basement dweller hobbies?

I see it as no different than a wrestler donning a USA/patriot gimmick and starting USA chants or Cena wearing a sports jersey of whatever city he happens to be in.

It's all cheap pop and yes, we give those actions just as much shit as vidya games.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Randy Orton's twitter is a perfect example of a guy who happens to play games but doesn't make that who he is. He'll sometimes talk about a game he's playing then ask if anyone knows a good one. Mother fucker played Deus Ex, but he didn't follow it up with #gamerlyfe while wearing a mushroom shirt that says 1 Up on it.
I'm not even that big of a Zelda fan, but I something compels to experience the train-wreck first hand.

It's ok to just admit you're a huge Zelda fanboy.
Some broad hurt his liver and it prevents him from doing the thing he loves for the rest of this lifetime.

He contracted hep b and couldn't wrestle for six months, then TNA let him go;

"McGuinness had actually tested positive for Hepatitis B. (Hepatitis B is an infectious inflammatory illness of the liver that can be transmitted by blood or body fluids like semen. Unlike Hepatitis C, there is a vaccine.) He was prescribed an anti-viral medication and within six months, he was clear of the disease."

Also, WWE rescinded their contract offer to him because he wouldn't get surgery for his old bicep injury. If I remember rightly, he cited the cost and a general despondency with the whole ordeal as the reason why he didn't just get the surgery done and try for another shot at WWE.

Regardless, I think it's great that McGuinness has been campaigning to raise awareness about perils of concussions and intentional bleeding in wrestling, but he wears his frustration and bitterness on his sleeve. Perhaps you can't blame him for that, given how his career panned out, but it wears thin after a while.
It's ok to just admit you're a huge Zelda fanboy.

I'm a huge fanboy of MGS, and of Bionic Commando (which is dead now lol). I also like really like RE and Metroid but to a lesser extent.

I enjoy Zelda mind you, but it's more of a "whenever they're released" kind of deal. Don't really follow them much, and I couldn't give less than a rat's ass about the lore or story if I tried.


Dragonzord said:
SR IV and Bioshock Infinite being all over GB's lists make me go :/

Never got round to SRIV (waiting for it on PS+), but BioShock Infinite has to be the most overhyped game I've played in years. Oh, don't get me wrong, it was a fun game for the most part, but in no way is it deserving of the ridiculous levels of praise it received.

Same goes for GTAV.

This looks like a great event.

Your image doesn't work, but yeah - it looks pretty good. Strangely intrigued by Hero & Donst vs Colt & Smothers. Also, UltraMantis is always a good time.


Sainstr row 4 was just a fun ass video game. jumping arouind that city never got tired.

Jumping's fine but I preferred to activate a lightning shield and use whirlwind sprint to get around. Pick up twenty cars in your tornado wake while everything around you gets struck by lightning. All jumping gave you was hovering.
And nukes. Lightning tornado sprinting is still cooler.
Yea SR4 was ridiculous . Only enjoyed the gameplay in infinte ,story was pretty bad. Enjoyed the world of Columbia tho .

Also lastof is fans are so annoying. Yes it was a good game but they act like it's the Ent coming of Jesus or something


I thought everyone was just joking about the "fake nerds" much like how everyone jokes about how "bad" The Young Bucks are.

Nah fake nerds are a real thing. They are easy to spot though usually they can only name Star Wars, Star Trek, Mario or Sonic as things they love. Well Call of Duty is probably also something we can add to this list these days.

Name dropping these things these days isn't nerdy but a sign of being aware of pop culture.


Bully Ray is the headliner in 2000 fucking 14. Oh my heck. That says all you ever know about TnA.
I never really get this. Have you seen him in TNA? He's quite good. It's not like Buh Buh Ray Dudley from 1999 fell through a crack in time and into the TNA main event.

I might see if I can get a ticket to that TNA show in Manchester, haven't been to a wrestling show since the King of Europe Cup in 2007.
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